Newspaper Page Text
Let’s all stand and sm.. that old
so g, “Blow Ye liie Trumpet
Blow,” and all join in singing the
cli >rus, “The Year of Jubilee H&s
Ain’t you glad ?
Have you “flu” yet ?
Pay up for The Weekly.
“Tater diggin” time in Georgia.
Old time “possum huntin’’ time.
Were you honest to goodness
thankful Thanksgiving day?
Old Bill Kaiser must surely be
kin folks to the old devil.
The Odd Fellows Lodge recent
ly organized here, has not met for
several meeting nights on account
of the sickness of several of its
officers. Nearly all of them had
the “flu.”
Linen for France.
The Henry County Chapter, A.
R. C., has just shipped out their
full allotment of linen for hospital
use in France.
Each branch, Locust Grove,
Sfockbridge, Hampton and Mc-
Donough, furnishing the full
amount allotted them, and Colored
Auxiliary of McDonough were
glad to bear their share, and so
donated S2O to cover cost of 10
The linen consisted of —
88 Sheets.
193 Bath towels.
375 Hand towels.
270 Handkerchiefs.
32 Napkins.
Thanks to the committee who
had this in charge, and to all who
donated so generously.
Mrs. B. B. Carmichael.
Anvil Block News.
Up with the banner bright,
Sprinkled with starry light,
Spread its fair emblems fronUmountain
to shore.
While through the sounding sky
Loud rings the nation’s cry
Union, Peace and Liberty One ever
Mr. and Mrs. Y. C. H. Adamson
and children attended the birth
day dinner of Mrs. VV. H. Clark,
Friday, near Rex.
Mr. and Mrs. George Chaffin
and children visited relatives at
Kelleytown Sunday,
Mr. W. A. Sockwell and son,
Loy and daughter, Miss Vara, and
Miss Eva Sockwell attended the
funeral of Wilburn Sockwell in
Atlanta, Sunday.
Mr. W. I. Mitchell has purchased
a bran new Ford.
Mr. Frank Adamson of College
Park spent Saturday here with
Mr. Will Rowden and daughter,
Miss Gwendolyn and Miss Mary
Mayo, spent Sunday afternoon
with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Gardner
at Mount Vernon.
Court Order.
Henry Superior Court.
In Chambers.
November 2, 1918.
It is ordered that the order
heretofore entered adjourning the
regular October Term of the Court
to and until the first Monday in
December next be and the same
is revoked and annulled, and said
adjourned Term of this Court call
ed off.
Ordered further that the Clerk
cause a notice hereof to be posted
at the court house door and to be
published in The Henry County
Weekly one time.
Ordered further that the Clerk
enter this on the Minutes of this
Wm. E. H. Searcy, Jr.,
J. S. C. F. C.
Thanks Contributors
I wish to thank the people on
Hampton Route No. 2 for their
contributions to the United War
Work fund for the “boys over
there.” Below are some of those
who contributed, with amount:
B. C. Bright, SIO.OO.
C. W. Wynn, $2.00.
J. M. Greer, $1.50.
W. G. Berry, SI.OO.
J. P. Nash, SI.OO.
J. P. McCullough, SI.OO
Mrs. T. C. Jones, SI.OO.
S. A. Elliott, SI.OO.
A. J. Price, 75*'.
Mrs. T. H. Jpnes, 50**.
J. A. Jennings, 50**.
Ben Hand, 50**.
J. T. Greer, 50*'.
W. C. Floyd, SI.OO.
Mrs. Green Mitchell, SI.OO.
Mrs. J. R. Brown, SI.OO.
T. C. Jones, $5.00.
B. Redwine, $1.50.
A. K. Conkle, SI.OO.
C. E. Wallace, SI.OO.
G. A. Conkle, SI.OO.
Mary Jones, SI.OO.
L. W. Chaffin, SI.OO
T. A. Jones, 50c.
J. C. Massay, 50**.
R. E. Wallace, 50*'.
H. H. Kennedy, 50**
G. A. Alls, 50*'.
J. S. Floyd, SI.OO.
P. E. Parker, 25**.
Mrs. E. M. Massay, 25**.
W. T. Kennedy, 25**.
O. E. Nix, 25**.
C. M. Foster, 25**.
A. T. Griffin, 25c.
May many blessings be yours
for this.
Rural Carrier No. 2.,
Hampton, Ga.
Tax Notice
Lasft Round
Locust Grove —Monday Nov. 18.
Stock bridge —Tuesday Nov. 19.
Hampton—Wednesday Nov. 20.
Crumbleys’s Store 9 a.m., Kel
ley’s Store 11, Elliston 12, Ola 2,
Thursday Nov. 21.
Martin’s Store 9 o’clock, Woods
town 10, Island Shoals 11, Snap
ping Shoals 12, Jeffares’ store 2,
Friday Nov. 22.
Kelleytown 9 o’clock, White
house 11, Hinton’s Mill 1, Monday
Nov. 25.
Sims’ Store 9 o’clock, Simmons’
Store 10, Brushy Knob 11, Scar
brough’s Store 12, L.' F. White’s
Store 1, Barnes’ Store 2, Shake
rag 3, Nov. 26.
Prompt returns are necessary
under the new law, otherwise ex
ecutions must be issued at once.
Court house when not engaged
at other points.
J. H. Wallace,
Tax Collector.
Rev. J. M. Gilmore will preach
at Liberty Hill the 4th Saturday
and Sunday in this month, 23rd
and 24th. Will preach 11 o’clock
Saturday a.m. and 2 o’clock Sun
day p.m. Everybody cordially in
vited to attend.
J. S. Barnett.
I am in in the market for
a good, well • improved
farm. If you have one
for sale, address
G. I. SMITH, 113 E. Richardson St.
I will pay SIO.OO reward to any
person locating my black and tan
hound dog. A little white on the
breast and front feet.
Hampton, Ga.
Red Cross Meeting.
The regular monthly meeting
of the McDonough Branch of the
American Red Cross will be held
in Judge Harris’ office at the
court house Thanksgiving even
ing. Nov. 14th, at 7:15 o’clock.
Even though the armistice has
been signed, the work of the Red
Cross is as URGENT as ever be
fore, and all members are request
ed to be present and learn some
thing of what our Branch is doing,
also something of the needs.
Please keep the date in mind
and be present.
Geo. C. Alexander.
Chm’n McDono’ Branch A.R.C,
GEORGIA —Henry County*
By virtue of an agreement between the
heirs at law of the laate John Bryans, will be
sold, at the late residence of the said John
Bryans, on the 26th day of November
1918, between the legal hours of sale, and
to be continued from day to day until com
pleted, the following personalty, to-wit
All the mules, cattle, hogs, corn,
fodder, and all farming utensils be=
longing to the estate of the said
John Bryans, deceased.
This Nov. 13th, 1918.
Agent for the heirs of the estate of John
Bryans, deceased.
The sun rises six hours earlier in Europe than in
Atlanta. W hen it was noon in Atlanta today, it was
six o’clock tonight in Paris and London.
The old reliable Associated Press, the greatest
news-gathering organization in the world, serves The
Journal exclusively during the day.
War news cabled from Europe this afternoon is
printed in the early editions of The Journal today,
and war news cabled from Europe this afternoon is
printed in today’s afternoon edition of The Journal.
Why wait until tomorrow tor Today’s World and
War News, when you can read it in today’s Journal.
Subscription Prices.
Daily and Sunday
One Year $9.50
Six Months 5.00
One Month .90
The Daily Journal
One year $7.50
Six Months 4.00
One Month .70
The Sunday Journal
One Year $3.25
Six Months 1.25
Address all orders to
10Q Acre tract of land 2% miles
from Locust Grove, Ga. Public
road. Four-room dwelling hou-e,
barns, one 3-room tenant house,
running water, timber, land slight
ly rolling. $6,000.00, one thous
and dollars Jan. Ist 1919, balance
$1,000.00 per annum at 8 %.
Real Estate,
McDonough, Ga.
Mr. J. S. Brown, Locust Grove,
Ga., will show this property.
People Ask Us
What is the best laxative? Years of
experience in seliing all kinds leads us
to always recommend
atexaßC QtdenMeXL,
as the safest, surest and most satisfac
tory. Sold only by us, 10 cents.
Petition to Reinvest.
GEORGIA —Henry Countv.
After four weeks notice, persn
! ant to S' Ction 3.064 of the Civi*l
(A le of l l .)]]. ti e undersigned, as
guardian of H. M. Tollesonjr., will
present to the Hon. William E. H.
1 Searcy, Jr., Judge of the Superior
Court, at the court house in Grif
fin. Ga., on the 7th day of Decem
ber, IHIB, a petition of which the
following is a true and correct
copy. E. D. TOLLESON.
GEORGIA —Henry County.
To the Hon. William E. H. Star
cy, Jr., Judge of the Superior Court
of said county :
The petition of E. D. Tolleson re
spec liully shows:
1. That he is the guardian of
the person and property of H M.
Tolleson Jr., of said county, and
that he obtained letters of guardi
anship in the Court of Ordinary of
Henry county, Georgia.
2. That he desires to sell for re
investment at private sale the fol
lowing real estate, same being a
part of the estate of his said ward
Two hundred acres of land in the
Btli land district of Henry county.
Georgia, being parts of lots 53 and
44 and bounded north by South
river, east by lands of W. N. Gil
more, south by lands of J. M. Duke
and west by lands of Colquitt
?. Petitioner desires to sell said
lands and to re-invest the proceeds
of the sale in United States Bonds,
known as Liberty Loan Bonds of
the Fourth Issue bearing interest
at the rate of 4% per cent.
4 Petitioner shows that he can
realize lor snid land the sum of
Pour Thousand Dollars, which
is a profit of Seven Hundred
and Fifty ove*' the cost price of
said land, and that owing to the
great distance from said land, the
scarcity of labor, etc., this amount
invested in nontaxable government
bonds will realize as much for his
ward' as said land and be a safer
5. Petitioner shows that notice
of nis intention to muke this ap
plication has been published once
a week for four weeks in the offi
cial organ of the county aforesaid,
the county in which said land lies,
said ward lives, and which has ju
risdiction of the guardianship, and
that he has caused a copy ot same
to be served on the two nearest
adult relatives of said ward resid
ing in the State of Georgia, other
than himself, as is by law requir
ed. E. I). TOLLESON,
Guardian H. M. Tolleson, Jr.
E. M. Smith, Attorney.
Only $485, five passenger 1917
Maxwell, first class condition.
New Maxwell costs SI,OOO now.
H. Foster, 505 Grant Bldg. Ivy 347.