Newspaper Page Text
Christmas, 1918 over and our
new year has begun.
I wonder how the little folks en
joyed oid Santa’s coming to see
M. J. S, Stewart and family have
left Elliottsville and gone to a new
We are glad to have One Two
write from Griffin, and we, Punch
and Judy, are still on the job.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Forsyth and
children of East Point spent Xmas
with relatives in this section.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Elliott and
family motored to Flippen Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Green and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. C. W.
Walker and Mr. and Mrs. Lum
Hamer and children were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. El
liott Sunday.
Miss Ida Lou Harper and niece
Miss Elon Nolan of Fairburn were
the guests of Miss Leona Elliott
Mrs. W. L.‘Stewart and baby of
Bremen, Mr. and Mrs. W. H,
Cleveland and daughter of East
Point and Mrs. M. A. Bright of
Stockbridge were the visitors of
Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Stewart the
past week.
A very quiet wedding of Sun
day, December 29, was that of
Miss Virgie Rene Glass and Mr.
John Bryans, which was solemniz
ed at the residence of Rev. H. V.
Adamson of Morrow Station. The
bride is one of McDonough’s
sweetest and charming young wo
men. The groom is a prominent
young man of Henry county.
Their many friends wish for them
success and happiness through
life, Punch and Judy.
I v
In Loving Memory-of
Little Lawrence Smith
On the morning of Dec. 2, 1918,
the little son of Mr. and Mrs. John
Smith of Atlanta died at its grand
parents’, Mr. and Mrs. Will Allen.
Lawrence was only 15 months old
when he left his home in this
world to live with Jesus in that
bright home above. He went to
meet his little brother, who had
gone on before something over a
year ago. And in the hearts of
the fond parents and loved ones
there is an aching void, a burden
of sorrow save the compassionate
Lord can lift. Those brown eyes
are forever closed, but the happy
spirit lives on, and those dear
eyes are watching us from above
and the little hands are beckoning
come. Its playthings are put a
way; its little bed is empty, and
the little chair is vacant, but
put your trust alone in Jesus, for
He makes no mistakes. It only
draws us nearer heaven when
our loved ones are taken away.
Everything was done for it that
could be done, but God saw best
to take it above.
We had a little treasure once,
He was our joy and pride.
We loved him ah! perhaps too well,
For soon he slept and died.
All is dark within our dwelling,
Lonely are our hearts today,
For the one we loved so dearly
Has forever passed away.
Another little lamb is gone
To dwell with Him who gave,
Another little darling babe is sheltered
in the grave,
God needed one more angel amidst his
shining band.
And so he bent with loving smile and
and clasped our darling child
* A Friend.
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Johnny is marching victoriously home 4
to millions of proud American pureuib, ! V 1
wives and sweethearts. j
dGee! but he’s glad to he bach again. /J| v \ ,
France and fighting have their charm’s, but
there’s no place like home, and there’s no f ’
land like the little old U. S. A. '
o',. 1 i
d Now or the old job hack again—now for r’^irrrv''<l
a date with the dearest of all girls—now for \K> V ;
his favorite refreshment —a cool bottle of “
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Commissioner's Sale.
GEORGIA—Henry County.
By virtue of an order granted by
the Hon. William E. H Searcy, Jr.,
Judge of the Superior Court of said
county, in the case of J. T. Wallace
vs. R. H. Cliinn and others, said
order being granted at the Chamb
ers. at Griffin, Ga., on the 7th day
of January, 1919, the undersigned
Commissioners, appointed by the
Court for that purpose, will sell on
the first Tuesday in February. 1919,
before the court house in said
county, between the legal hours of
sale, to the highest bidder for cash,
the following real estate, situated,
lying and being in the Sixth dis
trict of said county, being nart of
land lot number 20, containing
Twenty-Five acres of land, more
or less, known as the lands devised
by the late Henry Stanfield to the
children of Emma Wallace, said
land bounded North by lands of R.
F. Stanfield, East and South by
lands of J. T. Wallace and West by
the Right of Way of the Central of
Georgia Railway Company,
Said sale subject to confirmation
by ths Court and the successful
bidder will he required to deposit
10% of bis bid, balance to be paid
when the sale is confirmed by the
Sold for the purpose of distribu
tion of the proceeds among the
joint owners of said land.
This January 7th, 1919.
E. M. Smith, Attorney.
Notice of Special Election.
GEORGIA—Henry County :
It appearing that the Hon. J. H.
Wallace, Tax Colleotor of said
county, died on December 27, 1918,
thereby causing a vacancy in the
office of Tax Collector of said coun
ty, and that the Term for which
was elected will not expire until
January 1, 1921.
Bv the authority vested in me
under Section 4796 of the Code of
1911, and Section 6 of the Act cre
ating the office of Commissioner of
Roads and Revenues for said coun
ty , IT IS ORDERED, that an elec
tion be held in said county of Hen
ry, State of Georgia, on the SIXTH
elect a successor of the late J. H.
Wallace, to serve from the time of
the qualification of the person
elected to January Ist, 1921. \
Said election will be held under
the rules and regulations govern
ing the General Election in Georgia.
Given under my hand and seal,
this the 6tli day of January, 1919.
Co mmissioner of Roads and Reve
nues, Henry county, Ga.
For Leave to Sell.
GEORGIA —Henry County.
To whom it may concern : J. K.
and J. L. Peebles. Executors of the
will of Z. T. Peebles, deceased, hav
ing in due form made application
for leave to sell certain 68 acres
lands belonging to said estate, in
Hampton district of said comnty
and state.
Said application will be heard at
the regular term of the Court of
J Ordinary for said county to be held
You e*n g«t a good »hare at it, if you
grot busy quick.
The Progressive Farmer
has an opening for more than
local agents in every section ef the
Liberal commission allowed on both
new and renewal subecriptlons, and in
addition to the commission, for Janu
ary the following prises are offered:
On* 9100.00 Prize
Two no.oo Prises
Six 18.00 Prise#
Two 15.00 Prises
Eight 10.00 Prizes
Sixteoa 5.00 Prizes
This money will be peld agents on
February Ist, in addition to regular
commissions. Write today for our
money making offer and get started
in time for one of the big prizes.
Entire counties give* to men with
proven ability and ftrst-elass refer
Sheriff's Sale.
Will be sold, on the premises
near Stockbridge, Henry county,
Ga., within the legal hours of sale
on the first Tuesday in January,
1919, to the highest bidder for cash
the following property, to-wit:
One engine, one air pump, two
rock crushers, one screen. Levied
on as the property of the Atlanta
Crushed Stone Co. to satisfy a fifa
issued from the Municipal Court of
Atlanta, Ga., in favor of Beck &
Gregg Hardware Co. against de
fendant in fifa. Jan. 6, 1919.
W. A. WARD, Sheriff.
on the first Monday in Feb., 1919.
This 6th day of .Tan., 1919.
A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary.
Administrator's Sale.
GEORGIA—Henry County,
By virtue of an order granted by
the Court of Ordinary of said county,
will he sold before the court house
in said county on the first Tuesday
in February, 1919, between the
legal hours of sale to the highest
bidder for cash, the following real
estate to-wit:
One Hundred Acres of Land,
■ more or less, being the East halt of
land lot number 198 in tho 12th
land district of Henry county, Ga.,
bounded North by lands of L. E.
Clark, East by lands of G. W Chaf
fin, Miss M A. Clark and W. B. G.
Clark, South by lands of the estate
of John B Clark, deceased, and
i west by lands of W. J. Pope, G. W.
Rowan and G. W. Knowles.
Sold as the property of the estate
of James W. Clark, deceased, for
purpose of paying the debts of his
This January 7tb, 1919.
C. C. CLARK, Administrator.
For Guardianship.
GEORGIA —Henry County.
To whom it may concern: J. S. Bond
has in due form applied for guardianshiu
of the person and property or Harris Ma
thews. This is therefore.lto notify all per
sons concerned to file their objections, if
any they have, on or before the first Mon
day in February next, else said guardian
ship will be granted as applied for.
This Jan. 6, 1919.
A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary.
tor Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears
Signature of