Newspaper Page Text
The Henry County Weekly
Distribution of the Home Card
is postponed. But the conserva
tion programme has not been
postponed. On the contrary, the
world’s wants do not wait on the
distribution of the Home Card nor
on influenza or any other inter
ruption. From last September
Wy have on display
at our Store Fashion’s
Latent Styles diredt
from Fifth Ave., New
York, our Extensive
Line of Ladies' COATS
and SUITS, in Velours,
Plushes, Velvets and
Serges, trimmed in Fur,
Venetian Lining.
SS4- 95 „ P .
Woolens. Serges, Satins, Silk Poplins,
Taffetas and Venetians, all sizes and colors.
Prices f-.aif1.95
A Weekly Newspaper Devoted to the Int tests of McDonough and Henry County.
the draft on our stocks of food
has been running against us every
During the year the American
people must save food that we
may increase our shipments by
fifty per cent. This campaign
calls for intensive saving in every
Sells For Less
McDonough, Georgia, fr day. November 8, ms.
Ready to Wear
Voiles, Crepe de Chine,
Georgette Crepe, all
styles, colors and siz£s.
98c to $3.98
household. Eaclf housekeeper is
captain of an itwependent com
mand. Evetiy.on<| who eats helps
or hinders the ai three times
per day.
Do your people" realize what is
required ? We ifpst increase our
exports by one- half. The increase
must be made' up of the food we
save. It is not a question of sub
stitution ; no conservation is ef
fected by substituting one food
for another. | •
Every manager of a hr usehold
must determine for herself, by the
guidance of- war conscience,
how she can maintain the health
and strength of '-her family with
the least possible, expenditure of
food. She must Reduce her buy
ing to a science that will not per
mit an ounce of \yaste.
There is no of rations
for this. Every hofne represents
i separate probldhit no two fam
ilies are exactly* aflke in all cir
cumstances. T6;Mve this prob
lem, the housekeeper must be
persuaded to cpt suit those who
have studied nutrition, fqod valut s,
food markets, the -upkeep of the
body and its dutput*\)f energy.
The general principles* must be
applied to the of each
home. 4
This campaign nearly
Eighteen Million Tbns of food
goes into effotet at We
must pursue it with,- M*e same
vigor that we used in/pur drive
An excellent line of the
season’s Latest Creations.
Children’s at 98c up.
Ladies’ at SI 98c up.
for the Six Billion Dollar Liberty
Loan. The distribution of the
Home Card, a little later, will give
point and purpose to the mission
ary work you have done in the
Raise More Foodstuffs.
Georgia farmers and the farm
ers of the South generally atte be
ing urged to plant larger acreages
in wheat for the next harvest than
they have planted before.
A little thought on part of tillers
of the soil will convince them of
the great necessity of doing this.
America, for the next few years,
will be expected to furnish a large
proportion of the food that is con
sumed, not only in this country,
but in many foreign countries, in
Let me urge every farmer
Henry county to he loyal and
plant double the amount of wheat
this year as planted last year.
Also, those who did not plant last
year to plant this year. Every
plow should have at least two
acres of wheat. If Henry county
should follow this rule next sum
mer would find practically enough
wheat in the county to supply the
demands and some to sell.
Peace or no peace, we must
double our efforts in raising food
stuffs for home and other coun
tries. As loyal Americans we will
do our bit and save the world
from suffering.
United States F'ood Administration,
By Geo. S. Malaier,
County Food Administrator.
Nov. 5, 1918.
Filled the same day
We guarantee sat=
SELLS for less
An array of Children’s Wear second to
none, including COATS, Serge and
Ginghams Dresses. All sizes.
75c upward.
Extensive line of Silk Shirts, numer
ous beautiful patterns, including the late
Candy Stripes.
S>i upward.
For the entire family at SPECIAL
Prices. Nuf ced.
Omit Telephone
Calls and Help in
This Emergency.
Bell telephone t service in Mc-
Donough is seriously hampered
by the absence 01 two out of the
three regular employes operators
who are ill with Spanish influenza.
Adequate service cannot he ren
dered under these conditions un
less we have the patriotic co-ope
ration of the telephone-using pub
lic. The traffic is heavier than
usual, and our limited force M
operators are striving to meet the
unusual demands.
You are urged not to make local
or long distance telephone cal’s
except in cases of absolute neces
sity. Ordinary business and so
cial calls must be eliminated so
that the traffic may be reduced to
the point where it can he handled
efficiently by the limited number
of operators who are able to per
form their duties.
If ypu make unnecessary cal
you will interfere with the emer
gency needs of the community
and prevent us from handling the
calls which are absolutely essen
Only through patriotic co-ope
ration of the entire telephone-us
ing public can we successfully
cope with this serious situation
and render service for the essen
tial needs of the public.
J. G. WARD, Manager,
Southern Bell Telephone & Tele
graph Company.
$1.50 A YEAR