Newspaper Page Text
The Henry County Weekly
Rallies at Hampton and
Stockbridge, War Relics
Train at McDonongh All
Draw Great Crowds On
Tuesday and Put Old
Henry High Upon the
Honor Roll.
Tuesday was another glorious
day for Henry county.
The big patriotic rallies at Hamp
ton in the morning, Stockbridge
in the afternoon, with war relics
train in McDonough, were all that
could be asked, and put Henry
away above her quota of the
Fourth Liberty Loan.
Large crowds cheered the mag
nificent 40-piece military band at
Hampton and Stockbridge, and
the splendid music, with the fine
speeches by Lieut. Jones of the ar
my, Private Lewis of the navy and
Hon. R. E. Harvey, were enjoyed
as well as fully appreciated
In round numbers, with $238,00U
to raise, the subscriptions report
ed are as follows:
McDonough, $123,000
|i' Hampton, 63,000
Stockbridge, 50,000
Locust Grove, 31,000
Grand Total, 264,000
Henry county is one among
twelve or fifteen out of the hun
dred and fifty-four counties of
Georgia that have gone over up
to date. But that is not all —the
committees are still at work, and
hope to increase the subscriptions
to at least $300,000 before ihe
campaign closes on the 19th. The
obligation of those who have not
subscribed is none the less than if
among the first.
Hurrah for old Henry—and let’s
all continue to do our full duty
until Kaiserism is banished from
the earth.
We regret very much to have
to call attention to the fact that,
owing to the high cost of materi
als to run the cleaning and press
ing department connected with
our Tailor Sjiop, we are forced
to make some slight advance in
prices. • Since the advance of
prices in everything else we have
succeeding in avoiding raising our
prices until now, but each month
w'e’.ve only been able to barely
meet the expense of running the
department. So, beginning with
the Ist of October, we kindlv ask
our club members to consider a
$1 25 per month, one suit called
for and delivered each week.
Overcoats and ladies’ work will
be charged for extra.
Thanking you for your past pa
Important Notice.
The Henry County Chapter of
the American Red Cross will hold
its regular annual meeting for
election of officers on Thursday
night, October seventeenth. All
members are urged to be present.
. Mrs. R. H. Hankinson,
Publicity Chairman.
A Weekly Newspaper Devoted to the Interests of McDonough and Henry County.
McDonough High School,
1918-1919 Session.
Honor Roll for September.
Second Grade —J. C. Harris,
Clinton Hightower, Marie Hpdnett,
Josephine Stansell.
Third Grade —Clair Bryans, Mar
gie Mason, Jimmie Lee Stansell,
Marie Fields, Elizabeth Nelson,
Louise Hunt, Ernest Smith.
Fourth Grade Mildred Hod
nett, Mildred Pattillo, Lonnie Gil
more, Priscilla Forbes, Emma
Stewart, Frances Thompson.
Fifth Grade —Alice Brown, Nel
lie Fisher, Sarah Kimbell, Angie
Sixth Grade —Clevis Mason,
Raymond Patterson, Lillian Car
michael, John Dickson, Sarah Gil
more, Virla Pattilo, Julia Stansell,
Louise Rowan, Josephine Turner,
Effie Wise.
Seventh Grade—Rubv Dickson,
Julia Elliott, Sarah Glass, Mary
Alice Nelson, Rebecca Smith, Mary
Tenth Grade-—Clyde Oglesby,
Velma Mason, Elizabeth Owen,
Loree Pattillo, Elon Nail, Mattie
Eleventh Grade-r Carrie Dt*-
pree, Greer Farrar, Clarence El
N. B. —Honor Roll Standard :
No absences, no tardies ; an aver
age of 90 or more in studies; also,
90 or more in deportment.
Results of Begin
ning Relief Work.
Many thanks to all who so will
ingly and generously assisted our
McDonough Branch, A. R. C. in
the recent drive for clothing for
the destitute Belgians. The mer
chants of our town were generous
indeed in the gifts of new coats,
shoes, sweaters, hats, piece goods,
etc., and everyone gave liberally,
of time, labor and material, and
we feel will be interested in know
ing the results of the drive. We
'collected and have shipped —
764 garments.
75 men’s and boys hats and cans.
58 pairs ladies and children’s
60 pairs shoes
Amounting to 1,011 lbs. gross
wt. Will have another box to
ship in a few days.
Mrs. B. B. Carmichael.
Card of Thanks.
I want to extend mv heartfelt
thanks to my FRIENDS who sup
ported me in the recent primary,
showing their confidence in me
as their public servant, and I am
sure that I will not betray their
confidence in me, and I snail al
ways be found ready to serve
them on all matters pertaining to
the best interest of our state and
county to the best of my ability.
I am as ever your most Resp’t
friend -W. A. BELLAH.
Notice to War
Stamp Pledgers.
Pledge Cards are due today!
Don’t wait till the very last minute,
you mjght in some way get rid of
the money. Remember the time,
place and agency, when, where
and from whom you promised to
buy, and go today and fill that
promise. It is still no time for
carelessness or slacking,
G. W. Lemon, Chairman
J. A. SEACE, Sec’y.
McDonough. Georgia. Friday. October h. i9is
Mr. Fred Kelley left Tuesday
for Columbia, South Carolina,
where he goes as embalmer with
a large undertakers firm serving
Camp Sevier.
Mr. A. A. Exum gave The Week
ly a pleasant call while in the city
Tuesday. He reports a negro boy
on his farm has averaged $4.00
per day for some time past, by
picking 400 pounds of cotton each
Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Tolleson en
tertained at dinner Sunday and
had as their guests, Mr. and Mrs.
Ed Veach of Atlanta, Mr. and Mrs.
Hall Turner of Jackson, Mr. and
Mrs. J. T. Weems and Mr. and
Mrs. H. M. Turner.
The many friends of Mrs. Wal
ter Gilmore regretted to hear of
her death last week. Her remains
were brought up from Cairo for
interment at the family burial
ground in Henrv county last Fri
day. Much sympathy is extended
the stricken husband and family.
Mr. Asa Brown, now with the
munitions department of the gov
ernment service at Detroit, is
spending a short with his
father, Mr. J. B. Brown, after an
absence of twelve years from Mc-
Donough, and is Warmly greeted
by old friends. He Is accompan
ied by Mrs. little son.
Rural Schools <Qpen.
In srdsr tojJSr tfc TnlJ
months •befortF'-xmaT
schools wilfopen on Monday, Oc
tober 28.
Please take notice of same and
let’s have a full opening and a
prosperous, happy school year of
next term.
T. J. HORTON, C. S. S.
o cn e i a aa
i vr »-v_>
Children’s Coats $ 3-50 to $ 11-50
Misses Coats 7 50 to 25 OO
Ladies Coats 12 50 to 42-50
Voil Waist $ 1>25 to $ 2*oo
Crepe deChene Waist 3-00 to 4-50
Georgette Crepe Waist 4-00 to 5-00
McDonough, ga.
Henry County’s
Honor Roil G f Heroes
PAID IN mil -
These Men GAVE All.
Te Government asks you only to LEND.
IKE STROUD, Colored.
Bracing as a
‘ J? Wind
i 7l A- —/7H AT the end of a hard day, just si?
. MX. down to a cup of Luzianne
Coffee. See how you pick u p with
every savory sip. Luzianne is far, far
j—different from any other coffee. It’s
' n,IIIL - *1 got something that all the others seem
Il f7l ANNf *° * ac k- And it’s packed in dust-proof,
tp® •"*- moisture-proof cans that bring
W •v'- Luzianne to your kitchen just the same
/ as when it left the roaster. Buy a can
ifv/Nrl and try it for yourself. An iron-clad.
air-tight guarantee says that if you are
i 'jgSLto* 1101 entirel £ satisfied with Luziahne,
' your grocH will give you back your
'money. And he will
“When It Pours, It Reigns 99
33-SO to $7-50
60c to $3-00
Every Day Brings
Something New to
Our Millinery Department
$1.50 A YEAR