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Hot and dry.
Tough on war gardens.
Dry your apples and peaches.
Can’t always tell what a fellow
is by the cigar he smokes.
If we would stop paying so
much attention to everything we
hear and take a little time to in
vestigate and find out the truth
fulness of what we hear, we would
find things considerably different
to what this “hear say” crowd
says they are.
The wormiest old worm that
ever wormed around on this old
wormy world is the wormy old
worm of a wormy old distiller.
It is a true saying, “We work
what we have.” We all have a
tongue, and bless your soul we
don’t fail to work it either.
Occasionally we hear some old
box whittler exclaim, if you know
how to do a thing why don’t you
get busy and do it ? Partner, it is
like the fellow going through the
woods and saw a squirrel sitting
on a limb. He knew just how to
shoot the squirrel, but the reason
he didn’t was because he had no
gun. So the reason a lot of us
don’t do more than we do is be
cause we have nothing to do with.
The sole reason a lot of us don’t
let our light shine is simply be
cause we have no light to let shine.
You know I have heard a lots
about hypocrites, heard people
say if there wasn’t so many in the
church I would join it and so on.
Now 1 have about come to the
conclusion that a hypocrite in the
church is one round higher up
than the stinking boogers on the
outside. His name, if nothing
else, is found among the good.
Ignorance and deception will
work very well down hill, but
never will they pull up hill.
If everybody was half as patri
otic as some old razors I have
seen, Uncle Sam wouldn’t lack for
somebody to puli for him, I bet
Mrs. A. S. Carter of Experiment
was the guest of Mrs. W. N.
Strickland Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. James Gilbert and family of
Noah’s Ark spent Sunday with
Mr. W. N. Strickland and family.
The singing at the home of Mr.
G. M. Adamson Saturdry night
was enjoyed by all present.
Mr. Pierce Dixon of Jonesboro
was the guest of Mr. Marvin Fos
ter Saturday night.
Messrs. Leroy and Clifford
Strickland attended the singing at
Lovejoy Sunday afternoon.
A few Ford loads of Flippenites
were seen passing through our
community Sunday afternoon.
I one once heard of a preacher
that preached if a man came along
and (without any provocation)
spit in your face vv'e would have
to wipe it out and sav, “God have
mercy on that poor fellow,” before
we could get to heaven. Well,
maybe we have, but I tell you, my
face may look like a spitton, but I
be hanged if I let a fellow make
one out of it and get off at it. I
will teach him a little respect or
put my kicking machine out of
Western Division Meeting
All Sunday in this di
vision urged to have their Schools
represented. Important meeting.
Good program Eyerybody in
vited.- Meeting place Rocky Creek
Sunday afternoon July 14th, 2:30
p.m. B. C. Bright,
Pres. Div.
Thomas W. Hardwick
Will address the citizens of Henry
county at the court house in Mc-
Donough at 10:30 o'clock on next
Wednesday, July 17, and thor=
oughly discuss the issues of the
1 At\ <§>TIL.L.
doing optical work for my many friends and
patrons, examining jeyes, filling prescriptions
and duplicating lenses.
Since moving to my new location I have
spared no expense toward making this depart
ment one of the best in the city, having engaged
the services of one of the msst competent Opto
metrists obtainable, and am pleased to say that
I can give you very much better service than
Remember our prices for this unexcelled
service are very moderate, and that satisfaction
is fully guaranteed.
Optician and Jeweler,
Est. 1891. 110 Peachtree Arcade.
You can't afford to take the risk
to vourself, your familv or vour
friends of driving your car when
it is not right*
That is, any and all kinds of repairing
or adjustment upon any make of car*
Largest and best equipped garage in
this section outside a city*
Regular FORD Service Station carry
ing full assortment of FORD parts*
McDonough. Georgia.
6. Report of the Condition of
The First National Bank, at Hampton,
In the State of Georgia,
At the close of business, June 29, 1918.
Loans and Discounts (except
thoseshownon bandc)lol,762 49
c Acceptances of this bank pur
chased or discounted
Customers’ liability account
of acceptances of this bank
purchased or discounted
by it . . 1,699.57
To till Loans - - 103,482.06
Foreign Hills of Exchange or
Drafts sold with indorse
ment of this bank
1,699.57 12,058.57 91,403,49
d Notes and bills re
U. S. Bonds deposited to
secure circulation (par
value) - $30,000.00
Premium on U. S. bonds 512.50 30,512.50
Liberty Loan Bonds,
unpledged . . 1,600.00
Liberty Loan Bonds, pledged
to secure U. S. and other
Payments actually made on
Liberty Bonds 6a5 0() 2,225.00
Stock of Federal Reserve Bank
(5o per cent of subscription) 1,200.00
Value of banking house 4,000.00
Equity of banking house . 4,000.00
Furn. and Fix. - 2,250.00
Lawful reserve, with Fed
eral Reserve Bank . . 10,189.25
Items with Federal Reserve
Bank in process of collection
(not available as reserve)
Cash in vault and net
amount due from na
tional banks . . . 2,170.40
Net amount Due from banks
and bankers, and trust com
panies other than ineulded
in Items 13, 14, and 15
Checks on other banks in
the same city or town as
reporting bank - - - 1,574.79
Total of Items 14, 15, 16,
17, and 18 - - 3,746.19
Checks on banks located out
side of city or town as re
porting bank . . .
Net amount Due from approv
ed Reserve Agts. in other
Reserve Cities
Net amount due from banks
and bankers (other than
included in 12 or 21) none
Other Checks on banks in the
same city or town as
reporting bank
Outside Checks and other Cash
Items - none
Fractional Currency Nickels
and cents
Notes of other National Banks
Federal Reserye notes none
Lawful reserve in vault and
with Federal Reserve bank
Redemption fund with
U. S. Treasurer and due
from U. S. Treasurer 1,500.00
War Savings Certificates and
Thrift Stamps actually owned 12.51
Total - $147,037.94
State of Georgia—Henry County.
I, E. R. Harris, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the
above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
E. R. Harris, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th day of July, 1918.
CEO. S. P. MALAIER, Notary Public.
Correct —Attest: R. E. Henderson, W. M. Harris, A. M. Henderson, Directors.
Charter No. 7969. Report of condition of Reserve Dist. No. 6.
At McDonough, in the State of Georgia, at the close of business
on June 29, 1918.
Loans and Discounts (except
those shown on b ande)328,823.65
Total loans . . 328,823.65
d Notes and bills rediscount
ed (other than acceptances
sold) (see Item 57a) 43,072.57
Foreign Bills of Exchange or
Drafts sold with indorse
ment of this bank, not shown
under Item d above (see
Item 57c) . . . 43,072.57 285,751.08
Overdrafts, Secured 762.45
Overdrafts, unsecured 3,108 61 3,871.06
U. S. Bonds deposited
to secure circula
tion (par value) 70,000.00
Premium on U, S. bonds , 70,000.00
Liberty Loan Bonds,
unpledged - - 3,249.00
Liberty Loan Bonds, pledged
to secure U. S. and other
deposits . .
Payments actually made on
Liberty Bonds 4,775.00 8,024.00
Stock of Federal Reserve Bank
(50 per cent of subscription) 3,000.00
Value of Banking house,
Ilf unencumbered) 15,491.94
Equity in banking house 15,491.94
Furn. and Fix. - - - 3,500.00
Real estate owned other than
banking house . . . 9,528.25
Lawful Reserve with Fed
eral Reserve Bank 11,032 00
Cash in vault and net
amounts due from
national banks ... 11,405.16
Net amount due from banks
and bankers, and trust com
panies other than included
in Items 13, 14 and 15 . 1,001.65
Other checks on banks in
the same city or town as
reporting bank, other than
item 17 672.87
Total of Items 14, 15, 16,
17, and 18 . . 13,079.68
Checks on banks located out
side of city or town of report
ing bank and other cash
items . . . 200 70
Redemption fund with U. S.
Treasurer and due from U. S.
Treasurer 2,60000
War Savings Certificates and
Thrift Stamps actually owned 1,362.90
Total . 1427,441.61
State of Georgia—Henry County.
I, Ralph L. Turner, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear
that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
, Ralph L. Turner, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this Bth day of July, 1918.
J. R. RUKXER, Notary Public
Correct Attest: T. A. Sloan, W. W. Turner, H. M. Amis, Directors.
Capital stock paid in $30,000.00
Surplus fund - 15,u00.00
Undivided Profits, 6,151.29
Less Current Expenses
Interest and Taxes
paid - 2,551.29 3,600,00
Circulating notes outstanding 30,000.00
Individual deposits subiect to
check - - 45,119.94
Certificates of deposit due in less
than 30 days - - 300.00
Cashiers’ checks outstand
ing 8,00
Total demand deposits,
Items 34, 35. 36, 37, 38, 39,
4o and 41 45,427 94
Time deposits (Payable after
30 days, or subject to 30 days
or more notice):
Certificates of deposit 13,010.00
Total of time deposits.
Items 41, 42, 43and 44 13,010.00
Bills payable, other than with
Federal Reserve Bank, includ
ing all obligations represent
ing money borrowed, other
ihan rediscounts - - - 10.000.00
Acceptances executed for
customers . . 1,699,57
Total . . . 1,699.57
Less acceptances of this
bank purchased or
discounted . . 1,699.57
Total - $147,037.94
Liabilities for rediscounts,
including those with Fed
eral Reserve Bank (see
Item Id) . . . 10.359.00
Foreign Bills of Exchange or
Draft sold with endorse
ment of this bank, not
shown under Item a, above
(see Item If) 1,699 57
Total contingent liabilities 12,058,57
Capital stock paid in - $80,000.60
Surplus fund - - 30,000.00
Undivided profits, 26,412.32
Less current expen
ses, interest, and tax
es paid - - - 26,412.32
Circulating Notes outstanding 69,100.00
Dividends unpaid
Individual deposits subject to
check 109,286.98
Certificates of deposit due
in less than 30 days 4,365.71
Cashier’s checks out
standing 303.10
Dividends unpaid
Total Demand deposits.
Items 34, 35, 36, 37, 38,
39, 40 and 41 113,955.79
Certificates of deposit 50,973.55
Total of time deposits,
items 42, 43. 44, and 45, 50,973.50
Bills payable, including
obligations represent
ing money borrowed
other than rediscounts 57,000.00
Time deposits (payable after
30 days, or subject to 30 days
or more Notice):
Total . . $427,441.61
Liabilities for rediscounts,
including those with Fed
eral Reserve Bank - - 43,072.67
Total contingent liabilities 43,072.57