The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, August 30, 1918, Image 8

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Hot, dry and dusty.
If you will save your smoke till
after luncheon you’ll never have
smoker’s heart.
Mrs. J. B. Joyner and three of
her children, of Fitzgerald, are
visiting relatives in Henry county
this week. Spent Saturday night
with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Joyner,
attended services at Sharon Sun
Mesrs. Grady Bryans, Adell Joy
ner, Misses Nell Forsyth,’ Irene
Turner and Elon Norman motor
ed to Shingleroof camp meeting
Sunday afternoon.
Mr. P. A. Allen and son Andrew
spent one day last week with
their daughter and sister, Mrs.
Henry Joyner.
Sharon Sunday school will be
held in the afternoon, beginning
ning at 2:30 o’clock with song ser
vice. Let all be on time. We
ask that every one come that can.
Let’s try to make our Sunday
School what it ought to be. You
who havn’t been coming make an
effort to start next Sunday. We
believe it would make you better
men and women, better boys and
girls, and we know it would be
an uplift to we who try to be
faithful to the work. Come one
and all, old and young.
At Sharon we had a few days
meeting beginning Wednesday of
last week, Rev. C. C. Heard, the
pastor, preaching. Despite the
busy season with fodder had good
congregations. Meeting closed
Sunday, baptizing after the eleven
o’clock sermon. Three were add
ed to the church, Mr. Howard
Patterson restored, Mrs. Howard
Patterson by letter, Mr. Ralph
Joyner by experience. The ser-
mon Sunday was on appreciation.
We felt it good to be there. I
trust it will be a blessing to each
one present. May we appreciate
each pther better, and ever be
ready, willing and waiting to do
the will of our Lord and Master.
For the next three weeks there
will be singing conventions, one
at Countyline (Butts) this week,
Friday and Saturday. One at Mt.
Carmel next week, Thursday and
Friday before the third High Falls
Musical Convention.
Remember, these singing con
ventions are not jumped up affairs,
and they do not happen on a mo
ment’s notice. One need not sus-
rr*i r* £ \ i — %==4 — |
(fojj* chA iijrj
There’s nothing quite so cooling, W VI \
refreshing and satisfying as —4/; /
Chero-Cola __ Ms \ Till |w
“In a bottle—through a straw ” / \
Buy it by the case. Keep a few bottles on ice in 11 1111 111 J&rW if
your refrigerator—when hubby comes in, hot, P f °
tired and thirsty—when the unexpected guests j JT - .. - j J/\
arrive—a delightful refreshment is ever ready | j ~~ \\
to serve and bring good cheer to the household. j kjf L
REFRESHING! !\ /1 A ' ■■
pect for a moment that these sing
ings are not in the hands of hon
est to goodness singers. It is a
time wherein religion is to be
praised as a thing of love and
and beauty, with no vehement
suggestion of hellfire and damna
tion and the terrors of the world
hereafter awaiting sinners and
evil doers. At these singings
there gather the very flower of
Dixie’s manhood and loVeliness,
and it is singing that surely makes
happy the heart of the Master if
power of praise does, for it is
crowned with real melody, real
religious fervor, real enthusiasm
and seriousness of purpose.
Sleepy Eyes.
Leave to Sell.
GEORGIA—Henry County.
To whom it may concern: C. C. Clark,
administrator of the estate of J. VV. Clark
deceased, having in due form made appli
cation for leave to sell the lands belong
ing to said estate, consisting of 100 acres
in Shakerag district of said county and
State, Said application will be heard
at the regular term of the Court of Ordi
nary for said county to be held on the
first Monday in Sept. 1918. This 5” day
of Aug. 1918.
A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary.
For Year s Support.
G EORGI A—Hen ry County.
Mrs. Mollie A. Clark having made ap
plication for twelve months support out
of the estate of J. W. Clark, deceased, All
persons concerned are hereby required to
show cause before the Court of Ordinary
of said county on the first Monday in Sep
tember, 191 s, why said application should
uot be granted. This ti” day of Aug. 1918.
A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary.
For Administration.
GEORGIA—Henry County.
To whom it may concern: Mrs. F. E.
Dunn having made application to me in
due form to be appointed permanent ad
ministrator upon the estate of H L. Dunn
late of said county, notice is breby given
that said application will be heard at the
regular term of the Court of Ordinary for
said county, to be held on the first Mon
day in September, 1918
Witness my hand and official signature
this sth day of August, 1918.
A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary.
Rxdcnto M»dicin«Co., Tjjj
your fcixelento Quinine L
pomade Luf bur »a» H
ahurt. coarso and nappy, K
but now it baa grown to 32 ■
and I pan 1t K
Cink Remover fool I
;raighten your hair K
, That’s what
, feeds the Roots of U
crow long, soft and ■
v times you can tell H
era little while it a
ntr that you can fix H
elent a don tdo as jgj
mur money bach. B
i receipt of stamps 9
ticulars. 9 A
CO.. Atlanta, Co. B
Have caused a shortage of goods, with constant advances in
prices. Therefore, it has become necessary for us, in order to
give the best service to our customers, to put our business on a
STRICTLY CASH BASIS, beginning June 15tb.
A five per cent, discount ticket will be given on all goods ex
cept Diamonds and Watches —redeemable from the fifteenth to
the twentieth of each month. We ask your co-operation.
T. H. WYNN, The Jeweler,
Attorneys at Law
McDonough, G.a.
Call or write us lor farm loans.
McDonough, Ga.
Office Hours : 7:30 to 5 : 00
doing optical work for my many friends and
patrons, examining eyes, filling prescriptions
and duplicating lenses.
Since moving to my new location I have
spared no expense toward making this depart
ment one of the best in the city, having engaged
the services of one of the msst competent Opto -
metrists obtainable, and am pleased to say that
I can give you very much better service than
Remember our prices for this unexcelled
service are very moderate, and that satisfaction
is fully guaranteed.
Optician and Jeweler,
Est. 1891. 110 Peachtree Arcade.
l&Ask Your Grocer.;
Wfei&.i -Tc£_,-k # V’S
* TOT ■ V.;
* • 'f&lr' • -v- r 9 ••. • , -
Best By Every Test
For Congress.
To the Voters of the Sixth Con-
GREssionAL District of Georgia :
I am a candidate for the Sixty-
Sixth Congress, to succeed myself,
subject to such rules and regula
tions as may be adopttd by the Ex
ecutive Committees.
I have endeavored at ail times
to lock after every interest of my
constituents, and to represent them
to the best of my ability.
Since being in Congress, I have,
been kept in Washington almost
continuously, and have not had the
opportunity and pleasure of visit
ing my constituents, as I would
have under other circumstances,
but I felt it my duty to remain at
my post in these l perilous times,
and render what assistance I could
to successfully prosecute the war
If it is the will of the voters of
the Sixth District that* I be return
ed to Congress, I shall do all I can
by word and act. to bring this aw
ful war to a speedy and victorious
termination, and then to devote
myself with all the energy I have
to the passage of such legislation
as will tend to the upbuilding of
our government, and if possible,
establish a lasting and permanent
peace among the nations of the
earth, so that freedom and liberty
may be the portion of mankind ev
Thanking my constituents for
past favors, and hoping my candi
dacy may meet with your apnrov
al, I am Sincerely.
-1. W. WISE.
For Judge Superior Courts.
To the Voters of the Flint Circuit *
I am a candidate, subject to the
Democratic Primary rules, for
Judge of the Superior Courts of
this Circuit for the ensueing fall
term and will appreciate your sup
port and votes in the primary elec
tion on September 11 next.
Very respectfully.
Wm. E. H. Searcy, Jr.
For Representative.
To the Voters Constituting the
Democratic White Primary, to be
held in Henry county, Ga., on the
11th day of September, 1918: 1
offer myself for re-election for
Representative of Henry county.
If elected will, he found represent
ing the best principles which make
a great State and County.
Thanking you in advance, I am
your servant,
To the Voters ot Henrv County :
I announce my candidacy for
Representative of Henry county
subject to Democratic primary
I am induced to make -this race
in response to the urgent solicita
tion of numerous friends and citi
zens ; and because of an earnest
desire to be of service to the people
of our county, together with a nat
ural ambition for the honor and
distinction which the office itself
If elected to this office I will fill
the same with the greatest of pride
and will do my utmost to reflect
credit upon both Die state and
county ; and to the full extent of
my ability I pledge my highest en
deavor only for the promotion of
legislation and enactment of laws
tending to serve the very best in
terests of our state aftd county.
With the faithful assurance to
the people of my deep and lasting
appreciation, I earnestly ask for
the influence and vote of each and
every citizen of Henrv county.
For Commissioner.
I am a candidate for Commis
sioner of Roads and Revenues of
Henry county, subject to thp Dem
ocratic primary Sept. 11, 1918. Be
ins: in position to devote my entire
time to the duties of the office, I
promise to do so if elected, and will
duly appreciate the support of eve
ry voter of the county.
Respectfully, A. K. Ivimbell.
To the White Voters of Henry
I am a candidate for re-election
to tiie office of Commissioner of
Roads and Revenues for Henry
County, subject to nomination in
the Democratic Primary Septem
ber 11, 1918.
I will appreciate the votes of the
white people of the county and en
deavor to discharge all the duties
of the office in a way that- will he
to the best interests of the people
of the county.
Very respectfullv.
Notice to Debtors and Creditors
All persons holding claims against the
estate of ,T. W. Clark, deceased, are here
by notified to present same to the under
signed in due form of law, and those in
debted to said estate must make immedi
ate payment. This Aug. 6, 1918.
C. C. CLARK, Adm'r.