The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, February 21, 1919, Image 2
MODERN IDEAS ABOUT TAKING JEDICINE Violent Purgatives Like Calomel and Castor Oil Not Neces sary to Regulate Liver and Cleanse Intes tinal Tract. In these brighter days of modern medi cation, it Is harmful to dose yourself with calomel, castor oil and other violent pur gatives. Calomel is poisonous. Castor oil, taken as a physic, Is really a prolific cause of constipation, physicians say, and produces binding after-effects which have to be nullified with other medicine. According to advaced ideas, one of the most satisfying laxatives and liver-regu lating substitutes for calomel and castor oil Is a lemon elixir compounded from a prescription the late Dr. H. Mozley used to give his patients In cases of severe colds, fevers, grippe, Influenza, malaria, sick headache, indigestion and other stom achic and bowel disturbances. This pre scription is available in a proprietary medicine labeled Dr. 11. Mozley’s Lemon Elixir. For forty-seven years it has been a valued home remedy. Thousands of families feel that the health of the household, from the baby to the grand parents, depends upon a spoonful occa sionally of this excellent medicine. It is pleasant to take. Causes no griping. Causes no drug-forming habits. It will ward off a cold or attack of "flu” by cleansing the body of impurities that make the system a breeding place for disease germs. Get a trial bottle from your druggist. Positively refuse any sub stitute. There is nothing like Dr. H. Mozley's Demon Elixir—nothing so good to maintain your health.—Adv. Vanity and impudence are twin sis ters. Every Little Task a Burden? STo the women worn-out with weak kidneys, housework is a heavy burden. Back ache, sick headacheß, nervousness, dizzi ness, “blue” spells and a weak, tired condition, make the simplest tasks diffi cult and the ever present daily duties give the weakened Kidneys no time to recover. Use Doan's Kidney Pills. They have brought relief and comfort to thousands of weak, suffering women. A Georgia Case Mrs. Bertie Walts, 160 Barnesvllle St., Thomaston, Ga., says: “Kidney trouble and rheumatic pains made me miser able. My back was so lame and weak I could hardly go and sharp, cutting Sains would dart up and down my ack My kidneys didn't act. as they should and different remedies failed to help me. I finally used Doan’s Kid ney Pills and they quickly went to the seat of the trouble and cured me.” Get Doan's at Any Store, 60c a Bos DOAN'S 15V FOSTER-MILBURN CO.. BUFFALO. N. Y. __ DIPLOMA Georgia MEANS Alabama __ LIFE Business College Macon, Ga. WRITE FOR CATALOQ FROST PROOF Cabbage Plants Early Jersey and Charleston Wakefield, Suc cession and Flat Dutch. By express, 800, $1.25; 1,000, $2.00; 6,000 at $1.75; 10,000 and up at $1.60, F. O. B. here. By Parcel Post, prepaid, 100, 35c; 500, $1.50; 1,000, $2.50. Wholesale and retail. D. F. JAMISON, SUMMERVILLE, S. C. Clipped Army Horses Veterinarians of the Allied Armies ordered regular clipping of the horses and mules in all branches of the service. They were clipped with the Stewart No. 1 Machine. YOUR horses also will do bettet work if clipped. Get a Stewart No. 1 Ball Bearing Clipping Machine. $9.75; $2.00 down, balance when received. Or write for 1919 catalog. CHICAGO FLEXIBLE SHAFT COMPANY Dept. A 172, 12th Street add Centre) Ave., Chicago, 111. FROST PROOF CABBAGE PLANTS READY Shipping Now. We grow our own plants andean fill orders at once. 1,000, $2.50; 500, $1.50; 100, 50c. Leading Varieties. All delivered. XOUKG PLANT CO. Thoinasvllle, Gw. North Carolina Cotton Seed for Planting KING’S Early Improved, known all over the south as the earliest and most prolific, ffi-00 bags of 100 pounds. JNO. W. KING, lioulsburg, N, C. franklin County, Home of King s improved Seed Stop Your Coughing No need to let that cough persist Stop the irritation, and remove tickling and hoarse ness by soothing the inflamed throat with PISO’S A little thing, a sunny smile, A loving word at morn. And all (lay long the sun shone bright, The cares of life were made more light, And the sweetest hopes were born. MORE GOOD SALADS. Fruit and vegetables are absolutely essential to good health and should not -me. ait -irimr-M,. be considered an 'iirtjjW s -- markets that are reasonable in price and are nutritious. Mock Lobster Salad.—Mix two cup fuls of cold flaked cooked haddock with two cupfuls of celery, add two tablespoonfuls of finely chopped pimen tos, season with salt, paprika and add two tablespoonfuls of lemon juice and let stand half an hour. Add, a cupful of mayonnaise and serve at once. Gar nish with lemon slices decorated with paprika. New York Salad.—Arrange four slices of pineapple on lettuce leaves. Cut one-half cupful of celery Into long slender strips and mix with one-half cupful of nut meats. Pile in the cen ter of the pineapple and garnish with four sections freed from Its membrane, laid symmetrically on the pineapple. The dressing Is passed separately. Marshmallow Salad. Cut two oranges in halves, remove the pulp carefully leaving the cups. Cut a slice of pineapple and eight marshmallows in bits, chop one-fourth cupful of nuts, skin and seed one-half cupful of white grapes, mix with the orange pulp and a little dressing. Fill the cups, cover with dressing and cross with twe strips of canned pimento. Place a half grape on the center of the salad and bits of chopped parsley between the strips of pimento. Nut Fruit Salad.—Take one cupful of cooked peas, one cupful of celery, cut in cubes, one cupful of walnut meats and one cupful of shredded orange. Serve with mayonnaise dress ing. Chicken Salad.—Cut chicken into bits, using two cupfuls, add one cupful of celery, one cupful of diced cucum ber and two tablespoonfuls of capers. Season with salt and pepper and mix with a boiled or mayonnaise dressing to which an equal quantity of whipped cream has been added. Serve on let tuce. Friendship suj plies the place of ev erything to those who know how to make the right use of it; it makes your prosperity more happy and it makes your adversity more easy. SEASONABLE DISHES. Gelatin Is an easily digested food and one especially good for desserts after a hearty Jellied Prunes.— Mffo. Wash one pound P runes » ROak ,n cold water over xtYVl n, K ht nn< l cook vin til tender; cut each ' ■ - prune Into three or four pieces (discarding the stones). There should be about five cupfuls of the prunes and liquid. Dissolve one package of gelatin softened in one cup ful of cold water in the hot prune juice ; add one cupful of sugar and one half cupful of orange marmalade or the Juice of one lemon; stir until it begins to thicken, then turn Into a mold. Set aside In a cool place. Casserole of Rice and Veal. —Line n mold slightly greased with steamed rice. Fill the center with two cup fuls of cold cooked, chopped veal, sea soned with salt, pepper, celery salt, cayenne, onion and lemon juice. Add one-fourth of a cupful of cracker crumbs, one egg slightly beaten and enough hot stock or water to moisten. Cover the fneat with rice, cover the rice with n buttered paper to keep out the moisture, and steam 45 min utes. Serve on a platter surrounded with tomato sauce. Tomato Sauce. —Melt two table spoonfuls of butter, add two table spoonfuls of flour, and when well blended and cooked add one cupful of strained tomato which has been cooked with a slice of onion for flavor. Cook all together, add one-half tea spoonful of salt, and one-eighth of a teaspoonful of pepper. Cream of Celery With Almonds.— Cook two cupfuls of chopped celery until tender, then drain. Add a ta blespoonful of corn starch mixed with a cupful of cream and one cupful of almond meats blanched and chopped. Peach Custard. —Arrange alternate layers of cake and sections of canned peaches In a dish and cover with a boiled custard. Bananas, sweet or anges or preserves of various kinds may be used in place of the peaches. TlctLw: )}W«t4 HENRY COUNTY WEEKLY. McDONOUGH GKOWCJ * KEEP IT HANDY If you paid a specialist $25.00 for a prescription, you would not get any thing that would give quicker relief for Croup, Catarrh Colds or Sore Throat, than VACHER BALM, which only costs 25c in jars, or tubes. Write for Samples and Agent’s Prices. Beware of imitations. E. W. Vacher, Inc., New Orleans, La. Adv. Railway travel teaches people to know their station and stop at it. No Worm* In a Healthy Child All children troubled with worms hare an on* healthy color, which Indicates poor blood, and as a rale, there is more or lws stomach disturbance. (JKOV M a TASTHLUSS chill TONIC given regularly for two or three weeks will enrich the blood, Im prove the digestion, and act as a General Si-ength enlng Tonic to the whole system. Nature will then throw off or dispel the worms, and the Child will be in perfect health. Pleasant to take. 60c per bottle. The curiosity of others enables some men to make a good living. Dr. Peery’a "Dead Shot" la powerful hut •afe. One do*e la enough to expel Worm* or Tapeworm. No caator oil necessary. Adv. HOW TO PREVENT APPENDICITIS Appendicitis Is primarily due to the Eoisons formed by decaying food in the owels. It is a disease caused by im proper and insufficient bowel elimina tion. Many people have only a small passage in the center of the bowels while the sides are clogged with old, stale, fermenting matter. They may have a bowel movement every day but it is not a complete movement and the old stale matter stays in the system to ferment and cause trouble. Besides appendicitis such unclean bowels cause headaches, stomach trouble and 90 per cent of all other sickness. The old foul matter sticking to the sides of the bowels often stays in for months, poisoning the body and causing that listless, tired feeling known as “auto Intoxication.” HOW TO AVOID TROUBLE. The way to avoid sickness and to keep feeling full of ambition is to watch your bowels. Just as you keep the outside of your body clean, you should also KEEP THE INSIDE CLEAN. It is even more important to keep the bowels clean than it is to keep your body washed, because the millions of pores in the thirty feet of bowels quickly absorb poisons generated by decaying food left carelessly In the bowels. Don’t allow the old. ferment ing, filthy stuff to stay in your bowels for weeks, but GET IT OUT and keep It out. Remember, filthy bowels are the cause of most sickness—no stom ach, liver or any other organ can do Us work with a foul cesspool sending Those who are thougntful have concluded that something more than chance is behind the remarkable popularity of Royster’s fertilizers. Those who have investigated, find neither chance nor magic, but simply common sense appreciation of values. Those who are prudent are placing their orders now and insisting on being supplied with ROYSTER’S FERTILIZER ▼ffAee mask *t«i»rc»eo ORDER EARLY AND AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT F. S. ROYSTER QUANO COMPANY Norfolk, Va. Richmond, Va. Tarboro, N. C. Charlotte, N. C. Washington, N. C. Columbia, S. C. Spartanburg, S. C. Atlanta, Ga. Macon, Ga. Columbus, Ga. Montgomery, Ala. Baltimore, Md. Toledo,. O. Do*,' rile with a cold —it’s dangerous. You can’t afford to risk Influenza. Keep always at hand a box of CASCARA gj QUININE Standard cold remedy for 20 year*—in tablet form —safe, aure, no opiates—breaks up a cold in 24 hours —relieves grip in 3 days. Money back if it fails. The genuine box has a Red top with Mr. Hill’s picture. At All Drug Stores. xg&S DROPSY TREATMENT. Gives quick relief. fjy_ J *»*»V* %»■ goon removes swelling and short Hr breath. Never beard of Its equal for dropsy. V, At Try it. Trial treatment sent FRBE, by mall. JvJfT Write to OR. THOMAS E. GREEN lank Bldg.. Box ZO. CHATS WORTH, BA. W. N. U., ATLANTA, NO. 8-1919. out gases and poisons. Even if your bowels move slightly each day, that is not enough. There must be an occa sional THOROUGH, complete cleans ing to rid your system of all accumu lated, decaying matter. HOW TO CLEAN BOWELS QUICK. The MOST COMPLETE bowel cleans er known is a mixture of buckthorn bark, glycerine and ten other ingredi ents, put up in ready prepared form under the trade name of Adler-i-ka. This mixture is so powerful a bowel cleanser that it ALWAYS does Its work properly and thoroughly. It removes foul and poisonous matter which other cathartic or laxative mixtures are un able to dislodge. It does a COMPLETE job and it works QUICKLY and with out the least discomfort or trouble. It is so gentle that one forgets he has taken it until the THOROUGH evacu ation starts. It is astonishing the great amount of foul, poisonous matter a SINGLE SPOONFUL of Adler-i-ka draws from the alimentary canal— matter you would never have thought was in your system. Try it right after a natural bowel movement and notice how much MORE foul matter will be brought out which was poisoning your system. In slight disorders such as occasional constipation, sour stomach, “gas on the stomach” or sick head ache. one spoonful brings relief al most INSTANTLY. Adler-i-ka is the MOST THOROUGH bowel cleans er and antisenticlzer ever offered in ready prepared form. It is a constant Both Beef and Milk m ■— -1 'T'HE oue breed that 1 excels in both beef IK -.ffißfo and milk is the Short horn. Shorthorn steers jAp records at the markets in ■: 1918, making the high im** 1 est record on the open jf market of $20.50 perewt, f And Shorthorn cows have milk records of over 17,000 bS. per year, tl It the farmer » breed, having extra scale, quality and quiet temperament. Don’t Waste Wool Old methods of shearing leave too much wool on the sheep. Shear the modern way with a good ma chine. The Stewart No.' 9 Ball Bearing Shearing Machine works wonders with flocks up to3oo head. Saves time and money—shears 15% more wooL Does away with second cuts. Soon pays for itself. Price only $ 14. You can get it by sending $2.00 pay balance on arrival. Or write for catalog. CHICAGO FLEXIBLE SHAFT COMPANY Dept. B 172, 12th Street and Central Ave., Chicago, flb PAfeKkR’S HA,R balsam »\ .tv;A toilet preparation of merit. ( .AM Helps to eradicate dandruff. For Restoring Color and i —“*“s Beauty to Gray or Faded Hair. surprise to people who have used only ordinary bowel and stomach medicine* and the various oils and waters. REPORTS FROM PHYSICIANS. Dr. James Weaver, Loa, Utah: “1 have found nothing in my 50 years’ practice to excel Adler-l-ka.” Dr. W. A. Line, West Baden, Ind.; ‘I use Adler-i-ka in my practice and have found nothing to excel it." Dr. F. M. Prettyman, Mallard, Mini** “I use Adler-i-ka in all bowel cases and have been very successful with it. Some cases require only one dose." Druggist D. Hawks, Goshen, Ind.: ' One of our leading doctors has used Adler-i-ka in cases of stomach trouble with wonderful success. He has not lost a patient and saved many operations.’’ J. E. Puckett, Gillham, Ark.: "I had had stomach trouble. After taking Ad ler-i-ka feel better than for 20 years. Haven’t language to express the awful impurities which were eliminated from my system.” Cora E. Noblett. Sageeyah, Okla.: “Thanks to Adler-i-ka I can sleep all night now, something I could not do for years." Mrs. L. A. Austin. Ausland, Minn.: "I could not eat a thing, my stomach was so weak. Adler-i-ka made me feel bet ter and am now able to work and gain ing.” Adler-i-ka sold by leading druggists in each city. Large bottle sent express paid for $1.25. Interesting book about appendicitis free. Adler-l-ka Co., Dept. A, St. Paul, Minn.