The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, May 17, 1918, Image 5
'• Local Happenings 'og: ■ ■ Fraternal Lo 'are No 37 K. Zv A.M iieKitltu' ou.uiuanicacions of Fraterii.i! Lodye No 87 Fie V M m-et Ist aiul Firdav nights in each month. All duly qualified brethren fratern.Hly and cordi ally iuvited to meet with us. Bailor smith, W. M. O, L. Adams, See, Ripe peaches in The Weekly’s back .yaru. Mrs. Helen Cook spent Tuesday in Atlanta. Mr. Robert McGarity was down from Camp Gordon Sunday. Mis Laura Smith - pent the week end with relatives at Fiovula. The latest war desert —corn- bread puadin’ with syrup sauce. Let Speer fit you with a pair ot those elegant Fit U noses glasses. Miss Annie Nolan,spent the week-end with friends in Atlanta. Mrs. E. M. Smith and daughter, Louise, spent Saturday in Atlanta. Miss Winnie Sharpe of Conyers is the attractive guest of Mrs. A. R. Scott. ‘ * A few more Registered Hamp shire pigs for sale. Tolleson & Turner. Miss Hettie McCurdy spent-the week end with relatives at Stone Mountain. Dr. and Mrs. D. W. Scott made a pleasant visit to New Orleans last week. Mrs. Paul Turner and daughter, Josephine, were visitors to Atlan ta Saturday. Mrs. Ariatia Fargason and Mrs. Lum Turher were visitors to At lana Saturday. Hole-Fix, the one best inner tube repair—ail Dealers carry it in stock. 75c per. Mr. and Mrs. Asa Lemon and children spent Sunday witn rela tives at Griffin. Messrs. Fimore Robisn and Dave Spencer of Jackson were visitors in the city Sunday. Four good young cows, fresh in milk, for sale. Tolleson & Turner. Hole-Fix, the one best inner tube repair all Dealers carry it in stock. 75c per. 1 have just received shipment new screen doors, going at prices that are right. T. S. Mays. One horse farm for rent, ready planted, on halves, or will hot; and gatiier. J. W. Weems. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Stewart visited their son Mr. Floyd Stew art .u,Cump G avion Sum. iy. It you want a good cow, fresh iti mux, see us tt one*'. We have tour mil. lolieson Nc luiner. Come to me tor new screen doors and windows, or will re screen your oia ones. i. S. Mays. The county board of tax equal izers met Monday and-have been busy on then* routine duties tins week. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bankston and children of Atlanta spent Sunday as guests ot Mr. and Mrs. Joei Bankston. The United Daughters of the Confederacy will meet with Mrs. J. G. Smiih on Thursday, May JO, at 3:30 o’clock. Hole-Fix, the one best inner tube repair—all Dealers carry it in stock. 75c per. Hole-Fix, the one best inner tube repair—all Dealers carry it in stock. 75c per. For sale: Potato and tomato plants. 82 per 1,000. State vari* •tv wanted. J. Q. Dorris, Plant Farm, Valdosta, Ga. Three m,;k cows now ready for sale, and three more to be in about ten days. William Cook, near White house, Route 2. Miss Carrie Dailey and nephew, Monroe Wiggins came down from AtHnta to -spend the week end with Mrs. Annie Whitehead. Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Tolleson, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Turner anu H. M. Tolleson visited Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Hancock at Riverdale Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Nee.;, Misses Eilene Neai and Mrmie Williams attended’the General Methodist Conference in Atlanta Saturday/ Mr. Carl Sloan is visitin! his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Sloan, before leaving for Washington, where he has enlisted in the navy. The commencement sermon for McDonough High School will be delivered in the Baptist church this year, time and minister to be announced later. The Womans Club will meet at the residence of Mrs. J. B. Dick son next Tuesday afternoon at 4 o’clock, with Mrs. Will Peace as sisting as hostess. Mrs. Q. A. Dickson, Mr. and Mrs. Charley Dickson and children and Mr. and Mrs. Ike Davis went to see the Beast of Berlin in At lanta last Saturday. Mr! and Mrs. William Pullin have returned from their wedding trip and are at home to their friends with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Pullin. , Mr. Gordon Dickson arrived Saturday for a visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Dickson, before going to Charleston, where he has enlisted in the Naval Reserves. Strayed last Sunday morning, small black sow pig, white spot in face, right ear smooth cropped, split is left ear. Return to Henry Bolds for reward, or notify and will call. Judge and Mrs. E. J. Reagan spent Sunday in Fayetteville as guests of Mrs. Hill Redwiue and were accompanied home by their grand-daughter, little Miss Martha Red wine. Mrs. C. S. Thompson and child ren returned to their home in Covington Sunday after a visit to Mrs. R. L. i’urner. Mr. Thomp son came over and accompanied them home. The interesting information is received here that Tim m Bowdt u was among the numbers of Amer ican soldiers passing in review of King Gaorge of England, upon ar rival et his company a week or two ago in that country. Among the list of non commis sioned officers from Camp Whee ler to receive commissions*ut one as second lieutenant appears the nanle ot S»mgt. Perry Sowell oi McDonough, which is: of course very pleasing news to his home friends. Mr. Boykin Newman has been admitted to the officers’ training camp at Camp Gordon, hav ing enlisted from the State University at Athens, where he was in ins fourth year’s attend ance at school. Bov kin is not yet 21, and numerous friends congrat ulate him on his good record. April Honor Roll. Grade I. Ruth Brannan, Mar tha Carmichael, Eunice Hand, Ru by Hooten, Sallie Kimbell, Jose phine Stansell, Sara Smith, Julia Turner, Lilliau Burch, Margaret Rodgers, Beatrice Rodgers, Gus Brown, Clinton Hightower. Grade 11. Clair Bryans, Louise Cook, Sarah Elliott, Marie Fields, Hazel Grant, Louise Hunt, Margie Mason, Elizabeth Nelson, Mary Alice Rodgers, Lucile Stewart, Jimmie Lou Stansell, William Blown, Ernest Smith, T. J. Hor ton, Buchantian Smith. Grade 111. Lila Amis, Priscilla Foroes, Janie Gardner, Mildred Pattillo, Emma Stewart, Frances fliomspoii, Charles Kimbell. Grade IV. Nell Goodwin, Alice Brown. Annie Laurie Fields, Mary Harkness, Carrie Lee Morrow, Angie Mason, Ruth Nelson. Sarah Whitehead, Nellie Fisher, Leslie Carmichael. Jack Bowden, Robert Harris, Archie McG city, Eugene Pendley, Fletcher Rodgers, Adolph Smith. Horace Synth, Charles Tur ner, Robert Tomlinson, Luther Welch, Copeland Bridges. Grade V. Clydo Barham, Sarah Bankston, Ruth Culp-pper, John ny Dickson, Sarah Gilmore, Flos sie O’Neal, Virla Pattillo, Leonora Weems. Grade VI. Ruby Dickson. Mary Steele, Alberta Wilson, Mary Alice Nelson, Mary Weems, Lucile Smith. Grade VII. Mattie Sue Callo way, Louise Hunt, Nellie Elliott, Talitha Smith. Grade VIII. Vera Bridges. Grrde lA H. M. Tolleson, Eliz abeth Owen, Florine Tarpley. Grade XI. Gertrude Calloway, Mary E. Ellliot, Rachel Elliott, Ella Mae Fields, Addie Kate Patterson, Annie Pearl Smith, Mary Joe | Smith, Ruth Upshaw. Banner Grade —Second. Family Reunion. Mr. and Mrs. Joel Bankston en terained a most pleasant family reunion of twenty-nine persons at their home in McDonough last Sunday. Those present were : R. E. Bankston and wife, Ro berta; W. H. Bankston, wife and daughter, Cullodeu; Robert Wells, wife, son'and daughter, Fort Val ley; Mrs. Elltu Dasher, Fort Val ley: Howard Dasher, W. B. Bank ston, wife and two children, At lanta; J. M. Bankston and wife, Griffin, C. W. Bankston, wife and daughter, McDonough; Revival services begun at the Methodist church Sunday night are being well attended, and Rev. T. M. Sullivan, who arrived Mon day afternoon, is delivering a se ries ot able sermons. Everyone is earnestly requested to hear him. Messrs. W. C. Hamilton, J. B. Brown, T. S. M ?ys, J. F. Bowden and J. 0. Tarpley, the famous He ry County Bouquet Squad, spent a ii i* day it the Sacred H rp sing; lg -in Forest Park last Sun av. The mxt meeting will pc- in McDonough. Very few people a ere in town i fore no in ia--f S iturd i\, on ac c an t of the vei . favorable farm work conditions. Consequently only a h vv were out to hear Ho i. Emmett Shaw. He made a fine speech, however, which very fa vorably impressed those present. Mr. and Mrs. R C. Dial of Min * neola, Texas, spent the week end with Mrs. J. H. Wallace and Mrs. W. B. Kelley. Mrs. Dial is cousin to Mesdames W a Hoc and Keilev, and was formerly Miss English, moving in girlhood with her par ents from near Stockbridge to Texas. Mr. Dial is a delegate to the Methodist General Conference in Atlanta. Three Generations Testify to the Efficacy of — DR. CALDWELL'S Syrup Pepsin The j ’erject Laxative in maintaining the family health. A combination of simple laxative herbs with pep;. Lit, free from opiates and narcotic drugs, and pleasant to the taste, it acts easily and naturally,restoring normal reg ularity. First prescribed by Dr. Caldwell more than twenty-five years ago, it is today th e indispensable family remedy in count less homes throughout the United States. . Sold in Drug Stores — 50 cts. and SI.OO A tri:il bottle can be obtained, free of charge, bv writing to L)r. VV. B. Caldwell, 457 V a hington St., Monticello, Illinois Locu st Grove institute Commencement. The Weekly takes pleasure in publishing the following invitata tion being sent out for Locust Grove Institute commencement: “You are invited to attend the Commencement Ex -rases of Lo cust Grove lustitui , May twenty fifth to twenty eighth, nineteen hundred and eighteen, Locust Grove, Georgia. SENIOR CLASS ROLL Kathrine Louise Brown Janice Lyttleton 'Combs George Frank Garrison William Eric Finch Margaret Catherine Muhone Alvali Wayiand Morris Fary Elizabeth Spink Tryplu-na Vashti Walker Minnie Leonora Wilson PROGRAMME Saturday, May 251 h, 8:30 p. m. — Program by Music Department. Sunday, M iy ?6ih, 11:00 a. m.— Sermon by Dr. B D. Ragsdale, Macon, Ga. Monday, May 27th,-10.00 a. m.— Oratorical contest. 3:30 p. m., Impromptu debate. 8:30 p. in., Program by Expression Depart ment. Tuesday, May 28th, 10:00— Address by Dr. G. L Y ttes, Ma con, Ga. 11:00 a. m., Delivery of diplomas aim prizes. 3:3o'p m.. Se ior cla.-vs exercises. 8.30 p. m. Champion d bate. Don’t be a spender—bw-a saver. Buy War Saving Stamps. JOB ||| lllllilir , bo W ■■. M Men should take be tic ce ot meir tee L for they make their living on their feet. Yax should be properly fitted in shoes that are made for your particular feet. All feet are not the same shape and cannot be fitted in the same shape shoes. We guaranteed to fit you right, for we carry the shapes. Johnston & Murphy and the just Wright, from CASTILE & DUKE SHOE CO. GRIFFIN, GEORGIA. Receiver's Sale. GKOHGIA Henry County. H;> virtue of an order granted at the \nrtl Torn 1-918 of 1 lenry Superior Court lie underaigix d. as i ceeiver for the nrop erty described below, ,-une being property of A. Y. Marlin, will sell before the Court house in -he city of McDonough, said -late am! c unty, on the first Tuesday in .lime, 19L between the legal hours ot sale, the followin' property towit— Being in the State of Georgia and the county of Henry, and described as fol lows- .lu-.' ouiside the corporate limits of the city ot Hampton ou the Hampton and Mel)enough public road, and bounded on ti e scuth by the said public road, on the east and north by lands of O T. Hennes see, and on the west by lot of Nathaniel Archer, tc *1 known as the Geo Herder- M»n (col) j;l ice, and eontains one halt acre more or less, on which is situated a fram ed dwelling house Said sale will be for cash, to the highest bidder and subject to confirmation by the court, a',.l is made under order of court to saii.-.fy certain judgments in favor of the Bank of itampton ethal. against the said A. Y, Martin. This Mav Bth. H)18 VV. A. WARD, Receiver. s