The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, March 14, 1919, Image 3

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    (T Neal '
New Orleans Coffee
Luzianne is distinctly
a Southern coffee for
Southern people. New
Orleans is itshome.sir.
and d4ew Orleans has
thereputationof mak
ing tlie best coffee
in the whole United
every pound sold in an
. The Reily-Taylor Company
New Orleans
If' II' after using the entire contents of /
can according to directions, you are not Jj
■.. u>rra satisfied in every respect, your grocer .-Jg
1 "-SnSrSoSnM refund the money you paid for it. — m ZTZ
I At\ <§>TILL.
doing optical work for my many friends and
patrons, examining eyes, filling prescriptions
and duplicating lenses.
Since moving to my new location I have
spared no expense toward making this depart
ment one of the best in the city, having engaged
the services of one of the msst competent Opto -
metrists obtainable, and am pleased to say that
I can give you very much better service than
Remember our prices for this unexcelled
service are very moderate, and that satisfaction
is fully guaranteed.
Optician and Jeweler,
Est. 1891. 1 HEPeachtree Arcade.
Nervous headache is the result of a
run down weakened nervous system,
You feel out of sorts —everything seems wrong
food disagrees with the tired sromach you
can’t sleep and have a constant case of the blues. sf
Rev Geo. Heffelman of New Cumberland. Pa., tells how U
teas cured after he had almost given up hope. I
‘Five or six years ago I became greatly worried
on account of the condition of my nerves I was
prostated and suffered so much I thought I would
never be well agnin I used one bottle of UK.
MILES’ NERVINE and began to improve from , |>
the first. I then used it until it completely cured /MMt&M'.ij&A 1
me. It is without doubt the greatest nerve remedy \
ever discovered.”
If you are troubled with a nervous
affliction, you will find the first bottle 0SlSll1»51
of DR. MILES’ NERVINE will bring relief. It
is non-alcoholic and contains no ——i«n'w /
injurious drugs—a safe, depend- jj?ir 'if )rjfr|j 9
~ able and efficient family medicine fJISf; • , £*j» 4n-3)
Ask your druggist about it. J 0 m ftk ‘ d
ft -4 St
If .i . ■ T
rr'\ ..strxxxr
I “In the Midst of Lile
There Is Death.’’
The great and supreme Ruler
of the universe has in His infinite
wisdom removed from us our
worthy and esteemed pastor, Rev.
Homer V. Adamson. He was the
oldest son of Coleman and Queen
Adamson, of Clayton county, Ga.,
where he was born and grew to
manhood. He was educated in
the public schools of that county
and at Locust Grove Institute.
He surrendered his life to God
in his early boyhood days and
united with the Baptist church
under the ministry of Bro. DeFoor,
who baptized him, ordained him,
married him and buried him.
He answered the call of God to
the ministry and was ordained to
the full work of the ministry in
1913. Bethany church called him
to serve her as pastor in April,
On June 23, 1915, he married
Miss Emma Murphy, a consecrated
Christian woman. He continued
to serve Bethany church until his
death, which occurred on Feb. 3,
1919, in the 41st year of his age.
( Bro. Adamson died after an illness
of a week, leaving a wife, two
children, a mother, four brothers,
two sisters and hosts of friends to
weep his going. But we weep
not as those who have no hope,
for we believe tiiat Bro. Adamson
is now basking in the sunlight of
God’s love. As we looked upon
his flower-decked grave we only
saw an emblem of the flowers and
sunlight he so often shed along
the pathway of life of those with
whom he came in contact. So we
feel, alter being blessed with such
a beautiful character among us,
and whereas, the long and intimate
relation held with him in the faith
ful discharge of his duties in this
church, as our beloved pastor,
makes it eminently befitting that
we record our appreciation of him.
Therefore, be it
Resolved, That the wisdom and
ability which he has exercised in
the aid of our church by service,
contribution and counsel will be
held in grateful rememberance.
Resolved, That the sudden re
moval of such a life from among
our midst leaves a vacancy and a
shadow that will be deeply realiz
ed by all members of Bethany
church, and will prove a serious
loss to the community and to the
Resolved, That with deep sym
pathy for the bereaved relatives
of the deceased, we express our
hope tiiat even so great a loss to
us all may be overruled for good
of Him Who doeth all things.
Resolved, That a copy of these
resolutions be spread upon the
records of this couch, a copy print
ed in the Christian Index, a copy
be sent to the bereaved family.
B. S. Elliott,
Mrs. Roxie Rape,
J. F. Bowden,
Stopped Cough After Influenza.
“I want to say that Foley’s Hon
ey and Tar is the best cough med
icine 1 ever tried,” writes E. B.
McDowell, R. F. D. 1, Box 119,
Arlington, Tenn. “My son had
influenza. He had the worst kind
of a cough and I tried everything,
but notliing did any good. God
sent me a friend with Foley’s
Honey and Tar, and his cough
was better the next day and in
two days he had no cough at all.”
Foley’s Honey and Tar stops
harsh, racking coughs; eases
wheezy breathing. It is effective,
yet pleasant to take. The McDon
ough Drug Co.
We have opened a blacksmith
shop at Stansell 8c Rape’s old
stand, and do all kinds general re
pair work in first-class style. Call
on us for anything in our line and
we will treat you right.
I. 1.. SOWELL,
are never without Dr. Cald
* * well’s Syrup Pepsin in our
home and never will he as long as we can get
it. We have used it for the past four years and
it has saved us many a doctor’s bill. It is fine
for the children and they love to take it.”
(From a letter to Dr. Caldwell written by\
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Robbins, 2207 So. 1
A St., El wood, Ind. /
Dr. Caldwell’s
Syrup Pepsin
The Perfect Pax a five
Sold by Druggists Everywhere
50 cts. (lZ) SI.OO
Constipation makes children uncomfortable, cross and
irritable, just as it does older people. Dr. Caldwells
Syrup Pepsin acts easily and naturally and promotes
normal regularity. A trial bottle can be obtained free of
charge by writing to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 458 Washing
ton St., Monticello, 111.
Commendable Quality in Jewelry
No matter how little von pay, yon get quality for
the price. No matter how much you pay, yon get
intrinsic value for vour money. Aside from real
values von can choose from an assortment unrival
ed hereabouts.
t. h. Wynne:
Manufacturing Jeweler and Optician, - - Griffin, Ga.
d jnu a
frH^®griS , ;, : Fifes
G. R. Ogden, of Shinnston, W. Va„ says: “I have used
LON FARMS HOG-TONE 56 days and I think it is the
4 medicine I ever used, i have two pigs 4 months and 3 days
I oiu taat weigh 360 pounds, one 6 pounds heavier than the other.
; They are 100 pounds heavier than my neighbor’s 2 of the
same litter and feed.”
This is the experience of a
typical user of Hog-Tone.
There arc hundreds and in. 1-
dreds of letters on Lie at the
Avaloa Farms Company’s
office from nearly every state
in the Union, all telling of big
Improvement in hogs and
in hog profits through the
use of Hog-Tone, the scientifi
cally prepared 1 log Condition
er, Fatten or red Worm Re
mover. Hog-Tone is sold cn
For Administration.
GEORGIA—Henry County
To whom It may concern: C. M. Rape
having made application to me in due
form to be appointed permanent adminis
trator upon the estate ol \V H. an.>•■ll,
late of said county, notice is hereby given
that said application will be heard at the
regular term of ihe Court of Groin ny for
said county, to be held on the first Mon
dav in April, 1919.
Witness my hand and official signature,
this (3th dav of March. 1919.
A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary.
For Administration.
GEORGIA —Henry County.
To whom it may concrn: J. Sam Bran
nan having made application to me to be
made permanent administrator upon the
estate of .T W. Brannan, late of said
county, notice is hereby given that said
application will be heard at the regular
term of the court of ordinary for said
county, to held on the first Monday in
April. 1919. Witness my hand and offi
cial signature, this 26th dav of Feb 1919.
A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary.
* V* ;
60 days’ Free
Trial under mi'" in
a a absolute
guarantee. Come in the store
and tell us how many hogs
you have in your herd and we
will give you enough Hog-Tone
to treat all of them 60 days.
You don’t have to pay for it
unless you are absolutely satis
fied. The decision is left en
tirely to you.
. J
Four magazines with Tri-Week
ly Constitution $2.50. This office
at once.
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