Newspaper Page Text
We wanteverv afflicted woman to try
at least one bottle of Stella-Vitae on
our plain, open guarantee to return the
money paid for it if it does not benefit.
If you doubt our word that it will
relieve the distressing aches, pains and
misery peculiar to the diseases of wo
men, read thetestimony of these women
who have tried it jpid are glad to tell
others what it has done for them. The
only interest they have in the matter
is that which any true woman feels in
helping to relieve the sufferings of other
women. You can believe them.
Mrs. J. F. Lee, Milstead, Ga., had
female complaint for years. Three bot
tles of Stella-Vitae cured her, she
said, ami added,“l am certainly thank
ful for this great female tonic.” Mrs.
ParaleeFrazier, Longview, Tex., ex
pressed appreciation of Stem.a-Vitae
in these words: “I cannot say too much
for this wonderful medicine. I had
taken other female medicines for two
years with no good results. I am truly
grateful for the good Stella-Vitae
has done me.” Mrs. Sandy Withers,
of Greensboro, Ala., was a terrible suf
ferer from female trouble—and only a
woman knows what that means! Her
condition got so bad her pains threw
her into spells like fits. Her husband
feared she would lose her mind. The
Greensboro doctors pronounced her in
curable. Then somebody suggested
that she take Stella-Vitae. She did
so. The first dose lightened her spells.
Stella-Vitae is a perfectly harm
less compound anditnotonly alleviates
a woman’s pain, but builds up her
health; it stimulates her appetite, aids
digestion, quiets her nerves and clears
her complexion. It improves her per
sonal appearance.
All dealers sell Stella-Vitae, and are
authorized to return the money paid
for the first bottle if it does not benefit.
For sale by Horton Drug Co.
Watkins Medicines.
1 have accepted the agency of
the well known Watkins remedies
and flavoring extracts, and desire
to inform the people that I am
now making the regular rounds,
prepared to supply any demands.
Please wait for me, and all orders
will be duly appreciated.
J. H. Jackson.
inactive Kidneys •
Cause Disease
‘‘l shall not Boon forget the benefit* 1 derived
froo the «i#a of Foley Midney Pills."—AL A.
Godfrey, Forest Grove, Oregon.
Too much work and too little work
seem to have about the same effect
on persons past middle age. Proper
action of the kidneys is necessary to
good health. They act as a filter
and remove from the blood poisonous
waste matter which if permitted to
remain in the system leads to many
Many nervous, tired, run-down men
nnd women suffer from pains in the
back and sides, dizzy spells, bladder
weakness, sore muscles and stiff
joints and fail to realize that rheuma
tism, diabetes or even Bright's dis
ease may result. 9
If you have cause to believe that
your kidneys are weak, disordered or
inactive you should act immediately.
I<'oley Kidney Pills have been used
by young, middle aged and old with
complete satisfaction. They act quick
ly and surely and have given relief
xu eases of ten years’ standing.
The McDonough Drug 20.
Terrible Suffering From Headache,
Sideacbe, Backache, and Weak
ness, Relieved by Cardui,
Says This Texas Lady.
Gonzales, Tex.— Mrs. Minnie Phll
pot, of this place, writes: "Five years
ago I was taken with a pain In my
1 3ide. It was right tinder my
ItH rib. It would commence with an
aching and extend up into my left
ehoulder and on down into my back.
By that time the pain would be bo
severe I would have to take to bed,
and suffered usually about three days
i... 1 suffered this way for three years,
and got to be a mere skeleton and was
so weak I could hardly stand alone.
Was not able to go anywhere and had
to let my house work g0...1 suffered
awful with & pain in my hack and I
had the headache all the time. I Just
was unable to do a thing. My life
was a misery, my 6tomaeh got in an
awful condition, Caused from taking
so much medicine. I suffered so much
pain. I had just about given up all
hopes of our getting anything to help
One day a Birthday Almanac was
thrown in my yard. After reading
its testimonials I decided to try Car
dui, and am so thankful that I did,
for I began to improve when on the
second bottle...l am now a well
woman and feeling fine and the cure
has been permanent for it has been
two years since my awful bad health.
I will always praise and recommend
CferduL" Try Cardui todaj, £ U
Statement of the condition ot
The Bank of Stockbridge
Located at Stockbridge, Ga., at the close of business June 29, 1918
Demand Loans - - - *<3,691.48
lime Loans - - - . 147 i?? 71-
Overdrafts, secured ’
Overdrafts, unsecured - l 70016
Bonds and Stocks owned by
the Bank .... 11,150.00
Banking House - - . 1500.00
Furniture and Fixtures - - 1,500.00
Due from Banks and Bankers
in this State - - - 6,672.38
Due from Banks and Bankers
in other States - - 1.855.10
Currency - - 8,037.00
Gold - 20.00
Silver, Nickels, etc. - 246.18
Cash Items - 252.18
Advances on Cotton 71,508.07 75,153.43
War Savings Stamps 433,68
Total - - - $276,678.99
ST A TE OF GEORGIA.—County of Henry.
Before me came C. M. Power, Cashier of Bank of Stockbridge, Ga., who being
duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said
Bank, as shown by the books of file in said Bank
0 , C. M. POWER.
Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 6th day of July, 1918.
Statement of the condition
The Bank of Hampton
Located at Hampton, Ga., at the close of business June 29, 1918.
Demand Loans $ 500.60
Time Loans .... 114,765.23
Overdrafts, Unsecured - - 1,817.59
Bonds and Stock owned by
the Bank - - 5,000.00
Furniture and Fixtures - 1,200.00
Due from Banks and Bankers
in this State - - 27,150.28
Due from Banks and Bankers
in other States - - 14,003 93
Currency - $5,100.00
Gold - - - 80.00
Gold Certificates .....
Silver, Nickels, etc. - 409.00
Cash Items - - 5,090.25 10,679.25
Total .... $175,116.28
State of Georgia—HenryCounty.
Before me came J. O. Rutherford, Cashier of the Bank of Hampton, who being
duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said
Bang, as shown by the boons of file in said Bans
0 , J. O. RUTHERFORD, Cashier.
Sworn to and subscribed before me, this Bth day of July, 1918.
GEO. 8. D. MALAIER, N. P. & Ex off. J. P.
Statement of the condition of
The Citizens Bank
Located at Locust Grove, Ga., at the close of business June 29, 1918
Demand Loans - ... $21,562.03
Time Loans - - - 75.373.98
Overdrafts, secured
Overdrafts, unsecured, -2, 70.50
Bonds and Stocks owned by Bank 2,500.00
Banking House - - - 2,700.00
Furniture and Fixtures - - 1,626.00
Due from Banks and Bankers
in this State - - - 8,067.87
Due from Banks and Bankers
in other States . - - 3,246.12
Currency - - |2,646.00
Gold - - 27.60
Silver, Nickels, etc. 109.01
Cash items 998.20 3,779.71
Advances on cotton - - 20,472 73
Total .... 1141,297.94
State of Georgia—Henry County.
Before me came J. C. McKnight, cashier of the Citizens Bank, Locust Grove,
duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true
condition ot said bank, as shown by the books of file in said bank.
J , J. c McKNIGHT, Cashier.
Sworn to and subscribed before me, this Bth day of July, 1918.
O. B. PLEXICO, C. N. P., H. Co., Ga.
These three words fitly describe
jKMiitAlTMhi lilV’l iff ft d 4 tW
Sold only in sterilized bottles to
insure uniformity and cleanliness
™ . /
With no bad after effect
Capital Stock Paid in - - $24,000.00
Undivided Profits, less Current
Expenses, interest and
Taxes Paid . 21,352.67
Individual Deposits Subject
to Check .... 142.032.52
Time Certificates ... 59,182.37
Cashier’s Checks - - - 111 43
Bills Payable, including Time Cer
tificates representing Borrowed
Money, .... 30,000.
Total - - - $276,678.99
Capital Stock Paid in - - 25,000.00
Sup]us Fund - 30,000.00
Undivided Profits, less current
Expenses, Interest and Tax
es Paid 4,916.40
Due Unpaid Dividends
Individual Deposits Subject
to check - - - 80,637.91
Time certificates - - 34,655.85
Cashier’s checks 6.12
Bills Payable, Including Time
certificates representing
Bon owed Money - None
Total .... $175,116,28
Capital Stock paid in $17,880.00
Undivided profits, less current
expenses, interest and
taxes paid - - - 12,158.16
Due unpaid dividends - - 148.80
Individual deposits subject to c’k 62,769.83
Time Certificates - - 10,841.16
Bills payable, including Time
Certificates representing
borrowed money - - 37,600.00
Total - - - $141,297.94
Statement of the condition of
The Farmers & Merchant Bank
Located at McDonough, Ga., at the close of business, June 29, 1918,
Demand Loans, ... $ 7,025.09
Time Loans 123.163 66
Overdrafts secured . none
Overdrafts, unsecured . 12,104.74
Bonds and Stocks owned by
the Bank . . . 31,000.00
Banking House, . . . 3.800.00
Furniture and Fixtures . 2,300 00
•ue from Banks and Bankers
in this State, . . . 4,483 08
Due from Banks and Bankers
in other States . . . 6,457 25
Currency . , $726.00
Silver, Nickels, etc. 281.77 8,901 36
Ca>h Items . 37.80
Advances on Cotton 7,855.79
Total . . $202,235.18
STATE OF GEORGIA. — County of Henry.
Before me came H. J. Turner. President of The Farmers and Merchants Bank
wno, being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condi
tion ol said Bank as shown by the books of file in said Bank. H. J. Turner, President
s worn to and subscribed before me, this Bth dav of July. 1918.
J. R. TURNER. C. N. P. of Henry Co., Ga.
Statement of the condition of
The Bank of Locust Grove
Located at Locust Grove, Ga., at the close of business June 29, 1918<
Demand Loans - $ 6,310 00
Time Loans - - * 84,784.78
Overdrafts, secured. - - 440.63
Overdrafts, unsecured, - 1,219.06
Banking House - - 4,819.23
Furniture, and fixtures - 1,864 46
Other real estate - - - none
Due from Banks and Bankers
in this State - - - 1,554.58
Due from Banks and Hankers in
other States - - 291 08
Currency - 491.00
Gold 45.00
Silver, Nickels, etc., 227 86
Cash items - - 193.51 957 37
Cotton acceptances . . 12,500.00
Total .... 114,741.19
State of Georgia—Henry County.
Before me came C. B. Plexico, Cashier of above Bank, who being duly sworn says
that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said Bank, as sshown
by the books of file in said Bank. C. B. PLEXICO, Cashier.
Sworn to and subscribed before me, this Bth dav of July, 1918.
• j. c. Mcknight, on p„ of h. Co., g»
New England Mutual Life
Insurance Company of. Boston, Mass.
The Oldest Company In America
Since chartered in 1836, the Company has received from policy holders $209,277,C3fc’>
and has paid for death losses, endowments, surrendered policies, and returns of sur
plus, $157,627,798. It had on hand January 1, 1918, assets of $79,095,500 with which to
meet all liabilities of $73,729,048.
Payments to policyholders and present assets exceed premiums received from,
policyholders by $27,446,266.
District Manager, Griffin, Ga.
Have caused a shortage of goods, with constant advances in
prices. Therefore, it has become necessary for us, in order to
give the best service to our customers, to put our business on a
STRICTLY CASH BASIS, beginning June 15th.
A five per cent, discount ticket will be given on all goods ex
cept Diamonds and Watches —redeemable from the fifteenth to
the twentieth of each month. We ask your co-operation.
T. H. WYNN, The Jeweler,
/ .jr
» /
/ \
M .H
Capital Stock paid in . . $30,000. C»
Undivided profits, less Current
Expenses, interest and
Taxes paid .... 13,011.75
Individual Deposits subject
to check 76,111.9?
Time-Certificates . . . 38.062,40
Cashier’s Checks . . . 49.02
Bills payable, including Time
Certificat -s representing
borrowed money 45,000.0*
Total . . $202,235 If-
Capital Stock Paid in - $25,000.0*
Undivided Profits, less Current
Expenses, Interest and
Taxes Paid - - 18,731.01
Due to Banks and Bankers in
this State - - - 14,685.65
Individual Deposits Subject to
Check - - - 46 365,74
Time Certificates - - - 9,974.35
Cashier’s Checks - - -' 84.54
Total .... 314.741.1 G