The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, January 17, 1919, Image 8

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W Missionaiy
Study of M. E. Church
The att&htion of the members
of the Woman’s Missionary So
sciety of the Methodist church is
called to the following notice:
The Mission Study class will meet
next Monday, January 20, 1919, at
the home of Mrs. Hugh Turner.
All the members of the society
urged to attend and all the ladies
of the church, regardless of mem
bership, are cordially invited.
There will be an interesting pro
gram, and the work for the new
year will be discussed.
This work is particularly inter-,
esting to us now, for this year be
gins the celebration of the centen
ary of the anniversary of Metho
dist missions. From all foreign
fields come interesting and enthu
siastic accounts of the work and
the plans for the celebration of
this anniversary. We, who keep
the home fires burning, should be
equally if not more eager to for
ward this great work, so let us all
join our efforts and make this
year truly an epoch maker.
, Reporter.
Mrs. C. C. Fargason
Succumbs to Death.
One of the saddest deaths re
corded in Henry county in the
passing years was that of Mrs. C.
C. Fargason, which occurred at
the home of her husband in Mc-
Mullens district, at F o’clock last
Saturday night, after an illness of
a few days.
Mrs. Fargason was endowed
with the graces and attractions of
a noble womanhood, which drew
to her a circle of warm friends
by whom she will be deeply missed
and mourned. She is survived
by her husband, Mr. Charlie Far
gason, one little son aged 8, and
daughter aged 6 years, to whom
tenderest sympathy goes out.
Fuqeral services were held at
11 o’clock Monday morning, con
ducted by Rev. H. C. Emory, and
the remains laid to rest in Tur
ner’s church cemetery.
Mount Vernon News. '
As I have not written to our
variable paper since Christmas, I
want to wish our readers a happy
and prosperous new year. Dear
readers do know how to be hap
py? Come to God repenting and
forsaking all vour sins, calling on
God in faith and He will forgive
you, washes you and makes jou
whiter than snow, and then you
will be happy.
Mr. John Kelley, of East Atlan
ta, formerly of near Rex, Ga„ was
buried at Bethel church Sunday,
November 12, Rev. W. N. South
and Rev, Mise, of Atlanta, con
ducted the funeral. He was
buried by the Odd Fellows. Our
sympathy goes out to the bereav
ed family. Look to God from
whence coineth all our help.
Mr. and Mrs. Byron Austin made
a trip to Atlanta Saturday coming
back Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. White and
little daughter were the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Swann Satur
We are so sorry to hear that
Miss Harriet Clark is not doing so
Mr. Glen Austin moved to Stock
bridge Monday. We will miss
them so much from our commun
ity, but we trust they will be a
blessing to the community where
they have gone.
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Gardner are
all smiles over a fine boy.
We were verv glad to have Rev.
W. N. South preach at Mt. Ver
non last Sunday night. He
preached on sin, from the sixth
chapter of Romans. Read it and
you will see what the wages of
sin is.
Mr. Inman Ward entertained 26
of his friends at a birthday dinner
I Saturday, January 11, on his
twelfth biethday.
One, Two, Three.
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Here to Von boVs in khaki, \\'\Sv.e
\\ \\ THfIU A
. Here sto pou bops in blue; jI J C *
Here's to the ( titles pou've fought and rOon, i'/'J
Risking Vo?n lives as though it Were fun , r M
Our hu ts are off to Vo a.
t Jf» f ?r. >vl-r
pv Ac> -*9
« « # It. \' *, ♦> ....“j
Our boys are returning victorious. Let’s give , Bro.-C3
them such a welcome as they never had before '\C i
Bring out the very fattest fatted calf, and
don’t forget a few cold bottles of their favorite , p
0, Wholetonl'
' and Refreshen
4 m*.
Commissioner’s Sale.
GEORGIA—Henry County.
By virtue of an order granted by
the Hon. William E. H Searcy, Jr.,
Judge of the Superior Court of said
county, in the case of J. T. Wallace
vs. R. H. Chinn and others, said
order being granted at the Chamb
ers. at Griffin, Ga., on the 7th day
of January, 1919, the undersigned
Commissioners, appointed by the
Court for that, purpose, will sell on
the first Tuesday in February, 1919,
before the court house in said
county, between the legal hours of
sale, to the highest bidder for cash,
the following real estate, situated,
lying and being in the Sixth dis
trict of said county, being Dart of
land lot number 200, containing
Twenty-Five acres of land, more
or less, known as the lands devised
by the late Henry Stanfield to the
children of Emma Wallace, said
land bounded North by lands of R.
F. Stanfield. East and South by
lands of J. T. Wallace and West by
the Right of Way of the Central of
Georgia Railway Company,
Said sale subject to confirmation
by the Court and the successful
bidder will be required to deposit
10% of his bid, balance to be paid
when the sale is confirmed by the
Sold for the purpose of distribu
tion of the proceeds among the
joint owners of said land.
This January 7th. 1919.
E. M. Smith, Attorney.
Notice of Special Election.
GEORGIA—Henry County:
It appearing that the Hon. J. H.
Wallace, Tax Collector of said
county, died on December 27, 1918,
thereby causing a vacancy in the
office of Tax Collector of said coun
ty, ind that the Term for which
was elected will not expire until
January 1, 1921.
By the authority vested in me
under Section 4796 of the Code of
1911, and Section 6 of the Act cre
ating the office of Commissioner of
Roads and Revenues for said coun
ty, IT IS ORDERED, that an elec
tion be held in said county of Hen
ry, State of Georgia, on the SIXTH
elect a successor of the* late J. H.
Wallace, to serve from the time of
the qualification of the person
elected to January Ist, 1921.
Said election will be held under
the rules and regulations govern
ing the General Election in Georgia.
Given under my hand and seal,
this the 6th day of January, 1919.
Commissioner of Roads and Reve
nues, Henry county, Ga.
For Leave to Sell.
GEORGIA—Henry County.
To whom it may concorn : J. K.
and J. L. Peebles. Executors of the
will of Z. T. Peebles, deceased, hav
ing in due form made application
for leave to sell certain 58 acres
lands belonging to said estate, in
Hampton district of said county
and state.
Said application will be heard at
tha regular term of the Court of
Ordinary for said county to be held
Libel for Divorce.
In Henry Superior Court, April
Term, 1919.
Mrs. Bertha Andrews vs, Z. D.
To the defendant, Z. D. An
drews: You are hereby required
to be and appear at the April term
1919, of Henry Superior Court, to
be held on the Third Monday in
April 1919 to answer the suit for
divorce filed against you in said
Court by Mrs. Bertha Andrews, as,
in default thereof the Court will
proceed as to justice shall apper
Witness the Hon. WTE. H. Sear
cy, Jr,. Judge of said Court, this
the 23d dav of December, 1918.
H. C. Hightower, Clerk.
E. M. Smith, Pitff s Attorney.
Sheriffs Sale.
Will be sold, on the premises
near Stockbridge, Henry county,
Ga., within the legal hours of sale
on the first Tuesday in January,
1919, to the highest bidder for cash
the following property, to-wit:
One engine, one air pump, two
rock crushers, one screen. Levied
on as the property of the Atlanta
Crushed Stone Co. to satisfy a fifa
issued from the Municipal Court of
Atlanta, Ga., in favor of Beck &
Gregg Hardware Co. against de
fendant in fifa. Jan. 6, 1919.
W. A. WARD, Sheriff.
Only $485, five passenger 1917
Maxwell, first class condition.
New Maxwell costs SI,OOO now.
H. Foster, 505 Grant Bldg. Ivy 347.
on the first Monday in Feb., 1919.
This 6th day of .Tan., 1919.
A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary.
Administrator’s Sale.
GEORGIA—Henry County,
By virtue of an order granted by
the Court of Ordinary of said county,,
will be sold before the court house
in said county on the first Tuesday
in February. 1919, between the
legal hours of sale to the highest
bidder for cash, the following real
estate to-wit:
One Hundred Acres of Land,
more or less, being the East half of
land lot number 198 in the 12th
land district of Henry county, Ga. r
bounded North by lands of L. E.
Clark, East by lands of G. W Chaf
fin, Miss M. A. Clark and W. B. G.
Clark, South by lands of the estate
of John B Clark, deceased, and
west by lands of W. J. Pope, G. W.
Rowan and G. W. Knowles.
Sold as the property of the estate
of James W. Clark, deceased, for
purpose of paying the debts of his
This January 7th, 1919.
. C. C. CLARK, Administrator.
For Guardianship.
—Henry County.
ma, y concern: J. S. Bond
Jou%form applied for guardianship
thews pe rp S ,°. n ? nd property or Harris Ma
lhls If rht * r efore to notify all per
anwh *T n<3d t 0 file their objections, if
dav in V K flVe ’ 011 0r before the flrst Mon
shin wm ) Uary next ’ said Ruardian
ship wtll be granted as applied for.
this Jan. 6, 1919.
A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary.
tor Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears
Sig Jrnre of