Newspaper Page Text
This is but one of the many clever
models we are showing in
"Style without Extravagance ”
Copeland-Turner Merc. Co.
New time about naturalized al
Take your scrap cotton to Olin
Mr. F. L. Walker visited Atlanta
Miss Helen Harris spent Tues
day in Atlanta.
Miss Ida Lou Tarpley spent Sat
urday in Atlanta.
Miss Edith Eilington spent Sat
urday in Atlanta.
Mrs. E. M. Smith was shopping
in Atlanta Tuesday.
Prof. William Preston spent
Saturday in Atlanta.
A few early strawberries make
delightful war desert.
Highest market price paid for
beeswax. T. S. Mays.
Misses Cawthon and Williams
spent Saturday in Atlanta.
Miss Katie Lou McViker is visit
ing her aunt, Mrs. K tte Greer.
Revenue Agent John T. Ogles
by was at home last Saturday.
Select long staple planting cot
ton seed for sale. J. C. Harris.
Anyone desiring to buy a Ford
car, see me at once. Olin Kimbal.
Just received—shipment screen
doors and windows. T. S. Mays.
Mrs. Hattie Stiumake has re
turned to her home in Montezuma.
Let Speer fit you with a pair of
those elegant Fits U nose glasses.
Station Agent Peace spent Sun
day w ith relatives m Douglasville.
Mrs. Bridges and children SDent
the week-end with in
Hole-Fix, the one best inner
tube repair—all Dealers carry it
in stock. 75c per.
They portray
fashion’s latest
ideas; are made
from dependa
ble cloths; are
tailored by hand
and possess all
snap, grace and
"Gold Bond” Clothes
are covered by the
certificate of guaran
tee in the pocket of
each garment.
Everything that is
new is shown by us.
Sensibly priced at
Mrs. Annie M. Nolan and daugh
ter, Miss Annie, spent Tuesday in
Remember, splendid patriotic
play at Flippen next Saturday,
April 20.
A considerable snow r sprinkle
wms the surprise early Thursday
Miss Dora Wolfe is spending a
few r da>s with her neice, Mrs. Will
Mr. Raymond Cathy, of Atlanta,
spent Sunday with his father, Mr.
G. W. Cathy.
Miss Eton Payne of McDonough
spent the w r eek-end in Columbus
with parents.
Hole-Fix, the one best inner tube
repair—all Dealers carry it in
stock. 75c per.
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Tarpley and
daughter, Miss Ida Lou, visited
Atlanta Tuesday.
Mrs. Turner Aliensworth and
Mrs. Adam Sloan were Tuesday
visitors to Atlanta. .
Hole Fix, the one best inner
tube repair—all Dealers carry it
in stock. 75c per.
Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Elliott and
children spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Harp Nash.
Mr. John 'J. Smith visited his
son in Macon Tuesday and wit
nessed the big parade.
Messrs. Robert Turner and Rob
ert Bowden of Camp Wheeler
-pent the w r eek-end at home.
Barred Plymouth Rock Eggs
for sale, $1.50 for 15.
D. P. Shields, Stockbridge.
Bip patriotic rally at Hampton
tomorrow' (Saturday.) Read an
nouncement on first page and be
Successful Stamp Sale
By McDonough Ladies.
The house-to-house canvass for
the sale of War Savings and
Thrift Stamps in McDonough on
last Wednesday and Thursday
was very successful, the total
amount sold being $10,146.00.
The campaign was under the
direction of Mrs. J. T. Weems, sub
chairman for Henry county. The
ladies assisting Mrs. Weems were:
Miss Lila Copeland, Miss Eunice
Tarpley, Miss Helen Harris, Mrs.
Blake Turner, Miss Bessie Sowell,
Miss Rosa Lee Brown, Miss Marie
Dupree, Miss Flora Neal, Mrs.
Ralph Turner and Mrs Ed Reagan.
Similar campaigns will be con
ducted in each district in Henry
by committee appointed by the
Chairman of the District.
Save the quarters and see the
dollars grow. Buy War Saving
Hole-Fix, the one best inner
tube repair—all Dealers carry it
in stock. 75c per.
Miss Beulah Atkinson of Atlanta
spent th 6 week end with her pa
rents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Atkinson.
Other towns have already over
subscribed to the third Liberty
Loan. What is McDonough going
to do?
Mrs. Hiram Cook and Mrs. Sally
Roundtree are spending several
days in Augusta with Mr. and Mrs.
Ab Harris.
Misses Annie Pearl Smith and
Marie Welch were delightfully en
tertained while on their week end
visit to Rex.
President H. J. Turner, of the
Farmers’ and Merchants’ Bank,
made a ousiness trip to Atlanta
Mrs. Bailor Smith and Mrs. Wal
ter Welch and son, Luther, spent
the week-end with Mr. and Mrs.
W. W. George.
The Young Peoples’ Society of
the Methodist church wiil meet at
the churcti next Saturday after
noon at 3:30 o’clock.
Three milk cows now ready for
sale, and three more to be yi
about ten days William Cook,
mear White house, Route 2.
Col. Frank Reagan of the Intern
al Revenue Tax Collector’s office
spent Sunday with his parents,
Judge and Mrs. E. J. Reagan.
Hon. E. M Smith, Judge Paul
Turner, Mr. J. D. Dupree and Mr.
How'ard Carmichael attended the
big military parade in Macon Tues
Everybody cordiaiiy invited to
attend the patriotic play at Flip
pen. A highly interesting occas
ion promised, with full particulars
next week.
Lost, between McDonough and
home of J. B Morris, sth Sunday,
one 17 jewel wrist bracelet. -No
tify Miss Eton Morris, Route 3,
McDonough, Ga.
YOU are expected at the big
rally in Hampton tomorrow Your
friends and neighbors will be
there, and to do your duty you
should be with them.
The Womans Club wiil meet
Tuesday, the .231, with Mrs Wall
and Mrs. Whitehead, at the home
of the former. Officers for the
next year wiii be elected and all
members are urged to be prefer'.
Mr. Timon Bow'den of Camp
Gordon was at home the past
week-end. Mr. Bowden has just
finished 15 weeks training in the
Officers Training Corps and re
ceived his certificate of graduation
Friday and his many friends hope
that he may soon be commission
Most Old People
■ Are Constipated ■
Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin
is a combination of simple laxa
tive herbs with pepsin, gentle in action,
and especially adapted as a remedy for
elderly people, women and children. It
is the standard family remedy in count
less homes. Sold by druggists every
where for 50 cts. and $l.O0 —two sizes.
A trial bottle can be obtained, free of
charge,’by writing to Dr. W. B. Caldwell,
457 Washington St., Monticello, Illinois.
Popular and Well Known Young
Couple Surprised Their Friends
Last Sunday Afternoon.
Miss Bernice Barrett and Mr.
Oma Whitaker were married at
Locust Grove last Sunday after
noon, Rev. Mr. Byrd performing
the ceremon;. The wedding
came as a pieasant sui prise to the
many friends of the contracting
Mrs. Whitaker is one of McDon
ough district’s most attractive
young ladies. Mr. Whitaker is an
industrious and genial farmer of
Tussahaw district. Tneir many
friends are extending best wishes.
Mr. C. C. Hinton and children
deeply thank their friends for the
kindness and aympatny shown
during the long illness and death
of their wife and mother.
After this week we will operate
our feed mill on Fridays only.
Brown- '’armichael.
Should you be in the market for a
car I would be glad to have you call and
show you the cars and talk the matter
over with you*
This is one of the best cars on the
market as is attested by the fact that
those who have used the car and know
it are its best boosters. For appearance,
durability and price there is no car that
can approach it at anywhere near its
selling price*
Very truly yours,
Locust Grove, Ga.
The Red Cross room is open, a
quantity of work has been sent
and all memebers are invited to
call and get one or more garments
to make.
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Combs have
returned from a visit to Albany.
Mrs. T. J. Upchurch is home from
a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Beck,
in Macon.
Mr. Harris Brown and Mr. John
Harkins spent the week-end with
friends at VVadley.
Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Smith and
Miss Delia Smith have returned
from a visit to relatives in Elko.
Mrs. Marylu James has gone to
Atlanta, after a visit to her sister,
Mrs. Bannie Mahone.
Miss Mary Russell, a senior at
G. N. & I. C., is with Mrs. Minnie
Davis for several weeks.
Mrs. Cross has returned from
an extended visit to relatives in
Mrs. Hillsman is at home after
several weeks spent with relatives/
in Atlanta. f