Newspaper Page Text
What Lydia E. Pinkham’a
Vegetable Compound Did
For Ohio Woman.
Portsmouth, Ohio.—“ I suffered from
Irregularities, pains in my side and was
' f ’
■ . £ 1;
/ ' v -
medicine for woman’s ailments I ever
saw.”—Mrs. Sara Shaw, R. No. 1,
Portsmouth, Ohio.
Mrs. Shaw proved the merit of tills
medicine and wrote this letter in order
that other suffering women may find
relief as she did.
Women who are suffering as she was
Bhould not drag along from day to day
without giving this famous root and
herb remedy, Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege
table Compound, a trial. For special
advice in regard to such ailments write
to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn,
Mass. The result of its forty years
experience is at your service.
Optimistic Thought.
Man is neither by birth nor disposi
tion a savage.
Get New Kidneys!
The kidneys are the most overworked
organs of the human body, and when they
fad in their lvork of filtering out and
throwing off the poisons developed in the
system, things begin to happen.
One of the first warnings is pain or stiff
ness in the lower part of the back; highly
colored urine; loss of appetite; indiges
tion; irritation, or even stone in the blad
der. These symptoms indicate a condition
that may lead to that dreaded and fatal
malady, Bright’s disease, for which there
is said to be no cure.
Do not delay a minute. At the first in
dication of trouble in the kidney, liver,
bladder or urinary organs start taking
Gold Medal Haarlem Oil Capsules, and
save yourself before it is too late. Instant
treatment is necessary in kidney and blad
der troubles. A delay is often fatal.
You can almost certainly find immediate
relief in Gold Medal Haarlem Oil Capsules.
For more than 200 years this famous prep
aration has been an unfailing remedy for
all kidney, bladder and urinary troubles.
It is the pure, original Haarlem Oil your
great-grandmother used. About two cap
sules each day will keep you toned up and
feeling fine. Get it at any drug store, and
if it does not give you almost immediate
relief, your money will be refunded. Be
sure you get the GOLD MEDAL brand.
None other genuine. In boxes, three
• Testing Inventions.
Inventions of a war nature must
have prompt government attention.
Therefore the United States govern
ment Is setting apart an “inventions
section” for immediate and thorough
investigation of all devices of a me
chanical, electrical or chemical nature
submitted for test, sale or inspection.
People who wish inventions considered
should apply data: Name and object
of Invention, any claim for superiority
or novelty, and results obtained by ac
tual experiment, whether the invention
is patented, whether remuneration is
expected, whether the invention has
been before any other agency, whether
the writer is owner or agent. Draw
ings and descriptions should accom
pany. Communications should be ad
dressed to Inventions Section, General
Staff, Army War College, Washington.
Dummy Airplanes.
Aviators from training camps
throughout the country are complet
ing their education in aerial gunnery
at the finishing school near Lake
Charles, La. The targets are repro
ductions of a Germain “taube” airplane
placed on the surface of the lake and
with a black cross painted thereon to
represent the enemy pilot, the princi
pal mark for the gunners.
Up Against It.
“Out of work? But nobody can be
out of work these days.”
“I was a railroad president.”
Besides Saving Wheat
Ma Says I’m Saving
Cooking When I Eat
5 \
so weak at times I
could hardly get
around to do my
work, and as I had
four in my family
and three boarders
it made it very hard
for me. Lydia E.
Pinkham’s Vege
table Compound
was recommended
to me. I took it
and it has restored
my health. It is
certainly the best
Newsy Paragraphs
Of State Interest
Atlanta. —A bill by Mr. Arnold of
Lumpkin, chairman of the house com
mittee on the state sanitarium, to pro
vide for a commission of experts com
iPOsed of physicians and the solicitor,
to pass on lunacy cases, Avas favora
bly acted upon by the committee and
w'as reported to the house.
Thomasville. From tAventy-three
nacres of watermelons, Messrs. Metcalf
and Moore of Mitchell county are said
to have received $3,000 for their crop
in the field. The gross income from
each acre planted averaged them
$l3O. This was one of the finest crops
in this section and it is estimated that
twenty cars of melons will be loaded
from it.
Thomasville.—The Second district
Masonic convention aaull hold its an
nual session at Camilla on Wednesday,
July 10. E. S. Collins, of Bluffton,
worshipful master, wjll preside. This
convention embraces all of the coun
ties in the Second district, with 40 of
more lodges, all of which are expect
ed to send representatives.
Atlanta.—War Savings Stamps to
the amount of $140,076,647 were sold
by the Atlanta postoffice during the
month of June, according to statistics
made public by Postmaster Bolling H.
Jones. As the Atlanta postoffice is
the depositing point for all postofflees
in Georgia for War Savings Stamps
funds, the total of these deposits dur
ing the month of June was $1,309,-
Moultrie. —The final chapter has
been written in the DuckAvorth-Poole-
Gunn litigation Avhich has been be
fore the courts for several years, by
a. decision of the supreme court refus
ing to set aside the verdict awarding
farm land in Worth county, valued at
about tAventy-five thousand dollars, to
Mrs. John Duckworth. In many re
spects the case is one of the most
unusual ever tried in a south Georgia
Atlanta. —Gov. Hugh M. Dorsey and
Maj. Arthur McCollum, acting adju
tant general for the state of Georgia,
issued the following commissions in
the Georgia state guard: Dublin
Guards —Captain, L. C. Pope; first lieu
tenant, E. R. Jordan; second lieuten
ant, William M. Breedlove. Whitman
Guards —Captain, W. A. May; first
lieutenant, William M. English. Dor
sey Rifles, Lafayette—Captain, Wil
liam E. Esloe; first lieutenant, Joseph
E. Fields.
Atlanta. —A meeting of the Western
and Atlantic railroad commission was
held in the commission’s office at the
capitol and a report adopted to be sub
mitted to the legislature of the work
done during the last year. The report
is being drafted by Chairman Mur
phey Candler and will be submitted
at an early date. It is understood that
the report deals mainly with the mat
ter of encroachments on the state’s
right of way and the means being tak
en by the commission to eject the al
leged trespassers.
Athens. —Fifteen hundred teachers,
probably a hundred of them men,
from literally every county of Georgia
—and some few fro mother states—
joined the several hundred representa
tives of Georgia chapters of the Amer
ican Red Cross here in the first gen
eral state conferenec of the American
Red Cross, in attendance upon which
also and participating actively on the
program were the national secretary,
Dr. Stockton Axson, the manager and
director of the southeastern division,
and Dr. Guy Snavely, of Atlanta.
Atlanta. —The Georgia senate pass
ed, by a vote of 30 to 1, Senator
Brown’s constitutional amendment bill
which will allow counties and munic
ipalities to pass bond issues by a two
thirds majority of those voting in
stead of the constitutionally required
two-thirds of the total number of reg
istered voters. The Georgia constitu
tion requires that before a proposed
bond issue can pass two-thirds of the
total number of registered voters must
vote favorably. Senator Brown of the
forty-first the author ■*- stated that
it was the most important legislation
to come before the senate in years.
Atlanta.—Getting down to the actual
grind of lawmaking the house passed
three general bills and one local bill.
First in general interest and having
the right of way as a war measure
was the bill of Representative Bale
of Floyd, known as the absent voters
bill. This measure, the purpose of
which is to give Georgians absent from
the state or country in government
service the right to vote, was passed,
after a number of amendments had
been adopted, by a vote of 95 to 19.
Mr. Bale explained that the measure
was in the main the same which he
had presented two years ago, when
Georgia soldiers were sent to the Mex
ican border, and which had been de
feated at that time. Since then, how
ever, the bill, which was based upon
a Virginia act, had been enacted by
more than a dozen states, including
the Southern states of Maryland, the
Karolinas, Tennessee, Texas and West
Where He Goes.
Asket —What’s become of the incor
rigible kid who used to be driven from
home because his parents couldn’t do
anything with him?
Tellum —Oh, he takes an hour or two
off from his duties as president and
director of half the big concerns In
the city to drive around to the old
folks in one of his new twelve-cylinder
palaces to tell pa and ma that he’s get
ting along just tolerable.
| Girls! Make bleaching lotion j
| if skin is sunburned, j
! tanned or freckled
? t
Squeeze the juice of two lemons into
a bottle containing three ounces of
Orchard White, shake well, and you
have a quarter pint of the best freckle,
sunburn and tan lotion, and complexion
beautifier, at very, very small cost.
Your grocer has the lemons and any
drug store or toilet counter will supply
three ounces of Orchard White for a
few cents. Massage this sweetly fra
grant lotion into the face, neck, arms
and hands each day and see how freck
les, sunburn, wlndburn and tan disap
pear and how clear, soft and white the
skin becomes. Yes I It is harmless.—
Those Girls.
“That flippy hat is becoming to you.”
“But it hides most of my face.”
“I said it was becoming.”
Indigestion produces disagreeable and
sometimes alarming symptoms. Wright's
Indian Vegetable Pills stimulate the diges
tive processes to function naturally. Adv.
Life Is short, yet most men outlive
their good intentions.
When Your Eyes Need Care
Try Murine Eye Remedy
No Smarting —Jnst Eye Comfort. 60 cents at
Druggists or mall. Write for Free Bye Book.
A Great Responsibility.
’"THE responsibility attached to the preparing of a remedy for infants and children
is undoubtedly greater than that imposed upon the manufacturer of remedies
for adults whose system is sufficiently strong to counteract, for a time at least, any
injurious drug, it is well to observe that Castoria is prepared today, as it has been
for the past 40 years, under the personal supervision of Mr. Chas. H. Fletcher.
What have makers of imitations and substitutes at stake ? What are their
responsibilities ?j[ To whom are they answerable? & They spring up today, scatter
their nefarious wares broadcast, and disappear tomorrow.;
Could each mother see the painstalring care with whichTthe ’prescription for
Fletcher’s Castoria is prepared s could they read the innumerable testimonials from
grateful mothers, they would never listen to the subtle pleadings and false arguments
of those* who * would " offer an of, or substitute for. the tried and true
Fletcher’s Castoria.
Net Contents 15TtuidDfachnj
ll •
*'v it **
KW'T'V'Vo’t 1
life 1 !
fc? PtY ’•'a
te .IPE
lin ’ ™
fib; 1
lift $3
LyS if ,j
900 Drops]
similatingthcFood byßeguta
tifustheStomachs and Bowels of
t k f& nts/Children
j Thereby Promoting Digestion
1 Cheerfulness and RestGontatns
1 neither Opium,Morphine nor
Mineral. Not Narcotic
Pumpkin Seti V
MxSnuto I
PockUt Sattt I
Mis* s•*‘6 I
lu f
Warm Smd 1
OaiiMSug«r I
Jjhfirymn/hnr '
A helpful Remedy for
| Constipation and Diarrhoea
j and Feverishness and
Loss of Sleep
resuttin thercfrom-inlniancy.
Facsimile Signature. 0 *
hh* lll ~
Jhe Centaur G ow/an?. j
lAf 6 months
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Children Cry For
J B ,1
n ■n a ik'
Extracts from Letters by Grateful
Parents to Chas. H. Fletcher*
G. J. English, of Springfield, Mass., Bays: “It was your Castoria that
saved my child.”
Mrs. Mary McGinnis, of St. Louis, Mo., Bays: “We have given our
baby your Castoria ever Bince she was born, and we rcccommena it to all
.. N * Cal mes, of Marion, Ky., Bays : “You have the best medicin* in
the world, as I have given your Castoria to my babies from first to last/'4|
Mrs. Albert Ugusky, of Lawrenceburg, Ind., says: “As I have had
your Castoria in use for nearly three years, I am pleased to say it is just
as represented. My children are both well and happy—thanks to Castoria.
R. P. Stockton, of New Orleans, La., says: “We began giving your
Castoria to our baby when he was eight days old and have kept it up ever
since, never having had to give any other medicine.” /'
Mrs. Dolph Hornbuckle, of Colorado Springs, Colo., says: “We com
menced giving your Castoria to our baby when she was four weeks old.
She is now seven months and weighs 19J pounds. Everyone remarks*
‘What a healthy looking baby.’ We give Castoria credit for it.” 4
* i
tm* centaur company, new York city v ’
Not Such a Great Loss.
A German farmer in Australia had a
rather delicate wife, who worked her
self to death in a few years. After the
funeral a neighbor was condoling witli
him on his great loss.
“Yah,” said August, “she was a good
woman —but a bit too light for my
work.” —Sydney (N. S. W.) Bulletin.
No Worm* In a Healthy Child
AH children troubled with worms hare an un
healthy color, which Indicates poor blood, and as a
rule, there Is more or less stomach disturbance.
GROVK'B TABTHLKBB chill TONIC given regularly
for two or tbree weeks will enrich the blood, im
prove the digestion, and act as a General Strength
ening Tonlo to the whole system. Nature will then
throw off or dispel the worms, and the Child will be
in perfect health. Pleasant to take. 60c per bottle.
Knowledge is power. If a man places
his purse in his head no one can take
it away from him.
88 Cooper Street, Atlanta, Ga.
84 Cooper Street
For the Treatment of
METHOD: Serum introduced into the
vein. Book giving full particulars upon
request by addressing as above.
Hair Health
>ap 28, Ointment 2S A 50. Talcum 26.
Sample each free of "Cot leer a, D*p» Z. Beaton.”
Kill All Flies! ™ mslAsl* 0
Placed any where, Daley Fly K iller attracts and kill*
all flies Neat, clean, ornamental, convenient and cheap.
Hnncnflioc Kill more people annually than war.
HUUMnIKo Mil Siagic Shoofly banishes them.
Simple recipe costs about lc to prepare. Send 10c for
Information. Alabama Agency Co., Avondale, Ala.
RHEUMATISM cured or money refunded. Piles
cu red or money refunded. Radcliir, Hartal, i.k»,ino C.
Hotel Cumberland
NEW YORK, Broadway at 54tk Start
HEii |!l>W f 7th Avenoe
I'lif f IH# 1 cam from
titliiF |3", iS q FWa Statkjo
H Sl|jii|wß i Modem tad
Strietlv Fintf-
Room* with Adjoining Bath
*2.00 u p
Rooms with Private Bath
*2.50 °p
Suites *4.00 up
10 Minutes Walk to 50 Theatres
Send for Booklet
Onlf Nod YotkHottl IV IndotoScrru-mj
Every Woman Want*
Dissolved in water for douches stops
pelvic catarrh, ulceration and inflam
mation. Recommended by Lydia EL
Pinkham Med. Co, for ten yean.
A healing wonder for nasal catarrh,
sore throat and sore eyes. EconomieaL
Hu extraordinary cl earning and germicidal power.
Sample Free. 50c. all druggnta, or poalraul Ip
V mad. The Paxton ToJet Company. Boa>on. Mai J
A toilet preparation of mertA
Help* to eradicate dandruff.
For Restoring Color end
Beauty to Gray or Faded Halt
Cp< (inaranfppH WindsorPlatedTeaapoagw
CJCI UUdIOIIICCU given anyone sending only
50c silver for Fairy yneen Beauty Secret. Barest A
all for perfect beauty: leaves not a blemish. Bode
mailed Immediately. SiHIS UFl'B CO , Carfchai,naau»
W. N. U., ATLANTA, NO. 28-1918.