Newspaper Page Text
Stella-Vitae has been in success
ful use in the treatment of those diseases
peculiar to women for more than a
third of a century.
For nearly ten years it has been
sold under a plain, positive guarantee
to benefit. Less than one bot
tle out of every one thousand
sold lias been refunded for, and everv
claim for a refund has been satisfied.
Thousands of letters like this praising
Stella-Vitae and telling of benefit to
suffering women have been received.
nrs.E. I*l. Russell, of Mill Springs,
N. gratefully writes us as follows:.
“I was in a most wretched condi
tion; had palpitation of the heart
and would swell and bloat in a most
distressing way. When I began
using Stella-Vitae I weighed 108
pounds. Now J weigh 135. lam
more thanl Jul than I can ever tell
you for the .great good this won
derful medicine has done me.”
Mrs Russell was at that critical
period, the “change,” and her sincere
gratitude for the blessed relief will be
understood and ippreciated by every
woman who rat .8 her letter.
Stella-Vitae has proved a boon to
Buffering voir.a: hood, to young girls
approaching the r first vital period, to
women apj aching the anguish of
childbirth, t-> women approaching the
“ehangoof life.’’ SteJVa-VRaestrength
ens the female organs and promotes
regularity in the monthly function.
No risk of loss is taken by any suf
fering woman who tries Stella-Vitae
c' 1 our guarantee of the first bot We.
return your money if it does not bene
fit you. Don't nut off a trial.
For sale bv Horton Drug Co.
Says ZIRON Iren Tonic Mada Him Feel
Bolter, Eat Better and Sleep Better.
O. D. Blount, Tarrytown, Oa., writes:
*‘l am seventy-five years old, yet I have
been pretty strong until about a year ago.
i did not feel so well, I had a worn, tired
feeling, my body ached and I was not
myself. I would chill easily,—my blood
seemed thin, my flesh flabby and skin
not clear. I didn’t rest well and my ap
{)etite was poor. 1 heard of Ziron. how
t was helping others and it seemea to be
what 1 needed, too. 1 soon saw after I
began taking it that it was helping me.
I felt better in every way. I ate better.
I slept betier. I took three bottles ana
It helped me. 1 am glad to recommend
Ziron is indicated for anemia, pale com
plexion. poor blood, general weakness,
etc. When your blood needs iron, take
Ziron. Remember, if the first bottle don’t
benefit, you get your money back. Don’t
wait Begin taking Ziron today.
At. all druggists.
Your Blood Needs
CCjl Tf Cll
Do not allow the
f>oisons of undigested
ood to accumulate in
your bowels, where they
are absorbed into your
system. Indigestion, con
stipation, headache, bad
blood, and numerous
other troubles are bound
to follow. Keep your
system clean, as* thous
ands of others do, by
taking an occasional dose
of the old, reliable, veg
etable, family liver medi
Mrs. W. F. Pickle, of
Rising Fawn, Ga., writes:
“We have used Thed
ford’s Biack-Draught as
a family medicine. My
mother-in-law could not
take calomel as it seemed
too strong for her, so she
used Biack-Draught as a
mild laxative and liver
regulator... We use it
in the family and believe
it is the best medicine for
the liver made.” Try it.
Insist on the genuine—
Theaford’s. a pack
age. E-75
Subscribe for THE WEEKLY.
It is a true saying that we never
get too old to learn. We areireal
izing that more every day. The
more we come in contact with
people and the more we hear
about s-o-c-i-e-t-y makes us be
lieve we are a pretty good pupil
yet —not yet graduated. The point
that is resting on my mind this
afternoon is a daughter from Hen
ry county (sorry to sav it) who
has married and lives here. For
tune has favored them just a little
bit. In this town also live that
daughter’s widow mother and sis
ter, who are hard-working, nice,
honest people, making a bank ac
count from the “sweat of their
brow.” Now here comes the
point: The married daughter
cannot associate with them be
cause it would lower her in s o
c-i-e-t- v. Shame on any child who
are * blind as to speak thus about
the best friend they ever had on
earth. That is the fruits of a little
prosperity and society mixed.
We are a woman, but we think all
such daughters should be made
to wear stripes and use picks for
a while at least until they were
made to realize their own sinful
condition. The good book tells
us to “Watch and Pray.” We are
prone to watch, but it’s a hard
matter to pray for any such. May
the Lord dig deep into the hearts
of all such sinners before it is too
We sure would have enjoyed
Bro. Liddell’s discourse last Sun
day had providence favored us
that way. We know all who w r ent
were doubly repaid.
If you would have others think
well of you, set an example and
think well of yourself.
If men could shed tears as easily
as women can the Recording An
gel would have much less profan
ity to charge up against them.
Leon Blankenship, who has
been in the Base Hospital at Camp
Gordon for three weeks, has re
covered sufficiently to be back at
his post of the M. F. force in At
lanta, and spent Saturday night
with his patents here.
We were reading a letter from
a boy in camps not many days
ago. He wrote that he was then
over at the Red Cross house and
that a service was being held be
hind closed curtains. “Now moth
er,” lie wrote, “What kind of re
ligion is this?” Later on in his
letter he states that the curtains
were moved and he could see the
Priest (he supposed) praying their
Sills away. JUm bueii as tniS,
he states, “is making a lot of the
boys desert. But not me,” he
says, “I am going to stick to my
job as long as they want me to
stay.” His mother of course
wrote him immediately in the af
firmative, trusting that all would
soon be well and to remember the
little old Union Grove school house
and his school teacher, Mr. Bail S.
Elliott, several years ago.
One Two.
Rocky Branch Box Supper
There will be a box supper at
Rocky branch school house Feb
ruary 28. Everybody is cordially
invited. Come!
Miss Frances Williams, Principal.
Starts Much Sickness.
A clogging mass of undigested
food that remains fermenting in
the stomach or intestines sends
the poisons it develops through
the entire human body. “Keep
the bowels open,” is one rule of
health recognized by all schools
of medicine. Foley Cathartic Tab
lets cleanse the bowels, sweeten
the stomach and benefit the liver.
For indigestion, biliousness, bad
breath, bloating, gas or constipa
tion, no remedy is more highly
recommended. No griping or
nausea. The McDonough Drug
Read “The Secret Life of the Ex
Tsaritza,” Wife of Former
Czar Nicholas, of Rus
sia, in The Atlanta
Sunday American.
When Princess Alix, of Germany, was
cunningly placed on the Russian throne
by Wilhelm "to safeguard against any
friction which might arise later on,"
conspiracy was set afoot.
The story, written by the one person
in a position to know and substantiate
the fact —by Baroness Tzankoff, for
twenty years a maid in waiting, a daily
associate, of the Czaritza —reveals for
the first time the escapades of Alix as
Princess and Queen. It is a true afler
the-war story, dealing with events, the
intrigues and secret escapades of kings,
queens and princesses from youth to the
time they lost their high stations.
An authentic, informative and
amazing expose of the life of the for
mer Czar of Russia, one of the main
actors in the greatest of all world dram
as. The first installment will appear in
The Atlanta Sunday American February
23. Each instalment is filled witli reve
lations now for the first time made pub
in addition to this important expose
of the unhappy Russian situation. The
Atlanta Sunday American brings you all
the news of the world, first, fast and
accurate; the greatest magazine sec
tion published in Dixie; the works of
America’s greatest writers and artists;
complete society, moving picture, mar
ket and sport pages, four full pages
of comics in colors, and many other
exclusive features, to be found in no
other Sunday newspaper. _ Also, each
issue contains one of the $3 000 patriotic
prize songs. 1., no other newspaper in
the South can you find so much of in
terest. The edition is sold out each
Sunday, so better subscribe today—now
—through your local agent.
Beersheba Notes.
Here I come agagin, through
the sunshine and the rain.
How happy we would be if we
would but “Do unto others as we
would have them do unto us.”
We are sorry to note the death
of Miss Lois McDonald at her
home near Snapping Shoals Thurs
day morning. She will be sadly
missed by her many friends and
loved ones.
Miss Rena Maude Piper was the
guest of Miss Mamie - Allen one
night last week.
Mr. Johnnie Piper of Newton
county spent the latter part of the
week with his brother and sister,
Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Smith.
Miss Nellie Forsyth spent Fri
day night with Miss Cora Bryans.
Messrs. Walter Gilmore, R. O.
Moate and Emmett Smith made a
business trip to Atlanta one day
last week.
Miss Rosa Rosser has been se
riously ill, but glad to know she is
some better at this writing.
r\ am/ Uxmo
From J. W. Parks’ tredigreed
stock. One of the world’s oldest
and best-bred-to-lay strain of Barr
ed Rocks. Hatch early for winter
Best selected $3.00, Utiliity $2.00
per setting.
R 1. McDonough, Ha.
Phone No. 2821.
Clean Teeth Firm
The chief cause of disease
and I
Stomach Disorders
are caused by infection
3 ° C an< * 60c ~ at T ° ur
i jU.
“Racking, torturing, pain-Z
such as Headaches, Backaches, Neuralgia,
etc., are serious handicaps and also most annoying,
painful and depressing. They can be relieved
promptly and effectively by the use of DR. MILES’
“1 had for a long time been troubled with a severe pain at
the base of the brain, sometimes being almost unendurable.
I began using DR. MILES' ANTI-PAIN PILLS and soon
saw an improvement and at the present lime consider myself
entirely relieved.” W. F. Chadwick, Moniello, Mass.
■flCinriife These wonderful little tablets contain no
Vp; |||i mftil / habit forming drug—nor produce ill after effect but
VIV ii T.y / / when used according to directions afford almost instant relief
\ P Jjfflf/ Your druggist knows why these effective tablets
\ „ iffy have been increasing in popular favor for over 30 years. Ask
| -a box costs only afcw Mntß. 'tP-2)
* Chain ’ Tread
The Economy of
Buying Good Tires
It’s mighty poor economy to put cheap
tires on your car.
If you can’t depend on your tires, you
can’t depend on your car,
—and you can’t get the high grade of
service it ought to give you.
It pays to buy good tires—United States
They represent the highest value it is
possible to build into tires.
There are five different passenger car
treads —the only complete line built by
any tire manufacturer.
Each has the built-in strength that means
your money back in extra miles.
Among them are exactly the tires you
want for your car, and your driving con
Our nearest Sales and Service Depot
Dealer will gladly help you.
United States Tires
are Good Tires