The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, January 17, 1919, Image 4
Special Tax Ordinances, City of McDonough, Ga., for 1919. Section 1. Special Tax —Be it ordained by the Mayor and Coun cil of the City of McDonough, and it is hereby enacted by the author ity of the same, that the following Special Tax be levied for the use of the city for the year 1919, and that no person shall engage in any business hereafter named without first having obtained license from the clerk of the council, for which he, she or they shall pay the sum specified in such cases for the year 1919, or any part thereof. Sec. 2. Each dealer in merchan dise of any kind or character in the City of McDonough, whose capital stock does not exceed sl,- 000 shall pay a tax of $5:00. Sec. 3. Each dealer in merchan dise of any kind or character whose capital stock exceeds SI,OOO and does not exceed $2,000 shall pay a tax of $7.00 Sec. 4. Each dealer in merchan dise of any kind or character whose capital stock exceeds $2,000 and does not exceed $3,000 shall pay a tax of SIO.OO. Sec. 5. Each dealer in merchan dise of any kind or character whose capital stock exceeds $3,000 and does not exceed $5,000 shall pay a tax of $12.50. Sec. 6. Each dealer in merchan dise of any kind or character whose capital stock exceeds $5,000 and does not exceed SIO,OOO shall pay a tax of $15.00. S6c. 7. Each dealer in merchan dise of’ any kind or character whose capital stock exceeds $lO,- 000 and does not exceed $20,000 shall pay a tax of S2O. Sec. 8. Each auctioneer shall pay a tax of $5 00, provided that this ordinance shall not apply to the sheriff of the county or ad ministrators .or executors selling j at .heir own sale, $5.00. Sec. 9. Each accident insurance j company doing business in the j Citv of McDonough shall pay a tax of $lO 00. Sec. 10. The proprietor of each barber shop in the City of McDon ough shall pay a tax of $2.50 for each barber chair. Sec. 11. The owner of each bil liard saloon for public playing in the City of McDonough shall pay a tax of $1,000; slot machine SSOO. Sec. 12. Each person, firm or corporation selling or delivering fresh or butchered meat (farmers selling meat of their own raising excepted) in the City of McDon ough independent of any business sdiall pay a tax of $5.00. Sec. 13. Each person, firm, com pany or corporation doing a bank ing business in said city shall pay a tax of $15.00 Sec. 14. Each person, firm or corporation doing a brokerage and commission or a brokerage or commission business in said city shall pay a tax of $5.00. * Sec. 15. Each person, firm or corporation operating a black smith shop and wood repair shop or a blacksmith or a wood repair shop in the City of McDonough shall pay a tax of $5.00. Sec. 16. Each contractor or firm ot contractors employing hands for the .building or moving of houses in the City of McDonough shall pay a tax of $5 00 Sec. 17. Each circus shall pay in advance, for each performance a tax of $25*00. Circus parades, if exhibition is given outside city, $25.00. Sec. 18. Each side show accom pauing circus, menageries, or mu seum, charging additional fee, for each performance, $5.00. Sec. 19. Each Carnival shall pay in advance for each week’s per formances a tax of $500.00. Sec. 20. Each show or concert, sleight of hand or legerdemain performance or theatrical per formance, except by the citizens of the city, from $2 to $lO, to be fixed by the mayor. Sec. 21. Each cotton warehouse keeper who weighs cotton and charges storage on same, or offer ing to buy or sell cotton seed and its products in the City of McDon ough independent of any oilier business, shall pay a tax of $lO, Sec. 22. Each person, firm or corporation buying or offering to buy 'or sell cotton seed and its products in the City of McDon ough independent of any other business, shall pay a tax of $5. Sec. 23. Each and every person, firm or corporation dealing in or delivering coal independent of any other business, shall pay a tax of $5. Sec. 24. Each and every person known as drovers and traders or selling or offering f< r sale, stock in the City of, McDonough, shall pay a tax of $lO. Sec. 25. Each and every person, firm or corporation running a dye house, cleaning or pressing clothes in the City of McDonough shall ,jey a tax of $3. Sec. 26. Each person, firm or corporation selling or offering for sale or soliciting orders for the sale of guano in the City of Mc- Donough independent of any oth er business shall pay a tax of $5. Sec. 27. Each feather renovator doing business in the City of Mc- Donough shall pay a tax of $5. Sec. 28. Each person, firm or corporation running or operating an iron foundry or machine shop in the City of McDonough shall pay a tax of $5. Sec. 29. Each person, firm or corporation running or operating a cotto.i ginnery in the City of Mc- Donough shall pay a tax of $lO Sec. 30. Each person running a hack line (except livery stables and Hotels.) shall pay a tax of $5. Sec. 31. The keeper of each ho tel or restaurant in the Citv of Me* • Donough shall pay a tax of $5. Sec. 32. Itinerates, including all itinerates, physicians, or profes sions, venders of proDrietary arti cles, books, maps, pictures, toys, all articles sold by itinerates on the streets and from house to house, shall pay a license tax of not more.than $500.00 and not less than $2 50, the amount of which shall be fixed by the. mayor upon application to him by such persons desiring to engage in such busi ness, said license to be collected from all persons alike engaged in such business, whether resident or non-resident and without re gard to the location or the growth of the material or of manufacture of the article, sold or for sale of which solicitation is made. Sec. 33. Each life insurance company doing business in the City of McDonough through an agent or otherwise, shall pay a tax of $10; and each Fire Insur ance company doing business in said city through an agent or oth erwise shall pay a tax of $5. Sec. 34. Each jeweler doing business in the City of McDonough shall pay a tax of $5. Sec. 35. The keeper of each sale, feed or liverv stables in the City of McDonough shall pay a tax of $lO. Sec. 36. Each person, firm or corporation operating a newspap er in the City of McDonough shall pay a tax of $7 50 ; and each per son operating a job press shall pay a tax of $7.50. But when the newspaper and job press are own ed and operated by the same par ty or parties the lee of $lO shall cover both. Sec. 37. Each wholesale dealer HENRY COUNTY WEEKLY, McDONOUGH, GEORGIA in oil, having an agent or doing business in the City of McDonough shall pay a tax of $lO. Sec. 38. Each photographer shall pay a tax of $5. Sec. 39. Each'and every piano tuner, or organ tuner, soliciting business in the City of McDonough shall pay a tax of $2. Sec. 40. Each person, firm or corporation operating a planing mill in the City of McDonough shall pay a tax of $lO. Sec. 41, Each shoemaker or firm of shdemakers or harness re pairers-doing business in the City of McDonough shall pay a tax of $2.50 for each person working in said shop. 4 • Sec. 42. All persons, firms or corporations running a soda fount selling lemonades, milk shakes or hot or Cold 'drinks shall pay a tax of $5. Sec. 43. Each proprietor of a shooting gallery in said city shall pay a tax of SIOO. Sec. 44. The proprietor of each tin shop shall pay a tax of $5. Sec. 45. Each person, firm or corporation doing a millinery bus iness in the City of McDonough shall pay a tax of $5. Sec. 46. Each person, firm or corporation dealing in lumber, shingles, laths, lime, brick and building material in said city inde pendent of any other business shall pay a tax of $5 Sec. 47. Each telephone com pany doing business in said city shall pay a tax of S2O. Sec. 48. Each person, firm or corporation buying cotton in said city independent of any business shall pay a tax of $5. Sec. 49. Each person, firm or coporation carrying on any busi ness in said city not above enu merated and herein provided for, shall before beginning such busi ness pay a license tax to be fixed in descrelior of the Mayor, or in his absence, the Mayor Pro. Tern., or in the absence of both, the ma jority of the Council. Sec. 50. Each male person in the City of McDonough," between the ages of 21 ancl 50 years, ex cept as herein provided, shall pay a street tax of $3 or be required to work on the streets of said city six days. Sec. 51. Each two horse dray or two ton truck doing business in r the City of McDonough shall pay a tax of $lO and $1 extra far each additional wagon. Sec. 52. Every one horse dray or one ton truck shall pay a tax of $5 and $1 for each additional wag on. Sec. 53. Each person, firm or corporation operating a bottling works business in the City of Mc- Donough shall pay a tax of $5. Sec»'s4. Each person, firm or corporation owning or operating a garage or garage and repair shop shall pay a tax of $lO. Sec. 55. Each person, firm or corporation owning or operating a bowling alley in the City of Mc- Donough shall pay a tax of S2OO. Sec. 56. Each moving picture show shall pay a tax of $lO per per annum. Sec. 57. Be it further ordained that these Special Taxes herein named shall be paid on demand, and all persons, firms, companies or corporations, failing to or re fusing to comply with the require ments of these ordinances, shall on convict'on, pay a fine of not less than $5 and not more than SSO, or be confined in the cala boose of said, city to be worked on the streets not less than ten days nor more than twenty days— one or both at the discretion of the mayor—and after saiJ date execution shall issue against said defaulters and be enforced as pre scribed by Section 13 of Amended MOUNT BETHEL NEWS. Roads are in very bad condition now, but people just motor right along nevertheless. We slip and slide and get “stuck” every time we start out. The worst places piled lull of pine brush, la dies out walking, folks backing and plunging their cars on mud slick hills are no unusual sights, but then there are some good stretches and we go where we are going. Misses Ethel Anderson a*n d Thelma Barnett, the efficient teachers of. South River school, spent the week-end at their homes in Hampton. '• Mrs. J. A.Presson, of near Snap ping Shoals, called to see Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Andrew and Mrs. F. B. Strahn Saturday afternoon., Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Gibson, their daughters and son, Howard, who has just returned from Eng land, were visiting the family of Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Hooten last week. Mrs, Gibson is a sister of Mrs. Hooten. Horace Randall, who has been stationed at Charleston in the naval hospital corps several months, is at home on his first furloiigh. Sauire A. C. Norman, Professor Pendley and several others who are interested in good singing, met in the home of Prof, and Mrs. W. W. Hooten Saturday night to try out the new song book just out, “Cream of Song” by W. W. Hooten. Miss Elon Norman, of L. G. 1., Locust Grove, was spend ing the week-end at her home at Ola and attended the singing, pre siding at the piano. Who can tell the value of a true friend? Leave to Sell. GEORGIA—Henry County. To whom it may concern : E. J. Reagan, Administrator of E. J. Zacliry, deceased, having in due form made application for leave to sell the real estate belong ing to said estate, lying and being in land lot number seventy-six in the fourteenth district of original ly Henry now Fulton county, Geor gia, being part ef city lot number ten, block three, of the city of At lanta, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the south side of East Fan street, one hundred and fifty feet from the southeast corner of Pal liate and Fair streets, Extending thence along the south side of East Fair street east fifty feet and ex tending back southerly ftom said front, with equal width of the said front, one hundred feet more or less, to the center of a rock wall, dividing this lot from what is now or formerly was the property of Mrs. M. C. Morrison. Being the pr operty formerly owned bv G. B. Strickler. Said application will be head at the regular term of the court of 1 Ordinary for said county on the first Monday in February, 1919. This January Bth, 1919. A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary. Charter of the City of McDonough. Sec. 58. License —How obtain ed. All applications and registra tions under the provisions of these by-laws shall be made to the Clerk of City Council, who shall issue the same under the direction of the Mayor and shall be kept by the persons obtaining' them in a conspicuous place in his, her or their place of business. Sec. 59. The foregoing special ordinances are hereby adopted by the City of McDonough for the year of 1819, and all ordinances heretofore passed,which are in conflict with these ordinances, are hereby repealed. This Jan. 6, 1919. Approved : E. M. Smith, Mayor. 11. C. Hightower, Clerk & Treas, FOR TAX COLLECTOR. I hereby announce myself a can didate for Tax Collector of Henry county, election to be held Febru ary 6th, 1919. Will promise faith ful service if elected. All favors will be appreciated. C. R. HAND. I am a candidate for Tax Collector of Henry county in the special elec tion Feb 6. If favored by the people it will he deeply appreciated. On account of recent illness it would he imprudent for me tu attempt a personal can vas in the short time set. Consequently I trust each voter may take this as a personal appeal, with the undoubted assur ance that it means as much as may he said in any way. Then, too, feel that many would gladly be rid of personal annoyance. By course of nature, in a few years I shall he forced from my present occupation, and would be glad to round out my active life in this way. Do me the favor, please. Sincerely, J. A. FOUCHE. A NNO UNCEMENT. I hereby announce my name as a candidate for Tax Collector of Henry county in the election to he held on the 6th day of Feb., 1919. I sincerely solicit the support of any and all voters of the county. Will promise faithful and effi cient service if elected. Owing to the shortness of time and the prob ability of bad weather, and the condition of my health, it will he impossible for me to hmke a thor ough canvass of the county. I trust no voter will take exceptions on account of my failure to call on them, but will take this as a per sonal appeal, with the assurance that it means as much as may he said in any way. A ll favors will be duly appreciated. U P. OWEN. T am a candidate for the unex pired term of the office of Tax Collector, of H>m-y county, elec tion to be held Feb. 6 Owing to sickness in my family, and the short time set, I will not be able to canvass the county and see every voter. Please take this as a per sonal appeal, and faver me this time, and I will always be at your service in the most accomodating way possible. lam not a stranger to the voters of the county, as you all know, and I will be grateful for all support given nte. I am com petent to attend to the duties of the office, and if elected will faith fully perform my duty. Yours Truly, . C. W. SOUTH. I «m a candidate for Tax Collect or of Henry county in the special elcetion Feb. 6th, and will deeply appreciate all support given me, pledging the most faithful per formance of duty if elected, Sincerely, WYATT ROWAN. I announce myself a candidate for Tax collector of Henry county at the approaching special election, an no one could more thoroughly appreciate the votes and support of the people. If elected I pledge fidelity i» every pait of duty. Truly. BAIL S. ELLIOTT. • " EGGS FOR HATCHING. From J. W. Parks’ pedigreed stock. One of the world’s oldest and best-bi*ed-to-lay strain of Barr ed Rocks. Hatch early for winter layers.. Best, selected $3.00, Utiliity $2.00 per setting. MRS. M. H. HUNT. R 1. McDonough, Ha. Phone No. 2821. For Dismission. % GEORGIA —Henry County. A. X. Brown, Guardian of ,T. H. Alex ander, applied to me for discharge from his guardianshiDof J. 11. Alexander This is therefore to notify all persons concerned to fiie their objections, if anv they have, on or before the first Monday in February next, else he will be dis charged from his guardianship as aDDlied for. Jan. 6th, 1919. A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary.