The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, November 15, 1918, Image 1
The Henry Ce unty Week!}' A Weekly Newspaper Devoted to the Interests of McDonough and Henry Count>. VOL. XLIV. Christmas Parcel Notice. Rules for Mailing Christ mas Parcels for Soldiers Over Sea. No parcels may be mailed after Nov. 20, 1918. No Package may weigh over 3 pounds. No written message may be en closed. The sender must furnish neces sary postage to Hoboken, N. J. Each parcel must bear the label received from abroad, with the name and address of the soldier. Cartons will be furnished by the Red Cross, and can be obtain ed from Miss Ida Lou Tarpley at Green, Tarpley & Co’s, Miss Willie Knight at Henry County Supply Co’s, or Geo. C. Alexander at Copeland-Turner Mer. Co’s. A committee will be at the Red Cross work room to receive par cels Friday, Saturday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday after noons, Nov. 15. 16, 18, 19 and 20. Room will open at 1 o’clock. Bring your package unwrapped on these dates, and the committee will inspect and get them mailed for vou. Unless your package is inspected by this committee it can not be mailed. SPECIALS AT NEWMAN’S SELLS FOR LESS COATS & SUITS We have on display at our Store Fashion’s Latent Styles d iredt from Fifth Ave., New York, our Extensive Line o(.Ladies' COATS and SUITS, in Velours, Plushes, Velvets and Serges, trimmed in Fur, Venetian Lining. $I4 95 up. SKIRTS Woolens, Serges, Satins, Silk Poplins, Taffetas and Venetians, all sizes and colors. Prices <1^0.95 “■ upward. McDonough, Georgia, frlDay. November is, 1918 GLORY H/SLLELUJAH! THE WAR IS OVER! ’ l t The American and Allies armistice termlwere signed by the German plenipotentiaries at 2:45 o'clock Monday morning, and hostility ceased at 11 o'clock, Paris time, it was offi cially announced by the State Department?, thus ending the greatest of all wa.s tn the w orld s % - |f; history. And in a delirium of delight came great jubilees everywhere. McDonough contributed her mite. Headed by the teachers, the school children marched in a body to the public square, and as proposed by Prof. Clarke made the welkin ring with cheer after cheer in turn for the Allies, President Wilson, and all the others, amid wild waiving of Old Glory to the accompaniment of all conceivable noises by the little ones. Bedlam broke loose after supper, when the boys gathered together every hideous sound from autos up and down, rendering peaceful sleep impossible, and continuing to near dawn. I \ \ • * At the Baptist church Wednesday nighi peace service was held. * % •. M' So the world's worst wlar is at an end. j> • .' • • * •« 9 »••"'>* > ft S £ • Forevermore may its like never be seen again. AMEN ! N DON’T FORGET TO CALL AT EWMAN'S Sells For Less Ready, to Wear Depart rr\er\t WAISTS Voiles, Crepe de Chine, Georgette Crepe, all styles, colors and sizes. 98c to $3.98 MILLINERY An excellent line of the season’s Latest Creations. Children’s at 98 c U P‘ Ladies’ at $1 98c up. MAIL ORDERS Filled the same day received. We guarantee sat= isfaction. NEWMAN’S SELLS FOR LESS CHILDREN’S DEP’T. An array of Children’s Wear second to none, including CO AIS, Serge and Ginghams Dresses. All sizes. 75c upward. MEN’S DEP’T. Extensive line of Silk Shirts, numer ous beautiful patterns, including the late Candy Stripes. $1 upward. SHOES For the entire family at SPECIAL Prices. Nuf ced. NEWMAN’S SELLS FOR LESS. Omit Telephone Calls and Help in This Emergency. Bell telephone service in Mo Donough is seriously hampered by the absence of two out of the three regular employes operators who are ill with Spanish influenza. Adequate service cannot be ren dered under these conditions un less we have the patriotic co-ope ration of the telephone-using pub lic. The traffic is heavier than usual, and our limited force oi operators are striving to meet the • unusual demands. You are urged not to make loca or long distance telephone calls except in cases of absolute neces sity. Ordinary business and so cial calls must be eliminated so that the traffic may be reduced to the point where it can be handled efficiently by the limited numbei of operators who are able to per form their duties. If you make unnecessary call? you will interfere with the emer gency needs of the community and prevent us from handling the calls which are absolutely essen tial. Only through patriotic co-ope ration of the entire telephone-us ing public can we successfully cope with this serious situation and render service for the essen tial needs of the pubkc. J. G. WARD, Manager, Southern Bell Telephone & Tele graph Company. $1.50 A YEAR