Newspaper Page Text
The Henry County Weekly
Red Cross Notice.
Extending time of mailing pack
ages to our soldier.s over sea.
In order to insure every man in
the American expeditionary forces
a Christmas parcel the war de
partment has extended the time
of mailing for overseas packages
until Nov. 30 and have authorized
the “American Red Cross" to have
printed additional Christmas ta
bles exactly simitar to those re
ceived from abroad to issue to
those families who have not re
ceived the labels which were dis
tributed to the men abroad. In
many cases these labels-were lost
in transit and the new ruling pro
vides that the nearest relative to
the man oversea may obtain from
the Red Cross a label after No
vember 21.
These labels may be obtained
from Miss Ida Lou Tarpley at
Green & Tarpley’s, or Mr. Geo. C.
Alexander at Copeland - Turner
Mrc. Co. Applicants for these la
bels must make a statement that
they are the nearest relative of
the man to whom the package is
to be sent and that they have not
nor will not send another package
to the proposed recipient during
This extension of time and the
issuing of labels insures a Christ
mas package to every man in the
service in Europe.
The committees will be at the
We have on display
at our Store Fashion’s
Latent Styles diredt
from Fifth Ave., New
York, our Extensive
Line of Ladies’ COATS
and SUITS, in Velours,
Plushes, Velvets and
Serges, trimmed in Fur,
Venetian Lining.
SI4- 95 w ,
Woolens, Serges, Satins, Silk Poplins,
Taffetas and Venetians, all sizes and colors.
Prices <£0.95
A Weekly Newspaper Devoted to the Interests of McDonough and Henry County.
Ojdtober Honor Roll.
First Grade —Nannie Kate Gil
Second. Grade—Marie Hodnett,
Josephine Stansell, Julia Turner,
Warren Turner.
Third Grade —Clair Bryans, Mar
gie Mason, Elizabeth Nelson, Jim
mie Lee Stansell,
Fourth Grade —Lonnie Gilmore,
Charles Kiinbell, Lila Amis, Mil
dred Hodnett, Mildred Pattillo.
Fifth Grade Sarah Kimbell,
Angie Mason, Nellie Goodwin,
Nellie Fisher, Robert Tomlinson.
Sixth Grade —Lillian Carmich
ael, Ruby Nail, Virla Pattillo.
Seventh Grade—Ruby Dickson,
Julia Elliott, Sarah Glass, Mary
Alice Nelson, Rebecca Smith, Mary
Eighth Grade —Frank Newman.
Tenth Grade Velma Mason,
Loree Pattillo, Murray Copeland,
Florine Tarpley, Bessie Mae High
Eleventh Grade—Clarence El
Some men work overtime trying
to dodge hard work.
—— ■
Red Cross work room, Saturday,
Tuesday and Saturday, Nov. 23,
26 and 30, to inspect and label
parcels. The work room will
open at Ip. m. Unless your pack
age is inspected by this committee
it cannot be mailed.
Ndont forget to call at
Sells For Less
McDonough, Georgia, Friday, November 22, 1918
Ready to Wear
1 '< ll’ '
Voiles, Crepe de Chine,
Georgette Crepe, all
styles, colors and sizes.
98c to 53.98
Below are the Conference ap
pointments for Griffin district :
W. L. Piere, Presiding Elder.
Barnesville, F. Quillian
Culloden and Yatesville, J. J.
Feyetteville, J* D. Milton
Flovilla, D. P. Johnson
Forsyth, E. D. Hale
Forsyth Circuit, H. L. Byrd
Griffin First church, W. P. King
Hanleiter, W. S. Gaines
Third church and Kincaid, Ad
rian Warwick.
Griffin Circuit, A. B. Sanders
Hampton, J. O. McMullan
Inman, J. R. Jones
Jackson, S. R. England
Jenkinsburg, A. W. Conway
Locust Grove, D. A. Mcßreyer
Milner, G. W. Hamilton
McDonough and Turners, 11. C.
The Rock, R. P. Tatum
Thomaston, M. S. Williams
ThomsLaton circuit, J. F. Cline
Zebulon, Arthur Manes
Army Y.M.C.A. Secretary, N. B.
Rev. H. S. Smith goes from Mc-
Donough to Union Point, and Rev.
W. A. Wells remains in Stock
Box Supper.
There will be a box supper at
Rock Springs school house on
Friday night, November 29, 1918,
beginning at seven o’clock.
Everybody invited.
Josie Woods.
Beulah Bailey.
An excellent line of the
season's Latest Creations.
Children's at 98 c up*
Ladies' at sl-98c up.
Mrs. Zachry Dies.
Mrs. C. T. Zachry, widow of the
late Col. Charles T. Zachry, de
parted this life at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Sidney Farrar, in
McDonough, at 2:30 o’clock Wed
nesday afternoon, at the advanc
ed a<?e of 80 years. Mrs. Zachry
was widely known as one of Hen
ry county’s most prominent elder
ly ladies, and as funeral arrange
ments were not announced as The
Weekly went to press Thursday,
extended obituary is necessarily
deferred until later.
Gin Report.
Henry county cotton Ginning to
Nov. 14 as compiled by Rev. E.
Oglesby, census agent, were 22,-
007, against 12,493 to same date
last season. Cotton fields still
contain a good sprinkling to be
picked, and it is estimated by com
petent judges that Henry’s total
will reach somewhere around 30,-
000 bales, which will be a fine
yield in comparison with some
other sections.
We take this opportunity to
thank our and neighbors
for the kindness and sympathy
shown us in the sickness and
death of our wife and daughter.
Mr. Clarence Foster.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Chaffin.
Filled the same day
We guarantee sat=
SELLS for less
An array of Children's Wear second to, including COATS, Serge and
Ginghams Dresses. All sizes.
* "7 Sc upward.
Extensive line of Silk Shirts, numer
ous beautiful patterns, including the late
Candy Stripes.
$1 upward.
For the entire family at SPECIAL
Prices. Nuf ced.
Potato Year.
Thomasville, Nov. 16. — Many
counties around are boasting of
sweet potatoes of unusual size this
season, but it remains for Thomas
county to show one that by actual
weight pulls down the scales at a
fraction over 13 pounds. This
potato is one of a number grown
by Mr. 11. R. Bannister, one of the
commissioners of Thomas county,
but it weighs a little more than
the others and just about fills a
peck measure. It is considered
the champion potato of Georgia,
and Mr. Banister is anxious to
know if any other county can
measure up to it.
Come right up to Henry county
and see the real champion, Mr.
Bannister —we have>t. Mr. John
Ellliott has presented The Weekly
with one potato weighing 15 and
and one 11% pounds, Mr. Charlie
Dickson one 10% and several oth
not lower than 7, Mr. Jim Up
church one 8%, while Mr. D. F;
Blankenship has thanks for a full
sack of perfect beauties. In fact
this seems to be potato year, and
unless something else shows up,
Henry county must stand cham
pion to date.
The relatives and friends of Mrs.
J. C. Mitchell, the teacher of Gor
don school, wish to thank the
people of that couminity for their
watchful care and loving kindness
during the illness and death of
our dear daughter and sister.
Crawford, Ga,, Nov. 15, 1918.
$1.50 A YEAR