Newspaper Page Text
‘Tater bedding time.
Sunday was a fine day.
Some peach trees in full bloom.
Sunday was some busy day on
the highway.
The cooing of the turtle dove
means that corn planting time is
Fanners getting somewhat be
hind, but what does it matter, we
have plenty on hand anyway.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Stanfield of
Atlanta were visiting in this com
munity last week.
Mrs. Will Pendley and family of
Macon visited her father and
mother, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Banks,
a few days last week.
The ladies thought a few years
ago that they were wearing hob
ble skirts. But not so, but think
they can"safely say they are hob
bled not be sensible
and cut that style out so you can
walk as|God intended you should
when He made you.
The manyjfriends of Dr. R. J.
Arnold ofJHampton were shocked
and grieved tofhear of his death,
which occurred at his home Fri
day evening at 8 o’clock. He was
a good man and will be sorely
missed not obly by his family,
church and tovvn.jbut by the whoie
county, lorjhe was a useful man
in a number of wavs. May the
Christ of comfort bind up the
broken hearts of all the bereaved
We arefrequested to announce
that on next Sunday afternoon,
March 16, at Mount Carmel, there
will be at a singing, beginning at
2:30 All leaders and lov
ers of music are invited to attend.
Come early and let’s make this
the bestisinging of the year. Also
at 11 o’clock on the same day
Uncle Jimmie England will preach
at the same place (Mount Carmel).
Come outland you will hear some
thing good.
Young Fellow.
Tussahaw News.
We are having plenty of rain.
Mr. T. W. Price made a business
trip to Atlanta last week.
Mr. OscartDuffey made a flying
trip to Macon last week looking
for a home for 1920, reported veiy
Mr. MN.SfDuffey has sold out
his shop tools and quit black
Mr. S. V. Kimbell and family are
all smiles over a new grandson of
Mrs. Eva Davis.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Carmichael
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Chaffin Sunday.
Mr. Grady Lunsford has pur
chased a new phonograph.
Hard Knot.
Special Prayers for
Peace Conference.
Augusta, Mch. 10—Special ser
vices in all churches of his diocese
and prayers invoking the guidance
- f the Holy Ghost upon the Peace
onference have been ordered by
Rt. Rev. B. J. Reiiey. A letter
to the people from the Bishop
calls attention to the fact that un
less God is with the peacemakers
and their efforts to bring about
permanent peace for the entire
world their striving will be in
vain. Catholics everywhere are
called upon to meet at the ap
pointed hour and to beseech Al
mighty God to look down with fa
vor upon those who are facing the
great undertaking in Paris and to
send the Holy Spirit, who shall be
their guide and counsellor. —J. J.
Farrell, Mgr.
Losses May Be Lessened By Single
Between four and five million bush
els of sweet potatoes were lost In
Georgia last year from potato dis
eases, and the astounding fact is that
these diseases may be controlled by
simple and inexpensive methods.
Some of the diseases attack the
sweet potato before harvesting and
others while it is in storage. The
latter class is known as “moulds" and
It proves very destructive to food
stuffs generally. The most common
diseases of the sweet potato are
black rot, scurf, soft rot and blue
practically all of the diseases may
be controlled by three very simple
methods —crop rotation, seed selec
tion and seed treatment. Black rot
and scurf may be carried over in the
soil from a previous year’s crop of
potatoes or they may be introduced
on diseased manure or diseased slips,
hence the advisability of having a
new seed bed every year and planting
some other crop or crops in rotation
with the sweet potato which are not
affected by the same diseases.
Planting potatoes should be select
ed from disease-free hills. Just be
fore bedding the seed potatoes should
be treated to destroy rot spores on
the surface. For seed treatment one
ounce of Bichloride of mercury is dis
solved in eight gallons of water by
suspending the crystals in a loose
sack just below the surface of the
water. Never use metal container
for the bichloride solution but a wood
en tub or barrel. The potatoes are
placed in loosely woven sacks and
dipped into the solution for not less
than ten minutes or more than twen
ty. The potatoes are then removed
from the liquid and bedded at once.
Brother Editor : Will you allow
me space in your paper for a short
letter for the first time.
A few weeks ago some one ask
ed a few questions. Come on,
friends, get your Bible and see if
I am right with the answers.
Faith is only mentioned one
time in the Old Testament, and
there are (if 1 have made no mis
take) 1818 verses in the New Tes
tament. Am I right, or wrong ?
Friends, our Bibles are getting
dusty. I must admit that mine is
dusty; but not so much as others
that I know. Let’s get a great
big duster, one that will dust our
sou souls. Also we we are think
ing too much of war and other
things, ar.d entirely forgetting our
souls. People always hurry to
the station to purchase a ticket
for a trip somewhere, but did you
ever stop to think when to pre
pare a ticket to a home from
which we will never go?
Friends, we are preparing our
ticket every day, and we should
be very careful which road we go.
We can’t be a Christian away
from hi me and have a passport.
Rev. W. M. Hardy.
Periodic Bilious Attacks.
Persons subject to periodic bil
ious attacks will observe that their
appetite fails them just before an
attack. That. is. they do not really
crave food but eat because it is
meal time. If they will eat only a
light meal and no meat, then take
two of Chamberlain's Tablets the
attack may be avoided. Horton
Drug Co.
THE strong and vigorous man or
woman is envied by less fortunate
humanity afflicted with aches, pains,
infirmities and ailments. The sufferer
says to himself, “If I could only be
well, how happy I would be,” for health
is more essential to the joy of living
than is wealth. >
The kidneys almost literally wash the
blood and keep it clean and free from
impurities. When the kidneys are out of
order, they fail to filter out this waste and pois
onous matter. It remains in the system to cause
backache, rheumatic pains, sore muscles and
stiff joints.
help the system eliminate this poisonous waste.
They soothe, strengthen and heal sore, weak
and diseased kidneys and bladder. When the
kidneys aie working properly, appetite returns,
refreshing sleep is possible, and health and
strength come again.
C. W. Smith, 1205 No. 4th St., Salina, Ras.,
writes: lam very much pleased with Foley
Kidney Pills. 1 am working in a coal yard and
have been very much troubled with my back.
1 have taken several doses of Foley Kidney Pills
and they have already helped me."
The McDonough Drug 2*.
Attorneys at Law
McDonough, Ga.
Call or write us for farm loans.
If you are looking for real satisfaction we
want to show you our new line of Stetson
They are oirginal and distinctive in style
and they are built around the Stetson quality
that is famous all over the world*
We have a representative line of these
hats that we would like to show you*
We pay Parcel
Charges on all orders
Slaton-Powell Clothing Co.
Distinctive Models —
The New Box Coat, Blouse Coat, Belted
Coats, Capes and Long Coats.
No two alike.
The materials are the newest, in the very latest
Every one better than you would expect
at the price.
We will take pleasure in showing you, as we
are proud of the suits we can show at such
reasonable prices.
Women’s Spring Blouses —
Georgette crepes and voiles in dainty new styles,
just the thing for your spring suit.
Don't forget to visit our Millinery Department
New Hats being received weekly.
Copeland-Turner Mercantile Comp'y
13. A. BROWN.
Office Hours :
8 A. M. to 2 P. M.
McDonough, Ga.
The Use of Flavorings Deter
mines Difference In Brands
The Encyclopaedia Britannica says
about the manufacture of smoking to
bacco: “... on the Continent and in
America, certain ‘sauces’ are employed
... the use of the ‘sauces’ is to improve
the flavour and burning qualities of the
leaves.” Which indicates that a smoker’s
enjoyment depends as much upon the
flavoring used as upon the tobacco.
Your nose is a sure guide in the mat
ter of flavorings. Try this simple test
with several tobacco brands: pour some
tobacco into your palm, mb briskly,
and smell. You will notice a distinct
difference in the fragrance of every
brand. The tobacco that smells best to
you will smoke best in your pipe, you
can rest assured.
Carefully aged, old Burley tobacco,
plus a dash of pure chocolate, gives
TUXEDO Tobacco a pure fragrance
your nose can quickly distinguish from
*r f y other tobacco. Try it and see.
Keep out of this class and
have good, sound teeth Stmßjp r
and firm, healthy
gums by the .
regular **
daily Cleans
use the teeth
°f and protects the
entire mouth cavity
from germ infection
| 30c. and 60c. at your Druggist
In Henry Superior Court April Term,
Mrs. Nena Barlar vs. Al'o I arlar.
To the defendant Alto Barlar:
You are hereby required personally or
by attorney to be and appear at the Supe
rior Court to be held in and for said coun
ty on the Third Monday in April, 1919, to
answer the above suit for divorce filed in
said Court by the plaintiff above, as in de
fault thereof the Court will proceed as to
justice shall appertain.
Witness the Honorable William E. H.
Searcy, Jr., Judge S, C. F. C , this M vr h
13th, 1919. H. C. Hightower, Clerk.
E. M. Smith, Attorney.