Newspaper Page Text
The Henry County Weekly
North Georgia Orator Joins
Forces of Anti - Saloon
League of America to Speak
Over Country.
ATLANTA, Ga., Feb. 21—J. Q.
Noian, one of Georgia’s most bril
liant stump speakers and most ef
fective campaigners, has been en
gaged by the Anti-Saloon League
of America to take part in a num
ber of campaigns which have been
planned in Georgia and other
Mr. Nolan is a former member
of the Georgia legislature and is
widely known throughout the
State. During the Liberty Loan
campaigns and the war savings
stamp drives he rendered con
spicuous service as a speaker, go
ing from one end of the State to
the other in the interest of patri
otic activities.
The Anti Saloon League of
America is planning a continuance
of its activities not only along the
line of constitutional prohibition,
which has been ratified by the re
quisite number of States, but in
behalf of law enforcement and
other problems related to the
liquor traffic.
To Honor Henry
County Soldier Boys.
At the December meeting of the
Woman’s Club a resolution was
adopted to perpetuate the memory
of every boy who was called into
service from Henry county during
the most stupendous war of his
The Club wymen feel that the
most fitting way to do homage to
these gallant soldiers is to con
struct something that shall serve
this and future generations. As
“service” was their watchword,
so their memorial deserves to be
no less.
It is the purpose of the Club to
begin a movement to erect a “Li
brary Building,” which shall in
clude a library and recreation
room, a rest room for out- of town
visitors and an auditorium.
It is their purpose to place in
the. lobby of this building a memo
rial tablet, which shall proclaim
the deeds and names of Henry
county boys and show the great
pride felt in them by their fellow
We feel sure that this move
ment will touch every patriotic
heart in old Heury, and that a
generous response will be met.
The Woman’s Club will give a
living picture concert, “Reverie’s
of a Bachelor,” and Mother Goose
burlesque, Friday night, March 7,
at Public SchCm Building, for
benefit of Public Library. Exer
bises will begin at 7:45. A rare
musical treat is in store for you
and plenty of fun in Mother Goose.
Come out and have a good time,
also help a good cause.
Admission 15 and 25 cents. Re
served seats 35 cents. Tickets on
sale at The Bank of Henry County.
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Signature of
A Weekly Newspaper Devoted to the Interests of McDonough and Henry County.
A Bad, Bold Burglar.
Gentle reader, you have heard
about being touched for one’s roll
of the “long green,” read about it,
thought about it, and have un
doubtedly talked about it without
fully understanding the sensation
arising from it after it happened.
On the night of Wednesday, the
19th inst., the residences of Messrs.
Bill Kelley, Uncle Jim McDonald,
Dooley Nelson and Oscar Alexan
der were entered by a specimen
of the Genus Homo with burgla
rious intent, who did appropriate
to his own use all the money
found in the several pockets of
the above named gentlemen.
From Brother Kellev he pilfered
$2.35 in good coin of the realm,
which happened to be Brother
Kelley’s balance on hand after
paying his income tax.
Uncle Jim McDonald proved to
be better picking for this “mean
est of mankind,” ana as a conse
quence contributed SIB.OO to his
ill-gotten gains. But Uncle Jim’s
inherent luck predominated and
produced the paradox of being
fortunately unfortunate: fortunate
in that the thief overlooked $25.00
pinned in the watch pocked of his
trousers, which was recovered;
and unfortunate that he lost the
$lB 00.
Friend Dooley Nelson was ex
ceedingly fortunate in leaving his
pants in an adjoining room, with
a S7O “wad” pocketed therein, the
maurader contenting his dastardly
raid with removing Dooley’s over
coat from the head of his bed and
leaving it on the front porch for a
Our compatriot Oscar Alexan
der proved a veritable plutocrat
and donated $19.00 to the coffers
of the robber. These huge fig
ures may be offered in evidence
that there is more money in paper
hanging and painting than any
thing we know of.
As we stated in the preface of
this article few people understand
the sensation produced by having
been robbed. According to the
testimony furnished by Bro. Bill
Kelley in explanation it “simply
raises merry hades with a fellow’s
temper” when he discovers his
The marriage of Miss Rosa Lou
Turner and Mr. Ulee Russell Wed
nesday morning was a pleasant
surprise to their many friends; the
ceremony occurring in Atlanta and
being performed by Rev. R. A.
Edmondson, former pastor of the
Methodist church here.
The bride is the lovely and ac
complished daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Turner of McDonough,
and the groom a splendid young
business maw of the city, being a
partner in the large mercantile
firm of the McDonough Trading
Numerous congratulations and
good wishes are extended the
happy couple, and after the honey
moon they will return to McDon
ough and be at home to their
friends at the heme of Mr. Russell
on College street.
Mr. Reeser, the Storrs and
Schafer man, will be here Monday
and Tuesday, March 3d and 4th,
to measure you for your spring
suit. Copeland-Turner Mrc. Co.
McDonough, Georgia, Friday, February 28, im
The Woodmen of the World
Is the Largest Insurance
Order in the World.
Has over 900,000 members.
Has a surplus of over $43,-
Has paid Widows and Orphans
over One Hundred Million Dollars.
You can carry a policy of from
$250 to $5,000.
A young man at 18 can carry
SI,OOO for only $9.60 per year.
A man at 30 can carry a policy
of SI,OOO for only sl2 and camp
Puts a monument on your grave.
The McDonough Camp has sev
eral new applications and is grow
It will pay you to investigate if
you are thinking of taking more
See J. C. Culpepper at court
house, or T. J. Patterson, Coun
selor Commander, or see W. G.
Thompson, Clerk, McDonough, Ga.
Robin Red is here,
Blue birds on the wing;
Turtle Dove is sounding his cheer
And it sounds like spring.
You have doubtless heard
What became of an early bird,
But you need not say a word;
Somebody is going to be that bird.
Plant “engerns.”
Weather prophets gone “bust
Hold cotton —never again.
Hens “busting> the egg market.
Where do red bugs go in winter?
For Horse Shoeing go to Thomp
son’s Shop. Price right.
Farmers already getting a late
start on account of rain.
Salem church has extended a
call to Rev. J. H. Cowart of Atlan
ta to serve them as pastor.
The new firm of Sowell & Sowell
have opened up a new blacksmith
shop in McDonough.
The many friends of Mrs. C. J.
Dickson regret to know of her
continued serious illness.
Thompson put on Seven Hun
dred and One shoes during the
month of January. Horse Shoe
ing is his specialty.
Rev. J. M. Gilmore filled his
regular appointment at Liberty
Hill Sunday afternoon.
Burglars entered four residenc
es in McDonough one night last
week. Gee whiz!
Sheriff Ward is out again after
being confined at home sick the
past week.
Horse Shoeing a specialty at
Thompson’s Shop, and the price
is right.
Nitrate Soda.
I can furnish you at Ten Dollars
Sack. If properly used doubles
yield of grain on common land.
Locust Grove, Ga.
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
cannot reach the seat of the disease.
Catarrh is a local disease, greatly in
fluenced by constitutional conditions,
and in order to cure it you must
take an internal remedy. Hall’s Ca
tarrh Cure is taken internally and
acts thru the blood on the mucous sur
faces of the system. Hall’s Catarrh
Cure was prescribed by one of the best
physicians in this country for years. It
is composed of some of the best tonics
known, combined with some of the
best blood purifiers. The perfect com
bination of the ingredients in Hall’s
Catarrh Cure is what produces such
wonderful results in catarrhal condi
tions. Send for testimonials, free.
|P. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O.
I All Druggists, 75c.
Ball’* Family Pills for constipation.
We are organizing a Federal
Farm Loan Association for Henry
county, having already procured
a majority of the applications for
loans necessary for the granting
of a charter.
Henry county farmers should
avail themselves of the opportuni
ty to come into this organization
with us and secure money from
The Federal Land Bank at the
rate of 5% per cent.
We will hold a meeting at the
old Nathan Fears home, two miles
east of Hampton, at 10 o’clock a.
m., on Thursday, March 6th, 1919,
at which time we will elect officers
and take applications from any
person in Henry county desiring
to borrow money with us. Any
one desiring to come in with us
and make application should bring
along their title papers and make
application for the loan on that
All persons interested are invit
ed to be present with us. This
organization is for the benefit of
the farmers entering the same,
being a mutual affair in its nature,
and is not for the special gain of
any individual. Anyone interest
ed should teleohone, write or call
in person on
Acting Secretary Treasurer Hamp
ton National Farm Loan Asso
ciation, Hampton, Ga.
'Phone No. 2400-3,
Mr. Fears will be in McDonough
first Tuesday and take pleasure in
explaining personally to anyone
On the first of January the undersigned purchased
the entire stock and fixtures of the Horton Drug Co.
and will continue the business under the same firm
name. Our thorough experience in the drug busi
ness enables us to serve the public to the very best
advantage. We sell
For Strictly Cash
and by this means handle everything at lowest pos
sible figures. Elegant fount always thoroughly up
to-date. Everybody cordially invited to call on us
for anything in the drug line.
McDonouyh, Ga.
Don’t fail to see our AUTOMATIC WHITE with all
the latest improvements. Old Machines taken in ex
change. We sell Oil, Needles, Bobbins, Shuttles,
Bands, etc., for ali makes. We fix any old Machine.
Prices reasonable.
Second hand Machines $lO up,
Singers $25, New Homes S2O,
Wheeler & Wilson sls, Will G
Free $25, Silent $lO, Minnesota $lO
and Eclipse slo*
Our Soda Fount and 2 fine Autos for sale cheap.
Barn Burned.
On Tuesday night, Feb. 18, Mr.
C. W. South, recent candidate for
tax collector, had the misfortune
to lose his barn, cotton house and
crib combined by fire, including
corn, fodder, cotton seed, peas,
velvet beans and all farming im
plements. Five bales of cotton
were also in the building, one be
ing entirely consumed, and the
others pulled out with long iron
pipes as soon as could be reached,
but practically ruined. Under
great risks, all stock were gotten
out of the barn, and fortunately
saved. The loss exceeds a thous
and dollars, with no insurance,
and Mr. South’s friends deeply
sympathize with him. The origin
of the fire is unknown.
Cut This Out—lt Is Worth Money
this slip, enclose with 5c and mail
it to Foley & Co., 2835 Sheffield
Ave.,Chicago, 111., writing your
writing your name and address
clearly. You will receive in return
a trial package containing Foley’s
Honey and Tar Compound, for
coughs, colds and croup; Foley
Kidney Pills, for pafti in sides and
rheumatism, backache, kidney and
bladder ailments; and Foley Ca
thartic Tablets, a wholesome and
thoroughly cleansing cathartic, for
constipation, biliousness, hedache
and sluggish bowells. The Mc-
Donough Drug Co.
$1.50 A YEAR