The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, December 20, 1918, Image 1

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    The Henry Gjounty Weekly
A Weekly Newspaper Devoted to the Interests of McDonough and Henry County.
Revival Meeting.
A ten days revival meeting will
begin at Flippen church Thursday,
Dec. 26, conducted by the pastor,
Rev. W. A. Wells, and Rev. C. M.
Dunnaway, morning and evening
Invitation is extended to all to
come and help to make the meet
ing a success and a blessing.
Those who have heard these
men preach will come to hear
them again. Those who have not,
it would be well for you to heed
the invitation and come.
Good song service expected.
Everybody join in and help us.
H. S. P.
He —Don’t vou think you made
a mistake in getting such a high
heeled shoe ?
She —Come to think of it, I did
put my foot in it.
NEWMAN’S 33m Reduction
Twenty-three excellent grade wool serge
Coat Suits
all sizes—the following shades, Navy, Black,
Green and Wine, formerly priced s2s*oo*
Reduced to $I6 66
Our present stock of
500 Skirts
the most extensive ever arrayed in McDon
ough in all the latest novelties, including Wool
Serge, Wool and Silk Poplins, Garbadines
and Velours. Lots of extra sizes from $1.50
up, at the advertised reduction,
3 3(3 96 off.
As the cold weather approaches everybody's thoughts dwell on keeping warm. Our BLANKETS,
consisting of numerous designs, are displayed at our store for your approval. See them before buying.
In this way you will save the Christmas Sale Reduction.
We wish all our friends and patrons a Merry Christmas and a very happy and Prosperous New
McDonough, Georgia, Friday. December 20, 1918.
School auditorium. Friday . Dec. 20. wis
7 o'clock p. m. \
For 11th Grade Liberty Bonds.
David Mason (Andrew Bowden) z__. A farmer
Herbert Mason (Sam Dailey) David's sou just from
Royal Meadows (Merrill Lowe).Foster-son of Mrs. Clifton
Arthur Floyd (Clarence Elliott) |_.__A villian
George Clifton (Murray Copeland)_ A returned Californian
Parson Swift (Ethel-Mae Smith). An astonished clergyman
Bill Torry (Harris MeCurry) A con
Brewster (A. J. Welch) Police officer
Ebony (Greer Farrar) A colored individual
Mrs. Mason (Carrie DuPree).David's wife —a good adviser
Dolores ? (Cora Nelson) The miner’s daughter
Mrs. Clifton (Hilda Woodward).George Clifton's deserted
Winnifred Clifton (Esther Carmichael) Mrs. Clifton's
Hapzibah (Lillie Lee Elliott)." A lady of color
Bride’s maid, ladies and gentlemen
Officers Elected by Locust
Grove Camp, 485 W. 0, W.
Locust Grove Camp No. 485 W.
0. W. last Thursday night elected
the following officers:
E. B. Morris, Csnsul Comnd’r.
W. L. Smith, Adv. Lieutenant.
G. R. Wilson, Banker.
G. B. Hubbard, Clerk.
C. B. Smith, Escort.
Alton Castellaw, Watchman.
G. M. Bowden, Sentry.
H. C. Hammock, Manager for
three year term.
These officers will he installed
at the first meeting in January.
J. H. SPEIR, Clerk.
On Jan. 19th R. E. Lee Memo
rial will be observed with appro
priate and interesting exercises.
If there are any veterans or de
scendants of veterans who desire
'Tosses of Honor, apply to Mrs.
A. R. Scott immediately for blanks
to be filled out and sent to Savan
nah, in order that we may get
them by the above date.
Mrs. E. J. Reagan,. Ere. U.D.C.
—v ——— - i
Overland two passenger
roadster for sale $l5O.
A. K-. Scott.
We have on hand about ninety-five
including all sizes, in about 12 colors, made
of Velour, Velvet, Broadcloth and Plush
trimmed in Fur, reduced to the following
$ 15*00 Coats to go at. $ 10*00
18 00 44 44 44 44 12 00
20 00 44 44 44 44 13 34
25 00 44 44 44 44 16 66
30 00 44 4 44 44 20 00
35 00 44 44 44 44 23 33
I need not quote regarding WAISTS, as the
phenomenal business we've done on them has
advertised us far and near. Georgette Crepe,
Jap Silk and Crepe de Chine.
No Paper.
This week closes the last issue
of The Weekly for 1918, and no
regular paper will be printed next
Friday, to allow usual holiday.
Those who fail to receive their
paper for the New Year will please
remember that it is regretful no
tice that their subscription has ex
pired. The paid up order has
been forced upon us and we post
poned as long as possible, but
must now abide by it. We regret
to lose a single one, and trust all
will return as eaily as possible.
To one and all, the season’s very
best for the new dawn of peace —
with a hearty good wish for a
very merry Christmas and the
happiest prosperous New Year.
Georgia Products Dinner.
The Woman’s Club and Henry
County Chamber of Commerce
will serve a Georgia Products Din
ner to citizens in McDonough on
first Tuesday in January.
This dinner to be given in be
half of Henry County Chamber of
Commerce for purpose of promot
ing active interest and increasing
the membership of the organiza
tion, and will be attended by a
number of speakers from the Ga. i
Chamber of Commerce, who will
discuss the importance and ad
vantages to the county of such an
Secretary Henry Co. Chamber of
An elegant line of
in Serge, Teffeta, Poplins and Crepe de Chine.
Almost any size at
33 l /3 dt- REDUCTION.
Come early and pick your choice, as they
won’t last long at these prices.
33 «/3
Guru of Thanks.
On account of the high cost of
living and the fixed price (by law)
for surveyors, it is with the deep
est regret that I have to tender
my resignation as County Survey
of Henry county. However, those
nearest me in this work under
stand best why I do so. It affords
me great pleasure to have been
the County Surveyor of this our
great (Henry, county and to meet
so many good people and enjoy
their royal hospitality.
It will be soon you will know
who is your surveyor, and it will
be an easy matter to find a much
better man than myself for this
office. 1 thank the people indi
vidually and collectively for the
kindness shown me the last four
years as Surveyor.
Land for Sale.
120 acres of land, with two good
three and five room dwellings,
two good barns. Located near
Kelley & Crumbley’s store, Love's
district. One-third cash, balance
two equal payments. See or write
Route 6, McDonough, Ga.
Plenty of it. Prompt action.
Address N. E. MUItPHEY*
403 Empire Bldg. < .
* Atlanta, Ga.
BL—WearVbur Button J&L
$1.50 A YEAR