Newspaper Page Text
*1 Slice Libby's Veal Loaf and
A g M * garnish with cucumbers, water-
M/t cress and salad dressing—
£*--■$ / very tempting!
with such flavor!
THIS delicately flavored Veal Loaf
is made with such perfection by
Libby’s expert chefs in the immac
ulate Libby kitchens—that you will
always want these chefs to make it for
you. You find it so appetizing, so
nutritious a meat at such little cost
and trouble.
Order Libby’s Veal Loaf for lunch
eon today. Serve either hot or cold,
your family will delight in it. fjjk 'MMW
Libby, McNeill & Libby, Chicago
Quite Natural.
Proph—“Why do they call tins arm
fcone the humerus?” Soph—“Probably
because it’s next to the funny bone.”
One Carload
Every Two Minutes
-w 15,000 POUNDS T
ame nig
tr * e MEAT A MINUTE *
rlj in «>oi
In, to . met
Df the te»
tc .ck One Hog Out of Every tel
iy "l!« Four Being Sent “
2LS Abroad. am,
:o*' joI on ‘
ee .ond Shipments of meat have been going R.
In the to the allies for some time at the rate
ta' 70 of 16,000 pounds a minute. As the j
t 017. shipments are kept up during a ten a jj
bb> •of hour, day they amount to 9,000,000
• han pounds dally. The meat goes to sol- clB
tf> the diers of the United Statos and the al-
fjd as lies and to the civilian population of
'uget all tho countries at war with Ger- the
many. clsu
mkaM —» ■ • -
—Chicago Tribune, June 5, 1918
These statements
were made by a prom
inent representative of
the United States Food
No industry in the
country has played a
more important part in
helping to win the war
than the American live
stock and meat-packing
Swift.& Company
alone has been forward
ing over 500 car loads of
meat and meat products
per week for overseas
Swift & Company, U. S. A.
Newspaper Waifs.
“It pays to be honest. But not
enough, apparently, to suit some peo
ple.”—Boston Transcript.
New Prices. Affect Chiefly Cotton
Piece Goods Which The Gov
ernment is Buying
Washington. Prices for cotton
products showing reductions of from
20 to 30 per cent, as compared with
quoted market prices were approved
by President Wilson. The prices were
agreed upon at conferences between
the price-lixing committee of the war
industries board and a committee rep
resenting cotton goods manufacturers.
The new prices are:
3G-lncli 48x48 3.00 yard sheeting, 60
cents per pound.
36-incli 56x60 4.00 yard sheeting, 70
cents per pound.
38 1-2-inch 64x60 5.35 yard print
cloth, 83 cents per pound.
381-2-inch SOxSO 4.00 yard print
cloth, 84 cents per pound.
Prices on standard wide and sail
duck were fixed at 37 1-2 and 5 per
cent from the list, and standard army
duck 33 per cent from the list.
The war industries board announc
ed that a committee is at work on a
list comprising a full line of staple
cotton fabrics for the purpose of es
tablishing prices. The list is expect
ed to be announced in a few days.
The prices announced are to remain
in effect until next October 1. Before
that date the industry will meet with
the price-fixing committee to Agree up
on prices for a further period of 00
The new prices affect chiefly cotton
piece goods, of which the government
is a heavy purchaser. They apply,
however, to civilian as well as'govern
ment purchases.
The price-fixing committee’s action
with regard to finished cotton is be
lieved to be the forerunner of price
fixing on virtually all other commodi
ties of which the government is a large
Those Who Are Now In Actual Fight
ing Do Not Include Troops
Already Brigaded
Washington.—ln a month or less
General Pershing will have more than
half a million men under his direct
command on the western front ready
for the fighting line, according to in
formation received by members of the
senate military affairs committee. The
251,000 Americans now in the fighting
line, according to General March,
chief of staff, do not include Ameri
cans brigaded with the British and
French. In addition to these, all the
groups sent over during June are still
in training. There are nearly 300,000
of these, who by the first of August
will be ready for battle duty.
Submarine Sinks Ship In Mid-Atlantic
An Atlantic Port. —Another neutral
ship, the Norwegian steamer, Aug
vald, 2,098 tons, bound from a French
port for Baltimore, has fallen a victim
of a German submarine. A trans-At
lantic liner in port brought the news
of the sinking of the Augvald in mid
ocean June 23, and also landed eleven
members of the crew of 27 men.
Three of the crew were drowned and
the remaining thirteen are unaccount
ed for. The rescued men were picked
up by the liner after having drifted
helplessly for eleven days, subsisting
most o ft hat time on seaweed and rain
Present Berlin Ration Is Slim Diet
Amsterdam.—The present rations in
Berlin are as follows, the quantities
being for one person for one week:
Bread and flour, 4 pounds; Butter and
margarine, 2 1-2 ounces; Potatoes, 7
pounds; Meat, 4 1-2 ounces; Bones,
1 3-4 ounces; Sausage, 1 3-4 ounces;
Sugar 6 ounces. In addition, each
person is allowed one egg a month.
Milk is provided only for children un
der six years of age and for invalids.
Counter Revolution Begins In Moscow
London. —A serious counter revolu
tion has broken out in Moscow, ac
cording to a semi-official Wolff bureau
telegram from Moscow and transmit
ted to London by the Exchange Tele
graph company’s correspondent at
Copenhagen. Fighting of great se
verity is taking place in the streets
between the Bolsheviki troops and So
cial revolutionaries. A message in
London from the Russian wireless
service says that a counter revolution
was started in the Russian capital, but
that it had been suppressed.
Calomel Today! Sick Tomorrow!
I Guarantee Dodson’s Liver Tone
Don’t take nasty, dangerous calomel when bilious,
constipated, headachy. Listen to me!
Calomel makes you sick; you lose a
day’s work. Calomel is quicksilver
and It salivates; calomel injures your
If you are bilious, feel lazy, slug
gish and all knocked out, if your bow
els are constipated and your head
aches or stomach is sour, just take a
spoonful of harmless Dodson’s Liver
Tone instead of using sickening, sali
vating calomel. Dodson’s Liver Tone
is real liver medicine. You’ll know it
next morning because you will wake
up feeling fine, your liver will he work
ing, your headache and dizziness gone,
your stomach will be sweet and bow T
els regular. You will feel like work
ing. You’ll be cheerful; full of vigor
and ambition.
Your druggist or dealer sells you a
bottle of Dodson’s Liver Tone for a
\J\I (®DLlLir®Mie sxisx jss
How to Keep Your Stomach
Strong, Cool and Sweet
Hot weather always starts those
Suick chemical changes which pro
uce poisons in meats, fish, fruits,
vegetables, milk and food products.
Such summer poisons in foods not
only make well stomachs sick but de
velop with dangerous rapidity in
sensative, sick or ailing stomachs and
These poisons not only generate
gases and fluids which cause that
bloated, lumpy feeling, heartburn, sour
stomach, belching, acidity, but endless
other stomach and bowel miseries.
A sure, safe, quick acting relief has
been found which absorbs and neu
tralizes these poisons, too much acid
and harmful gases. EATONIC Tab
lets, one or two taken after every meal,
will keep your stomach sweet. You
will have a good appetite to eat what
you like, when you want it and be
Squaring Himself.
The absent-minded professor, on his
morning walk, had accidentally bump
ed into a young lady. For the mo
ment, in his embarrassment the pro
fessor was speechless, while the young
lady stood in all the charm and sweet
ness of young womanhood, waiting for
him to find his tongue.
“My dear young woman,” he blurted
out at last, “how absolutely rude and
thoughtless of me! How can I ever get
your forgiveness?”
“Well, I’ll tell you, old kid, we’ll fox
trot over to that cigar counter and
shake the bones to see who buys the
bevo.” — Indinnap(>l is Ng \ys.
Kindness is necessary in the man
who would make a success with live
What Makes You Feet TiredZ'
If it isn’t hard work or exercise, then its your blood.
Your blood has been poisoned by the bite of a malar
ia mosquito or by stomach and liver disorders. In
some cases low vitality and lack of energy is due to
thin, weak blood,
Ta&t&less chiN Tonic
Enriches the Blood and Purifies the Blood; by this
means it Strengthens the from head to toe and
you can soon feel its Strengthening, Invigorating
Effect. It contains just what the blood needs, Iron
and Quinine, in a form acceptable to the most deli
cate stomach.
ceptionally Good General Strengthening Tonic for
the Child, for the Mother or any of the Family, young
or old. Pleasant to take. Price 60c.
Perfectly Harmless. Contains no
Nux- Vomica or other Poisonous Drugsm
few cents under my personal guaran
tee that It will clean your sluggish
liver better than nasty calomel; it
won’t make you sick and you can eat
anything you want without being sali
vated. Your druggist guarantees that
each spoonful will start your liver,
clean your bowels and straighten you
up by morning or you get your money
back. Children gladly take Dodson’s
Liver Tone because it is pleasant tast
ing and doesn’t gripe or cramp or
make them sick.
T am selling millions of bottles of
Dodson’s Liver Tone to people who
have found that this pleasant, vege
table liver medicine takes the place of
dangerous calomel. Buy one bottle on
my sound, reliable guarantee. Ask
your druggist about me. —Adv.
free from all those bad effects liable to
come after a hearty meal in summer.
EATONIC Tablets are hot weather protec
tors lor the stomach. They guard against the
germs that lurk in the things you eat and
drink. They rebuild listless appetites, pro
mote digestion by aiding proper action oi the
stomach functions and inshre speedy relief
from indigestion and all stomach distress.
EATONIC is good to eat like candy. People
from all over send grateful testimonials Tens
of thousands are obtaining relief with
EATONIC every day but the best evidence is
to let yourownstomach tell you the truth. Go
to your druggist and get a big box of
EATONIC. Tell him you want it for the pre
vention and sure relief of stomach and bowel
disorders produced by hot weather poisons.
Then if EATONIC fails to satisfy you—re
turn it to your druggist, whom you know and
can trust. He will cheerfully refund your
money. If your druggist doesn’t keep
EATONIC—drop us a postal. It will be de
livered to your address and you can then
pay for it. Address, H. L. Kramer, Prea«,
1018 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111.
Heartless Papa.
“What did papa say,” asked tho
bright spot of his life, breathlessly,
as her hero came limping out of papa’s
studio after an interview.
“He didn’t say much,” returned her
bright spot, mournfully, “but I wish I
were as unfeeling as he is.”
Soothe Itching Scalps.
On retiring gently rub spots of dan
druff and itching with Cuticura Oint
ment. Next morning shampoo with
Cuticura Soap and hot water. For free
samples address, “Cuticura, Dept. X,
Boston.” At druggists and by mail.
Spnn rUnfmnnf 9R oml A flxr
UUp MU) vtmtuvub mu uuu uv.
The wife who loses her patience must
not expect to retain her husband’s ad