The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, October 04, 1918, Image 5
Local Happenings Fraternal Lodge No 37 F. & A.M. Regular communications of Fraternal Lodge No. 87 F & A M meet Ist and 3u Firdav nights in each month. All dulj qualified brethren fraternally and cordi ally invited to meet with us. Bailor Smith, W. M. O. L. Adams, Sec. October court two weeks from next Monday. Two good horses for sale. W. B. J. Ingram. Land for sale, lease or rent. C. D. McDonald. If you want bargains go to Aus tin’s lO' Store. Mr. Ed Alexander was down from Atlanta Sunday. Have your car painted at Jack son, Ga., by J. F. Maddox. 4t SB.OO Dinner Set for $5.00 Sat urday at Austin’s lO' Store. Hampshire pigs for sale. G. C. Wise, route 2, Hampton, Ga. I have a few auto tires left at the old price. Jno. G. Pullin. Austin will sell you a Sewing Machine for $5.00, Saturday. Let Speer fit you with a pair of those elegant Fit U noses glasses. Mrs. Fred Walker and son, Fred, Jr., are visiting relatives in Sparta. A $65.00 Machine at Austin’s lO' Store lor $25.00, Saturday. Miss Bess Fouche spent the week-end with relatives in Atlan ta. Have vour car painted at Jack son, Ga., by J. F. Maddox. 4t Austin will sell you a Machine at your price Saturday. Ford roadster tor sale, in good shape. D. C. Carmichael, route 3, McDonough. I have a few auto tires left at the old price. Jno. G. Pullin. Miss Ellene Neal of Atlanta spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Neal. $6.00 42-piece Dinner Set for $5.00 at Austin’s lCk" Store, Satur day. Mrs. Weekly thinks Tye Cobb should be sent to the navy to steal submarine bases. Hon. Jno. L. Tye and little son of Atlanta spent Sunday with Mc- Donough relatives. Mr. John R. Smith left Monday on a week or ten days business trip to South Carolina. Why is it Austin sells goods so cheap, because he buys for cash and sells the same way. Good Seed Wheat for sale— s3.oo per bushel. Howell Gard ner, Locust Grove, Ga. Misses Jettie and Blake Bunn of Atlanta spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Bunn. Dr. and Mrs. L. P. Robson of •Charleston, S. C., will be the week end guests of Mrs. J. M. Gilmore. Mrs? Dean Combs received a cablegram last Friday announcing the safe arrival of Mr. Combs in England. Can rebore your “Ford,” “Buick Four” and “Metz” Cylinders foj over-size Pistons. Jno. R. Smith, McDonough, Ga. tf. A Car Load of One and Two- Horse Mitchell Wagons. Come at once and grab one before they are all gone. G. W. Cathy. Have your car painted at Jack son, Ga., by J. F. Maddox. 4t I have a few auto tires left at the old price. Jno. G. Pullin. The numerous friends of Mr. Sol Austin were pleased to see him able to be in town Tuesday, recovering from his recent painful accident. LOST Black umbrella with straight handle, between residence of Mrs. Q. A. Dickson and town. Return to Weekly office and re ceive reward. Strayed, Sept. 15, red Jersey sow pig, seven weeks old. Infor mation appreciated and suitably rewarded by W. L. Lewis, route 3, Stockbridge, Ga. Fifty acres good land for sale, S6O per acre, about six miles south of McDonugh, on Jackson road in Tussahaw district. T. W. Price, route 3, Locust Grove. J. W. Parks’ pedigreed trains of “Bred-to-and-do-lay” Barred Rock Cockerels for sale. Year ling size $1.50, Cocks $3.00. Breed the lay into your flock. Earle Hunt, McDonoigh, Route. 1. 4t The many friends of Mrs. Julian Weems regret to learn of the death of her aunt, Miss Clayton, which occurred in Greensboro last week. Mrs. Weems attended the funeral and remained several days with relatives. Send ~ Siege Guns tiGGhf *=> rggS--— \ Wt i J ($1 j |.. ?. Wfl "i ( /f\i / p¥w\ / i To Storm Berlin! \\\\s™« TT'S a long way to Berlin —but our boys will get there. Send them a siege gun to help them on 1® v h takes four hundred and forty (440) $50.00 Bonds of the /luWWIL \ Fourth Liberty Loan to buy one of these guns. We will mm\ need hundreds of them to batter our way into Germany. You cart help to send them a siege gun, if you Will IpPgjl Buy Liberty Bonds! npHE WAR has shown that vidual taste. Some prefer their sweets in jr-p.coi.reTs «aL, X healthy, active bodies possess tea or co^ee an4 l others in J E a natura * crav * n £ * or sweets - 'p* p Solid shiploads of sweets have been IT ** || p “ S| shipped to our boys “over there” to fig _ji IJWi § supply them with carbohydrates, or % p I bodily fuel. WSHiiwl m Sweets are of tremendous food-value. Z& How we take them is a matter of indi- v'J&r n(f HENRY COUNTY WEEKLY, McDONOUGH. GEORGIA All kinds of Machines at Aus tin’s at a bargain, Saturday. Mrs. Lewis Bowen of Atlanta was the week-end guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Atkin son. Go to Austin’s UP Store and call for what you want. He has got it. Mr. Jim Bowden has accepted a lucrative position with the Federal Reserve Bank and will leave for Atlanta Monday to enter upon his duties. Henry county lands brought some of the fanciest prices ever known at public sales here Tues day. Over a hundred dollars per acre was paid at the Clark sale, ninety-three and a quarter for the Tarpley place, and the Rountree tract of three hundred acres reach ed near ten thousand dollars. CARD OF THANKS. We desire to return our heart felt, greatful thanks to the good people for their unbounded kind ness to us in the great trial through which we have just passed, in the sadness and burial of our darling Gertrude, and also for the beauti ful floral offering. It would be impossible to find better or more kind, tender friends, and words fail to express our gratitude to them. However, we can but as sure each and every one that in our heart of hearts they can never be forgotten as long as memory lasts. Sincerely, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hinton and family. 4th Libetry Loan Rally At Stockbridge and Hampton on TUESDAY, OCT. Bth. Come and hear the Speeches and the magnificent 40=Piece Band. Hampton in the morning, Stock bridge in the evening. TIME UP I Beginning October 1, tle order of the Government to discon inue all newspa per subscriptions not paid in advance. The Weekly is confident its readers will all aid us in complying with this mandate to conserve paper, and we trust it will be unnecessary to lose a single one. Date on paper shows ex piration. Please be prompt as possible and save us embarrassing regret.