Newspaper Page Text
. ■ Elliston News Notes.
Noble work is the true educat
or. Idleness is a thorough de
moralizer of body, soul and con
science. Without work there can
be no active progress in human
Misses Ida Cawthon and Cora
Smith of Stark spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs, Ollie Cawthon.
Mrs. Lon Savage spent Sunday
afternoon with Mrs. Geo. Evans.
Friends of this community re
gret the loss of Dr. H. C. Ellis who
recently moved to McDonough.
Misses Lucy Bell Haynes and
Cebelle Horton spent the week
end with Mr. and Mrs. Claud Hor
ton near McDonough.
Miss Elmira Green of Jackson
SDent the week-end at home.
Misses Irene Turner and Elon
Norman attended services at Sar
dis Sunday.
Messrs. Ernest and James
Haynes of near McDonough spent
Sunday withJMr. J.[H. Haynes and
Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Sowell spent
Sunday with Mrs. Tom Sowell of
Mr. and Mrs. Boyce Morgan
spent Sunday with their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Will Stroud.
Mr. Harwell Gunn made a busi
ness trip to Macon last week.
We are glad to know that we
haven’t any new cases of “flu” at
this writing.
Mr. Claud Horton of near Mc-
Donough spent Sunday with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Hor
The singing at Mr. Noah Cowan’s
Sunday afternoon was enjoyed by
a party of young friends of Miss
Wilmer Cowan.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cowan spent
Sunday afternoon with Mr. and
Mrs. Noah Cowan.
Mrs. Corene Shaw spent Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Riv
Mr. T. H. Rosser made a busi
ness trip to McDonough Saturday.
Rev. I. G. Walker filled his reg
ular appointment at Sardis Satur
day and Sunday, A large crowd
attended. DAISY.
Cut This Out —It Is Worth Money
this slip, enclose with 5c and mail
it to Foley & Co., 2835 Sheffield
Ave.,Chicago, 111., writing your
writing your name and address
clearly. You will receive in return
a trial package containing Foley’s
Honey and Tar Compound, for
coughs, colds and croup; Foley
Kidney Pills, for pain in sides and
rheumatism, backache, kidney and
bladder ailments; and Foley Ca
thartic Tablets, a wholesome and
thoroughly cleansing cathartic, for
constipation, biliousness, hedache
and sluggish boweils. The Mc-
Donough Drug Co.
Receiver’s Notice.
I will be at Sloekbridge March
18. 10 a. m., 3 p. m.
Sixth court house March 20, 9
a. m.
Flippen March 20, 12 a. m.
Hampton March 26, 10 a. m., 3
p m.
Luella March 28, 10 a. m.
Your are required to return
your property at reasonable value.
Tax Receiver.
How’s This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward
for any case of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by Hall’s Catarrh Medicine.
Hall’s Catarrh Medicine has been taken
by catarrh sufferers for the past thirty
five years, and has become known as the
most reliable remedy for Catarrh. Hall’s
Catarrh Medicine acts thru the Blood on
the Mucous surfaces, expelling the Poi
son from the Blood and healing the dis
eased portions.
After you have taken Hall’s Catarrh
Medicine for a short time you will see a
great Improvement in your general
health. Start taking Hall's Catarrh Medi
cine at once and get rid of catarrh. Send
for testimonials, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. Ohio.
. Sold by all Druggists, 76c.
Peach trees beginning to bloom.
Mrs. Walter Wynn and Mrs.
Maud Hooten visited Mrs. Beulah
Hooten Sunday.
We are glad to know Mr. Carl
Bledsoe is able to be out again.
Miss Frances Rivers spent Sat
urday night with Misses Dovie
and Beckie Crowell.
Mrs. Willie Martin spent one
day last week with Mrs. Lottie
Aunt Mary Duke spent one
night last week with her sister,
Mrs. Joe Hooten.
The apron party given by Mrs.
Cloma Garner was enjoyed by a
large crowd of young people.
Miss Witsie Bledsoe was the
guest of Mrs. Gean Bledsoe last
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cawthon gave
Mr. and Mrs. Lon Cawthon a call
last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Hinton Rivers
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Dempsey Rivers.
Mr. and Mrs. Toliver McCord
spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs
Alford Tolleson.
The Ladies Aid Society will give
a box supper at Pine Hill school
house Saturday night, March 8,
for the benefit of repainting and
furnishing the church at Mount
Bethel. Come and bring your
pocketbook. EVERGREEN.
Suffered for Eight Years.
Rheumatic pains, lame back,
sore muscles and stiff joints most
frequently can be traced to over
worked, weak or disordered kid
neys. Daisy Bell, R. F. D. 3, Box
234, Savannah, Ga., writes: “I
was suffering for eight years from
pain in the back and could not do
any of my work, but since I have
taken Foley Kidney Pills, 1 can do
all of my work.” Foley Kidney
Pills have given relief to thous
ands who suffered from kidney or
bladder trouble. Try them. The
McDonough Drug Co.
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Signature of
For Administration.
GEORGIA —Henry County,
To whom it may concern: W. W. Milam
having made application to me to heap
pointed permanent administrator upon
the estate of Annie Knight, late of said
county, notice is hereby given that said
application will be heard at the regular
term of the court of ordinary for said
county, to be held on the first Monday in
April, 1919. Witness my hand and offi
cial signature, this 4th day of 'larch, 1919
A. G, HARRIS, Ordinary,
For Administration.
GEORGIA, Henry County.
To whom it may concern: J. E. Parham
having made application to me in due
form to be appointed permanent adminis
trator upon the estate of Mrs. Louise Law
rence, late of said county, notice is hereby
given that said application will be heard
at the regular term of the court of ordina
ry for said county, to be held on the First
Monday in April, 1919. Witness my hand
and official signature, this 25th day of
Jan. 1919. A, G. HARRIS, Ordinary.
For Dismission.
GEORGIA—Henry County.
Whereas, Mrs. J. M. Foster, adminis
traratrix of J. M. Foster’s estate, repre
sents to the Court in her petition duly
iiled and entered on record that she has
fully administered J. M. Foster’s estate:
This is therefore to cite all persons con
cerned, kindred and creditors, to show
cause, if any they can, why said adminis
tratrix should not be discharged from her
administration and receive letters of dis
mission on the first Monday in April 1919.
This March 4, 1919.
A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary.
For Dismission.
GEORGIA. Henry County.
A. R. Laney, guardian of Geo. T. Dick
son, has applied to me for a discharge
from his guardianship of Geo. T. Dickson.
This is therefore to notify all persons
concerned to file their objections, if any
they have, on or before the first Monday
in April next, else he will be discharged
from his guardianship as applied for
A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary.
For Guardianship.
GEORGIA—Henry County,
To whom it may concern: W. W. Milam
haying in due form applied for guardian
ship of the property of Annie Hindsman,
this is to notify all persons concerned to
file their objections, if any they have, on
or before the first Monday in April, 1919.
else said guardianship will be granted as
applied for. March 4, 1919.
A. G, HARRIS, Ordinary.
kmtomc imns
Fertilizer pays
better if it’s
trade mark
Norfolk, Va. Richmond, Va. Tarboro, N. C. Charlotte, N. C. Washington, N. C.
Columbia, S. C. Spartanburg, S. C. Atlanta, Ga. Macon, Ga.f Columbus,
Ga. Montgomery, Ala. Baltimore, Md. Toledo, O.
For Sale by Henry County Supply Co., McDonough, Ga.
You're not very well—
That’s disagreeable.
You’re weak and nervous—
That’s bad.
You’d like to feel better—
That’s so.
You need a tonic—
That’s a fact.
Your blood needs iron—
That’s likely.
You’re pale and languid—
That proves it
You’ve heard about ZIRON—
That’s true.
Ziron will help you—
That’s probable.
If it doesn’t, your money back —
That’s fair.
Your Druggist sells it—
That’s convenient
Get a bottle today—
That’s wisdom.