The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, October 04, 1918, Image 7
“\\/ 7 HAT I particularly like about * Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin is its mild but thorough action on the bowels. It has been very helpful in relieving my nine year-old son, who had been constipated since a baby.” (From a letter to Dr. Caldwell written by\ Mr. C. E. Jaffray, 51 Madison Street, 1 Brooklyn, N. Y. J Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin The Perfect Laxative Sold by Druggists Everywhere 'SO cts. (25) SI.OO Free from opiates and narcotic drugs and pleas ant to the taste, it acts easily and naturally and restores normal regularity. A trial bottle ran be obtained free of charge by writing to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 458 Washington Street, Monticello, Illinois. Liberty Bonds THEN MOORE Liberty Bonds t Statement of the condition of The Bank of Locust Grove Located at Locust Grove, Ga., at the close of business Sept. 20, 1918. RESOURCES: Demand Loans - f 6,674 00 Time Loans - - - 81,126.36 Overdrafts, secured. - - 42,101.78 Overdrafts, unsecured, - 525.36 Banking House - - 4,810.23 Furniture, and fixtures - 1,864.46 Other real estai e ... none Due from Banks and B inkers in this State ... 20,876.82 Due from Banks and Hankers in other States - - 190.98 Currency - 36.97 Gold - - - - 35.00 Silver, Nickels, etc., 3«u 66 Cash items - - 833.33 4.945.89 Cotton acceptances . . 5,540.71 Total .... 168,664.59 State of Georgia-Henry County. Before me came C. It. Plexico, Cashier of above Bank, who being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said Bank, as shown by the books of file in said Bank. C. B. PLEXICO, Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 23d day of Sept., 1918. J. \V. MIDDLE BROOKS, X P., Ex-officio J. P. Statement of the condition The Bank of Hampton Located at Hampton, Ga., at the close of business Sept. 20. 1918. RESOURCES: Demand Loans I 500 oO Time Loans - 122,249'90 Overdrafts, Unsecured - - 1.665.55 Bonds and Stock owned by the Bank - - 5,000.00 Furniture and Fixtures - 1,200.00 Due from Banks and Bankers in this State - - 54,735.56 Due from Banks and Bankers in other States - - 12,310 22 Currencv - $4,136.00 Gold - - - 80.00 Gold Certificates Silver, Nickels, etc. - 522 10 Cash Items - - 5,068.83 9.806 93 Thrift and War Sayings Stamps 1. 696 60 Total - $209,163 76 State of Georgia—HenryCounty. Before me came J. O. Rutherford, Cashier of the Bank of Hampton, who being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said BanK, as shown by the booKs of file in said BanK J J. O. RUTHERFORD. Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 24th day of Sept", 1918. W. B. MIXTER, Notary Public. Statement of the condition of The Bank of Stockbridge Located at Stockbridge, Ga., at the close of business Sept. 20, 1918. RESOURCES: Demand Loans - - - #78.853.47 Time Loans - 153,076.4. Overdrafts, secured Overdrafts, unsecured - 96.03 Bonds and Stocks owned by the Bank - *1 Banking House - 1 ’500.00 Furniture and Fixtures - - 1,500.00 Other Real Estate 200.00 Due from Banks and Bankers in this State - - - 11,065.80 Due from Banks and Bankers in other States - - 1,108.00 Currency - - 7,167.00 Gold - - - 35.00 Silver, Nickels, etc. 226 50 Cash Items - 8.473 81 Advances on Cotton 43,226.06 59,128.3. War Savings Stamps Total - - - $317,678.11 STATE OF GEORGIA.—County of Henry. Before me came C. M. Power, Cashier of Bank of Stockbridge. Ga., who being dulv sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement Is a true condition of said Bank, as shown by the books of file in said Bank M poWER Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 25th day of 9^ URpHy N p LIABILITIES: Capital Stock Paid in - $25,000.00 Undivided Profits, less Current Expenses, Interest and Taxes Paid - - • 18,909.43 Due to Banks and Bankers in this State - - - 25,000.00 Individual Deposits Subject to Check - - - 84,179.69 Time Certificates ... 9,906.76 Cashier’s Checks ... 128.00 Cotton acceptances . . 5,540.71 Total .... 168,664.59 LIABILITIES: Capital Stock Paid in - - 25,000.00 SuplusFund .... 30,000.00 Undivided Profits, less current Expenses, Interest and Tax es Paid 5,527.36 Due Unpaid Dividends Individual 'Deposits Subject to check ... 110,029 34 Time certificates - - 38,600.75 Cashier’s checks 6.31 Bills Payable, Including Time certificates representing Bon owed Money - None Total .... $209,163.76 LIABILITIES: Capital Stock Paid in - - $24,000.00 Undivided Profits, less Current Expenses, interest and Taxes Paid . . 21,147.96 Individual Deposits Subject to Check - 163.652.71 Time Certificates - - - 68,214.11 Cashier’s Checks ... .663 38 Bills Payable, including Time Cer tificates representing Borrowed Money, ... . 40,000.00 Total - - - $317,678.11 HENRY COUNTY WEEKLY, McDONOUGH, GEORGIA BAKER CALLS HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES Students’ .Army Training Corps Will Be Formed At State College Of Agriculture The Students’ Army Training Corps to be formed at the Georgia State Col lege of Agriculture will consist of “young men volunteers between the ages of 18 and 21 years," and these young men will, on enlistment, become members of the National Army, but will be allowed to continue their stud ies. Says the War Department of the soldier-student: “The draft board will not call him for induction so long as he remains a member of the Students’ Army Training Corps.” “Opportunity will be given,” con tinues the War Department commun ication, “for the enlisted student, who so elects, to transfer from army to navy, and vice versa, and to be as signed to active service in one of the various corps of the army upon recom mendation of the college president and the proper military authority.” Regular uniforms, including hats, shoes and overcoats, will be furnished all members of the Students’ Army Training Corps by the Government. The young man who takes the train ing may look forward to a six weeks’ summer military training camp next year with all of his expenses paid by the Government and, in addition, he will be given the pay of a private while on active duty. Says the official communication al ready referred to, “Should Congress lower the age of liability to immedi ate military service, men of the new ages not already enlisted may find dif ficulty in entering the service other than through the draft boards. Tn view of this possibility, all men expect ing to enlist at all in the Students’ Army Training Corps would do well to enter promptly.” If you r.-e inter ested in joining the Studene' Army Training Corps write Presia, it An drew M. Soule, Georgia State College of Agriculture, at once. W. F. Bartlett. Oakfield, Ga., May 10, 1917. Old Kentucky Mfg. Co., Paducah, Ky. Gentlemen : Please allow me to state that I have sold your hog cholera reme dy for one season and have or dered more for this season. Last year I sold it to 12 or 15 men who raise hogs. 1 told each of them to take the remedy, feed it to their hogs and if they lost a single hog from disease of any kind not to pay me a cent for the remedy, but when they began to sell cot ton every man came in and paid me for the medicine and every one of them told me that it was the best hog medicine they ever used. One mail paid me tor the small package and bought $5 00 worth more and said it was the best that he had ever tried. Yours very truly, W. F. Bartlett.. Henry County Supply Co. A FAMILY MEDICINE i In Her Mother's Home, Says This Georgia Lady, Regarding Black- Draught. Relief From Head ache, Malaria, Chills, Etc. Ringgold, Ga.— Mrs. Chas. Gaston, of this place, writes: “I am a user of Thedford’s Black-Draught; in fact, it was one of our family medicines. Also In my mother’s home, when I was a child. When any of us child ren complained of headache, usually caused by constipation, she gave us a dose of Black-Draught, which would rectify the trouble. Often in the Boring, we would have malaria and chills, or troubles of this kind, we would take Black-Draught pretty reg ular until the liver acted well, and we would soon be up and around again. We would not he without it, for it certainly has saved us lots of doctor bills. Just a dose of Black- Draught when not so well saves a lot of days in bed.” Thedford’s Black-Draught has been in use for many years in the treat ment of stomach, liver and bowel troubles, and the popularity which it tow enjoys is proof of Its merit If your liver is not doing its duty, you will Buffer from such disagree able symptoms as headache, bilious ness, constipation, Indigestion, etc., and unless something la done, Berious trouble may result Thedford’s Black-Draught has been found a valuable remedy for these troubles. It is purely vegetable, and acts in a prompt and natural way, regulating the liver to its proper functions and cleansing the bowels of Impurities. Try it Insist on Thed ford's, the original and genuine. E7S ( Heah’sYo < - uz^a t” nG ’ A POT of steaming, Luzianne Coffee set before “a Y\ /y \ \ gentleman and a judge of fine coffee.” SX'/' \ ' A finer hot beverage than good, old * -» Luzianne never existed . \7I| U ZJANNS Luzianne tastes all the way down \ | and you say “Set’em up again.” , Buy a can of Luzianne Coffee. If ' you can’t honestly say that it’s the « j best cup of coffee that ever passed ' WfTtW* 1 your lips, tell your grocer you’re not satisfied and he’ll give you back your money on the spot. Please try Luzianne. You’ll lika it, you will. In clean, air-tight tins. “ When It IVZMNNS V ' COFFEE / Statement of the condition of The Farmers & Merchant Bank Located at McDonough, Ga., at the close of business, Sept. 20, 1918. RESOURCES. Demand Loans, ... $ 6,513.80 Time Loans, .... 129.667.18 Overdrafts secured . none Overdrafts, unsecured . . 16,031.44 Bonds and Stocks owned by the Bank . . 5,000.00 Banking House, . . . 8,800.00 Furniture and Fixtures . 2,300 00 Due from Banks and Bankers in this State, . . . 8,846 83 Due from Banks and Bankers in other States . . . 716 03 Currency . , $2,830.00 Silver, Nickels, etc. 142.97 66,237 20 Cash Items . 70.90 Advances on Cotton 53,65)3.83 Total . . . $229,111.98 STATE OF GEORGIA.—County of Henry. Before me came H. J. Turner, President of The Farmers and Merchants Bank, who, being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condi tion of said Bankas shown by the books of file in said Bank. H. J Turner, President. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 23d dav ->f Sept., 1918. J. R. TURNER. C. N P. of Henry Co., Ga ————————■— i i ii .. ... '■ l Statement of the condition of The Bank of Henry County Located at McDonough, Ga., at the close of business Sept. 20, 1918.. RESOURCES. Demand Loans $ )6,067 89 Time Loans - - - 230,250 3o Overdrafts, secured - - 6,856 78 Overdrafts, unsecured - - 3,591.87 Bonds and Stocks owned by the Bank .... 11.020.00 Banking House, - - 3,914.04 Furniture and Fixtures, - 8,208.24 Due from Banks and Bankers in this state - - 17,969.47 Due from Banks and Bankers in other States - 12 781.90 Currency - - $3,934 00 Gold Certificates Silver. Nickles, etc., 367 45 Cash Items, - 5,252.12 9,558 63 t'S on Cotton Insurance account 58.79 Revenue Stamps . . . 70 87 Total .... $338,616.90 STATE OF GEORGIA. HENRY COUNTY. Before me c»me .1. B. Dickson. Cashier of The Bank of Ib-nry County, who being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition ot said Bank as shown by the books of file in said Bank. J. B. Dickson, Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed liefore me, this 24th dav of Sept., 1918. JNO. G PULLIN, C. N P., of H. Co., Ga <r ■ Statement of the condition of The Citizens Bank Located at Locust Grove, Ga., at the close of business Sept. 20, 191 H. RESOURCES: Demand Loans - ... $16,756.43 Time Loans - - - 73.535.95 Overdrafts, secured Overdrafts, unsecured, - 876.57 Bonds and stocks owned by Bank Banking House - - - 2,700.00 F'urniture and Fixtures - - 1,525.00 Due from Banks and Bankers in this State - - - 45,403.16 Due from Banks and Bankers in other States . - - 1,922.60 Currency - - $3,126.00 Gold - - 32.50 Silver, Nickels, etc, 301.96 Cash items 735.17 4,195.63 Advances on cotton - - 38,771 46 Libsrty Bonds for bang and customers 10,000.00 Total .... $195,686.80 State of Georgia—Henry County. Before me came J. C. McKnight, cashier of the Citizens Bank, Locust Grove, Ga., who being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said bank, as shown by the books of file hi Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 24th day of Sept., 1918. J. W. MIDDLE BROOKS. N\ P., Ex-officio J. Pi. LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid lu . $30,006.0 Undivided profits, less Current Expenses, interest and Taxes paid .... 13,731.8 Individual Deposits subject to check, . . . : 80,218 9*■ l’lme Certificates . . . 36.9ti7.40 Cashier’s Checks . . . 3,195 11 Bills payable, including Time Certifioat *s representing borrowed money 60,000.0(> Total . . $229,111 98 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock Paid In - - $50,000.' Surplus Fund, - - 30,000 o ( * Undivided profits, lews Current Expenses, Interest and Taxes Paid, . . 11,000.31 Due to Banks and Bankers In this State - - - 44.70 Due unpaid dividends Individual Deposits Subject to Check, ... - 82.635 Time Certificates, . . 44,428.78 Cashier’s t’hecks, . . . 510 22 Notes and bills rediscounted 45,000. to. Bills Payable, including Time Certificates representing borrowed money, - 75,(8XM> War Saving and Thrift; Stamps 6.7 7 Safety box rent . . I.oo* Total - - $338,616.91 LIABILITIES: Capital Stock paid in $17,880.0c*. Undivided profits, less current expenses, interest and taxes paid - - - 11,928.3>» Due unpaid dividends - - ssu.Bo* Individual deposits subject to c'k 110,668.46* Time Certificates - 11,929.16. Bills payable, including Time Certificates representing borrowed money - - 42,500.0',* Total - - - $195,686 8 &