The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, September 27, 1918, Image 7
ETHERIDGE, SMITHS OCXS Initial Showing of Authentic Fashions w FALL and WINTER MODELS and FABRICS becausp B I Y / hy no } start Now and save the difference—you know the tendency of the prices are UPWARD. First selections a>'e best Fad and winter SP ea u ly and our GOODS ARE HERE and we own then ] and are read * to show a " d serve you. We have provided fd? the biggest PARTirnuS v nas ever nad and its coming. We earnestly advise the public to buy early. You can't lose and a bio savino is rprtain REPEAT BUY EAR! Y BUY HFAVy" i & GOODS - We have J) iad ® ! , th J s su 99estion before and all who followed it were greatly benefited. WE ourselves net thVh,,iLr « f U ' HEA l Y ' b . u V enou 9 h for a year to come. We will have no formal openings, as in the past, so to make it easy for you as well as every department isoutdispl'ayed P and 9 COmi " 9 al0 " 9 "° W bef ° re ,he heaVy rUSh C ° meS ° n US ' lt ' B mUCh more sa,is,ac,or *- Everything in FEATURING SUITS. They fill a place in a woman's wardrobe that nothing else can, and ■while they are some higher they make it up in beauty of style and fabric. Some partic ularly new models. Those who come first will enjoy this advantage and display. We have 200 Suits waiting for you. From $95.00 Down. VtJ Ji) DRESSES IN GREAT DEMAND. Distinguished by simplicity and exclusiveness of design. Colors are most pleasing with Navy holding first place as usual. Fringe, braid and em broidery are the principal trimmings. Many say this will be a dress and a coat season, others say suit. Our Dress $75.00 Down. LONG before ladies put on white and thin dresses this summer we'had contracted for our Coats for this Fall. If we had waited until now to buy we would “not be in it,” as the sayinq qoes We bought hundreds of them to be made up when styles were established and set for Fall. They are here in an endless variety from SIOO.OO down in price and all colors We suggest that you get a good coat from this lot that will last until the war is over. We can prove that we have a big advantage in for every member of the family. FALL MILLINERY STYLES * WE BUILD MILLINERY TO YOUR SPECIAL ORDER Etheridge, Smith & Co. JACKSON, GEORGIA HENRY COUNTY WEEKLY, McDONOLGH, GEORGIA The cuts below present a few of the hundreds of copies and original adaptions from fore most Milliners and designers, also distinctive models from our own work rooms developed in the most favored fabrics and colorings. Dress, Semi-dress, Tailored and Sport hats. Sailors, Mushrooms, RollOrims, effects medium and large sizes and Turbans. Prices $25.00 Down. I FOR THE FAIR SEX Notions, Novelties, Hosiery, Underwear Our store is packed from Cellar to roof with a ware house in the rear with more than one hundred thousand dollars worth of Seasona ble goods of various kinds. We confidentially believe that we will have much dif ficulty next year getting goods due to war demands. We earnestly advise you to stock up on the above lines with at least 12 months supply. You Can t Make a Mistake. For the Boy who is hsrd on Stockings NSRSEME Perfect Process HOSIERY means true economy. For it isn’t so much “what you pay” as ‘ the wear you get” that really counts. Though dressy enough for any occasion, Notaseme Boys’ Hosiery has a durability sel dom found in stockings of such fine appearance. We specially solicit and ap preciate the patronage of Henry county people. <Pi y lAV M i* m |;j|. My - • •• ——.—V " Meroilc” (i: | **'•») 1 ,%(• ' . 4fh- ' . • \ } t: V •» ■, A \ / / ) - .....J4 h I t ' ii — j Shoes! 5 hoes! Shoes! YOU KNOW AND HAVE KNOWN THE SHOE SITU ATION FOR A LONG TIME. IT’S AS BAD AS EVER. A WORD TO THE WISE IS SUFFI CIENT. You Should Get Busy or You Will Regret It.