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* m-
The Henry County Weekly
A Weekly -Newspaper Devoted to the Interests of McDonough and Henry; County.
Farmers of Henry and Adjoin
ing Counties to Meet in Mc-
Donough Tomorrow (Satur
day) and Discuss Movement
—Promiment Speakers.
Following up the action of the
State Farmers’ Union Convention
held in Macon last week, at which
time it was decided to organize
the counties and militia districts
of the State for the purpose of
sustaining and promoting the
present cotton holding movement
for not less than 35 cents per
pound, Hon. W. A. Bellah, Mem
ber of the Legislature of Henry
county, has called a meeting of
the farmers of Henry and adjoin
ing counties to be held in McDon
ough tomorrow (Saturday) Dec.
14, at 10 a. m. sharp, in the court
Among the speakers who will
address this meeting will be Hon.
C. S. Rarrett, National President
Farmers’ Union, Hon. J. J. Brown,
Commissioner of Agriculture, Hon.
J. H. Mills, President of the Farm
ers Union of Georgia, Hon. An
drew J. Fleming, Secretary and
Treasurer of the Farmers Union
of Georgia.
This meeting promises to be
K? L ■
Newman’s Cut On AH
Ladies’ Ready=to=Wear
Twenty-three excellent grade wool serge
Coat Suits
all sizes—the following shades, Navy, Black,
Green and Wine, formerly priced s2s*oo*
Reduced to $!8 66
Our present stock of
500 Skirts
the most extensive ever arrayed in McDon
ough in all the latest novelties, including Wool
Serge, Wool and Silk Poplins, Garbadines
and Velours. Lots of extra sizes from $1.50
up, at the advertised reduction,
3 3s %
McDonough, Georgia, priday. December 13, ms.
Bank Notice.
That we may put every safe
guard for the protection of our
depositors, and that we may com
ply fully with the spirit and intent
of the law, we will not, after De
cember 15, honor any check that
will over draw the account.
First National Bank, McDon
ough, Ga.
The Bank of Henry County, Mc-
Donough, Ga.
The Farmers and Merchants
Bank, Ga.
Land for Sale.
120 acres of land, with two good
three and five room dwellings,
two good barns. Located near
Kelley & Crumbley’s store, Love’s
district. One-third cash, balance
two equal payments. See or write
Route G, McDonough, Ga.
one of great importance, as the
speakers who will address the
people are well informed as to the
cotton situation at the present
time, A large attendance is ex
pected and no doubt a strong or
ganization will be perfected at
this meeting of farmers and busi
ness men.
Bankers, merchants and other
business men are urged to attend,
as business a§ well as agriculture
is deeply interested in the price of
President Wilson’s
Red Cross Christmas
Roll Call Message.
The White House,
Washington, D. C.
, Nov. 26, 1818.
To the American People:
One year ago twenty-two mil
lion Americans, pby enrolling as
members of ttijc Red Cross at
Christmas time,fsent to the man
who were fighting our battles
overseas a stimulating message of
cheer and good will. They made
it clear that our people were of
their own free choice united with
their government in the determi
nation not only to wage war with
the instruments of destruction, but
also by every me ms in their pow
er to repair the ravages of the in
vader and sustain and renew the
spirit of the ar\ny and of the
homes which tTey represented.
The friends of if • American Red
Cross in Italy, Belgium and France
haye told, and w*jl tell again, the
story of how the ked Cross work
ers restored mOrade in the hospit
als, in the camps* and at the can
tonments, and wl Ought to be very
proud that we have been permit
ted to be of service to those whose
sufferings and wjhose glory are
the heritage of humanity.
Now, by Ggrace, the Red
Cross Christ§i|£i|essage of 1918
is to be a message of peace as well
as a message of fjgood will. But
We have on hand about ninety-five
including all sizes, in about 12 colors, made
of Velour, Velvet, Broadcloth and Plush
trimmed in Fur, reduced to the following
sls-00 Coats to go at $lO-00
18-00 “ “ “ “ 12-00
20-00 “ “ " “ 13-34
25-00 “ “ “ “ 16-66
3000 “ “ “ “ 2000
35 00 “ “ “ “ 23 33
I need not quote regarding WAISTS, as the
phenomenal business we’ve done on them has
advertised us far and near. Georgette Crepe,
Jap Silk and Crepe de Chine.
333 <ft- off.
peace does not mean that we can
fold our hands. It means further
sacrifice. Our membership must
hold together and be increased
for the great tasksrto come; We
must prove conclusively to an at
tentive world that America, is per
manently aroused to tfie needs of
the new era, our Sid indifference
gone forever.
The exact nature of the future
service of the Red Cross will de
pend upon the programme of the
associated governments, but there
is immediate need today for every
heartening word and for every
helpful service. We must not
forget that our soldiers and our
sailors are still under orders and
stilj, } have duties to perform of the
highest consequence, and that the
Red Cross Christmas membership
means a great deal to them. Th#
people of the saddened lands,'
moreover, returning home today
where there are no homes must
have the assurance that the hearts
of our people are with him in the
dark and joubtful days ahead.
Let us, soa’ar as we can, help
them back to faith in mercy aijd
in future happiness. • l
As President of the Red OTqss,
conscious in this great hour of the
value of such a message from the
American people, I should be glad
if every American would join the
Red Cross for 1919, and thus send
forth to the whole human family
the Christmas greeting for which
it waits and for which It stands in
greatest need.
Woodrow* Wilson.
An elegant line of
ID I 'J l 4 **» « A <4 MAtA A /-l A («A A
111 x viivia, x Gpiuio <xn<u cpc uc v^niliC*
Almost any size at
33 a 3 dt. REDUCTION.
Come early and pick your choice, as they
won’t last long at these prices.
Numerous excellent style now to be had at
the final cut of
33 l /3 dt. off.
331 dt* off.
331 dt. off.
Bellah Puts Up.
Hon. W. A. Bellah has “come
across” handsomely and presents
The Weekly a couple of 10-pound
rutabaga turnips, and a third not
quite so hefty. Consequently, the
title of Champion Turnip Raiser
of Henry county is justly trans
ferred to him. He states that he
has four acres with plenty others
fully equal to the 10-pound speci
mens. • So if any one doubt the
correctness of this weight, just
drop around to his little patch and
get a sample.
Revival Meeting.
A ten days revival meeting will
begin at Flippen church Thursday,
Dec. 26‘, conducted the pastor,
jJRev. W. A. Wells, and Rev. C. M.
f)unnaway, morning and evening
Invitation is extended to all to
come and help to make the meet
ing a success and a blessing.
Those who h'ave heard these
men preach will come to hear
them again. Those who have not,
it would be well for you to h£fed
the invitation and come.
song service expected.
Everybody join in and help us.
. H. S. P.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R Elliott and
family made a trip to the Gatp
City last week.
$1.50 A YEAR