The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, March 14, 1919, Image 10
If we don’t serve you we both lose PROUD OF IT And want you to come in and look it over, feeling sure that if you do we will get to serve you. Our Repair Department Is complete in every detail with all necessary equipment, and puts us in position to serve you promptly and efficiently. 4 „ rai „ , rßi I uriiM ii— —i ——————————i—mi mmji-i » iniin —ii«t—!■«■> «*» m i»» ■ m«—i« inw——■»<»»mil ■■■■ ■■ iwiirin nn« i in mu !■ i ■■■■■ ■■■ —■■■■ in n i ■■■ miww !!!■■■■■—■— OUR SUPPLY DEPARTMENT Carries at all times a full supply of auto supplies and accesso ries. No matter what you may need, from a flash light or spark plug to any Ford car part, call on us OUR MOTTO Always to give the very best service possible in the shortest time, and at the least cost to you. We want your patronage bad enough to use our every effort to satisfy—and then our guarantee is behind everything we say or do. We can give satisfaction and will. Come let us show you through one of the most complete garage plants in Georgia. ALL REPAIR WORK STRICTLY CASH Standard Make of TIRES to fit your CAR always on hand. H. M. AMIS COMPANY, FORD SERVICE STATION, M’DONOUGH, GEORGIA Oils and Gas of High Grade Only HENRY COUNTY WEEKLY, McDONOUGH, GEORGIA The best is cheapest. We give the best Free Air always ready for you