Newspaper Page Text
Local Happenings j
Call on Speer, the Optromtrist,
when you need glasses.
He keeps in stock all the latest
styles of frames and nose glasses.
Pair good mules for sale. A. R.
Mr. Frank Setzer went up to
Atlanta Monday.
Mr. and Mrs Will Turner spent
Tuesday in Atlanta.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Brown spent
Tuesday in Atlanta.
Rev. J. M. Gilmore spent last
■week in Milledgeville.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walker spent
last Friday in Atlanta.
Mrs. Bob Sloan is visiting her
parents in Bullochville.
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Bankston
spent Monday in Atlanta.
Book Sweet Potato Slips now.
Copleand-Turner Mrc. Co.
Mrs. Laura Smith of Ozark, Ala.
is visiting Mrs. Roy Turner.
Col. E. M. Smith attended Clay
lon Superior Court Monday.
Mr. E. D. Tolleson made a busi
ness trip to Atlanta Tuesday.
Highest market price paid for
scrap cotton. J. Olin Kimbell.
Mrs. J. S. Norton and Mrs. H. M.
Turner spent Friday in Atlanta.
Let Speer fit you with a pair of
those elegant Fit U noses glasses.
Mrs. Virginia Manley of Atlanta
is visiting friends in McDonough.
$ IQ,OOO private money to loan
on farm lands. See E. L. Reagan
Four magazines with Tri-Week
ly Constitution $2.50. This office
at once.
Miss Mabel Davenport of Elber
4on spent Sunday with Miss Bess
Judge E. J. Reagan spent sev
eral days at Butts Superior Court
ibis week.
I offer good farm mule for SIOO
Liberty Bond. R. C. Brown, Lo
cust Grove, Ga.
Mrs. Julia McDonald spent Tues
day in Atlanta, attending the mil
linery openings.
Registered Hampshire pigs and
shoats for sale. S. H. Castellaw,
Rt. 3, Locust Grove, Ga.
Mrs. E. D. Tolleson and little
daughter Miriam are visiting Mrs.
Stewart Taylor in Griffin.
The friends of Mrs. Charlie
Dickson regret very much to know
of her serious illness this week.
Messrs. Jim Carmichael and An
drew Walker have returned from
their trip to Baltimore and New
Miss Jeanette Liddell has re
turned home from Jacksonville,
Fla., to the delight of her many
SIO,OOO private money to loan
on farm lands. See E. L. Reagan
Miss Blake Bunn came down
from Atlanta to spend the week
end with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. A. F. Bunn.
The Daughters of the Confed
eracy will meet with Mrs. Julia
McDonoald on the afternoon of
Feb. 27th, at three o’clock.
White Nest or Multiplying On
ions, Yellow, Red and White On
ion sets. Early Rose, Bliss and
Cobbler Seed Irish Potatoes.
Copeiand-Turner Mrc. Co.
Highest market price paid for
scrap cotton. J. Olin Kimbell.
$lO 000 private money to loan
on farm lands. See E. L. Reagan
Mr. T. A. Sloan left Monday for
Baltimore, preparatory to procur
ing the annual large stock of
spring goods for his firm.
Single Comb White Leghorns;
won eight firsts, Atlanta. Griffin,
and Montgomery, Ala. Cockerels
$3 and $5 each. P. E. Parker,
route 2, Hampton, Ga.
Mr. Grady Fears has an impor
tant federal loan message to the
farmers of Henry county in this
issue of The Weekly. They will
profit by reading and acting upon
Representative Bellah was ap
pointed by Governor Dorsey a
delegate to the big cotton hold
ing convention in New Orleans,
and attended Monday and Tues
Beginning Monday, 24th'instant,
our delivery hours will be 8:30
and and 10:30 in the morning and
3 o’clock in the afternoon.
McDonough Trading Co.
Copeland-Turner Mrc. Co.
Mr. Harrv Greer is being cor
dially welcomed home by his
friends, having been permanently
discharged from the U. S. marines
at Key West, Fla., where he has
been stationed for some time past.
The Weekly received a pleasant
call Saturday from Sgt. Van. O.
Carter, who returned from over
seas some time ago and was per
manently discharged. Sgt. Carter
was slightly gased, and his expe
rience with the Germans is full of
Mr. Luther H. Whitaker was
reported among the severely
wounded in Monday’s belated cas
ualty list. His friends are pleased
to know he is now well on the
road to recovery, however, ac
cording to a letter received by
relatives from the hospital several
weeks ago.
Conductor Jim Green has re
turned home to Bessemer, Ala.,
after a few days visit to Henry
county relatives and friends. Mr.
Green was elected. Chief Conduc
tor of the Birmingham Divison O.
R. C. for this year, and has receiv
ed numerous congratulations upon
being honored with this promin
ent oijfice.
I will be in McDonough during
February. Make your tax returns
early and save trouble. The law
requires me to close my books
May the first.
Tax Receiver.
We desire to extend our heart
felt thanks to good people of our
community and the physicians for
their many kindnesses and expres
sions of sympathy for us during
our sister’s sicknes and death.
B. O. McDonald and Sisters.
To the Voters of Henry
I am deeply grateful for your
kind vote of confidence in elect
ing me Tax Collector of Henry
county to succeed the late Hon.
J; H. Wallace.
It shall be my purpose to hon
estly and efficiently administer
the affairs of said office to the in
terest of the tax payers of Henry
county and to extend to them ev
ery courtesy possible.
C. R Hand.
Says it is the Best in the World.
There is one remedy that those
who know depend upon for relief
from coughs that “hang on” after
the snip. Foley’s Honey and Tar
the passages, soothes- raw,
inflamed membranes and banishes
irritation and tickling in the thro b.
A. H McDaniel, Box 51, Lindside,
W. Ya.< • iites : “I am gFd to tell
y »u tout Fol-'v’s Honey a d Tar is
the b«. medicine in the world. I
{• ive h id i srvere cough and he
tore I used lialf a bottle i was bel
ter.” The McDonough Drug Co.
To Our Friends.
We wish to express our heart
felt thanks to those who were so
kind to us in the death of our
dear wife and sister, Mrs. J. D.
Hayes. Only those whose hearts
have suffered can truly under
stand the undying gratitude felt
for each kind service rendered in
these dark hours of our latest and
greatest sorrow.
Mr. J. D. Hayes.
Mrs. M. H. Hunt.
Mr. Marvin Allums.
I will locate here with a
Branch Plumbing Shop as
soon as I can get a location.
In the mean while, if you
have some plumbing or steam
fiitting, drop me a card in
Jackson, Ga.
20 years experience enables
me to give you first-class work
at reasonable price.
Formerly employed by the
U. S. Civil Service and honor
ably discharged, rating as
first-class mechanic.
Better have your work done
by a man who knows how.
All work absolutely guaran
Master Plumber and
Steam Fitter.
Jackson, - - Ga*
McDonough, - Ga.
Vi! | 111 if I l | |
»i MIK H Sf Ap lilfi I .
I 1 II y M hi ~ ±j fa-'v ii!l:i li'i • ii sii ' 1 v •!* |.
3f a J V' _ -.i? - fia j. i| ( , "a lij i| i H (ill 'i! i l|: 1 I II
»\ 1 i!fk j illJiil I * jiii'i ’! m J
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F. Vp m J “%' iy . h . : ijf |i iy i ft iiii ii i i In 11'
/A \ i 111 fiii r\ ii te-Mili Hi h i iilillf
™ yA mi ||i|jj|ji i|j iji i! ii ii,
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r 1* hiiipPT sh lf! 1 1 uLir
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• I 1 ! #
<ll® Mm j,, Jjil ./
MimimmmmmrM pksmm
t alk * h A out smok , es ’ t**™* A !* be *
ipte d J»* >7 fches smokehappiness on
tiSml'fzr wimmiiSllHkip every man encu & h to make a bee line for a
tii: ' red tin 81x5 a jimra7 p ipe -^ :d ° r new 1
Get it Girs’zl:'; azr.i what you've hankered for in
pipe cr cigarette makin’s smokes you’ll find aplenty
}in P. A. Tint's because 1\ A. has the quality!
• • ••'v myA* v >--.v.v*. .. 'A.
You can’c any more make Prince Albert bite your
tongue or pa::!: your threat than you can make a horse
}-g drink when he’r off the water! Eke and parch are cut
Mil Ppr 2 x&§ I cut by our exclusive patented process!
\Aa! v h i You just lay back like a regular fellow and puff to beat
j m-< p .;.p$ & the cards and wonder why in samhili you didn’t nail a
1 : r - pWA W S section in the P. A. smokepasture longer than you care
! to remember back!
1 ' S Buy Prince Albert everywhere tobacco ii mold. Poppy red bags,
f m tidy rad tine, handsome pound and half pound tin humidors —and
. t 1 —that clever, practical pound crystal gfass humidor with sponge
• \ ■ -t moistener top that keeps the tobacco in such perfect condition.
r.j. BayncidiTobaosoco, R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. s Winston-Salem, N. C.
Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin has
proved more satisfactory than
any other laxative I have ever used. The other
members of my family also use it and we re
commend it highly.”
(From a letter to Dr. Caldwell written by\
Mr. Charles Fenske, 5005 N.sth Street, 1
Philadelphia, Pa. /
Dr. Caldwell's
Syrup Pepsin
The Pej'fect Laxative
Sold by Druggists Everywhere
50 cts. (ES) SI.OO
A combination of simple laxative herbs with
pepsin that acts in an easy, natural way, and is
as safe for children as it is positively effective
on the strongest constitution. A trial bottle
.can be obtained free of charge by writing to
Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 458 Washington Street,
Monticello, Illinois.
A medicine for hogs only
Will keep your hogs healthy
Is antagonistic to the worms which infest
the Stomach, Liver, Lungs, Kidneys and In
testines, assists the organs of digestion and
elimination, increases the appetite, putting
vim and vitality into the pork-making ma
We guarantee satisfaction, or your Hog-
Tone costs you not a penny*
Put up in liquid form, sl*oo per bottle*