Newspaper Page Text
Hang up your stocking.
Oh, for some hog killing weath
Some mud on the Highway Sun
Be glad and smile, for the war
is over and we are down to busi
ness again.
Everybody about through gath
ering and getting ready for old
Pay your subscription to The
Weekly and enjoy Christmas and
a glad new year.
Mr. and Mrs. Rich visited Mr.
and Mrs. Tom Stanfield Sunday.
Mr. Hatlie Stanfield is home
from Camp Screven to stay to the
delight of his many friends.
Mr. C. L. Conkle and family
have moved into our midst.
Mr. J. T. Darsey was the guest
of Mr. and Mrs. Will Barnett Sun
day last.
Messrs. Henry Chinn and Oscar
Tarpley are the champion hog
raisers of this community.
Mr. Charlie Moore of Hampton
is soon to move with his family
into our town. We are ready to
give him a cordial welcome.
Miss Bernice Tarpley has re
turned home from Camp Hill, Ala.,
where she has been engaged in
millinery business this season.
Northern tourists, mule traders,
apple wagons and moving trucks
deluging the Highway at present.
Mr. and Mrs. Felix Surls of Ma
con have been on an extended
visit to relatives in this vicinity
We are requested to announce
that on the sth Sunday, Dec. 29,
at 10 o’clock a. m., at Mount Car
mel church, Dr. W. B. Dillard,
Sunday School Secretary, will
preach on the Sunday School.
Everybody come out and you will
hear something good.
Young Fellow.
Be sure to redeem War Savings
Stamps before January Ist.
5 bars Fairbanks Clairette Soap
1 bar Octagon Soap ZiOC
5 bars Rub-No-More Soap gj
1 bar Octagon Soap E* O C
2 bars Fairbanks Clairette Soap
2 bars Octagon Soap C
2 bars Armour’s Toilet Soap
3 bars Armour’s Toilet Soap j*
2 packages Grandmas Washing Powders TL %5C
Limited supply Eight-piece Kitchen Sets | Q
were $ 1.50, now %fl) A O
Special reduction in Crockery, Glassware,
Enamelware, Shaving Sets and Cutlery.
New Club 75c
Nice Pitcher, six Tumbles and Waiter 98c
Olive or Pickle Forks $1.25
Butter Knives -j qq
Large Serving or Berry Spoons 3.00
Cold Meat Forks 2*oo
Many other choice articles.
All kinds of service in Alluminum Ware.
Xmas Cranberries, 15c quart.
Visit us.
We wish you a merry Xmas and a prosperous, happy New
The war closed on the 11th
month, 11th day and about the
11th hour, and some think the 11th
book in, the bible, 11th chapter
and 11th verse refers to it. Get
your book and read it and see
what you think.
Bethany Sunday School held a
very interesting exercise in behalf
of the Orphans Home on the sec
ond Sunday afternoon, and took a
collection amounting to over sixty
dollars for the Home.
Mr. James Jenkins died at the
home of his daughter near Ola
last Saturday afternoon after a
lingering illness. He leaves sev
eral children and a number of rel
atives to mourn his loss. His re
mains were laid to rest at Bethany
Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. P. 0. Thomason died at
her home in Atlanta last Tuesday
and her remains were brought to
Philadelphia church Saturday for
interment. She was the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Patterson,
who formerly resided in this coun
ty, and as Miss Tiny Patterson,
she had a number of friends here
who are sad to know of her death.
Rev. H. C. Emory, the new
Methodist pastor in McDonough,
preached a sermon last Sunday
night that every man, woman and
child should have heard. If you
have not heard him, go hear him.
We wish the good editor of The
Weekly a merry, merry Christmas,
and to each and every one of The
Weekly correspondents, we wish
a merry Christmas and a happy
new year, and may old Santa Claus
fill all their stockings plum full,
and may The Weekly “devil” have
the best Christmas time that old
Santa can give.
Statement of The Henry Coun
ty Weekly, published at Mc-
Donough, Ga., for Octobber 1,
1918, as required by Act of Au
gust 24, 1912:
Publisher, editor, managing edi
tor, J. A. Fouche, McDonough, Ga.
Owner, Mrs. Annie Lemon Dan
iel, McDonough, Ga.
Bondholders, mortgages or oth
er securities, etc., none.
Hon. Otis Elkins
Dies at Fitzgerald.
The death of Hon. Otis Elkins,
which occurred at his home in
Fitzgerald last Friday night,- after
a short illness, was a shock to his
Henry county friends.
Mr. Elkins was born in Henry
county, near Locust Grove, where
he spent his boyhood, and by his
bright course won the resoect and
admiration of all. Finishing high
school, he entered Mercer Univer
sity, from which he graduated
with high honors. Beginning the
practice of law at Fitzgerald he
soon won distinction in his pro
fession and became a prominent,
useful citizen of that section, rep
resenting his county in the legis
lature several terms, and later
sent to the State Senate from that
district, serving with distinction
and exercising a state-wide influ
His untimely death is deeply de
plored, and sincere sympathy is
extended his father, Mr. J. S. El
kins, and bereaved family.
Funeral services were largely
attended last Sunday at Locust
Grove, where the remains were
laid to rest.
//ward the 80/ls* Of peace on Earl h,
On (/iris'tmas'cDay, wK ljj|| Good will to Men,
Their old familiar Wjh MM For ever arid ever,
Carols pfajC sE* Oman. t
Christmas Suggestions
_ ~ . DO
Buy useful presents, they are more
Men's, Women's and Children's
House Slippers and Hosiery in all
colors. • -
Shoes are appropriate gifts for all
members of the family;