Newspaper Page Text
The Henry County Weekly
Important Move
For Henry County.
The drainage project which the
landowners on Pate’s, Cotton and
Rum creeks haye under way is
one of the most important moves
ever made in Henry county, and
it is to be hoped that the very few
property owners who have not
joined in this petition which was
filed with the Clerk of Superior
Court Feb. 24 will come forward
and appear to do their part in this
good work which will benefit us
all, and the cost will be very small
compared to the good results.
The proposed drainage district
will include approximately twenty
miles of swamp and bottom land,
and will develop two thousand
acres of land too wet for cultiva
tion and subject to overflow.
At present these swamps are
germ breeders, and as a health
benefit alone it would be worthy
of the assistance of everyone in
the county.
It is unpleasing to the eye to
view these swamps, either from
the train or motor car. And the
main highway to Stockbridge ana
Atlanta goes right through the
unsightly swamp at Hudson’s
bridge. After this great drudging
machine that it is proposed to use
does its work and the land is
cleared for cultivation and planted
in corn, every man up and down
the creeks will be doing his ut
most to beat the other fellow rais
ing the great American staple, and
it will not only be pleasing to the
eye, but will bring thousands of
dollars into the pockets of the
land owners. Even with corn at
SI.OO per bushel one good crop
would twice pay for the whole
cost of the work; but the work
will be paid for in ten installments,
the first tenth in three years from
date of bond issue and nine equal
annual payments.
The ones who have pushed and
made possible the great enterprise
deserve the commendation of the
entire countv, and Mr. H. P. Haw
kins, the Chairman, is not seeking
any publicity or personal glory,
for his grandfather, Hon. Craw
ford Tucker, was one of Henry
county’s pioneer citizens, and a
member of the State legislature
from this county in the middle of
the past century, and was much
interested in education and the
development of the county in the
early days. Mr. Ha wkins is just •
naturally progressive, and he asks!
The Weekly to thank those who!
have assisted him, including the
editor .and McDonough people.
Another success thus far attained
is very largely due, he says, to the
gentlemen whose names follow:
Mr. T. D. Stewart, Mr. H. E. Dean,
Mr. John W. Foster, Mr. Walter
Brown, Mr. Bob Exum, Mr. W. W.
Ward, Hon. S. C. McWilliams,
Hon. W. A. Bellah, Hon. A. G.
Harris, and others who have spok
en a good word for the project,
too numerous to mention.
Spring Cleaning Time Is Here.
If a house needs Spring clean
ing, how about the human body
after a winter of indoor life and
heavy food ? Mrs. Jennie Miner,
R. F. D. 1, Box 58, Davidson, Ind.,
writes: “I can truthfully say that
Foley Cathartic Tablets are the
best I ever used. They are so
mild in action. I felt like I had
been renovated and made over
again.” Don’t suffer from indi
gestion, biliousness, bad breath,
bloating, gas or constipation, when
relief can be so easily had. The
McDonough Drug Co.
A Weekly Newspaper Devoted to the Interests of McDonough and Henry County.
Program Gf Entertainment to
Be Held at School Auditori
um Friday Night, March 7.
Old King Cole, Messrs. Liddell.
Coker, Fields, Turner, Alexander
and Thompson.
Jack Sprat and Wife, Mrs. J. A.
Fouche and Prof. Boyd.
Jack and Jill, Mrs. R. H. Daniel
and Mr. Geo. Alexander.
Yankee Doodle, Mr. Bob Sloan.
When I was a little boy, Mrs.
Fred Walker and Mr. Harris Car
Ding-Dong Bell, Mrs. Liddell,
Messrs. Boyd and Thompson.
Little Miss Muffet, Mrs. Adam
Billy- Boy, Mrs. J. A. Fouche and
Mr. Ed Coker.
Queen of Hearts, Mrs. E. L.
Reagan, Messrs. M. C. Liddell, E.
M. Copeland.
Jack B. Nimble, Mr. Geo. Alex
There was a little man, Mr. Tom
Three blind mice, Mrs. R. H.
Daniel and three boys.
Old Woman, Old Woman, Mrs.
Farrar, Mr. Copeland.
Little Husband, Mrs. E. L. Rea
gan, Miss Mildred Brown.
Needles and Pins, Messrs. Car
michael and Patterson.
Frog Went Courting, Mr. and
Mrs. Liddell.
Jack Horner, Mr. Tom Patter
What are little boys made of?
Mrs. Fred Walker and Mr. R. A.
Mother Hubbard, Mrs. J. A.
Fouche and boy.
Milk Maid, Mr. M. C. Liddell and
Mrs. Farrar.
Tom the Piper’s son, Messrs.
Thompson and Carmichael.
Little Boy Blue, Mr. Tom Patter
Old woman who lived in a shoe.
The Bacelor’s Reverie
‘‘Living Pictures.”
Bachelor, Mr Liddell.
Country Girl, Mrs. Fred Walker.
College Girl, Mrs. Alex Brown.
The Coquette, Miss Mary Con
the Indian Girl, Miss Rosa Lee
The Nun, Miss Ellene Neal.
The Military Girl, Miss Annie
Ola Sloan.
The Western Girl, Miss Marie
The Suffragette, Miss Bess Fou
The Red Cross Nurse, Mrs.
Hendley Daniel.
Tiie Airship Girl, Miss Fiora
French Girl, Mrs. Ed Reagan.
Biide, Mrs. Wyman Sloan.
Song by Mrs. Benton Thompson,
Miss Annie G. Thompson, Miss
Rosa Lee Brown, Miss Ida Lou
Tarpley, Mrs. Wyman Sloan.
Rupture ExperiHere
Seeley, Famous in This Specialty,
Called to Griffin.
F. H. Seeley of Chicago and
Philadelphia, the noted truss ex
pert, will personally be at the
Griffin Hotel and will remain in
Griffin this Tuesday only, March
11. Mr. Seeley says: “The Sper
matic Shield will not only retain
any case of rupture perfectly, but
contracts the opening in 10 days
on the average case. This instru
ment received the only award in
England and in Spain producing
results without surgery, injections,
medical treatment or prescrip
tions. Mr. Seeley has documents
from the United States Govern
ment, Washington, D. C., for in
spection. Ail charity cases with
out charge, or if any interested
call, he will be glad to show same
without charge or fit them if de
sired. Business demands prevent
stopping at any other place in this
P. S.—Every statement in this no
tice has been verified before the Fed
eral and State Courts.—F. H. Seeley
McDonough, Georgia, Friday, march 7, 1919.
Henry Co. Farmers
Will Reduce Acreage
A large and enthusiastic meet
ing of the farmers of Henry coun
ty was held at the court house
' and much interest was shown by
all present. The object of the
meeting was to reduce the cotton
acreage of Henry county. The
meeting was called to order by
Mr. W. A. Bellah.
Mr. W. A. Bellah was elected
Chairman and Mr. C. M. Power,
Mr. H. B. Neal, Mr. W. A. Bel
lah, Miss Artie Bellah and Mr. U.
R. Hinton made very interesting
talks on reducing the cotton
acreage, increasing the acreage
of grains and other tood sluffs
and to give more attention to live
stock. The subject of reducing
| tha acreage of cotton was freely
j discussed by all why it should be
done. Then committees were ap
pointed for each district, each dis
trict to be canvassed and to get
all farmers to sign a card pledg
ing themselves to reduce their
cotton acreage at least one-third,
as follows:
Tussabaw—W. A. Craig, Chair
man, J. B. Childs, G. G. L< Guinn,
S. B. Kim bell.
Locust Grove —A. G. Combs,
Chairman, Harris Brown, W. A
Beersheba —Sam Hooten, Chair
man, Lee Patterson, .lack Turner,
W. N. Gilmore, Tom Stewart.
McMullin —Jim Green, Chairman,
Joe Elliott Charlie Fargason.
McDonough—A.N. Brown, Chair
man, Seal) Harkness, J. H. Turner,
H. B. Carmichael, John Alexander
Sandy Ridge—W. C. Wood, Chair-
P. C. Shaw, J. C Jinks, Emmitt
Lowe’s —W. H. Bailey, Chair
man, J. H. Adams, Robert Strick
Hampton—W. B. Wilsqji, Chair
man, Dr. Arnold, Hubert Hender
Sixth —W. M. Rerrv, Chairman.
Bob Exum, G. C. Wise.
Stockbridge —U. R. Hinton,
Chairman, Joseph Mann. W. R.
Henry, T. W. Jarrett, S. C. Mc-
Flippen—W. H. Burch, Chair
man, W. L Glass. H. C. Riley, C.
T Elliott.
Brushy Knob —L. F. White,
Chairman, T. G. Swann, O. J.
Sbakerag —W. G. Callaway.
Chairman, J. S. Bond, B. W. Wal
iden, M. C. White, J. T. Scarbrough.
Love’s —J. D. Bowen, Chairman,
W. B. Moseley. H. J. Owen, Sam
Chafin, V. L. Crumbley, George
Next Tuesday, March 11th, was
the day set for a county-wide
drive for all committees to have
meetings, see every farmer and
secure his signature to a card
pledging to cut the cotton acreage.
Also Friday the 14th, all commit
tees are expected to meet at the
court house at 2 p. m. and consoli
date the results, and eveiy farmer
and all business men are invited
to attend the meeting.
W. A, Bellah, Chm’n.,
C. M. POWER, Sec’ty.
Cut This Out—lt Is Worth Money
this slip, enclose with 5c and mail
it to Foley & Co., 2835 Sheffield
Ave.,Chicago, 111., writing your
writing your name and address
clearly. You will receive in l eturn
a trial package containing Foley’s
Honey and Tar Compound, for
coughs, colds and croup; Foley
Kidney Pills, for pain in sides and
rheumatism, backache, kidney and
bladder ailments; and Foley Ca
thartic Tablets, a wJiolesome and
thoroughly cleansing cathartic, for
constipation, biliousness, hedache
and sluggish bowells. The Mc-
Donough Drug Co.
SIO,OOO private money to loan
on farm lands. See E. L. Reagan
On the first of January the undersigned purchased
the entire stock and fixtures of the Horton Drug Co.
and will continue the business under the same firm
name. Our thorough experience in the drug busi
ness enables us to serve the public to the very best
advantage. We sell
For Strictly Cash
and by this means handle everything at lowest pos
sible figures. Elegant fount always thoroughly up
to-date. Everybody cordially invited to call on us
for anything in the drug line.
151 acres about 5 miles north of For
syth, Ga*; on main road Forsyth to Cabaniss*
Splendid 2 story 8 room painetd dwelling,
good barns, smoke house and 2 good tenant
houses* Lands fine*
If you want a real bargain address
S* RUTHERFORD, Forsyth, Ga*
180 acres situated about 400 yards from
Depot at Bolingbroke, Ga* Has large 2
story dwelling thereon, with 12 large rooms*
This dwelling cost originally about $12,000*
Has large barn worth sl,ooo* garage and 3
splendid tenant houses* Chicken houses
with heating arrangements throughout* You
could not replace buildings now for less than
$15,000* Insured for from 7to SB,OOO
- to school and church* On Dixie
This property can be bought right quick
for SIO,OOO- If you wish a bargain write
S* RUTHERFORD, Forsyth, Ga*
Odd Fellows Notice,
Weather permitting, Robt. T.
Daniel Lodge No. 219 will confer
the Second degree nexts Tuesday
night, on several candidates. Be
sure and come. Officers will meet
Monday night for rehearsal, 7:30
p. m., sharp.
“We are after the Banner.”
Noble Grand.
School Trustee Election.
The annual election for School
Trustees will be held at the school
houses on Friday, March 28, 1919.
Mrs. Bailor Smith and daughter,
Miss Annie Pearl Smith, have re
turned to their home in McDon
ough after a delightful trip to
Florida, where they visited Mr.
and Mrs. R. E. Smith.
Suffered for Eight Years.
Rheumatic pains, lame back,
sore muscles and stiff joints most
frequently can be traced to over
worked, weak or disordered kid
neys. Daisy Bell, R. F. D. 3, Box
234, Savannah, Ga., writes: “I
was suffering for eight years from
pain in the back and could not do
any of my work, but since I have
taken Foley Kidney Pills, I can do
all of my work.” Foley Kidney
Pills have given relief to thous
ands who suffered from kidney or
bladder trouble. Try them. The
McDonough Drug Co.
For Administration.
GEORGIA—Henry County,
To whom it may concern: W. W. Milam
having made application to me to be ap
pointed permanent administrator upon
the estate of Annie Knight, late of said
county, notice is hereby given that said
application will be heard at the regular
term of the court of ordinary for said
county, to be held on the first Monday in
April, 1919. Witness my hand and olfi
cial signature, this 4th day of March, 1919
A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary,
✓ $1.50 A YEAR