Newspaper Page Text
Local Happenings
Call on Speer, the Optromtrist.
when you need glasses.
He keeps in stock all the lates.
styles of frames and nose glasses.
Wanted, to buy fodder.
A. R. Scott.
Call for cabbage plants. W. B.
J. Ingram,
Mesdames D. W. and A. R. Scoti
spent Tuesday in Atlanta.
Mrs. J. T. Weems spent several
days in Atlanta this week.
You will find Speer the spec
tacle-man at the old stand.
Put in your order for potato
slips now. W. B. J. Ingram.
Mrs. E. L. Reagan is visiting
relatives in Griffin this week.
Highest market price paid for
scrap cotton. J. Olin Kimbell.
For sale, two or three heifers,
fresh in milk. H. B. Carmichael.
Miss Kate Patterson of Wood
land spent the week-end at home.
Old soldiers pensions ready for
payment. A, G. Harris, Ordinary.
Miss Mary Connally spent the
week-end with relativeu at La-
Four magazines with Tri-Week
ly Constitution $2.50. This office
at once.
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Harris, Jr.,
of Atlanta, visited relatives here
Mr. J. B. Lowe returned Wed
nesday from his winter stay at
Lakeland, Fla.
Miss Mary Will Knight of Atlan
spent Sunday with Miss Nellie
Kate Callaway.
Mrs. T. J. Patterson will be
hostess to the U. D. C. on March
27th, at 3 o’clock.
Mr. W. W. George spent the
week-end with his sister, Mrs. A
C. Boyd, of Atlanta.
Mrs. HHI Redwine and children
■of Fayetteville are guests of Judge
and Mrs. E. J. Reagan.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Welch of
Atlanta spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Joel Bankston.
Miss Beulah Atkinson of Atlanta
spent the week-end with her pa
rents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Atkinson.
WANTED—Two men to sell and
collect. Singer Sewing Machine
Co., Griffin Ga., V. L. Smith, Mgr.
Mrs. Rebecca McConnell of Cull
man, Ala. spent several days last
week with Miss Fannie Copeland.
Miss Mamie Woodward of near
McDonough spent several days
last week with -Miss Lizzie Alex
Mr. Glenn Bowden returned to
Dalton Thursday, after a ten days
visit to his mother, Mrs. Media
Found on the street, spectacle
case and glasses, which owmei
may get by calling and paying tor
this notice.
Mrs. Anna Upchurch was called
to Atlanta Tuesday to the bedside
of her mother-in-law, Mrs. L J.
Upchurch, who is at St. Joseph s
Mr. and Mrs. Q. R- Nolan and
li tie daughter, Anne, arrived Sat
urday from LaGrange to make
their home in McDonough and will
be with their mother, Mrs. Annie
SIO,OOO private money to loan
on farm lands. See E. L. Reagan
Mrs. A. L. Fouche and little
daughter Helen of Atlanta were
week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs.
J. A. Fouche.
Mr. and Mrs. William Pullin are
receiving congratulations upon the
arrival of a fine girl at their home
last Thursday.
Liberty Bonds wanted, at high
est cash value, by J. O. and C. M.
Kimbell. For particulars see Olin
Kimbell ot once
Mrs. deForest Taylor returned
to her home in Griffin Monday,
after a week’s visit to her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. 11. B. Neal.
Mrs. H. M. Turner and daughter
Margaret and Mrs. E. D. Tolleson
and daughter Miriam visited rela
tives in Jackson Sunday.
Misses Elizabeth Dunson and
Frances Williams of LaGrange
were the attractive guests of Mrs.
Tom Patterson last week.
Mrs. Tom Sowell and daughter,
Miss Bessie Sowell, have returned
to their home in McDonough after
a visit to relatives in Jenkinsburg.
Mr. T. E. Hamilton has return
front South Georgia and opened a
store at Fiippen, where he is cor
dially welcomed by his old Henry
county friends.
Mrs. Ralph Turner was called to
Atlanta Tuesday on account of the
serious illness of her uncle, Mr.
Hurd, of Covington, who is at St.
Joseph’s Infirmary.
A m irriage of much interest to
many frie ids in McDonough was
that of Mss Sarah Hooten and
Mr. Priichett of Atlanta. Mrs.
Pritchett is a sister of Mr. J. E.
Ho tten of this city.
If there are any old veterans
who have not already received
crosses of honor let them apply
to Mrs. A. R. Scott now for appli
cation blanks in order that they
may be ready to be delivered on
Memorial Day, Saturday, the 26th
of April.
Among those attending the per
formance of Chin Chin at the At
lanta Theater Tuesday evening
were Mr. and Mrs. E. I). Tolleson,
Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Brown, Mes
dames J. A. Fouche, Will Turner,
Hugh Turner, Benton Thompson,
Misses Annie G. Thompson, Rosa
Lee Brown, Lillie Coan and Bess
The entertainment at the school
auditorium broke local record last
Friday night, both in attendance
and as an all-round success. Ad
missions footed up the handsome
sum of $125 50, the house being
packed, and the immense jiudi
dience delighted. It was decided
credit to local talent, and the
congratulations ecncouraged the
ladies to continue their efforts.
Centenary Rally at Turners.
There will be all-day services at
Turners church on the fifth Sun
day in March —dinner on the
ground. Dr. R. F. Eakes, of At
lanta, and other speakers will be
there and it will be a great occas
casion. Uncle Dock Turner says :
“Everybody come, and everybody
tell everybody else to come—and
—and— tell them to bring dinner!’’
He also says there is going to be
some mightv good singing mixed
along in the program. Now when
Uncle Dock sends this word along
it means something, so if you do
not want to be lonesome that day
you had better come to . Turners.
H. C. Emory.
Pressing Club Notice.
Since the inconvenience brought
about by war conditions of secur
ing materials used in pressing
clubs, such as dye, cleaning pre
parations, coal, etc., has been
eliminated, I am returning to the
old prices. The PRESSING CLUB
rates, beginning March Ist, SI.OO
per month. And lam in position
to accomodate every one who
wants CLUB RATES. Club Rate
also is cheaoer to the customer
than having work done by the job.
Persons not having enough press
ing to authorize membership in
PRESSIG CLUB will find my
P' ices on job work reasonable. I
am also in position to do first-class
DYEING. Ladies also will save
money by letting me do their
work. I pledge my personal atten
tion to all work, also prompt serv
ice and delivery.
(annex of Seace’s Tailor Shop).
In the same old stand on the cor
Our New Garage is now open
with an expert mechanic in charge.
All work promptly done. Satis
faction guaranteed. Give us a
trial. Tolleson & Turner.
Like a Flowing Stream the
New Merchandise Arrives
With Spring only a few days off, with all its pretty colors and merry,
singing birds, the minds of people are turning to the new things
to wear and for the home.
We began to think of such things many months ago, anticipating
the new season's requirements of our customers, with the result that
now a good deal of these new goods are already in the regular depart
ments for your selection, while other merchandise is coming in every
day, showing a freshness that will be your delight whenever you come
to the store. We extend a very cordial invitation for your to visit the
store, especially during next week, and as often as convenient thereafter.
The New Fashions on Display
Smart Suits
for street and sports wear.
Dresses and Gowns
for street, afternoon and evening
Coats and Wraps
for every occasion.
New Oxfords and
in black, brown and white with
Military or Louis heels.
New Rugs, Library Suites, Dining Room Suites, Bedroom Suites
and Living Room Suites, all in the latest style and creations.
We are justly proud of this early display and feel that you will find
it very inspiring.
Prices are remarkably MODERATE — so much so that they will
certainly appeal to you.
Griffin' Mercantile Company,
Concerned About? Either
Life, Health, Accident, Fire, Tornado
And Indemnity Bonds of all kinds,
written in only the very best compa
nies ? If so, then you should see
Resident Agent
At the Bank of Henry County
1 lot close in, for residence or
business. Also three farms with
in ten miles of McDonough, Ga.
For full particulars c ill on
McDonough, Ga.
Improved Silver Campine Eggs for
hatching. Limited number of settings.
$2.50 per 15. Foundation stock from
Homestead Campine tarms.
C. D. Jackson, Pacelot, S. O.
New Millinery
for dress and sports wear.
Smart Blouses
in all the new shades and ma
New Spring Skirts
will be shown in novel effects.
New Dress Goods
in all the new shades of Silk and
Cotton and other dress acces
The complete Electric Light end
Power Plant
Safe for the children, Br.ings lasting
cheer. Benilits the whole family.
’Phone 95, - - Griffin, Ga.