Newspaper Page Text
The Henry County Weekly
A Weekly Newspaper Devoted to the Interests of McDonough and Henry County.
Scrapes sharpened two for a
auarter, olows 3 to 4<\ tire setting
50’, horse shoeing SI.OO, at
Thompson's Shop.
A dispatch in Monday’s Atlanta
Journal states that the boys in
France observed Mothers’ Day
Sunday. God bless them.
Messrs. A. C. Norman, Olin
Cathv and Turner Terry went
and gave clever Ben Cathy of Ea
tonton a pop call Sunday.
A big lodge of Odd Fellows is
soon to be organized in McDon
ough. Everyone that can should
join this noble order. /
Every time you eat corn bread
for breakfast you whip a German.
We are willing to do anything for
the boys “over there.”
Everybody’s talking about cats
eating young chickens, and as a
result, a number of Mr. Cats have
crossed over the river.
The Woodmen of the World
Camp in McDonough has thirty
two members in good standing
and has some new applications.
Did your child ever hear you
pray? Did you know that your
own dear child thinks you are the
greatest man m the world.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rosser spent
Sunday in Atlanta with Mrs. Ros
ser’s brother, who leaves this
week to join the army.
Mr. W. H. Stewart went up to
Camp Gordon and spent Sunday
with his son Floyd, Who is stafion
ed there.
Labor is getting scarce, and
some of our farmers near town
are offering $1.25 per day for cot
ton chopping.
Some of our “blind tigers”friends
and customers got a little too
much under their shirt a few days
ago and came very near letting
the cat out of the bag. In fact
the cat got out.
The Woodmen of the World
Camp in McDonough has thirty
two members in good standing
and has some new applications to
act on at present. S'oiim oi tire
most prominent men-of our town
belong to this order, among whom
is H. M. Amis, who carries an in
surance of $2,000, T J Horton
$2,000, W. A. 'Ward SI,OOO, Joel
Bankston SI,OOO, W. A. D. Nelsoi
SI,OOO, E. M. Copeland SSOO, J. R
Smith $2,000, J. C. Harris SSOO, H.
T. Rape SI,OOO, J. H. Patterson
$2,000, T. J. Patterson SI,OOO, J. C.
Culpepper SI,OOO and twenty-one
more who carry SI,OOO each. See
W. G. Thompson, Clerk, for, appli
cation cards.
Through the courtesy of our
fellow townsman, C. J. Dickson, it
was our pleasure to attend a song
service at Daniels School House
last Sunday afternoon. Uncle
Gaines Jinks opened the exercises
with a rousing speech of welcome.
Prof T. J. Horton was made ehair
man*of the exercises and Bro. Lid
dell was* there with his “horn.”
R. A. Boatner was the first leader,
who was followed next by Charley
Dickson, who led one of the best
lessons of the aftermpon. A. J.
Upchuich was next on program,
after which Rev. M. C. Liddell
preached a big sermon. He was
followed by Jesse Ptmdly, who
sings out of his very soul, and the
next was your humble servant,
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Luella School will close Friday,
May 17, with an entertainm at.
A cordial'invitation is extended
to the public. *
Will ben in at 8 o’clock.
Admission 15 and 25 cents.
Luella School.
A Card.
Editor of The Henry County
Weekly: Please give me space
in vour paper to say to the public,
that I as a patron and trustee of
South River School have no com
plaint whatever against the prin
cioal and assistant of South River
Scnooi. I thank them for the in
terest they h ve taken in the
school, and I hold -no malice to
ward them. My best wishes go
with them. _ C. E. JEFFARES.
“Observer,” who felt at home
down on the banks of old Tussa
haw, and it recalled sweet memo
ries of long ago. Next on pro
gram was Lamar Farrar, who was
followed by Prof. Horton, who
gave the closing lesson and who
gave us a rousing and inspiring
talk, and then Bro. Liddell closed
with prayer. 'I nis community is a
live and thriving place, and God
is blessing the efforts of such men
as Uncle Gaines Jinks and others
wno have the interest of greater
things at heart. Keep your eye
on Daniels School House, for suc
cess is coming their way.
McDonough, OEOROIA, fpiday. may 17, ms.
Glass- Brannan.
A marriage which came as a
pleasant surprise to a host of
friends, was that of Miss Ma
Glass and Mr. E ml Brannan, which
occurred Sunday afternoon at the
Methodist church, Rev. H. S. Smith
performing the ceremony.
After a short trip to Atlanta
they left for Macon, where Mr.
Brannan is stationed at Camp
Wheeler. Congratulations and
best wishes are extended to the
young couple.
Commencement Sermon.
The Weekly is requested to an
nounce that Rev. H. C. Morrison,
President Asbury College, Wil
more, Ky., and Editor Pentecostal
Herald, will deliver the com
mencement sermon of Stockbridge
High School, in the school audito
rium, at 11 o’clock next Sunday
morning, May 19.
A cordial invitation is extended
the public to attend.
Through the columns of The
Weekiy we wish to thank the doc
tors and neighbors for their help
'and kindness during the sickness
and death of our darling baby,
T. W. May God’s richest bless
ings abide with them.
Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Haynes and
Union Grove.
Mothers’ Dav was observed at
Salem last Sunday. A very im
pressive sermon was delivered by
the pastor, Rev. H. V. Adamson.
He used for bis text, “Behold Thy
Mother.” At the close of the ser
vice the choir sang, “Tell Mother
I’ll Be There,” which was very
touching indeed
The clouds are dark and gloomy
over our land today, but let us
remember that behind the clouds
the sun is shining, and after a
while it will bre,ak forth in all its
beauty and brightness and we will
be doubly repaid if we will oniy
hold on. The only ambition of
our life is to live now to try in our
feeble way pray for our boys.
We never felt the need of prayer
so much in our life. But if it is
for our good and Christ’s sake, we
are willing to take the chastise
ment. Though He slay me yet
will 1 trust Him. D -ar reader, we
have no idea sf' giving up. We
are more determined now than,
ever before to press on. Some
times we find ours-' Ives pleading,
oh, Lord, if You’ll just grant us
this favor we will be contented
the rest of our life on the crumbs.
Leon Blankenship, Hard Crumb
ley arid Robert McGarity were the
Henry county boys from Camp
Gordon to visit homefolks last
Saturday and Sunday.
Several nice pans of strawber
ries from our neighbor the past
month have helped to make our
wheatless meals more palatable.
(1 hanks.) ONE TWO.
South Avenue.
( Last. Week’s Letter.) . ' rUfp
Rev. W. A. Wells filled his ap
pointment at Bethel Saturday and
Sunday. He delivered a splendid
sermon Sunday to a large con
Mrs. Milton Clark, Mrs. W. H.
Clark and Miss Snowdie Clark
motored to Atlanta Thursday after
Mrs. Lewis'Whitley of Atlanta,
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Spraberry, Mr.
and Mrs." John Henry Wiison, and
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Adamson
were the dinner guests of Mr. W.
H. Clark’sifamily Sunday. - . 1
5 Miss Chiffie Clark and Mr. Glenn
Thurman were the guests of Miss
Farrie Cook near McDcnongh
Sunday afternoon.
Misses Snowdie and Chiffie
Clark were the spend the day
guests of;|Miss Leek Martin Wed
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Thurman
announce the birth of a daughter
last week.
Not much cotton chopped in
this section yet.
NJr. W. 11. Clark has a brand
new Chevrolet.
On last Sunday, May sth, the
| children, grand children and great
j grand children, and a few other
re dives of Aunt Mary Ann Ckn**,
; spent ihc day at her lovely coun
try home in Dc K <b county. They
all brought well filled baskets, a id,
spent the day pleas intty. Aunt M t
ry Ann has outlived her husba’ d
ten but two, and all of her broth
ers and sisters except one sister,
Mrs-Sarah Callaway of Covin -
ton. She was eighty-one years
old May 3d, but can get about ve
remarkab'y well for one of th it
age. Mrs. Callaway is sever l
years younger. Mr. William hb i
ry Clark opened the store ai 1
weighed all the ladies and chi. 1-
ren late in the afternoon. It w s
lots of fun, as some were qu e
large and some quite small. It v\ s
the vvfiler’s pleasure to be th* e
a while in, the afternoon. In
leaving, they all said it would >e
an annual affair on the same d ly
each year' as long as Aunt Ma y
Ann lived.
Rev. and Mrs. W. A. Wells, Mr.
and Mrs. Dalton McCullough
I'Mr. and Mrs. Ollis Bowen were
the dinner guests of Mr. and'Mrs.
J. C. Howell Sunday.
Mrs. W. N. South went to At
lanta two days last week.
Busy Bee.
Cotton chopping time has come.
Mr. and Mrs. R istus Culpepper
spent Saturday night and Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Babe Cuipeppt-r.
Mr. Lonnie Rape has returne 1
home after a delightful visit with
relatives at Ola.
Mrs. Archie McGarity spent
Thursday with her daughter, Mrs.
F. G. UDchurch.
Mr. Robert McGarity of Cam >
Gordon spent the week-end with
tus father, Mr. John McGatity.
Mr. and Mrs. Otis Price were
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lon
! McGarity Sunday afternoon.
Messrs. Herman Whitaker and
Walter Sowell of Camp Wheeler
spent the week-end with relatives.
I Dark Eyes.
$1.50 A YEAR