Newspaper Page Text
Local Happenings
"Fraternal Lodge No 37 F. & A.M.
Regular c ,u mieat;ion» of Fraternal
Lodge No. 37 F & AM meet Ist and 3d
Firday nights in each month. All duly
qualified brethren fraternally and cordi
ally iuvited to meet with us.
Bailor smith, W. M.
O. L. Adams, Sec.
Miss Jome Berry is visiting
friends at Clarkston,
You will find Speer the spec
tacle-man at the old stand.
Miss Jacobs of Rome is the
guest of Miss Rosa Lee Brown.
Miss Abi Russell is the guest of
her sister, Mrs. Whit Turner.
Two good 1918 model Fords for
■sale. L. L. Strahn, route 4.
Practically new buggy for sale.
If interested see John G. Puilin.
Miss Vera Parker of Maryland
is the guest of Mrs. R. H. Hankin
Mrs. R. A. Sioan spent the week
end with her parents at Bulloch
Miss Flora Neal is visiting Miss
Thelma Wood in Jackson this
Fresh Fish, Beef and Sausage
for Saturday. Copeland Turner
Mrc. Co.
Miss Musette Hill of Bullochville
is the guest of her sister, Mrs. A.
K. Brown.
Hole-Fix, the one best inner tube
repair-all Dealers carry it in
stock. 75c per.
Miss Irene Gunter who has been
teaching at Cochran is at home
for the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Thompson of Grif
fin spent Sunday as guests of Mr.
and Mrs. John Fisher.
Call on us for all kinds Glass
Fruit Jars and Tin Cans. Cope
land-Turner Mrc. Co.
Mrs. Verna Wright and children
of Jackson were week-end guests
of Mrs. J. N. Woodruff.
Mrs. W. F. Cook and daughter,
Miss Nina Cook, spent Saturday
as guests of Mrs. Helen Cook.
Miss Ilalene Smith left Saturday
for Macon to enter a business
school for the next few W'eeks.
More reading matter than The
Weekly can handle again this
week, consequently several left
Postmaster Scott left yesterday
for a three weeks stay at Hot
Springs, to get needed rest and
Quantities of flour have been
shipped from McDonough the past
week for government use under
the food regulations.
Disinfectant Dip—good thing to
sprinkle around the premises.
Sold in any size quantities. Cope
land-Turner Mrc. Co.
Miss Jettie Bunn returned Fri
day from East Point where she
has been teaching and will be at
home for the summer.
Troy Spinks, now electrician in
the government service, spent iast
Sunday with his father Mr. George
Spinks, before leaving for the
Mr. A. N. Brown, Mi:ses Rosa
Lee Brown, Evelyn Pendiy and
Nellie Kate Callaway attended the
graduating exercises of the Geor
gia Baptist Hospital in Atlanta last
week, when Miss Eunice Caliaway
received her diploma.
Hole-Fix, the one best inner
tube repair—all Dealers carry it
in stock. 75c per.
Mr, and Mrs. T. A. Sloan attend
ed the gradiia l mg exercises of the
Atlanta Me'.,-1 College Monday
night, where Dr. Weytnan Sloan
leceived his diploma.
By request of the congregation
it is announced that Rev. E. Ogles
by will preach at Woodland, near
the residence of Mr. W. A. Bellali,
next Sunday, June 9.
The annual Sacred Harp sing
ing will be held at the court house
on the sth Sunday in June, and a
good day is expected. Everybody
invited —with well filled baskets.
New and fuller stock of Allum
inum Ware ladens our shelves
now. A visit to this place will
help to win a place in your kitch
en for these articles. Copeland-
Turner Mrc. Co.
Young white men qualified for
military service, who may desire
a course in the Georgia Tech at
government expense, can get full
information by calling on the local
Selective Draft Board.
I have ready for service a reg
istered Spanish Jack, 15 hands
high, weight 900 pounds. Can be
found on my farm 1% miles south
of McDonough on Griffin road.
He is a good one. A. N. Brown.
Harvey Woodward, Erie Wal
lace, Jim Lee Jarrett and Canada
W. Jones were rejected by the
final examining board from among
the Henry county boys responding
to the last draft call, and returned
home last Sunday. Four others
have been called to fill these va
cancies as follows : Brad Weath
erly, Arthur Morris, Jas. O. An
drews and Wm. Henry Evans.
LOST —between Warm Springs
and McDonough, Ga., Monday
morning, one Suit Case. You will
find Silver Card Case with Mrs.
Sloan Visiting Cards inside Suit
Case, engraved on side M. L. S.,
other side 1913. Also Silk Pongee
braided dress, blue evening dress,
comb, brush, mirror, shoes, slip
ers and other wearing apparel.
Will give liberal reward. Notify j
R. A. Sloan, McDonough, Ga.
Misses Ruth and Esther Car
michael were charming hostesses
at a delightful house party during
commencement. Their house
guests were Misses Gladys Beck,
Virginia Crouch and Lucile Strick
land of Griffin and Sara Lester of
Jackson, Messrs. Joseph Carmich
ael, William Wright, Ernest New
ton and David Leach of Jackson
and Hamilton Stephens of Atlanta.
Many delightful affairs were given
in their honor.
Total Eclipse.
A total eclipse of the sun, which
w li occur June 8, 1918, will be the
largest and most important of a
lifetime in the Southern states.
This eclipse will be visiblethrough
out the United Siates, the eclispe
being total along a path about
seventy miles wide extending
from Portland, Ore , throughout
Denver, Colo., Jackson, Miss., and
Orlanda, Fla. in all parts of the
United States it will oe partial.
Figured from Athens, the phases
of the t clipse will occur in the
90th meridian time as follows:
Eclipse begins, 4:35:58 p in.
Middle of eclipse, 5:30:50 p. m.
End of eclipse, 6:32 p. m.
The first contact will occur on
the western limb of the sun, 86
degrees from the north point, and
the last contact from the north
The other eclipse during 1918
will t>e that of the moon visible
here, on June 24. The partial
ellipse will occur between 3 and 5
o’clock in the morning.
South Avenue.
“Sho nuff” summer.
A good rain much needed.
Several from here went to De
catur to the annual fa-so-la sing
ing Sunday.
Mr. Roper’s house was burned
Friday afternoon, but fortunately
he saved most everything. Quite
a crowd gathered there in their
cars, but were too late to help
Mr. and Mrs. Perry Spraberry
of East Atlanta are visiting rela
tives here a few days.
Soon be protracted meeting
time. Let’s hope and pray for a
great sin killing revival that will
wake up world loving pleasure
seekers to a sense of their duty to
God, and that will help all to have
a closer walk with Him. Let’s
pray every day (m t just one) for
peace and the revival that is so
much needed everywhere.
Rev. W. A. Wells fillei his ap
pointment at Bethel Sunday, but
there were not any services S it
urday, as he met with the church
there Thursday to join the nation
in prayer for peace.
Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Clark are
entertaining a new arrival —an-
other boy.
June apples ripe, nice yellow
ones, and so mellow. They help
out too.
Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Peterman
and Agnes. Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
White and boys, and Mrs. C. W
South and Irene and Helen sp< at
Monday in the Gite City.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Howell and
little son, Ralph, visited the latter’s
mother near White House Friday.
For Dismission.
GEORGIA— Henry bounty.
Whereas, Ben Goodrum, administrator
ot Fronev Barron, deceased, represents to
the Court in his petition, duly filed and
entered on record, that he ha- fully ad
ministered Froney Barron’s estate:
This is, therefore, to cite all persons
concerned, kindred and creditors, to show
cause, if any they can, why said adminis
trator should not be discharged from his
administration and receive letters of dis
mission on the first Monday in July, 1918.
A G HARRIS, Ordinary.
The Car With the
Half-Million Dollar Motor
——- WON
The Great Southeastern Sweepstakes Saturday, May sth, Under the Au
spices of the Southeastern Fair Associate n.
TIME for 30 MILES, 29:12 2-5
More Light for the Buyer who wants to Forge Ahead!
PRESETT CONDITIONS have swung the demand in favor of the BRISCOE.
There’s nothing doubtful about that.
When a car has made an inc.vase of 133 per cent in sales during the last five
months, here’s something in its fdvor
Numerous tests show that the BRISCOE will go twenty-five to thirty miles
per gallon of gasoline — ten thousand miles on a set of tires, and seventeen
hudred miles on a gallon or oil.
Now that IS something to you, Mr. Buyer.
Can Make Immediate Deliveries.
W. O. WELCH & Dr. H. C. ELLIS, Agents,
vtrnoNouc.H. c;a.
A Thought —
for the Mother
CONSTIPATION makes children
uncomfortable, cross and irritable,
just as it does older people. Dr. Caldwell s
Syrup Pepsin is a mild, pleasant tasting
combination of simple laxative herbs
with pepsin, that acts easily and natur
ally and promotes normal regularity.
Children like it and take it willingly.
It contains no opiate or narcotic drug.
Druggists Sell
Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin
50 CtS. (two sizes) SI.OO
A trial bortle can be obtained, free of charge, by writing to
Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 457 Washington St., Monticello, 111.
Special Discount
of 25% on
All Misses and Children's Slippers Friday
and Saturday, June 7th-Bth.
White, Black and Brown in Ties and
Strop Pumps.
$1 Special Price 75c
1.50 1 15
2 “ 1.50
2 50 “ 190
3 “ 225
'3 50 “ 2 65
Ail this season's goods, and we cAn fit the
narrow as well as the wide feet.
A Cash Store —Less Profit.