Newspaper Page Text
< Local Happenings
Fraternal Lodge No 37 F. & A.M.
Regular communications of Fraterna
Lodge No, 37 F & A M meet Ist and 3;
Firdav nights in each month. All dulj
qualified brethren fraternally and cordi
ally invited to meet with us.
Bailor Smith, W. M.
O, L. Adams, Sec.
Two good horses for sale. W.
B. J. Ingram.
Cotton still hovering rround 35
You will find Speer the spec
tacle-man at the old stand.
Have your car painted at Jack
son, Ga., by J. F. Maddox. 4t
Mr. Edward McGuire of Atlanta
was a visitor in the city Sunday.
Mr. Paul DeLoach of Camp Gor
don visited McDonough Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Sims spent
Sunday with relatives in Atlanta.
Mrs. R. H. Daniel spent the
week end with relatives in Griffin.
Mrs. Frank Flint of Griffin was
the guest of Mrs. deForest Taylor
one day last week.
We have a few Mowers that we
will close out at cost. Hampton
Hardware & Furniture Co.
Good Seed Wheat for sale —
$3.00 per bushel. Howell Gard
ner, Locust Grove, Ga.
Mrs. William Pullin has return
ed home after an extended visit
to her parents in Jackson.
In order to get needed rest. Dr.
D. A. Brown has placed his office
hours at Bto 2. See card.
Mrs. E. D. Tolleson and little
daughter Miriam are visiting rela
tives in Jackson this week.
We have a few Mowers that we
will close out at cost. Hampton
Hardware & Furniture Co.
Miss Elizabeth Owens of Zebu
lon was the guest of Miss Louise
Smith several days last week.
The Woman’s Club will meet at
the residence of Mrs. Ralph Turner
at 4 o’clock next Tuesday after
Have your car painted at Jack
son, Ga., by J. F. Maddox. 4t
Mrs. Frank Kidd of Hartwell
visited Mrs. Jack Craft at the
home of Mrs. E. M. Smith last
Mrs. E. J. Reagan visited her
daughter, Mrs. Hill Redwine, in.
Fayetteville, several days last
If you need Hay Wire, come to
see us. We have it at the right
price. Hampton Hardware & Fur
niture Co.
/ Mrs. deForest Taylor came down
from Michigan last vyeek and is
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
H. B. Neal.
Dr. Hess Stock Tonic for Stock
and Hogs. Well to use this now
and have hogs worth while.
Copeland-Turner Mrc. Co.
If you need Hay Wire, come to
see us. We have it at the right
price. Hampton Hardware & Fur
niture Co.
A flying machine man will be in
McDonough in a week or two to
give demonstration flights two or
three days. Particulars later.
Mesdames J. T. Weems, Emer
son Weems, H. M. Turner and E.
D. Tolleson were guests at a din
ner party at the home of Mrs. Ed
Veach in Atlanta last Friday.
Have vour car painted at Jack
son, Ga., by J. F. Maddox. 4t
We have a few Mowers that we
will close out at cost. Hampton
Hardware & Furniture Co.
Can rebore your “Ford,” “Buick
Four” and “Metz” Cylinders for
Pistons. Jno. R. Smith,
McDonough, Ga. tf.
Rev. J. M. Gilmore has returned
home after a two weeks absence,
conducting protracted services*
near Milledgeville.
Why worry about Stove Wood
when you can get, from the Cope
land-Turner Mrc. Co., New Per
fection Oil Cook Stoves.
If you need Hay Wire, come to
see us. We have it at the right
price. Hampton Hardware & Fur
niture Co.
Miss Hettie McCurdy arrived
Monday and will have charge of
the millinery department at T. A.
Sloan & Co’s, again this season.
After a visit to Mrs. J. A. Fou
che, Miss Fannie Cheatham left
Saturday for Atlanta, before re
turning to her home in Dawson.
We are now in the market for
Cotton Seed at the Highest Mar
ket Price. See us before you sell.
H. A. Turner & Co., Hampton, Ga.
The Weekly will return to all
home print after this issue. Cor
respondents please send items
early, as we then have more local
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Norton re
turned last week from a visit to
relatives in New York and Virgina
and are at the Brown House for
the winter.
Empty syrup barrels, five and
ten gallon cans, half and one gal
lon tin cans. Supply Georgia and
Abruzzi Seed Rye. Copeland-
Turner Mrc. Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Walker
and Mr. and Mrs. Will Peace are
receiving congratulations upon the
arrival of a little girl at their
homes last Friday.
For sale, my home place in Mc-
Donough, with six acres of land
attached. Also, good farm con
taining 100 acres of land near
town. Mrs. 0. E. Ham. tf
Among those coming down from
Atlanta for Sunday with the home
folks were Misses Beulah Atkin
son, Ellene Neal, Nina Wall, Jea
nette Liddell and Martha Brown.
Dill Pickles, Grape Juice, Seed
ed Raisins, Canned Coeoanut, As
paragus Tips, Onions and Sweet
Potatoes. Fresh Beef, Fish and
Oysters Saturday. Copeland-Tur-
Mrc. Co.
For Sale —big twin T 7 Indian
Motorcycle with side car, well
equipped, A 1 condition, run about
2,000 miles, looks like new. Bar
gain for cash or terms. J. N.
dark, Ellenwood, Ga.
J. W. Parks’ pedigreed strain
of “Bred-to-and-do-lay” Barred
Rock Cockerels for sale. Year
ling size $1.50, Cocks $3.00. Breed
the lay into your flock. Earle
Hunt, McDonough, Route. 1. 4t
Seed Wheat, Varieties Blue
Stem, Red May and Velvet Chaff.
This is the wheat that is being
grown successfully in this section.
Good Supply Blue Stone. Cope
land-Turner Mrc. Co.
Mr. Joseph Mann, one of the
cleverest and best business men
of Stockbridge, has moved with
his family to McDonough, where
he will buy cotton this season. A
cordial welcome is extended him.
Stockbridge Womans Club
The Stockbridge Womans Club
met at the home of Mrs. Rosser
Ward last Wednesday afternoon.
Many members responded to roll
call, giving some current
event. Many things were discuss
ed and the ladies were interested
and enthusiastic about the work
that was being planned.
It was decided to have a meas
uring party on Wednesday 4th,
proceeds to be used in Red Cross
work. It was aiso agreed to so
licit a collection of eggs from the
rural route families of Stockbridge
district, beginning Sept. 10, pro
ceeds to be used in Red Cross
work also.
The resignation of Mrs. C. A.
Pless as Secretary & Treasurer
was accepted, and the office given
to Mrs. S. C. McWilliams. Last
but not least, delightful refresh
ments were served, and meeting
Mrs. S. C. McWilliams,
Sept. 4, 1918. Press Reporter.
like these all 1917 and 1918
model Tourings. Yale Locks,
Shock Absorbers, Demountable
Rims, at right prices. Next
door to Jackson National Bank.
Jackson, Ga. R. N. Etheridge
Auto Co.
We pay from s'looto $3.00 per set (brok
en or not ). We also pay actual value for
Diamonds, old Gold. Silver and Bridge
work. Send at once by parcel post and
receive cash by return mail.
Dept. X, 2007 S. sth St.. PHILADELPHIA. PA.
The J. M. HIGH CO., Atlanta
announce the opening of
I ' #
Corner Whitehall and Hunter Streets
(Just across the street from the former store)
Monday, September 16th
You Are Cordially Invited to Attend
TJ VERY important buying center of
Y-J the East has been thoroughly
searched in order to bring to our
many friends and customers the new- |ffr/7?7\
est and best merchandise at the very /fj • 1| 1 \
lowest prices. It required a great /V W\
deal of time and money, but we feel £sSwi\ t
that you will agree with us when you
see what we offer, that it was entire- [ I i \\
ly justified. y.
Women s Ready-to- Wear vjftSmSf I
The smartest and most stunning models in I
Womens’ Suits, Dresses, Skirts and Waists ll j
will be found in our Ready-to-Wear section at
prices that will prove an agreeable surprise. j
A New Infants * Shop n j
Our new Infants’ Shop, in charge of compe- \\ /
tent people with a rest room for women U] /
shoppers, is a feature of unusual interest and \ M ,
importance. \ l IJ
Millinery in Late Styles \ \
A skilled corps of salespersons will be in T^~\S
charge of our Millinery Department where
the latest style Hats and accessories will be " rl \ \
sold. All of your shopping worries will end \ \ x\\
here and you will find everyone able and will- / / \A
ing to assist you in any manner whatever.
Clothing £or Boys, Childrens* Dresses
House Furnishings, Silks, Dress Goods
Everything You Expect to Find in a Progressive Store.
Some have Yale Locks, De
mountable Rims, Shock Absorb
ers. all 1917 and 1918 model
Tourings. Last chance at Fords
like these, Next door to Jack
son National Bank. R. N. Eth
eridge Auto Co.. Jackson, Ga.
G. R. Ogden, of Shinnston, W. Va., says: “I have used Ff
AVALON h ARMS HOG-TONE 56 days and I think it is the Pa
best medicine I ever used. I have two pigs 4 months and 3 days M
oui that weigh 360 pounds, one 6 pounds heavier than the other.
I hey are 100 pounds heavier than my neighbor's 2 of the few
same litter and feed.” gO
This is the experience of a
typical user of Hog-Tone.
There arc hundreds and hun
dreds of letters on file at the
Avalon Farms Company’s
office from nearly every state
■ v cr.v C .-.ton, uu telling of big
improvement in hogs and
in hog profits through the
use of Hog-Tone, the scientifi
cally prepared Hog Condition
er, Fattener and Worm Re
mover. Hog-Tone is sold on
Ofkiok Hours :
8 A. M. to 2 P. M.
McDonough, Ga.
j . .
r ‘fa
v '. f J... * *■ f
60 days’ Free J
Trial under
a n absolute \
guarantee. Come in the store
and tell us how many hogs
you have in your herd and we
will give you enough Hog-Tone
to treUt all of them 60 days.
You don’t have to pay for it
unless you are absolutely satis
fied. The decision is left en
tirely to you.