Newspaper Page Text
Local Happenings
Fraternal Lodge No 37 F. & A.M.
Regular communications of Fraterna
Lodge No. 37 F & A M meet Ist and 3
Firday nights in each month. All dulj
qualified brethren fraternally and cordi
ally invited to meet with us.
Bailor Smith, W. M.
O. L. Adams. Sec.
Gins running oh full time —and
Two good horses for sale. W.
B. J. Ingram.
Dr. Charles McDonald was down
from Atlanta Monday.
Have vour car painted at Jack
son, Ga., by J. F. Maddox. 4t
Mr. and Mrs. B. F, Collins spent
the week end at Towaliga.
You will find Speer the spec
tacle-man at the old stand.
I have a few auto tires left at
the old price. Jno. G. Pullin.
Messrs. W. H. and John Stewart
spent Sunday at Camp Gordon.
Mr. Zed Swann of Rex visited
McDonough friends one day last
Dr. and Mrs. Weyman Sloan of
Atlanta spent the week end with
home folks,
Ford roadster for sale, in good
shape. D. C. Carmichael, route
3, McDonough.
Mrs. Bailor Smith and daughter
Annie Pearl are visiting relatives
in Birmingham.
Miss Martha Brown of Atlanta
spent the week end with home
folks in McDonough.
Good Seed Wheat for sale —
$3.00 per bushel. Howell Gard
ner, Locust Grove, Ga.
Rev. H. S. Smith and family are
spending a couple of weeks with
relatives in Montgomery.
Mr. Wiley Clements of Wash
ington City is spending a couple
of weeks with home folks.
Mr. Frank Fields of Jackson
spent the week end with parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fields.
I have a few auto tires left at
the old price. Jno. G. Pullin.
Mr. Will Stewart has bought
the Ed Goodwin stock and is now
in charge at the same stand.
Miss Ethleene Upchurch of At
lanta spent the week-end with her
mother, Mrs. J. V. Upchurch.
Mr. Harris Nolan of Jacksonville
was the guest of Mrs. Annie M.
Nolan a day or two this week.
Mr. Troy Smith was at home
from the navy at Charleston with
his parents a few days again the
past week.
Rev. L. G. Bowden received a
telegram last Friday announcing
the safe arrival of his son Robert
in England.
Col. Ed Reagan is suffering a
very sore arm from a Ford kick
while on his way to Griffin last
Saturday night.
Can rebore your “Ford,” “Buick
Four” and “Metz” Cylinders for
over-size Pistons. Jno. R. Smith,
MclJonough, Ga. tf.
Mrs. Kirksey and daughter, Miss
Belle, of South Georgia, are visit
ing friends and relatives in and
near McDonough.
For sale, my home place in Mc-
Donough, with six acres of land
attached. Also, good farm con
taining 100 acres of land near
town. Mrs. 0. E. Hain. tf
Have your car painted at Jack
son, Ga., by J. F. Maddox. 4t
I have a few auto tires left at
the old price. Jno. G. Pullin.
Miss Beulah Atkinson has re
turned to Atlanta after a week’s
stay with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. L. Atkinson.
Mr. A. J. Gunn has the thanks
of The Weekly for a fine mess of
Porto Rico yams, one of which
weighed 1% pounds.
Compelled to omit a number of
items again this week to accom
modate advertisers. Read them
all —they are interesting.
Mr. Tom Patterson, who has re
cently taken on the Maxwell agen
cy, brought down a couple of new
cars from Atlanta Monday.
Roy Alexander, who has a good
place with the L. &N. freight of
fice, Atlanta, spent Sunday with
his mother, Mrs. Ida Alexander.
Mr. John Varner, Mr. Grady In
gram and Mrs. W. E. Ham went
over to Griffin Wednesday to
stand the postoffice examination.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Patrick an
nounce the birth of a daughter, the
21st. She will be called Martha
Tabitha for her two grand moth
Strayed, Sept. 15, red Jersey
sow pig, seven weeks old. Infor
mation appreciated and suitably
rewarded by W. L. Lewis, route
3, Stockbridge, Ga.
Rev. M. C. Liddell was warmly
greeted by McDonough friends
several days this week, on his
way to Jacksonville, where he
has been transferred.
Sheriff Ward captured and de
stroyed another large copper still
in east Henry last week, and the
wreck was an attraction at the
court house for a short while.
The many friends of Mr. George
Alexander are glad to know that
he has recovered from his recent
illness and is again in his place
with the Copeland-Turner Mer
cantile Co.
Our Fair I
Victory and Peace
If you want both
buy Liberty Bonds
Less Profit for Cash
Family Feet Fitters
Fifty acres good land for sale,
S6O per acre, about six miles south
of McDonugh, on Jackson road in
Tussahaw district. T. W. Price,
route 3, Locust Grove.
J. W. Parks’ pedigreed strain
of “Bred-to-and do-lay” Barred
Rock Cockerels for sale. Year
ling size $ 1.50, Cocks $3.00. Breed
the lay into your flock. Earle
Hunt, McDonough, Route. 1. 4t
County Food Administrator
Grady Fears was in the city Wed
nesday, and informs The Weekly
that a new order has been issued
permitting the purchase of a two
weeks supply of sugar, instead of
two pounds at a time to each per
son. Uuder this new ruling, a
volume of certificates are to be
checked, and a warning is issued
to each individual consumer that
duplicate purchases will be severe
ly dealt with by the administra
Lubricating Oil. Grease, Special
ties, Paint, part or whole time.
Commission basis. Man with car
or rig preferred. Riverside Refin
ing Co., Cleveland, Ohio.
Buster Brown
' U Shoes A
[* .'Of? BOYS
A FOR Cii f?LS
Train Your Child’s Feet the
Way They Should Grow
Shoes shape the prowins feet—-
either rightly, or wrongly.
The Brown Shaping Lasts give the
correct, natural shape to Buster
Brewn Shoes—so they keep your
child's feet as prefect as Nature made
them —free from befit bones, broken
arches and other foot troubles.
Buster Brown Shoes
For Boys—For Girls
are made from first grade leathers,
by skilled worKmen, and have Gov
ernment standard oaK-tanned soles,
that wear, wear, wear.
Therefore Buster Brown Shoes give
double service—long, wear, PLUS foot
protection, foot ease, foot comfort —
yet cost you only $3.00 and up.
Buy them once, and you’ll buy
them always.
McDonough trading co.
McDonough, - Georgia.
“THAVE used Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup
Pepsin and find it a most effective
and pleasant laxative —one that is worth recom
mending to one’s friends. I know that my
health has been greatly improved since
using it.”
/Trom a letter to Dr. Caldwell written by\
I Miss Alice Lombard, 22 Bovlston St., I
V Springfield, Mass. J
Dr. Caldwell’s
Syrup Pepsin
The Perfect Laxative
Sold by Druggists Everywhere
50 cts. (siS) SI.OO
A mild, pleasant-tasting combination of simple laxative
herbs with pepsin. Brings relief without griping or
other discomfort. A trial bottle can be obtained free of
charge by writing to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 458 Washing
ton Street, Monticello, Illinois.
4tn Liberty Loan Rally
October 1&, at 10:30 a. m., at MeDONOUGH. Speak
ers will be an American Soldier who.was wounded at
the Chateau Thierry battle, Governor Dorsey, snd
A 38-Piece Military Band will furnish the music.
On October 11th, another
friendly talk in The ,
Henry County Weekly”
Convoying Your Interests
Through the Danger Zone
When a ship crosses the ocean
today it is closely convoyed by war
ships to see that no harm befalls Jt.
Today we are guarding the peo
ple's interests through these uncer
tain merchandise times just as
closely and carefully. We offer no
untried or uncertain merchandise.
You can depend absolutely that the
Eiseman high standard for quality
and value will be maintained as
rigidly and as conscientiously as in
the past.
You have just to see the elegant
assortment of Fall Suits and Over
coats at ”The Daylight Corner” to
verify this. Our prices for high
quality clothes are remarkably rea
sonable and only so because we
bought our merchandise a year in
advance to protect onr customers.
You take no chance in buying here
—service and value is assured, and
a wide rltnge of quality fabrics,
andjstyles are offered.
A warm spirit of personal inter
est prevails at Eisernan’s towards
our good neighbors of Henry coun
ty. We hope to merit their large
and continued patronage on a basis
of selling satisfaction every time.
If you cannot com? to Atlanta—the Eiseman Mail Order De
partment will be quick to fill your orders or cheerfully supply you
with prices and any information you may desire. & Don't hesitate
to write us.
A good reliable store for men, young
men and for boys.