The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, January 17, 1919, Image 6

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    “Y” To Use Candy
To Fight Alcohol .
I',' • “Over There”
.rc! Hon ' Will Fight Demon Rum V/ith Proper
i >; The Sweet Tooth Compete Against
%1r • *
Wme tjiiop
A * 1 i
: v,a LcV ■ .aiary Force is the
■;1 di-$ 1 i• c\, b< rt.rivon for in the
i • ] ,•' ,i ci 1 * v.ri.n { ex a' a
1 . it i\ui i w -* i ji *!. ii’ ig zone an cl
~-.5, • vie"i ■ . i'iid one of ;hem
i - I<• th«! . >: over the evil in
fo tlii.'; c.'t llii Y. M. C. A.
f f. Y. M, j ? »ne into compu*
t . wit 'l'."; !.. as this story
during ;. t iod of demobilization,
Y. M. (:. will have an even
i-A ati i re. i ( . " iiity than it has had
while the war was on. The sol fliers
then had tin ins.>iration of being in
the fight -or hacking up the fighters—
to spur them on. .They also were ex
tremely busy and their time for recre
ation and for sp; nding money was
limited, llui there has been a let
down since the an.iistice was signed,
and the men in olive drab are wail
ing for transportation home.
Idleness always means trouble and
v r . M. C. A. Conducts
Classes While Men
Wait For Discharge
Atlanta, Ga, Dec.—While the
soldiers and sailors in the various
Camps of the country are waiting to
be demobilized, they .will be given an
•opportunity to take advantage of en
larged educational programs which
will be operated in all camps by the
Y. M. C. A.
In the Southeastern department,
which includes the states of Georgia,
Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, Louisi
ana, Tennessee, North Carolina and
South Carolina, Prof. A. M. Souby, de
partment educational director, has ad
vised a plan better prepare the sol
diers for civilian life when they are
■discharged front the service.
Under Mr. Souliy’s new program of
•educational activity, the number of
classes in various subjects will be in
creased and speakers will be exchang
ed by the different camps, all of them
“Deep Stuff” Is What
Doughboys Read Over There
Paris. —(By Mail.) —Not "best sellers” but serious works is the liter
ary refreshment demanded by the American soldiers in France, now
that the war is over, and our boys are waiting to get back home. The
soldier is a serious-miuded person, with decided intellectual views, all
reports to the contrary. He wants to make his way in the w'orld.
The American Y. M. C. A. in France came to this conclusion when a
group of 300 doughboys, when asked what they would like as light read
ing matter, spoke up with one voice, and demanded books on applied Math
ematics. They were bo much in earnest about it that the Y. M. C. A.
decided to start its first class in practical arts in France. B. H. Morri
son, formerly an instructor in the States Teachers’ College of Greeley,
Colorado, w r as sent for to take charge of the class.
The first real impediment to intellectual research among the buck pri
vates presented itself when it was discovered that there wasn’t so far as
any cdtald find out, an American book on applied mathematics in all
France. There w r ere the French ones, of course, but none should be ex
pected to study French and Mathematics simultaneously. It really isn’t
well to mix drinks from the fort of learning in that way. Mr. Morri
son, how’ever, was undaunted by the absence of textbooks and volun
teered to teach without them until the ones which were wired for im
mediately could arrive from the good old U. S. A.
A Seventy-Year Old Couple
Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Carpenter,
Harrisburg, Pa. suffered from kid
ney trouble. He savs : “My wife
and I suffered from kikney trouble
and had rheumatic pains through
the body. The first few doses of
Foley Kidney Pills relieved us and
five bettk s entirely cured us. Al
tho we are both in the seventies,
we are as vigorous as ;we were
thirty years ago.” ThefsMcDon
ough Drug Co.
“I don’t know how the fßrowns
can afford an auto.”
“Well, my dear, I wouldn’t let
that worry me. Probably the'
don’t know themselves.”
* _ »
It is believed that ill Pacific
fully a mile deep -r - < |-
’ g :t nnent las no idea of dump
ing hum;r< ds of thensands of men bar ft
tin; United “States after , they
have had nothing to do but loaf for
months. To do this would be to cre
me a very unhealthy soci; 1 and Indus*
nal c h -:i In our own v country.
T i re are drills and discipline and,
for many, the work of helping to put
, '.. At lie!
same time, the men have more lei
sure and more chances to buy things
than they had b tore.
One of the mo'st important things
the Y. M. C. ,A. expects to do during
dem< billra. ion riod Is to enter
into active competition with the
French wine shops. No, the Rod Tri
angle is not goii g into the saloon bu ti
ness. It is planning to fight alcohol
with sugar. According to medical ex
perts, this is the best kind of ammu
nition to use in a battle against the
more or less well-known Demon.
Heavy drinkers don’t cafe for sugar
and heavy consumers of sw’eets usu
ally pass up the “booze.” So by ply
ing the soldiers with candy, chocolate,
chewing gum and cookies, the Y. M
C. A. expects to reduce the consump
tion of alcohol very materially.
discussing questions of imi>ortance to
the men attending the classes.
Special historical topics will be se
lected for discussion, and speakers
\yill be borrowed from schools and
colleges to speak in the camps and
It is also planned by the Y. M. C.
A. to keep in touch with 4he men
even after they leave the service. This
will be done by correspondence, and
will be undertaken 4n the cases of
illiterates and naturalized Americans
unfamiliar with the English language.
The city Y. M. C. A. secretaries will
aid in this work.
Since the signing of the armistice
the duties of the camp soldiers are
not so stvenuous, and they naturally
have more time at their disposal. This
time will be used to advantage by at
tending the new Y. M. C. A. classes.
Used 40 Years
The Wonwrs Tonic
Sold Everywhere
* i* i \ i Cm i il Bank
I , \ 1];
. 1 ii i' .. Thurs
of each
i «
• “Now, litre’s a snappy suit,”
said the glib salesman. “Just the
ihinti for you, I should say ”
“Young man,” replied the digni
tied person, “I don’t wear snappy
clothes. There’s nothing snappy
in my makeup and I hate the vet v
word. Why, I even carry an open
faced watch so there won’t' be
anything about me to snap.”—Bjr
mingham Age*Herald.
Was \ 9 itiess *?.t r’nht
Sufferers from kidney troubles
experience backache, rm u.iutic
pains, aches in joints and muscles
* d ojh, r tinfurous afflicti >ns E
W. Pitt, R.JF. [). 2, B -x 0, Shorter,
A"<., writesi I used bolitv Kid
ney Pills as I was sot rest; . > ovei
eight with pains my back and
side. They did me good and f can
truthfully say Foley Kidney Pills
is the meincine lor kidney treuble,
McDonough Drug Co.
■ ,'S,
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Signature of
Georgia f:::i
in Hospital, But Improved Greatly After
Taking /iron iron Tonic.
In a recent statement, J. H. Martin
of Mount Vernon, Ga., says:
“I was in the hospital with stomach
trouble and had quite a siege. It
seemed I would never get my strength
back after I came out, I had been so
ill. I ached all over. I was nervous,
restless and yqt did not feel like get
ting around. My skin was yellow. My
appetite poor. I was in pretty bad
shape and began to look around for a
tonic. I felt like part of the trouble
was lack of iron in my blood. I was
so easily worried, so easily upset. I
heard of Ziron and knew it would help
me. I began to take it and the im
provement was great. It strength
ened me, renewed ifty nerves and
toned up my system.”
When you feel that you need
strength, remember that Ziron is a
perfected preparation of iron salts,
combined with other strength-giving
ingredients. Try Ziron.
ZN 3
Seed Catalog Fr&v
It’s ready now. One hundred hand
somely illustrated pages with brilliant
cover in natural colors. It’s both
beautiful and helpful and all that is
necessary to get it is a postal card
request. You will find our 1919 cata
logue a well worth while book.
Hastings Seeds are sold direct by
mail. You will never find them on
sale in the stores. We have some
five hundred thousand customers who
buy from us by mail. We please and
satisfy them, and w r e can piease and
satisfy you in 1919.
Planting Hastings’ Seeds in your
garden or in your fields insures "good
luck” so far as results can be deter
mined by the seed planted. For 30
years Hastings Seeds have been the
standard of seed excellence and pur
ity 'in the South. Only varieties
adapted to the South are listed. Qual
ity of the best m.d prices often less
than those you pay at home. Write
for free copy of this splendid cata
logue now. H. G. HASTINGS CO.,
Seedsmen, Atlanta, Ga. —Advt.
Plenty of it. Prompt action.
Address N. E. MURPHEY,
403 Empire Bldg.
Atlanta, Ga.
\bur Blood Needs
Attorneys at Law
McDonough, Ga.
Call or write us for farm loans.
Office Hours :
8 A. M. 1.0 2 i- M
McDonough, Ga.
McDonough, Ga.
Office Hours : 7 :30 to 5 : 00
Ifl PA'"'-'*'"-JS-T? pn, ; I
/ s
!) V-. r r^ 3 t‘ . . v*’ ”:. r'i *•
IV. mi t ■>Ty&- *
' ' " ? In Ye Daves
ill iC. 1 sCij
. df r- r. ,-Y " • ry ff
hOI_JL YA «• J. \1 Ow U %A> VV iivv
IA*TJ’H : vN good fellows cf long ago gathered about
V ye fey tive board for a snack and a smack, they
demanded that coffee be ye very best in ye land.
That’s the kind you get today when you drink
) b Luzianne. Jt a try it. If it doesn’t‘taste better than
er.y other coffee, you’ve got a real “kick” coming to you,
l I end your gre-r erwil! Refund every penny you paid for It.
] LTI cerrrr Y Get in line with the thousands cf good peop.le who
f ' ■ I ,! 'VK drink Luzianne regularly. Buy same today, in the
_ ccr-tight, sanitary can. f .
It Roigns" ' tOFFEF.
I am in the Real Estate Business.
List your farm with me. See me
for Bargains in Real Estate and
Fc rm Lands.
Will appreciate all business en
trusted to me, and will give it my
careful attention.
Small Farms a Specialty.
McDonough, Ga.
doing optical work for my many friends and
patrons, examining eyes, filling prescriptions
and duplicating lenses.
Since moving to my new location I have
spared no expense toward making this depart
ment one of the best in the city, having engaged
the services of one of the msst competent Opto
metrists obtainable, and am pleased to say that
I can give you very much better service than
heretofore .5
Remember* our prices for this unexcelled
service are very moderate, and that satisfaction
is fully guaranteed.
Optician and Jeweler,
Est. 1891. 11-0 Peachtree Arcade.
ATLANTA Selling A gent a GEORGIA