The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, November 15, 1918, Image 5

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    Local Happenings
Fraternal Lodge No 37 F. & A.M.
Regular communications of Fraternal
Lodge'No. 87 F & A M meet Ist and 8;i
Firday nights in each month. All duly
qualified brethren fraternally and cordi
ally invited to meet with us.
•-Bailor Smith, W. M.
O. L. Adams, Sec,
Call on Spoof, the Optromtrist,
He keeps in stock all the latest
styles of frames and nose glasses.
School again.
“Flu” excitement subsided.
November half gone —soon be
Land for sale, lease or rent. C.
D. McDonald.
Your uncle Sid Mays took in
Atlanta last Friday.
Wanted at once—load good oak
fire-wood. Brown House.
Mr. Pierce Simpson is out again
after a short attack of “flu.”
Splendid Jersey cow with third
calf for sale. J. Olin Kimbell.
Let Speer fit you with a pair of
those elegant Fit U noses glasses.
J. Olin Kimbell will buy your
scrap iron at the highest market
About all "flu” patients back on
the job and glad to be at business
It ought to be the greatest
Thanksgiving on record this year,
and doubtless will.
Mrs. Horton has received a card
from the Doctor announcing his
safe arrival overseas.
The U. D. C’s will meet with
Mrs. Julian Weems next Thursday
afternoon at 3 o’clock.
It appears now that peace cele
bration will continue right on into
Christmas and combine the two.
Overland two passenger
roadster for sale $l5O.
A. R. Scott.
Numbers of Henry county peo
ple witnessed the big peace jubi
lees in Atlmta last Monday and
Can rebore your “Ford,” “Buick
Four” and "Metz” Cylinders for
■over-size Pistons. Jno. R. Smith,
McDonough, Ga. tf.
The December adjourned term
of court has been called off, as
will be seen by order of Judge
Searcy in this issue.
The friends of Mr. Ralph Simp
son are pleased to know that he
is gradually convalescing from his
recent critical illness.
Mr. Jack Brown, Mr. Sid Mays
and Mr. Jim Dingier were McDon
ough’s happy Big Three at the
Macon fair Wednesday.
From the swarm of children in
the school parade Monday after
noon to celebrate peace news.jjjit
was evident they were back upon
their duties in full force, and the
scene was delightfully inspiring.
Your uncle Ray Pair says the
Germans have been running ever
since his picture got in the papers.
No telling how soon it would have
ended, had he actually gotten to
the front—MIGHT have run them
selves to death.
Mr. Lewis Hightower, the clever
Stockbridge bailiff, gave The
Weekly a pleasant call while in
McDonough Wednesday after
Quite a number of McDonough
people were among the large at
tendanc upon the funeral of Rev.
R. F. Smith at Locust Groye last
All the teachers have returned
to their duties, and with a full at
tendance of pupils, school resum
ed the regular session in good
shape again Monday morning.
We wish to thank our many
friends for the kindness shown us
during our recent illness.
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Simpson.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Simpson.
The new Amis garage is about
complete in all departments, and
in every detail is hard to excel
anywhere. It’s a beauty, and a
regular advertisement will soon
Wish Cousin Alf Fouche would
clip the top of the pages of his
Henry Count' Weekly. We have
to use the scissors in opening it
up every week, and it’s a lot of
trouble. —Griffin News.
Mr. Jamie Hooten’s appearance
up town again is warmly greeted
after his serious confinement, and
all hope he will soon be entirely
well. His father was down from
Atlanta to visit him Sunday.
Tax Collector Wallace gives no
tice of his last round in this issue.
It is important that taxes be paid
promptly, as the new law requires
the issuing of executions at once
upon the closing of books and not
wait until December as formerly.
A couple of young ladies will be
on duty at the McDonough Drug
Co. Saturday to sell hot chocolate
and sandwiches in the interest
of the United War Work. Every
body invited to call and help them
in the good cause, as well as get
a good lunch.
Editor R. L. Johnson, formerly
of The Weekly, but for several
years in charge of the Clarksville
Advertiser, has sever|d his con
nection with that paper to enter
the service of Uncle Sam. Mr.
Johnson is clever and genial,
and has the best wishes of scores
of friends over the State.
Some of our boys in the last
draft, while of course joyful over
peace, regret failure to be called
for the trip "overseas.” While
work has not yet ceased, the local
board has received orders to is
sue no more questionaires, except
boys of 18, and all ages now out
must be signed and returned.
Rev. H. S. Smith is attending
the annual meeting of the North
Georgia Conference in Atlanta
this week. Brother Smith goes
with a good report from his
charge, having raised all assess
ments, and gone "over the top” in
some of them, we understand.
Under the new rules of appoint
ment it is possible that the four
year limit may be extended, and a
petition to that effect has been
forwarded in behalf of Mr. Smith,
and whether he is returned or
not, wherever he may go, he has
the very best wishes of our entire
people, whom he has served so
faithfully and well.
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears
Tribute of Respect.
We chronicle, with sad hearts,
the death of our beloved class
mate, Lucile Tolleson Turner, who
died Nov. 1, 1918.
Whereas, it having pleased Al
mighty God in His wisdom to take
her from our midst.
Be it resolved :
First, That bv her going away
each of our lives shall be more
consecrated to God’s will, for we
know not the day or hour the
Sun of Man cometh.
Second, That we shall ever miss
her. She was gentle, kind and
true, loyal to her class and the
cause of Christ, always in her
place when not providentially
hindered, rendering nobly a lov
ing service for Christ.
Third, That we extend to the
bereaved Husband and friends our
deepest sympathy in this sad ioss.
Fourth, That a copy of this ex
pression of our love be furnished
the husband, be entered and pre
served in the Fidelis Class record.
A precious one from us is gone,
A voice we loved is stilled)
A idaoe is vacant in our class
Which never can he filled.
G<*d in His wisdom has recalled
The boon His love had given,
And though the body slumbers here
Her soil! is safe in heaven.
Vessie M. Thrasher,
Eva Cathy,
Nellie K. Callaway.
Fidelis Class Committe.
Fall Vegetables.
The entire Weekly household
is under obligations to Mr. I. W.
» f
Crumbley for treat to a fine mess
of fall Irish potatoes, two large
heads of winter cabbage, and an
8% pound sweet potato. Mr.
Crumbley states that he has dis
covered that low ground never
fails to produce fall Irish pota
toes. At least, the beautiful sam
ples are ample evidence of his
success. "Uncle Alec” Borders
also has thanks for a sack of fine
Four horse farm for rent, whole
or in part, near Hinton’s Mill, on
road to Stockbridge. Standing
rent. See Byron Maddox, on the
the place at once, or write.
Not Seconds or Government Rejects
We have jusl: received this bunch of mules, and they are
well-bred 3 to 5 years old, weighing from
1000 to 1300 pounds. These mules]were carefullyjselected
by the be& mule man in Georgia, and we feel confidentjthat
you will not find as good a seledtionjelsewhere, and certainly
not at the prices we are naming.
We advise buy the and buy them early.
November 20th “The
Henry County Weekly ”
'The Man in Khaki.’
Getting the for Your
Money in Boys Clothing
Every clothing wants of boys
between two and eighteen years
of age can be satisfied at Boys’
Wear Headquarters. This depart
ment of our business is practically
a Boys’ Store in itself. It occupies
the entire second floor at ‘The
Daylight Corner’ and we believe
it is the handsomest as well as the
largest exclusive Boys’ depart
ment in Dixie.
. You get the most for your mon
ey here because we know where
and how to buy Boys Clothing.
We know what makes for good
style. We know what materials
will stand up under the hard
knocks that boys give their cloth
ing. At the same time we’ve
looked out for the smartness cf
design even in the lowest priced
boys clothing and we have seen
to it that good sty lc is combined
with good value.
You as well as the boy will be
delighted with the exceptional
values to be found at Boys’ Wear
Headquarters. And second only
to value is the hearty, homelike
welcome and interested attention
that always awaits our visitors
from Henry county when they
i call.
Please remember, we want you
to make “The Daylight Corner”
your headquarters whenever in
A Mail Service for Mothers *.*
The filling of mail oraers is in the hands of experts at Kise
tnans. Any information and service is cheerfully and promptly
supplied. If you can’t come to Atlanta yon can shop by mail
very easily at Eisetnan ‘s.
m tmum #;
m A good, reliable for men,
young men and for boys.