Newspaper Page Text
In Loving Memory
Of T. K. Clower, son of Mr. Will
Clower, who resides in Hampton,
Kenneth Clower, age 29, died
in Massachusetts, September
14, 1918, while faithfully serving
his countv. His remains were
sent to Georgia and on Sept. 20,
he was quiettly laid to rest in the
Old Mount Pleasant burying
The funeral service was con
ducted by Rev. Oscar McMullin,
after which the Woodmen of the
World took charge.
He was survived by a father,
three sisters, three brothers and
The Departed Soldier.
As 1 sit alone in the twilight
Sadly dreaming of a departed friend.
Something whispers to my heart tonight:
Heaven’s gate he’s entered in.
He was honest, noble and true,
With a kind and loving heart.
If his voice you once knew,
It was never to be forgot.
His life was in its morning;
His work was just begun;
He answered his country’s call
And reached the setting sun.
With smiling face and waving hand
He hade us all goodbye,
And went to join the soldier band
And for his army die.
Far from home, from friends and love,
He lay and suffered pains unknown,
’Till Jesus whispered from above:
My son, I’ll take thee home.
Perhaps he lingered to see dear faces,
And yearned to hear their gentle voices.
The soldier's Savior in all places
Comforts the heart ’till it rejoices.
He thinks 1 hear his gentle whisper
And see his radiant face;
As he, beyond death’s dark river,
Smiling and happily waits.
Oh, ceaseless teardrops, stop thy flowing!
For where thy precious friend is now
Angels may hear the bugles blowing.
Hut there’s no war call “over there.”
Oh, sad hearts, cease thy grieving
•For life’s battles quickly endeth.
Never more will he be leaving;
Never more they’ll call dear Kenneth.
The longest life Is short and fleeting,
So not long we’ll tarry here
Until we clasp his hand in greeting .
In the homeland “over there.”
His Fkiend.
Mr. J. E. Andrews of near Fitz
gerald, in South Georgia, is visit
ing his daughter, Mrs. F. B. Strhan.
Frank Presson of Fitzgerald is
visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. A. Presson, of Snapping Shoals.
Mr. Tom McDonald was up from
Bronwood Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Austin (or
Grandpa and Grandma Austin
rather)\vere up to see their twin
granddaughters Sunday, children
of Mr. and Mrs. George Thomp
Lucius Moore has lately entered
government training school at Ox
Still enjoying late beans, okra,
tomatoes, peaches and apples.
We are glad to say little Frances
Smith is improving after a long
and tedious illness of typhoid fe
Since money is so cheap it would
seem that folks might turn their
attention to something else, don’t
you think ?
Uncle Jeremiah must have
sharpened his pen or his wits late
ly ; he is saying things these days.
The Ladies Aid Society at this
place is moving along grandly ; its
members are quite enthusiastic
over the much needed work they
are doing for the church.
Misses Janie and Easter Hooten
were visiting in Atlanta last week.
A strong sense of humor and a
great capacity for seeing the silver
lining to the dark cloud is a splen
did thing. If you have not this
element you would do well to cul
tivate it.
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Signature of
Tried Many, Found the Besi.
Food digestion is the foundation
of good health. Foley Cathartic
Tablets keep the bowels regular,
sweeten the stomach and tone up
the liver. There is nothing bet
ter if one desires an old-fashioned,
harmless physic—gentle in action,
yet thoroughly cleansing in effect.
J. P. Gaston, Newark, Ind., says
he used a great many kinds of
cathartics, but Foley Cathartic
Tablets gave him more satisfac
tion than any other. He says they
are the best cathartic tablets made.
The McDonough Drug Co.
mwi pkmse
We want every afflicted woman to try
at least one bottle of Stella-Vitae on
our plain, open guarantee to return the
money paid for it if it does not benefit.
If you doubt our word that it will
relieve the distressing aches, pains and
misery peculiar to the diseases of wo
men, read the testimony of these women
who have tried it and are glad to tell
others what it has done for them. The
only interest they have in the matter
is that which any true w oman feels in
helping to relievethesufl'erings of other
women. Yon can believe them.
Mrs. J. F. Lee, Milstead, Ga., had
female complaint for years. Three bot
tles of Htkll a Vitae cured her,, she
said, and added,“l am certainly thank
ful for this greet female tonic." Mrs.
Paralee Frazier, Longview, Tex., ex
pressed appreciation of Stella-Vitae
in these words: “I cannot say too much
for this wonderful medicine. I had
taken other female medicines for two
years with no good results. I am truly
grateful for the good Stella-Vitae
has done me." Mrs. Bandy Withers,
of Greensboro, Ala., was a terrible suf
ferer from female trouble—and only a
woman knows what that means! Her
condition got so bad her pains threw
her into spells like fits. Her husband
feared she would lose her mind. The
Greensboro doctors pronounced her in
curable. Then somebody suggested
that she take Stella-Vitae. She did
g). The first dose lightened her spells.
Stella-Vitae is a perfectly harm
less compound anditnotonly alleviates
a woman’s pain, but builds up her
health; it stimulates her appetite, aids
digestion, quiets her nerves and clears
her complexion. It improves her per
sonal appearance.
All dealers sell Stella-Vitae, and are
authorized to return the money paid
for the first bottle if it does not benefit.
For sale by Horton Drug Co.
Administrator’s Sale.
GEORGIA —Henry County.
Hy virtue of an order from the Court of
Ordinary of said county, will be sold be
fore the court house door In McDonough,
Ga., within the legal hours of sale on the
first. Tuesday in October 1918:
100 acres of land more or less In McDon
ough district, of said county and state,
bounded as follows. On the north by J.
T. Harnett, on the Soutrt by E H. Farris,
on the east bv W. H. Fargason, on the
west by Willis Fields
Sold as the estate of W. 11, Tarpley, de
ceased, for distribution.
This 8d day of September, 19i8.
J. M. TARPLEY, Administrator.
Tcrrble Suffering From Headache,
Sideache, Backache, and Weak
ness, Relieved by Cardui,
Says This Texas Lady.
Gonzales, Tex.— Mrs. Mlnnt© Phll
pot, of this place, writes: “Five years
ago I was taken with a rain In my
left side. It was right under my
left rib'. It would commence with an
aching and extend up into my left
shoulder and on down Into my back.
By that time the pain would be so
severe I would have to take to bed,
and suffered usually about three days
...I suffered this way for three years,
and got to be a mere skeleton and was
6o weak I could hardly stand alone
Was not able to go anywhere and had
to let my house work g0...1 suffered
awful with a pain in my back and I
had the headache all the time. I Just
was unable to do a thing. My life
was a misery, my stomach got In an
awful condition, caused from taking
so much medicine. I suffered so much
pain. I had just about given up all
hopes of our getting anything to help
One day a Birthday Almanac was
thrown in my yard. After reading
Its testimonials I decided to try Car
dul, and am so thankful that I did.
for I began to improve when on the
second bottle...l am now a well
woman and feeling fine and the cure
has been permanent for it has been
two years since my awful bad health.
I will always praise and recommend
CarduL" Try Cardui today. E 78
GLORIA —Henry County.
Whereas, H. B. Hays, administrator of
Mrs. P. B Hays, represents to the Court
in his petition duly filed and entered on
record, that he has fully administered
Mrs. H. B. Hays’ estate:
This is, therefore, to cite all persons
concerned, kindred and creditors, to show
cause, if any they can, why said adminis
trator should not be discharged from his
administration, and receive letters of dis
mission on the first Monday in October,
1918. A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary.
We pay from $2.00 to $3.00 per set (brok
en or not). We also pay actual value for
Diamonds, old Gold, Silver and Bridge
work. Send at once by parcel post and
receive cash by return mail.
Dept. X. 2007 S. sth St.. PHILADELPHIA, PA.
Ask Your Grocer'
g Best By Every Test
l* 1 -
Don’t let some fake Kink Remover fool
yoiX You really can’t straighten your hair
until it is nice and long. That’s what
does, removes Dandruff, feeds the Roots of
the hair, and makes it grow long, soft and
silky. After using a few times you can tell
the difference, and aftera little while it
will be so pretty and lon* that you can fix
it uo to suit you. If Exelento don’t do as
we claim, we will give your money back.
PHc* 2Sc by maflon receipt of staxupa
or fpin.
Write for particulars. •
You can help these men
even in clothes buying
Good clothes wear
so long, you buy
less often that
releases extra labor
and materials for
war work.
If you need
clothes, get
the kind that
save; we have
them here;
Hart Schaffner
& Marx make
Men’s and Boys’ Outfitters
Exelento Medicine Co.* 1
Atlanta. Ga.
Gentlemen; Before I used
your Exelento Quinine
Pomade my hair was
short, coarse and nappy,
but now it has grown t 032
inches long, and is so soft
and silky that 1 can do it
up any way 1 wan» to. i
am sending you my pic
ture to show you how
pretty Exelon to has made
1 At\ &TILL.
doing optical work for my many friends and
patrons, examining eyes, filling prescriptions
and duplicating lenses.
Since moving to my new location I have
spared no expense toward making this depart
ment one of- the best in the city, having engaged
the services of one of the msst competent Opto
metrists obtainable, and am pleased to say that
I can give you very much better service than
Remember our prices for this unexcelled
service are very moderate, and that satisfaction
is fully guaranteed.
Optician and Jeweler,
Est. 1891. 110 Peachtree Arcade.
If you want Fords, we have them
and at the right prices, too. We
bought them right.
We Buy, Sell or Trade.
Copyright 1918 Hart Schaffner & Marx