Newspaper Page Text
A New Showing of FALL SUITS, Coats and Dresses
Griffin Mercantile Company
Syrup making in lull blast at
Oliver Jones’ mill.
Miss Ethel Stallworth was the
guest of Miss Florence Wynn Sat
urday night.
Mrs. Robert Wynn is visiting
her mother, Mrs. T. J. Stallworth.
W. I). Lane has purchased a
Ford for himself and family. ,
Miss Lilia Jones and Leo Craig
went to Bethany Sunday after
1 have a friend who picked two
hundred pounds of cotton every
day iast week and gained two
pounds in weight in the time of it.
She says everyone must work or
fight now, and she is doing her
bit like a true soldier. She has a
son in France. The lady is not of
this community, though we have
some who are doing valient ser
vice all around us.
Rev. Jeff Strickland of the Salem
charge will preach at Fairview,
the Presbyterian church near
Snapping Shoals, next Sunday aft
ernoon. Go and hear him and
you will be glad you did.
If the restrictions on auto driv
ing on Sunday holds good untill
next summer probably it will prove
a blessing to the Sunday school
work, since it will make it a little
more inconvenient for the crowds
to gather at the afternoon sing
Farmers are getting their cotton
ginned with great difficulty. So
few gins are running I guess on
account of scarcity of wood and
hjbor. The ginnery at Snapping
Shoals, run by water power, is go
ing day and night.
We would like to offer an apol
ogy to little Dorothy Wilkerson
fur our tardiness in announcing
As a matter of fact these new garments have but lately come in by ex
press from New York, and therefore show the very latest styles of the season*
Practically every style developed in one way or another is to be found in
the extensive showing you will find here on display, and surely every desirable
style sanctioned for this season's wearing*
In the suits there are garments of velour, broadcloth, serge and repp;
trimmings are in fur, Hudson seal, braid and buttons*
The dresses are made of various fabrics, such as tricolette, tricotine and
velvet, and show various new effects in designing.
As for the coats, we doubt if there has ever been a showing of Fall gar
ments showing such beautiful effects as you will find now.
The showing is worthy of a special trip to the store, and we believe is
one of the most extensive we will make this season.
The new suits are marked at 525.00 to SBO.OO.
The new dresses are marked at SIO.OO to $50.00.
The new coats are marked at SIO.OO to $50.00.
her coming to dwell among us. I
have been kind of indisposed and
have not written The Weekly for
two .or three weeks. The is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy
No visiting much going on now.
It goes against the grain with me
anyway (and with many others)
to write or read such when 1 could
be writing or reading something
that 1 consider of more importance.
Mis’ Franc.
Union Grove.
Wait on the Lord. Be of good
courage and He shall strengthen
thine heart. Wait, I say, on the
Lord. This is a very comforting
verse to all who are in trouble.
Let us apply it to our hearts and
be patient and we shall be
strengthened. It is like we have
heard from the pulpit recently.
'When one gets their hands on a
mother’s boy, they have their
hands on that boy’s mother’s heart.
We have had a little experience
along this line, and have found
that it pays to pray and wait on
the Lord. Pray without ceasing.
What is prayer, the soul’s sincere
desire uttered or unexpressed.
Therefore, let us come boldly un
to the throne of grace and trust
the Lord even in our darkest hour,
for there is nothing hid that shall
not be revealed. Note the word
shall: Educated people tell us
that the word “shall” is one of the
strongest words in the English
language. So dear mothers, you
will find that putting our trust in
these promises we will obtain
We have been told several times
1 for the past few months by old
people that lived during the Civil
War. that this world war would
never cease until people were
brought down to a more humble
way of living. If so, the end is
not yet. There are a lot of good
people yet, but there are also hy
pocrites galore. People will get
up in the church and tell how they
are enjoying religion and how the
Lord is blessing them, and then
walk out at the close of the ser
vice without even seeing their
poor neighbor. Don’t you know
that the Lord is not blessing any
such. Be not deceived, Christ
is not mocked. We happen to be
one of those poor neighbors, but
right here is where we get our
j comfort. Christ was poor and
, had nowhere to lay His head, and
i inasmuch as we do not want to
speak to our poor neighbor, we
cannot speak to Him. God help
the world to get in the right spirit.
Words are insufficient to ex
press our sympathy for Mr. and
Mrs. William Hinton in the death
of their daughter. Gertrude. The
funeral was held at Woodland last
Thursday morning, Revs. Oglesby
and Goff conducting the service
in a most touching manner. The
beautiful floral offering and the
great mass of people attested to
the high esteem in which the de
ceased and family are held. May
God comfort their bleeding hearts.
Leon Biankenship spent Sunday
night at home.
Mr. Jonce EllicYtt is spending a
while with his mother, Mrs. M. 0.
Elliott, who is steadily improving.
One Two.
Attention is called to the round
trip rates to the Southeastern Fair,
Oct, 11-19, authorized by the Di
rector General of the Railways in
order to induce as many people
as possible to visit the big war ex
hibit at the Fair.
' fTjffr* Austin's 10c Store
25 New and slightly used Singers, New
Homes, Wheeler and Wilsons, Stan
dards, Domestics, Silents, Faultless,
New Goodrich*
Don't fa il to see our Demonstration on
New Automatic White, Sat. Oct. sth.
All Machines sold on positive
I have secured the old Goodwin brick barn, with plenty
of room, and am well prepared to feed and care for stock, buy
and sell cows, etc. Also public dray.
See me for prompt service in either line.
Goodwin's Old Stand.