The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, March 14, 1919, Image 11
FRANTIC WITH PAIN Long Suffering From Kidney Trouble More Than Words Can Describe. Doan’s Brought Health and Happiness. Mrs. Anna Thorson, 290 South St., Stamford, Conn., says: “I hadn't any more strength than a child, and after sweeping mv back hurt me more and more. My headaches were so bad it seemed as though my skull were being torn into shreds and I would finally lose £3 “ ? track of everything Wt ttjßfF -and lie in a stupor Wet for hours. I felt I *7? had to keep going or \ * “Jf lose my mind and I f 7 r kept up often when I I trembled all over gf/j jjjgfF . with weakness. My ’ ’stfb feet were swollen and v\ every bone in my V body seemed to ache. Mr*. Thorson My fingers got almost as rigid as pieces of wood and the knuckles swelled. The kidney secretions were dark colored, scanty and terribly burning. I suffered more than words can describe. I finally began using Doan's Kidney Pills and I believe With all my heart that they kept me out of the grave. lam well and happy after going through enough pain to drive me frantic. Doan’s saved my life.” Sworn to before me this 13th day of Sept., 1915. BENJAMIN M. AYRES, Notary Public. Get Doan"* at Any Store, 60c a Box DOAN'S FOSTER-MILBURN CO.. BUFFALO. N. Y. 11. S. CONGRESSMAN pur FINDS STOMACH RELIEF Joseph Taggart, M. C., from Kansas, Declares EATONIC Best for Indigestion He Ever Used. fA congressman hears many arguments for and against different propositions. Ills mind Is open to conviction, but before he casts h*s vote on any measure he Insists upon evidence that, on its own weight, carries con viction. In the case of "EATON IC” Joseph Taggart, Con gressman from the 2nd Dis trict, Kansas City, Kane., decided that a trial of the remedy, Itself, would fur nish the most conclusive proof. Read his decision and do what he tells you. “One box of EATONIC will convince the most skeptical. It Is the best remedy X have ever tried for Indigestion. Respectfully, * JOSEPH TAGGART, M. 0. 2d Kan. Dist., Kan. City, Kans.” Nearly all stomach trouble is caused by too much acid In the stomach. EATONIC neutralizes the excess acidity and enables you to eat whit you like and digest what you eat In comfort. It keeps the stomach in a state of perfect health. Here’s the secret: EATONIC takes up the acidity, drives the gas out of the body—and the bloat goes with it. Costs only a cent or two a day to use it. Get a box today from your druggist. c Hh(umadde Have you RHEUMATISM Lumbago or Gout? Take RHEUM ACIDE to remove tkeeamie and drive the poison from the system. “UHEnUCIDR OR THE IRBIDB FITS HHKIXATISB OS THE OUTSIDE” At All Dragila t s Jat. Bail/ & Sod, Wholesale Distribators Baltimore, Md. DIPLOMA Georgia MEANS Alabama Business EMPLOYMENT College Macon, Ga* WRITE FOR CATALOG Heal Itching Skins With Cutfcura Alldruggists: Soap2s. Ointment 25A50, Talomm2s> Sample each free of “Oitlotta, Pept, S, BotH Before Spring Work Best time to clip ia in the spring, when coat is heavy and animal is soft. Short hair means healtli ier pores and prevents sickness. A horse kept m good condition in the spring stands better chance of remaining healthy aTI year. Jh e , b ®fV r Y^u: n V > clip is with a Stewart No. 1 Ball Bearing Machine, *9.75. Send $2.00, pay balance on arrival, or write for catalog. AVOID INFLUENZA! and Its Dreaded Ally Pneumonia by uslnr GOWANSiafei^ Mc.Eooandtl.oo, THH ORIGINAL excellent external remedy. Keep the organs In good condition using tiowan’a Laxative Kidney Pills— 2 Bo _ Satisfaction guaranteed If directions are followed. Gowan’s reduces fevers and helps the heart. P er ; a for sample. GOWAN MEDICAL CO., Concord, N. 0. ATHENS HIDE CO„ Athens, Ca. PAY $3.50 for Mole and Norte Hide* by EXFiuass iw A aid INK—Real live novelty; writ#* invisible. LIMIT OF GERMAN ARMY 100,000 MEN allied council agrees on the terms of disarmament OF GERMAN EMPIRE TALK OF AMENDING LEAGUE Army Is To Be Strictly Limited And Men Enlisted For Twelve Years Paris. —The supreme war council has finally adopted the military terms of German disarmament. These provide for an army of one hundred thousand men enlisted for twelve years Turning Point Reached London.—“We have reached the turning point of the conference,” says the Paris correspondent of the Daily News. “Not even when the Germans come will there be a week-end more Important than the past one. The pre paratory work is nearly finished and the preliminary convention of peace will be ready in a few days. By the time President Wilson reaches Paris the naval and military conditions will have been settled. It is an open se cret that Premier Lloyd-George con siders disarmament the touchstone of conference success, and his insistent on disarmament for Germany is mere ly the first step in a general policy of pacification intended to lead disarma ment in all countries.” Taft Amendments To League Paris. —The amendments to the draft of the league of nations plan which have been proposed by William How r ard Taft are receiving the close study of the various delegations to the peace conference. The understanding pre vails that the suggestions made by Mr. Taft might be adopted if assurance could be had that the reopening of the whole subject will not be involved and that further amendments will not be offered by other nations. It is gener ally admitted in well-informed circles, however, that some French and Italian proposals are to be expected. The ground is being canvassed quietly in an effort to secure further information on the points raised by Mr. Taft. BATTLE CRUISERS NOW BUILDING FOR NAVY MAY BE SCRAPPED Work Suspended Until Decision Is Reached As To Future Type Of Capital Ship Washington. Possibility that the whole battle cruiser program of the navy, involving an expenditure of nearly half a billion dollars, will be abandoned in favor of a new type of cruiser battleship was indicated by an announcement that Secretary Daniels had ordered suspension of work on the six 35-knot cruisers alreday au thorized until a decision as to the fu ture type of capital ship could be reached. Variety Of Opinion There is a wide difference of opinion among American naval officers as to whether the slow battleship and the fast cruiser should not give way in the future to a ship combining the power of the one and nearly the speed of the other and because of this fact congressional committees have defer red action on six additional cruisers until a full report on new types can be made by the department. Daniels Goes To Europe It is to gather information for this report that Secretary Daniels and his three chief technical advisers will sail for Europe March 15. They will be met overseas by Admiral Benson, chief of operations, and Vice Admiral Sims, and, upon their return some weeks be fore congress meets in extra session, probably in the early summer, a gen eral conference will be held, at which a majority opinion of experienced off! cers will be worked out as to what types of capital ships should be built. Russian Prisoners Flee German Camp Berlin.—While soldiers who had been called to suppress2rioting In Span dau were absent from the Ruhleben camp about five thousand Russian prisoners of war in that camp made their escape. The Russians now are wandering about the country to the terror of the coutnry folk. Probina Attack On U. S. Soldier* London.— An inquiry was begun by a board consisting of two American army officers and one naval officei into the rioting in which soldiers and sailors and London police were m volved. The inquiry will probably con tinue for several days, as a large num ber of witnesses are to be examined Representatives of Scotland Yard and the British army were present in re sponse to an imitation to watch the proceedings, which will be secret. Ad miral Sims says the investigation is not significant. henry county weekly. McDonough Georgia SAGE TEA BEAUTIFIES AND DARKENS HAIR Don't Stay Gray! It Darkens 80 Naturally that Nobody can Tell. You can turn gray, faded hair beau tifully dark and lustrous almost over night If you’ll get a bottle of "Wyeth’s Sage and Sulphur Compound” at any drug store. Millions of bottles of this old famous Sage Tea Recipe, improved hv the addition of other Ingredients, are sold annually, says a well-known druggist here, because It darkens the hair so naturally and evenly that no one can tell It has been applied. Those whose hair is turning gray or becoming faded have a surprise await ing them, because after one or two applications the gray hair vanishes and your locks become luxuriantly dark and beautiful. This Is the age of youth. Gray haired, unattractive folks aren’t wanted around, so get busy w T lth Wyeth’s Sage and Sulphur Compound to-night and you’ll be delighted with your dark, handsome hair and your youthful appearance within a few days.—Adv. Immediate Benefit. "You must ent more simply.” "I know it. It will save me a lot of worry about the luxury tax.” Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There Is only one way to cure Catarrhal Deafness, and that Is by a constitutional remedy. HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE acta through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Catarrhal Deafness is caused by an Inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube Is Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deafness is the result. Unless the Inflammation can be re duced and this tube restored to Its nor mal condition, hearing may be destroyed forever. Many cases of Deafness are caused by Catarrh, which Is an Inflamed condition of the Mucous Surfaces. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for any case of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot be cured by HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE. All Druggists 75c. Circulars free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. The man who considers his otvn faults has but little to eoy concerning the faults of others. Grove’s Tasteless chill Tonic restores Yitality and energy by purifying and en riching the blood. You can soon feel It* Strength ening,lnTlgorating Hffect. Price BUO. There Is no rhyme for silver, but it jingles with gold very nicely. NOW is the time to order Fertilizers i if you want them. ORDER ROYSTER’S VDA6C M»»* a *£-S:fc» > JlttllTClW F. S. ROYSTER GUANO COMPANY Norfolk, Va. Richmond, Va. Tarboro, N. C. Charlotte, N. C. Washington, N. C. Columbia, S. C. Spartanburg, S. C. Atlanta, Ga. Macon, Ga. Columbus, Ga. Montgomery, Ala. Baltimore, Md. Toledo, O. Calomel Today! Sick Tomorrow! I Guarantee Dodson’s Liver Tone Don’t take nasty, dangerous calomel when bilious, constipated, headachy. Listen to me I Calomel makes you sick; you lose a day’s work. Calomel Is quicksilver and It salivates; calomel injures your liver. If you are bilious, feel lazy, slug gish aud all knocked out, If your bow els are constipated and your head aches or stomach Is sour, just take a spoonful of harmless Dodson’s Liver Tone instead of using sickening, sali vating calomel. Dodson’s Liver Tone Is real liver medicine. You’ll know It next morning because you will wake up feeling fine, your liver will be work ing, your headache and dizziness gone, your stomach will be sweet and bow els regular. You will feel like work ing. You’ll be cheerful; full of vigor and ambition. Your druggist or dealer sells you a bottle of Dodson’s Liver Tone for a LICK IT tKv\ J §BJ l kMjM LIKE IT f , IIOKES.CIimf.SHC£PI,HOCr^jif> / isSJI BRICK IN fEED BOX CONTAINS COPPERAS FOR WORMS. SULPHUR FOR THE BLOOD, SALTFETER FOR THE KID. . vNEYS, NUX VOMICA. A TONIC AND PURE DAIRY SALT USED BY VETERINARIANS 12 YEA RSI • • NO DOSING. ASK YOUR DEALER FOR BLACKMAN SOR WRITE Blackman Stock Remedy Company Chattanooca.Tenn. Xfß G°£ / ' HOME CAMMING fv hjako your surplus fruit* and vegetables earn handsome profit*. Orest demand for rood* canned at home. We can furnish you with a complete canning outflt lust like those used in the largest canning factories, only In smaller sizes—eren Kitchen Outfits. Also Continuous Heating Cap ping Steels, Dehydrators, Sanitary “ealer*. Cans, labels, and other Sup plies. Adopted and used by ths Girls' Tomato Clubs, Member: of the TL EL Dept, of Agriculture. Handsome instruction bonk. Writ# for beautifully illustrated free catalog A-l. Good agents wanted. HOME CANNER MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Hickory. N. C. I COLT DISTEMPER You can prevent, this loathsome disease from running through your stable and cure all the colts suffering wltu it when you begin the treatment. No matter how young. SI’OHN’S COMPOUND is safo to use on any colt. It ue wonderful how It prevents all distempers, no matter how the colts or horses at any age are “exposed." 81‘OHHT Is sold by your druggist. SPOHN MEDICAL CO., Sole Mfrs., Goibra, hd. few cents under my personal guaran tee that It will clean your sluggish liver better than nasty calomel; it W’on’t make you sick and you can eat anything you want without being sali vated. Your druggist guarantees that eneh spoonful will start your liver, clean your bowels and straighten yon up by morning or you get your money back. Children gladly take Dodson’s Liver Tone because it is pleasant tast ing and doesn’t gripe or cramp or make them sick. I am selling millions of bottles of Dodson’s Liver Tone to people whs have found that this pleasant, vege table liver medicine takes the place of dangerous calomel. Buy one bottle os my sound, reliable guarantee. Ask your druggist about me. —Adv. rjMk J