Newspaper Page Text
Trust Me! Try Dodson’s Liver Tone!
Calomel Harms Liver and Bowels
Read my piarantoo! Liven your liver and bowels
and get strand*toned up without taking sicken
ing calomel. Don’t lose a day’s work!
There's no reason why a person
should take sickening, salivating calo
mel when a few cents buys a large
bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone— a per
fect substitute for calomel.
It is a pleasant, vegetable liquid
which will start your liver just as
surely as calomel, but it doesn't make
you sick and can not salivate.
Children and grown folks can take
Dodson’s Liver Tone, because it is
perfectly harmless.
Calomel is a dangerous drug. It is
The Strong Withstand the
Heat of Summer Better
Than the Weak
Old people who are feeble and younger people
who are weak, will be strengthened and enabled to
go through the depressing heat of Summer by taking
TosteSess Toetio
It purifies and enriches the blood and makes
you Strong. You can soon feel its Strengthening,
Invigorating Effect.
ceptionally good general strengthening tonic for pale,
sickly children, for delicate Mothers, for Old Folks or
any one of the family who has poor blood. It is
pleasant to take. Price 60c.
Perfectly H&rmEsss* Contains no
Nux-Vonticat or other* Poisonous Drugs*
W- drove’s ehsiS Tome Tahiets
can now pet Grove’s Tasteless chill Tonic in Tablet
torm as well as in Syrup, the kind you have always bought. The
tablets are intended for those who prefer to swallow a tablet
rather than a syrup, and as a convenience for those who travel.
The tablets are called “GROVE’S chill TONIC TABLETS” and
contain exactly the same medicinal properties and produce ex
actly the same results as Grove’s Tasteless chill Tonic which is
put up in bottles. The price of either is 60c.
Dorothy’s Bad Manners.
My little niece, Margaret, had been
promised a party. The time came for
tlistributing the invitations and I went
with Margaret. When we came to
Dorothy's house I said: “I’ll stay out
Sere while you take Dorothy’s invita
tion in to her.”
When she came out I said: “Did
you give Dorothy her invitation.”
“Yes,” said Margaret, “and I told
her, ‘you’re welcome,’ and she didn’t
even say ‘thank you.’ ” —Chicago Trib
First German Officer —Then you
think our seventy-five-mile gun is a
Second German Officer —Emphati-
cally. A Zeppelin will kill twice as
many women and children at half the
Their Use.
The Sportsman—“ What are those
pedals under the organ used for?”
The Bookworm —“Those are for foot
The man who wins never waits to
follow the crowd.
Ho* OVERAIiS .M amt Uu roo^ot
ey’re WC | r *? d WOn * * ade *” washsng ’
Stifel’s Indigo Cloth, for men, and
Miss Stifel Indigo Cloth, for women.
ember, it's the CLOTH in your overalls that givis the wear
genuine? * to K9B||| *ure you are getting
i dealer can supply you. We are makers of doth only.
I arsons
tHng, W. Va. 9 ° Jm 260 Chmch St. Nn. York
mercury and attacks your bones. Take
a dose of nasty calomel today and you
will feel weak, sick and nauseated to
morrow. Don’t lose a day’s work.
Take a spoonful of Dodson’s Liver
Tone instead and you will wake up
feeling great. No more biliousness,
constipation, sluggishness, headache,
coated tongue or sour stomach. Your
druggist says if you don’t find Dod
son’s Liver Tone acts better than hor
rible calomel your money is waiting
for you.—Auv.
Successful Portable Kitchen.
A portable kitchen was used with
success in Wilmington, Del., to teach
the children how to conserve food. It
was transported from school to school
as the work, required. An exhibition
was given of the five varieties of Lib
erty bread that the children made
from conservation recipes in the prize
contest conducted by the woman’s
committee of the state.
Heal Baby Rashes
That itch, burn and torture. A hot
Cuticura Soap bath gives instant re
lief when followed by a gentle appli
cation of Cuticura Ointment. For free
samples address, “Cuticura, Dept. X,
Boston.” At druggists and by mail.
Soap 25, Ointment 25 and 50. —Adv.
“Pardon me, Mr. Gusherly. My foot
is asleep,” said Miss Sweetleigh.
“And what a light sleeper it must
he,” returned the gallant swain, look
ing down at the dainty little, slipper
incased siumberer.
Nothing makes a quarrelsome man
: so mad as the refusal of his wife to
talk back.
Of Little Use to Society.
As a rule trimmers are not produc
tive of progress. They live by what
they got out of others. They are so
busy thinking up schemes of self
enrichment that they haven’t any
bruins to spare for constructive pro
grams. Their concern is not to put
something on the market but to get
something off the market. They live
on the efforts of other people. They
are to humanity what the mistletoe
is to the oak. They fire drones of the
industrial hive and live oy feeding
on others. —Pennsylvania Grii.
You Have to Soak 'Em.
The “guvnor” was giving his son,
with whom being out of a job was
fast becoming chronic, a lesson in pa
“Have you bought a Liberty bond?”
he asked.
“No; costs too much !”
“Buy a Thrift stamp?”
“Thrift stamps? Huh! Too small.”
“But they have one mighty fine
habit, my hoy—they stick.” —Cartoons
That’s Different.
Casey—Phwat fur are yes makin’
such a noise on the nianny? Yer
drivin’ me dishtracted wid yer racket'
an’ me head achin’ loike it wud split
in t\Vo pieces.
Daughter—Them new neighbors next
door has been complainin’ of my play
Casey—Begorra, hammer harder.
r ~————————————
Its Virtue.
She—What is your idea of the flow
er that is typical of women? The
queenly find radiant rose?
He —No, the morning glory.
She —Why the morning glory?
He —Because it knows when to shut
Ever Think of That, Mr. Golfer?
Son (a golf enthusiast) —“You must
admit, father, that it requires great
skill to drive a ball a hundred yards—”
Old Farmer —“Shucks! It don’t re
quire half as much skill as it does to
drive a pig fifty feet.” —Boston Tran
Might Have Been Worse.
“Yes, sir.”
“Take away this butterflsh. It Is
“But it might be worse, sir.”
“I can’t see how it could be, waiter.”
“It might have been a whale, sir.”
A Simple Device.
“Doc, what’s on the other end of this
tube with which you supply your fa
mous ozone inhalations?”
“It opens into my garden, which con
tains an unlimited quantity of good
fresh air.”
Cruel, Cruel Sight!
The Pacifist’s Child —I’m not going
to throw any more crumbs to the spar
rows, daddy.”
The Pacifist —Why, my dear?
“It always causes a bread riot
among them!"
Point of View.
Flatbush —He’s very extravagant.
Bcnsonhurst —How do you know?
“He sent me a letter and he wrote
on both sides of the paper.”
“Why, that looks like economy in
stead* of extravagance.”
“Not at all. Didn't he have to use
twice as milch ink?”
Poor Girl.
“Where are your love letters?”
“I haven’t any," confessed the heir
ess. “My lawyers conducted all the
correspondence with the duke.”
New York Styles.
Church —Well. I see the woman hod
carrier has made her appearance in
New York City.
Gotham—Oh, well, you mustn’t be
surprised at anything you find a New
York woman ornamenting her shoul
ders with.
Lost No Time.
Her Father —When I started nut,
young man, I didn't have a dollar, and
now— ■
Her Suitor—Have you—er —got one
handy about you, sir? —Judge.
f I* ± J
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bSV V M JSS ,i s>'" :
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We will win this war—
Nothing else really matters until we do!
The Flavor Lasts
The Warhorse and the Miller.
Those who Tlelight in reading about
patrioteers of today should enjoy this
fable by Ambrose Bierce, written 20
years ago:
Having heard that the state was
about to be invaded by a hostile army
a Warhorse belonging to a Colonel of
Militia offered his services to a pass
ing Miller.
“No.” said the patriotic Miller, “I
will employ no one who deserts his
position in the hour of danger. It is
sweet to die for one’s country.”
Something in the sentiment sounded
familiar, and, looking at the Miller
more closely, the Warhorse recognized
his master in disguise.
The Missing.
The Missus “You look so strong and
well —it’s hard to believe you’re a
wounded soldier.” The Mendicant—
“No, lady, I’m worse'nt that —I am one
of the ‘missing.’ ” —Sydney Bulletin.
Grove’s Baby Bowel Medicine
aids Digestion, relieves Sour Stomach. Diarrhoea
and Flux. It is just as effective for Adults as tor
Children. Perfectly harmless.
This world contains an oversupply
of average men.
For centuries GOLD MEDAL Haarlem
Oil has been a standard household remedy
for kidney, liver, bladder and stomach
trouble, and all diseases connected with
the urinary organs. The kidneys and blad
der are the most important organs of the
body. They are the filters, the purifiers of
your blood. If the poisons which enter
your system through the blood and stom
ach are not entirely thrown out by the
kidneys and bladder, you are doomed.
Weariness, sleeplessness, nervousness,
despondency, backache, stomach trouble,
headache, pain in loins and lower abdo
men, gall stones, gravel, difficulty when
urinating, cloudy and bloody urine, rheu
matism, sciatica and lumbago, all warn you
to look after your kidneys and bladder.
All these indicate some weakness of the
kidneys or other organs or that the enemy
microbes which are always present in your
system have attacked vour weak spots.
GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules are
what you need. *
They are not a “patent medicine,” nor
a “new discovery.” For 200 v years they
liu (®!DiULII®HnC isSs
Taking it Back.
“I see where an American ‘ace’ has
just downed his tenth German, after
fighting a brilliant battle in the air
against five enemy planes.”
“But why those tears?”
“They are tears of rqinorse and
self-reproach. I once called that fellow
a lounge lizard.”
The only safe bet on record —the al
v Bed In Treatment NOW /.
& Ail Druggists Guarantee M
Heal Itching Skins
With Cuticura
AHdm**ist«: Soap2s, Ointment 25 ASO, Tat com 25.
Sample each free of 'Cnttcnre. Dept. E, Beeton.”
W. N. U., ATLANTA, NO. 37-1918.
have been a standard household remedy.
They are the pure, original imported Haar
lem Oil your great-grandmother used, and
are perfectly harmless. The healing, sooth
ing oil soaks into the cells and lining of
the kidneys and through the bladder, driv
ing out the poisonous germs. New life,
fresh strength and health will come as you
continue the treatment. When complete
ly restored to yQur usual vigor, continue
taking a capsule or two each day; they will
keep you in condition and prevent a re
turn of the disease.
Do not delay a minute. Delays are es
pecially dangerous in kidney and bladder
trouble. All druggists sell GOLD MEDAL
Haarlem Oil Capsules. They will refund
money if not as represented. GOLD
MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules are im
ported direct from the laboratories in Hol
land. They are prepared in correct quan
tity and convenient form, are easy to take
and are positively guaranteed to give
prompt relief. In three sizes, sealed pack
ages. Ask for the original imported
GOLD MEDAL. Accept no substitutes.—