Newspaper Page Text
The Henry
County Weekly
Entered at the postoffice at McDon
ough, Ga., to second class mail matter.
Advertising Kates 15c per inch, posi
sttion 5c additional—special contracts.
Official Organ of Henry County.
McDonough, Ga., Sept. 13, 1918.
The South River Baptist Asso
ciation meets with Bethany church
on Wednesday and Thursday, the
18th and 19th. Visiting ministers
and messengers will be met at the
train in, McDonough if they will
notify at once J. H. Rape Clerk,
R. F. D. 1, McDonough, Ga.
What is life anyhow?
Politics is some tick.
Fried chicken coinin’ high.
What kind of a “slacker” are
Pay-for The Weekly] out jof the
first bale-er-cotton.
If you was to die today where
would you go?
Let’s have sign boards on the
public roads.
Muscadines ripe—let’s go an old
time ’possum huntin’.
Pay up for The Weekly and
don’t be a “paper slacker.”
Let’s have sign boards on the
public roads, Mr. Henry County.
Hell will be done away with fif
ty years from now at the present
Your “Uncle Wes” Knight has
opened up an up-to-date meat
market in McDonough.
They use to have folks up in the
church, but they have Quit now —
it’s unpopular.
Say, Mr. Henry County, we need
sign boards on the public roads.
It’s against the law to do noth
ing now. You must work five
and one-half days each week.
One hundred years from now
all of us will be dead and in either
heaven or hell.
Some of you folks laughed at
‘"Observer” last year about his
perilous time talk. What about it
now ?
A penny or nickel in the church
or Sunday school collection on
Sunday, and from five to twenty
cents every day in the week for
coca cola, ice cream, cigars, gin
ger ale, Penn’s, Red J or Brown’s
Mule tobacco, and occasionally
five or ten bucks to see a moving
picture show in Atlanta, and yet 1
ail of us Baptist feel like we are
on the road to heaven, because
we cannot fall from grace, and us
Methodists, if we fall one day can
be saved again next day, and us
Presly,erians, just so we keep
Sunday are all right, and all of us
Hard Shells were saved before
we were born, and of course we
are all happy on the way and will
be a fine-looking crowd when we
get up to heaven. Some of us
Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterians
and Hard Shells don’t go to meet
ing, and some of us cuss, drink
and gamble, and some of us won’t
speak to our neighbor and we
don’t like the preacher, but we
are going to fix all that before we
die —if we have time.
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears J
Signature of
What is a Branch
The Branch House is the place in
the packing organization where what
the packing plant does for you is put
where you can use it
Both are the natural result of
growth and development in the living
thing they belong to.
Swift & Company Branch Houses
are located in distributing centers all
over the country. They are fitted
out with refrigerating equipment to
keep meat cool, sweet and fresh.
Each one is in personal charge of a
man who believes in what Swift &
Company is doing for people and
wants to help do it
They are directed by men who
have spent years learning how to get
better meat cheaper to the places
where it is needed.
Meat is shipped to the branch
houses direct from the packing plants
in Swift & Company’s refrigerator
cars, in such quantities that it can be
disposed of while fresh and sweet.
Your meat dealer comes here to
buy your meat for you —unless some
one else can treat him better then
we can.
So you need the branch house in
order to live well; and the branch
house and the packing plant need
each other,in order to be useful to you.
Swift & Company, U. S. A.
A New England Premium,
less a new New England Dividend, purchasing a* New
England Policy, containing New England Values, make
an Insurance Proposition which in the sum of All Its
Benefits is unsurpassed for Net Low Cost and Care of all
New England Mutual Life Insurance Company, Boston, Mass.
Chartered in 1835.
Manager Griffin District, Griffin, Georgia.
s 11 9 5
fruH %'t Trucß F. 0.8. FACTORY
Specifications—Prompt dclivcrii ;. Weight, 3,300 lbs.; Gray Motor, 4-cylinder, valve-in-head, 35 h.p.
Covert transmission; Multiple* isc clutch; Kinston high-tension magneta; Special automatic carbu
retor, with gravity feed; Cellular type radiator; Drop forged front axle with Timken roller bearings;
Russell rear axle, internal gear, roller bearings; Semi-elliptic front and rear springs; U-channel struc
tural steel frame; Heavy truck ' ype wheels; Standard Fisk tires; Oil cup lubricating system—simple
control and many 'other features for perfect performance.
Other trucks with same r; cm cf units sell for 32500.00. We save you more than a thousand
I dollars. We guarantee the T :‘fic Truck to carry 4,000 lbs. over the roads under all reasonable
conditions. Write, wire or cor :o ir. We have the trucks in stock.
:t. vchinery mfg. co.
11 H. cw th St., Atlanta, Ga.
Children Cry for Fletcher’s
1 . j| b
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been
in use for over over 30 years, has borne the signature of
and has been made under his per
sonal supervision since its infancy.
'-fuzS-yZ /'Ct’CCMbi Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good ” are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children —Experience against Experiment.
What is CASTOR I A
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric,
Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains
neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its
age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has
-been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency,
Wind Colic and Diarrhoea ; allaying Feverishness arising
therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids
the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children’s Panacea —The Mother’s Friend.
In Use For Over 30 Years
The Kind You Have Always Bought
I am in the Real Estate Business.
List your farm with me. See me
for Bargains in Real Estate and
Farm Lands.
Will appreciate all business en
trusted to me, and will give it my
careful attention.
Small Farms a Specialty.
McDonough, Ga.
Notice to Sell Real Estate for
To Whom it May Concern :
Notice is hereby given by the
undersigned that I will apply to
Hon. Wm. E. H. Searcy. Jr., at
Griffin, Ga\, on Oct. 19th, 1918. at
10 o’clock for authority to sell
at private sale the following de
scribed real estate situated in Up
son conuty, Georgia, to :wit:
70 acres of land off of lot No. 137
known as the Anslev place, which
is described in deed from
John P. Murray to John F.
Coneland, Guardian, dated Dec. 7.
1910, and recorded in deed record
19 on page 262 in the Clerk’s office
of Upson Superior Court. Said
land being in the 16th district of
Upson county, Georgia.
The above mud is the property
of my wards, Marguerite, Florence,
Ada, Willie and Minnie Lee
land. All of saul wards have now
arrived at the age of 21 years ex
cept two. Marguerite and Florence
The undivided two-fifths interest
of Marguerite and Florence Cope
land is to he sold for the purpose
of reinvestment in War Savings
The land has ceased to be profit
able and is not rented this year. It
is expensive in that taxes must lie
{laid on same and the buildings are
depreciating in value and need re
pairs now, and the purchase of
Savings Stamps will be a more
profitable investment.
A purchaser has been found who
has offered a good price for said
property, and authority will be
asked to make said sale at private
sale. This Sept. 3. 1918.
Guardian for Marguerite. Florence,
Ada, Willie and Minnie Lee
For Leave to Sell.
GEORGIA—Hemy County.
To whom it may concern : Mrs.
Willie Owen Admtr’x. of the estate
of Mrs. Annie Askew deceased,
having in due form made applica
tion for leave to sell the lands be
longing to said estate, consisting
of 1 (Ml seres in Stoekbridge district
of said county and state.
!Said application will he heard at
the regular term of the Court, of
Ordinary for said county to he held
on the first Monday in Oct., 1918.
This 3d dav of Sept.. 1918.
A. G. Haiuus. Ordinary.