Newspaper Page Text
Yon Can't Eat Meat
100 Miles Away
Preparing meat is only a part
of Swift & Company’s usefulness.
The finest meat in the world
wouldn’t do you any good one
hundred miles away from your
Swift & Company efficiency has made
it possible to place complete lines of
products in the smallest and most remote
To be sure the work is done well
Swift & Company, through its branch
houses and car routes, brings the meat to
the retail dealer for you.
Swift & Company lays out car routes
covering towns—big, little, medium size
—which are not served by a Swift
branch house.
Salesmen find out in advance what is
wanted by the dealers in every town.
They are followed by refrigerator cars
loaded with retailers’ orders, which are
delivered at each town —fresh, clean, and
sweet —once or twice each week.
Swift & Company operates a large
number of car routes like this, from four
teen distributing plants.
This is a necessary and natural part
of the packers’ usefulness. It fits into
the industry in an orderly, effective way.
It makes better meat cheaper from one
end of the land to the other.
Swift & Company, U. S. A.
Commendable Quality in Jewelry
No matter how little vou pay, you get quality for
the price. No matter how much you pay, you get
intrinsic value for your money. Aside from real
values you can choose from an assortment unrival
ed hereabouts.
Manufacturing Jeweler and Optician, - - Griffin, Ga.
A New England Premium,
less a new New England Dividend, purchasing a New
England Policy, containing New England Values, make
an Insurance Proposition which in the sum of All Its
Benefits is unsurpassed for Net Low Cost and Care of all
New Englaud Mutual Life Insurance Company, Boston, Mass.
Chartered in 1835.
Manager Griffin District, Griffin, Georgia.
In Honor of Mr. and
Mrs. W. A. Gardner.
Mr. William Gardner was born
May 26, 1832, in o’d Henry county.
He was a youijlg man when the
war between the States began,
but he was old enough to go, and
fought in some o the worst bat
tles. He was wounded several
times and knew what it meant to
be a soldier.
Just after the war he married
Miss Martha Fo'd, who was six
years younger. They began life
together when t ines were hard
and things to eat were not so
plentiful. It was not any trouble
to get them to observe vvheatless,
meatless and sugarless days.
To this couple were born eight
children, four bo\s and four girls.
All are living except Mrs. Henri
etta Gardner Martin, who has
been gone to heaven about four
teen months.
1 believe this is one of the larg
est families in the county. All the
children are married and the old
est ones have large families. There
are fifty-one grand-children, four
teen of them have married and
there are twenty-one great grand
The oldest son has two daught
ers who have twins, the oldest a
girl and a boy four months old
and the youngest, two boys two
months old.
The family has now reached one
hundred in number. So you are
not surpris'd at me saying it is
one of the largest in the county.
Mrs. Gardner is in her seven
tieth year and is a happy Christian.
They both attend preaching, Sun
day school and prayer meeting
They are members of Mount
Vernon Baptist ceurch and attend
all the general meetings and asso
ciations it is possible for them to
attend. 0. T. T.
We have a few Mowers that we
will close out at cost. Hampton
Hardware & Furniture Co.
War Ship Models
Depth Bombs
Sea Mines
Fighting Tools
That Is Making
The Ocean Unsaf e
For International
Robbers And
Those Who Bomb
Churches and
Torpedo Hospital
Ships Regardless
of Their Treaties.
A Mother Before
The Draft Board.
We passed through a Solomon
like moment. As for instance,
that occasion when we laid aside
the book of rules and called in a
lovely, gray old mother to decide
for herself which of her two sons
should go and which should stay.
It was a cruel moment. She look
ed from one to the other and back
again. Then, after a long, painful
silence, she said, in a low tone, as
if the words tore her heart a bit
as they came —
“I love them both —so take them
both. I will get along somehow.”
She held her head very high
and smiled proudly through her
tears as she went out.—From The
Cut This Out—lt Is Worth Money.
this slip, enclose with 5c and mail
it to Foley & Co., 2835 Sheffield
Avenue, Chicago, 111., writing your
name and address clearly. You
will receive in return a trial pack
age containing Foley’s Honey and
Tar Compound, for coughs, colds
and croup; Foley Kidney Pills, for
pain in sides and back ; rheuma
tism, backache, kidney and blad
uer ailment.-.; and Foley Cathartic
Tablets, a wholesome and thor
oughly cleansing cathartic, for
constipation, biliousness, headache
and sluggish bowels. The Mc-
Donough Drug Co.
TIIE strong find vigorous man or
woman is envied by less fortunate
humanity afiiicted with aches, pains,
infirmities and ailments. The sufferer
says to himself, “If I could only be
well, how happy I would be,’’ for health
is more essential to the joy of living
than is wealth.
The kidneys almost literally wash the
blood and keep it clean and free from
impurities. When the kidneys are out of
order, they fail to filter out this waste and pois
onous matter. It remains in the system to cause
backache, rheumatic pains, sore muscles and
stiff joints.
help the system eliminate this poisonous waste.
| They soothe, strengthen and heal sore, weak
and diseased kidneys and bladder. When the
kidneys are working properly, appetite returns,
refreshing sleep is possible, and health and
strength come again.
C. W. Smith, 1205 No. 4th St., Satina, Kas.,
writes: “1 nm very much pleased with Foley
Kidney Pills. I am working in a coal yard and
have been very much troubled with my bncu.
I have taken several doses of Foley Kidney Pills
and they have already helped me.”
The McDonot/cih Deug Zo
Oct. 12,13,14J5,16,17,18,19
Presenting an exhibit of Agriculture,
Horticulture, Cattle, Swine, Poultry,
Horses, Mules, Sheep, Which Promises
to be The Greatest in The South This
Year and the Only Fair In The South
eastern States Featuring The
With Running Races,PatrioticFireworks,
Big Program of Pleasing Free Attrac
tions, Biggest Midway and Greatest Ag
gregation of Varied Amusements Ever
Presented At A Fair in The South With
the Usual Exhibits of
Boys and Girls Clubs—Child Welfare.
Woman’s Work—Education —Poultry,
Swine and Calf Club Contests
Auto Show Corn Show Dog Show
Write For Free Premium List
Men Feel Tired, Too.
While much is said about tired
women it must be remembered
that men also pay the penalty of
overwork. When the kidneys are
weak, inactive or sluggish, when
one feels tired out and miserable,
lacks energy and ambition. Foley
Kidney Pills are tonic and strength
ening. Wm. H. Clark, Spring
field, Ohio, writes: “1 found no
relief from kidney trouble until I
discovered Foley Kidney Pills.
Now I am in A 1 shape.” They
act quickly and surely. The Mc-
Donough Drug Co.
Notice to Sell Real Estate for
To Whom it May Concern :
Notice is hereby given by the
undersigned that I will apply to
Hon. Wm. E. FT. Searcy, Jr., at
Griffin, Ga., on Oct. 19th, 1918, at
10 o’clock a.m. for authority to sell
at private sale the following de
scribed real estate situated in Up
son conuty, Georgia, to twit:
70 acres of land off of lot No. 187
known as tie* Ansley place, which
is described in deed from
John I’. Murray to John F.
Coneland, Guardian, dated Dec. 7,
1910, and recorded in deed record
T.) on page 2112 in the Clerk’s office
of Upson Superior Court. Said
land being in the 16th district of
Upson county, Georgia.
The above land is the property
of my wards, Marguerite, Florence,
Ada, Willie and Minnie Jjee Cope
land. All of said wards have now
arrived at the ago of 21 years ex
cept two. Marguerite and Florence
The undivided two-fifths interest
of Marguerite and Florence Cope
land is to be sold for the purpose
of reinvestment in War Savings
The land has ceased to be profit
able and is not rented this year. It
is expensive in that taxes must he
paid on same and the buildings are
depreciating in value and need re
pairs now, and the purchase of
Savings Stamps will be a more
profitable in vestment.
A purchaser has been found who
has offered a good price for said
property, and authority will be
asked to make said sale at private
sale. This Sept. B,‘ 1918.
Guardian for Marguerite, Florence,
Ada, Willie and Minnie Lee
Browning Machine
That Shoot 1,000
Bullets a Minute,
Shells of Guns
That Shoot
Springfield and
Enfield Rifles—
Lewis Machine
Guns Trench
Periscope Gas
Masks Field
Wireless Outfits
—Heliograph and
Thousands of
Graphic Exhibits
Prepared by The
Department of
A.gricu T ture and
its Different Bu