Newspaper Page Text
You Can’t Eat Meat
100 Miles Away
Preparing meat is only a part
of Swift & Company’s usefulness.
The finest meat in the world
wouldn’t do you any good one
hundred miles away from your
Swift & Company efficiency has made
it possible to place complete lines of
products in the smallest and most remote
To be sure the work is done well
Swift & Company, through its branch
houses and car routes, brings the meat to
the retail dealer for you.
Swift & Company lays out car routes
covering towns—big, little, medium size
—which are not served by a Swift
branch house.
Salesmen find out in advance what is
wanted by the dealers in every town.
They are followed by refrigerator cars
loaded with retailers’ orders, which are
delivered at each town—fresh, clean, and
sweet—once or twice each week.
Swift & Company operates a large
number of car routes like this, from four
teen distributing plants.
This is a necessary and natural part
of the packers’ usefulness. It fits into
the industry in an orderly, effective way.
It makes better meat cheaper from one
end of the land to the other.
Swift & Company, U. S. A.
Commendable Quality in Jewelry
No matter how little von pay, you get quality tor
the price. No matter how much you pay, you get
intrinsic value for your money. Aside from real
values you can choose from an assortment unrival
ed hereabouts.
Manufacturing Jeweler and Optician, - - Griffin, Ga.
A New England Premium,
less a new New England Dividend, purchasing a New
England Policy, containing New England Values, make
an Insurance Proposition which in the sum of All Its
Benefits is unsurpassed for Net Low Cost and Care of all
New Englaud Mutual Life Insurance Company, Boston, Mass.
Chartered in 1835.
Manager Griffin District, Griffin, Georgia.
Sixty-Sixth Birthday.
Mrs. 1. S. Mays wishes to return
thanks, through the columns of
The Weekly, to those who came
and made the day so pleasant on
her sixty-sixth birthday, which
was celebrated at her home near
Stoekbridge on Sunday Sept. 15th,
it being the most notable one of
her life. It was also the birthday
of Mrs. Josephine and Miss Myr
tice Mays.
There were sixty relatives of the
Mays and Fields families present.
The most amusing feature of the
occasion was its being a total sur
prise to Mrs. Mays and her hus
band. They were not aware of
anything unusual until the guests
began to arrive. Each family
brought daintily filled baskets,
which were spread on taoles be
neath the shade of the trees at
Those present were : Mrs. Rhea
Dorsey, Mr. T. A. Fields, Mr. I).
McCullough, Mrs. Jim. Fields of
Lovejoy, M. J. Glass, Mr. Fielder
Glass, Misses Byrd and Julia Glass,
Mr. Mace Foster and family, Mrs.
Cora Fields, Miss Laura Fields,
Mr. Howard Glass and family, all
of and near Flippen, Mr. and Mrs.
Lee Hinton of White House, Mr.
and Mrs. Tom Calloway, Mrs. Mat
tie Nichols, Messrs. Troy, Wesley
and Amoy Mays, Mrs. Mary Jane
Fields, Mr. Cliff Fields and family
Mr. Jim Fields of near Hampton,
Mrs. Josephine Mays, Mr. Lee
Mays and family and Miss Josie
McWilliams of Slockbridge and
Mr. Guy Reeves of Jonesboro.
All of Mr. and Mrs. Mays’ chil
dren were there with the excep
tion of little Eddie Kate Mays.
The day was very much enjoy
ed by all present.
One of the Guests.
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears
Signature of
War Ship Models
Depth Bombs
Sea Mines
Fighting Tools
That Is Making
The Ocean Unsafe
For International
Robbers And
Those Who Bomb
Churches and
Torpedo Hospital
Ships Regardless
of Their Treaties.
Reduced rates of One Fare and a Half for the round trip on all Railroads from all'points in Georgia
Close Every Letter
“Yours for the Loan’’
Thomas A. Edison has suggest
ed that every letter written in the
United States for the next few’
weeks shall close with the words,
“Yours for the Fourth Liberty
Loan.” The suggestion had been
adopted by the Liberty Loan com
mittee, and is being sent broad
cast throughout the country.
If every person, business firm
or corporation follows the sugges
tion the postoffice department es
timates the slogan will be uttered
more than forty million times ev
ery twenty-four hours.
Coughed So He Couldn't Sleep.
Bronchial coughs, tickling in
throat and asthmatic spasms break
one’s rest and weaken one so that
the system is run-down and seri
ous sickness may result. Enos
Halbert, Paoli, Ind, writes; “I
had a severe cold this fall and
coughed continually at night;
could hardly sleep. The first bot
tle of Foley’s Honey and Tar re
lieved me, entirely curing my
cough.” It covers irritated mem
branes witii a healing <md sooth
ing coating, loosens phlegm and
clears air passages. The McDon
ough Drug Co.
by vigorous men and women.
When one is lacking in strength and endurance,
when good health is wanting, when phyiical
power is at low ebb, it is impossible to accom
plish oue’s work.
One of the causes of ill health and low vitality
is the improper functioning of the kidneys.
Trouble results when they fail to eliminate
waste and poisonous matter from the system,
and rheumatic pains, backache, stiff joints, sore
muscles, and other symptoms quickly follow.
banish effects of kidney and bladder trouble by
removing the cause. They are healing and
curative. They tone up and strengthen the
weakened or diseased organs.
H. D. Castleberry, < Marine Engineer, Port
Vincent, La., writes: "I consider Foley Kidney
Pills the greatest medicine for kidney and bladder
Rouble i ever used. I recommend them to all
Mio suffer with kidney aAd bladder trouble.”
The McDonough Drug 30.
Oct. 12,13,14J5,16,17,18,19
Presenting an exhibit of Agriculture,
Horticulture, Cattle, Swine, Poultry,
Horses, Mules, Sheep, Which Promises
to be The Greatest in The South This
Year and the Only Fair In The South
eastern States Featuring The
With Running Races,PatrioticFireworks,
Big Program of Pleasing Free Attrac
tions, Biggest Midway and Greatest Ag
gregation of Varied Amusements Ever
Presented At A Fair in The South With
the Usual Exhibits of
Boys and Girls Clubs—Child Welfare.
Woman’s Work—Education —Poultry,
Swine and Calf Club Contests
Auto Show Corn Show Dog Show
Write For Free Premium Lint
H. G. HASTINGS, Free. R. >l. STRIPLIN, Sec.
Cut This Out—lt Is Worth Money.
this slip, enclose with 5c and mail
ti to Foley & Co., 2835 Sheffield
Avenue, Chicago, 111., writing your
name and address clearly. You
will receive in return a trial pack
age containing Foley’s Honey and
Tar Compound, for coughs, colds
and croup; Foley Kidney Pills, for
pain in sides and back; rheuma
tism, backache, kidney and blad
der ailments; and Foley Cathartic
Tablets, a wholesome and thor
oughly cleansing cathartic, for
constipation, biliousness, headache
and sluggish bowels. The Mc-
Donough Drug Co.
Notice to Sell Real Estate for
To Whom it May Concern :
Notice is hereby given by tho
undersigned that T will apply to
Hon. Wm. E. H Searcv, Jr., at
Griffin, Ga. ( on Got. 19th, ll»18, at
10 o’clock a.m. for authority to sell
at private sale the following de
scribed resil estate sitnated in Up
son conutv, Georgia, to :wit:
70 acres of land off of lot No. 137
known as the Ansley place, which
is described in deed from
John I*. Murray to John F.
Coneland, Guardian, dated Dec. 7,
1910, anil recorded in deed record
10 on page 202 in the Clerk’s office
of Epson Superior Court. Said
land being in the 10th district of
Upson county, Georgia.
The above land is the property
of my wards, Marguerite. Florence,
Ada, Willie and Minnie Lee Cope
land. All of said wards have now
arrived at the ago of 21 years ex
cept two. Marguerite and Florence
The undivided two-fifths interest
of Marguerite and Florence Cope
land is to be sold for the purpose
of reinvestment in War Savings
The land has ceased to be profit
able and is not rented this year. It
is expensive in that taxes must bo
paid on same and tho buildings are
depreciating in value and need re
pairs now, and the purchase of
Savings Stamps will be a more
profitable investment.
A purchaser has been found who
lias offered a good price for said
property, and authority will be
asked to make said sale at private
sale. This Sept. 8, 1918.
Guardian for Marguerite, Florence,
Ada, Willie and Minnie Eee
Browning Machine
That Shoot 1,000
Bullets a Minute,
Shells of Guns
That Shoot
Springfield and
Enfield Rifles—
Lewis Machine
Guns Trench
Periscope Gas
Masks Field
Wireless Outfits
—Heliograph and
Thousands of
Graphic Exhibits
Prepared by The
Department of
Agriculture and
its Different Bu