Newspaper Page Text
Little Miss Fay Lester entertain
ed a number of her friends with a
birthday party Monday afternoon,
Aug. 12, clerebrating her ninth
birthday. Games and refresh
ments were enjoyed and quite a
delightful time spent by the little
Turner and Ellamae Clements
have returned to Macon after a
week’s stay with their cousins,
Clements and William Patrick.
Friends are grieved to hear of
the continued illness of Mrs.
Amanda Smith, but hope for her a
speedy recovery.
Miss Nell Shannon of Griffin
will teach at Delta Grove, begin
ning the first of November. The
Misses Rogers are teaching else
Mr. Ellmo Hammock is at home
on a ten days furlough, having re
turned from France as one of the
82d division, who will be assigned
duties “over here” for a while.
Not much cotton picked in this
community on account of Contin
ued rain.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Patrick and
children spent a few days at Shin
gleroof camp meeting with Mr.
and Mrs. B. F. Collins, who tented
Leave to Sell.
GEORGIA—Henry County.
To whom it may concern: Mrs. F. E.
Dunn, Adin’x of estate of IT. L Dunn,
deceased, having in due form made appli
cation for leave to sell the real estate be
longing to said estate. Said application
will be heard at the regular term of the
Court of Ordinary for said county, to be
held on the first Monday in October. 1918.
This 2” day of Sept. 1918.
A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary.
For Leave to Sell.
GEORGIA —H mry County.
To whom it may ounce rn : ,f. H.
and T. C. Askew Executors of the
estate of IT. Askew deceased, hav
ing in due form made application
for leave to sell certain lands be
longing to said estate, consisting of
1 house and lot and 1 vacant lot in
Stockbridge district of said county
and state.
Said application will be heard at
the regular term of the Court of
Ordinary for said county to be held
on the first Monday in Oct., 1918.
This 4th day of Sept., 1918.
A. G. Harris, Ordinary.
Refreshin s :
• "Whether at seashore or on mountains—always
the same. It tua leftediiiig qualities tbhl sattsgr.
i Tax Levy.
GEORGIA—Henry County :
Office of the Commissioner of
Roads and Revenues for said coun
ty. September Term of Court of
Commissioner of Roads and Reve
nues for said county, Sept. 2. 1918.
Be it ordered, and it is hereby
ordered by the authority aforesaid
that the following taxes are levied
for the county of Henry for county
purposes for the year 1918 on all
the property in said county, said
levy having been recommended by
the Grand Jnrv for the April 1918
Term of Henry Superior Court; to
1. To build or repair court houses
or jails, bridges or ferries, or other
public improvements. 5 1-2 mills
or $5.50 on the thousand.
2. To pay sheriffs, jailors or oth
er county officers fees, that they
may be legally entitled to out of
the cohnty, 1-2 mill or 50c on the
3. To pay coroner all fees that
may he due him by the county for
holding inquests. 1-4 mill or 25c on
the thousand.
4. To pay the expenses of the
county bailiffs at court, non-resi- j
dent witnesses in criminal cases,
fuel, servant hire, stationery and
the like, 1-2 mill or s<)c on the
5. To pay jurors a per-diem com
pensation, 1 mill or SI.OO on the
0. To pay expenses incurred in
supporting tlie poor of the county.
1 mill or SI.OO on the thousand.
7. To pay other lawful charges
against the county, 1-4 mill or 25c ;
on the thousand.
H. To pay expenses of and work
upon the public roads of the coun
ty, 3 mills or $3.00 on the thousand.
Aggregate, mills or $12.00 on
the thousand.
The above levy is hereby made
on all property in said county of
Henry both real and personal and
is ordered collected on the same.
Given under my hand and seal
this Sept. 2, 1918.
Commissioner of Roads and Reve
nues Henry county.
For Dismission.
GEORIA—Henry County.
Whereas, H. B. Hays, administrator of
Mrs. P. B. Hays, represents to the Court
in his petition duly filed and entered on
record, that he has fully administered
Mrs. H. B. Hays’ estate:
This is, therefore, to cite all persons
concerned, kindred and creditors, to show,
cause, if any they can, why said adminis
trator should not be discharged from his
administration, and receive letters of dis
mission on the first Monday in October,
1918. A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary.
Land Sale.
GEORGIA—Henry County.
By virtue of an agreement made
j and entered into by and between the
heirs at law of J. B. Clark, late of
said county deceased, which agree
ment. is on tile in the office of the
Clerk of the (Superior Court of Hen
ry County, Ga., will he sold before
the court house door in McDon
ough, Ga., said county, on tlie first
Tuesday in October, 1918, between
the legal hours of sale, to the high
est bidder for cash. the following
'real estate belonging to said es
tate ;
One hundred acres of land, more
or in the Twelfth land district
of said Stare and county, bounded
as follows : On the.east by lands of
W. G. Calloway, on the south by
lands of Van Clark, on the west by
lands of A. G. Bowden, on the
north by lands of J. W. Clark and
Will Clark.
Good and sufficient titles will be
made to the purchaser to the un
dersigned, who are all the heirs fit
la w of said J. B. Clark, who are all
of legal age and laboring under no
disability, the said J. B. Clark hav
ing died intestate and leaving po
debts. This Sep< 5. 1918.
T. J. Clark
Miss Leila Thomason
W. B. G. Clark
Miss Mary Clark
Mrs. Salhe Turpin
J. W. Clark
Mrs. J. J. Kelley
For Leave to Sell.
GEORGIA—Henry County.
To whom it may concern : Mrs.
Willie Owen .Hlmtr'x of the estate
of J. J. Askew deceased, having in
due form made application for leave
to sell the lands belonging to said
estate, consisting of 100 acres in
Stockbridge district of said county,
and state.
Said application will he heard at
the regular term ol the Court of
Ordinary for said county to be held
on the first Monday in Oct., 1918.
This 3d day of Sept., 1918.
A. G. Harris, Ordinary.
Ask Your Grocer
" ■ For I ’ -
„• " , - Jfy . ■ , . 1 • ; .
, Best Sy Every Test
I At\ !>TILL
doing optical work for my many friends and
patrons, examining eyes, filling prescriptions
and duplicating lenses.
Since moving to my new location I have
spared no expense toward making this depart
ment one of the best in the city, having engaged
the services of one of the msst competent Opto -
metrists obtainable, and am pleased to say that
I can give you very much better service than
Remember our prices for this unexcelled
service are very moderate, and that satisfaction
is fully guaranteed.
Optician and Jeweler,
Est. 1891. 110 Peachtree Arcade.
Commendable Quality in Jewelry
No matter how little von pay. you get quality tor
the price. No matter how much you py . you get
intrinsic value for your money. Aside from real
values you can choose from an assortment unrival
ed hereabouts.
t. h. wvnne:
Manufacturing Jeweler and Optician, - - Griffin, Ga.
Administratrix’ Sale.
GEORGIA —Henry County.
By virtije of an order granted by the
Court of Ordinary of said county, will be
sold before the court house in said county
on the first Tuesday in October, 1918, be
tween the legal hours of sale, to the high
est bidder fur cash. Fifty acres of land
more or less in the north west corner of
land lot number GO, in the 7th land dis
trict of Henry county. Georgia, said lands
hounded on the north by lands of of G. O.
Brannan, on the east by part of same lot,
on the south by lands of the estate of Mrs.
M. A. l ye, and west by public road.
.Sold as the property of the estate of W,
L. Pair, deceased, for the purpose of dis
tribution among the heirs of said W. L.
Pair, deceased. This Sept. 3, 1918.
Adm’x estate W. L. Pair, dec’d.
McDonough, Ga.
Office Hours : 7 :30 to 5: 00
§' ■HAiR
Exelento Medicine Co., m
Gentlemen: Before I used P
spur Exelento Quinine g
Pomade my hair was I
short, coarse and nappy. J
hut now it has grown to 32
inches long, and is so soft
and silky that 1 can do it
up any way I wans to. i
am sending you my pic
ture to show you bew
pretsy Exelerito has made
Don’t let some fake Kink Remover fool
you. You really can’t straighten your hair
until it ia nice and long. That's what
does, removes Dandruff, feeds the Roots of y
the hair, and makes it grow long, soft and B
silky. Afteruaingafewtimesyoucantell ft,
the difference, and aftera little while it H
will be so pretty and long that you can fix ■
it no to suit you. If Exelent© don’t do as 1
we claim, we will give your money back. /
Price 25c by mail on receipt of stamps I
or coin. H
Write for particulars. •
Land Sale.
GEORGIA—Henry County.
By virtue of an agreement made and
entered into by and between the heirs at
lawof Mrs. Sallie.F Rouotree, late of said
county, deceased, which said agreement is
of file in the office of the Clerk of the Su
perior Court of Henry county, Georgia,
I will be sold before the court house door in
; the city of McDonough, Ga , said county,
! on the first Tuesday in October, 1918, be
j tween the legal hours of sale, to the high
j est bidder for cash the following real es
| fate belonging to said i state:—
Three hundred and fifty acres of land
j more or less, in the Bth land district of
] said State and county, being all of land lot
! No. 53 in said district and all of land lot
| No. 54 in said district except 50 acres of
land more or less in the soi*h west corner
of said lot, said land lving in one body
and bounded north bv lands of J O High
towerand Oscar Turner, on the east by
; lands of J. M. Johnson, on the south by
j lands of Mrs. Cora Fields. ,T C. Harris
i J'* Elliott and N'aith Strickland, and on
the west by lands of Elijah Foster and A
Exum. Sa:d lands will he sold in two
parcels, one parcel of Three Hundred
[acres more or less, being lot 53 and part
i lot 34 and the east half of 1. t 54, and the
; other parcel containing Fifty Acres more
or less in north west corner of lot 54
Good and sufficient titles will be made
the purchaser by the undersigned who
| are all the heirs at la yof the said Mrs
Sa he F. Rountree, who are of legal age
| and laboring under no disability, the said
Mrs. Sallie F. Uountree having died in
, testate and leaving no debts. The under
signed obligating themselves to save
harmless the purchaser of said lands from
any loss on account of same,
This Sept. 3d, 191,9.
Mrs. Matilda Hightower
Mi s. Elizabeth Rountree
A. G. Harris
M alter J. Harris
Ella Bass.
Administrator's Sale.
GEORGIA—Henry County.
By virtue of an order troin the Court of
Ordinary ot said county, will be sold be
fore the court house dour in McDonough
£»•’ within the legal hours of saje on the
first Tuesday in October 1918: tae
100 acres of land more or less in McDon
ough district of said oountv and state
bounded as follows On the north by j’
1. Barnett, on the South bv E H Farris
on the east by W H Faraason ‘ ’
west by Willis Fields g °° the
Sold as the estate of W. 11. Tarplev de
ceased, for distribution p y '
This 3d day of September, 1918
J. M. TAKPLEY, Administrator.