Newspaper Page Text
Labor scarce, work plentiful.
The song of the hoe makes
music sweet in the ears of indus
trious farming people.
Mr. B. L. Andrew and family
spent ttie week-end with his sis
ter, Mrs Frances Strahn, Little
Louise Andrew, who has been
visiting her cousin, Mary Frances
Strahn, returned home with them.
Mrs. Cora Hunt and children of
Covington were visiting relatives
here Sunday.
Among the visitors who attend
ed services at Mount Bethel Sun
day were Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Gil
more, Miss Forsyth and Messrs.
\V. C. George, Hugh Woods and
S. J. Hunt.
Misses Pearl and Nett'e E’Dalgo
of Jr nkiosnurg were visitors in
this community Sunday.
A few of the social events of
this place Saturday night were a
bee robbing at Mr. Dave Wiiliards,
an aft; it of the y( i tiger set at W.
W. Hooten’: and a sin ing at the
home of F. B. S i aim's. Of course
the bee robbing must have been
100 sweet for words. Hiss Nellie
llooten was hostess to a number
of her young .friends and enter
tained in her usual charming man
ner. Ice cr earn and cake were
daintily served for refreshments.
The singing we ail felt to be a
grand success. Prof. Hooten and
Miss Elon Norman Presided at the
piano, while Messrs. Norman,
Pendley and Hooten did most of
the singing, the rest of the little
audience being too spell bound to
•do anything but listen, and were
glad of Hie chance to do that.
Those three splendid mail voices
being sufficient within themselves.
After helping with all his might to
sing that song, “When I Pray,”
and having brought ii io a final
impressive finish, seeming himself
surprisf ■ i the melody and spirit
<>: tile son.,: just remit*; td, Mr.
Norman turned abruptly ,>u i,
“TMetTs not any -ucii song in this
Mr. and Mrs. id U. Strahn, Ley,
Franklin and George Strahn spent
dnesdav in Atlanta. Atlanta'
seems imbued vvitn the true spirit |
of patriot sm. In tiie window of al
most ever residence you may!
s a the stars and st'ipes, red cross
tnio'ems, service flags, food con-!
servation cards or other signs of
loyally anti service. While silting
in a drugstore my eyes fell upon
it beautiful American flag attached
io an eke trie fan in such a way
that its lovely tolds floated con
tinually in the bieeze. As 1 con
tinued to gaze upon it and think
deeply of nil it stands for, of what
it means to us as a nation, burn
ing te .rs sprang to m\ eyes and
my heart seemed near to breaking
when the dark thought came to
an that I might possibiy see the
day that its colors wnuln be torn
down and dragged in ihe dirt, its
staff b;okeu by the heel of the i n
titny we are warring against and
our iiMiniiu' flag coast to be. But
it shall never be so. We will be
victorious. We can, we slink, re
must, _w • vill win the victory.
<j :he ip us!
Mr. •da; Mrs. Horace Randall
rig; ‘ !i. J. '\. Austm ana son Jotm
went up to Atlanta last Wednes
h Sunny P ook and Sleepy Eves
keep busy 1 will soon have tiie
reputation of a glorious prevari
c itor. (1 guess that’s a polite term
a tdy would use.) Well, I must
have been thrashing around pret
ty near the truth, or I would not
have scared u,.> anything.
Mis. W. N. .Motin visited in At
ianta last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Smith of vdz
gerald m-e visit kit; relatives here.
Hon. William Schley
Candidate for United States Senator to suc
ceed Senator Hardwick, will address the
People on the Issues of the Sento
rial Race at McDONOUGH
Thursday, Mav 30, 1918.
at j o clock, p* m*
Let Everybody Come arid Hear Him
4 , f
3=1917 Ford Touring Cars.
1=1915 Ford Roadster.
1=1916 Buick Touring Car.
1 Baby Grand Chevrolet Tour
ing Car.
1 = 1914 Studebaker 7-passenger
1 Cadaliac Roadster.
These Cars will be sold. Worth
the money. See us at once.
McDonough, - - - Georgia,
HAVE IT g: ?lT
You can't afford to take the risk
to yourself, youft family or your
friends of drivings your car. when
it is not right*
¥& 9 , ! f ffe * I .
||Pn 11 n If >• if inrh*
35i$ II II til 3jjss i
IT at is, any and all. kinds of repairing
or adjustment upon any make of car.
Largest and best equipped garage in
this section outside a city.
Regular FORD S. srvice Station carry
ing full assortment of FORD parts*
0 M IMIQ jjiainr
n. in I n 111 Id OfinAoL
IVicDonough. Georgi.
Don’t You Think This Reo
Six Is a Beautiful Motor Car?
WE CONFESS WE ARE PROUD of the looks as well
as oi nie mechanical excellence of tins ne*\ Reo model.
RIVALS USED TO SAY “Oh, Reos are good cars —no
gain saying that —but our bodies excel in design,” etc.
PERHAPS WE DID concentrate our attention on the
mechanical features, and sometimes to the neglect of
mere outward appearance.
PERHAPS WE DID, but as between the two, which do
you prefer, a good car —or a good looking one?
FOR IT IS A FACT that those who “build them to
sell” are just as prone to overlook vital mechanical
details as we were to ignore the fads of the moment
in our body design.
OF COURSE the ideal, at which we aim is a good look
ing car that is also v ternally good—and tjiat de
scribes this New Reo Six.
IN EVERY LINE and curve —in all details of upholstery
and finish and equipment —this Reo Six is a la mode.
UP TO THE MINUTE in design—while the quality in
seen, as well as in unseen places is—Reo.
AND THAT’S THE BEST the world affords.
WE REO FOLK DON’T SKIMP to meet a price com
petition. Reos are not built to sell at a predeter
mined price.
REOS ARE BUILT just as well as Reo experience and
Reo engineering skill, actuated by Reo Good Intent,
can make them. Then the price is set —based on
cost plus a reasonable profit.
IN A WORD, the Reo you buy is made just as you
would ’nave it were you to write the specifications
yourself, test every part and then watch every ope
SPACE FORBIDS a detailed des@ r iotion here. Besides
the car itself tells its own story beker.
•* ■*
SEE THIS SIX—RIDE IN IT. Diiye it yourself—you
can, without a word of instruction if you have ever
driven any automobile. - 1
THEN LET CS HAVE your order at once —for demand
is already ahead of factory output and only those ,
who order early can hope to obtain Reos.
TODAY won’t be a minute too iate.
A. R. IIOA.N, Agent. I
Phone 2303 - - - McDonough, Ga. *
Reo Motor Car Company, Lansing, Mich. i
r V ' V, / ! A - i
xjm *■> ■
-jjr . ' •
~ -c. V ■* - • -- *-* '
* •4> y ' yfMy j
__ *•- ? . 1
Sheriff's Sale.
GEORGIA —Henry County
Wil! lie sold before the court house in
McDonough, Henry county Georgia, on
the first. Tuesday in June. !?*lB, between
the legal hours <■' side, to the highest bid
der tor cash, the following real estate ro
wit —
One hundred, one and b, acres of bind,
mow or less in the lit a land district of
Henry county, Georgia, bounded north by
lands of the estate of \V. 4 Tu pin. and
S. Iv Austin, east by lands of .T">hn White,
south by lands of T. G Swann and w> st
by lands of T. G. Swann.
Levied on as the pronerty of the estate
of .7. J. Turpin late of said county deceas
ed, to satisfy two executions issued from
he Count. Court of Henry county, Ga.
in favor of L. A. Sharp against Mrs. Julia
Turpin. administratrix of the estate of J.
.1. i n,rpi i deceased, and Mrs Julia y, r I
pin 'din's, and M. J. Turpin tenant in
posseysio”, notified. This May Bth Hdß.
For Administration.
GEORGIA—Henry *"outuy.
I'u Whom it may concern: H. L. Carmi-
I chael having made application to mein
iim form to lie appointed permanent ul
inimstrator upon the estate of .1 R. Red
ding.'late of said comity, notice is hereby
given that said application will be heard
at the regular term of the Court of Ordi
nary for said county, ro be held on the
first Monday in June. i<MB
.. >"s\]wnd and official signature,
this 20th day of May. lyib.
A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary,