The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, March 14, 1919, Image 9

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    Who Benefits By
High Prices?
You feel that retail
meat prices are too high.
Your retailer says he
has to pay higher prices
to the packers.
Swift & Company prove
that out of every dollar
the retailer pays to the
packers for meat, 2 cents
is for packers’ profit, 13
cents is for operating
expenses, and 85 cents
goes to the stock raiser;
and that the prices of live
stock and meat move up
and down together.
The live-stock raiser points
to rising costs of raising live stock.
Labor reminds us that higher
wages must go hand in hand
with the new cost of living.
No one, apparently, is
responsible. No one, apparently,
is benefited by higher priees and
higher income.
We are all living on a high
prised scale. One trouble is,
that the number of dollars has
multiplied faster than the quan
tity of goods, so that each dollar
buys less than formerly.
Swift & Company, U. S. A.
McDonough, Ga.
Don't fail to see our AUTOMATIC WHITE with all
the latest improvements. Old iVlachines taken in ex
change. We sell Oil Needles, Bobbins, Shuttles,
Bands, etc., for ail makes. We fix any old Machine.
Prices reasonable.
Second hand Machines $lO up,
Singers $25, New Homes S2O,
Wheeler & Wilson sls, Will C.
Free $25, Silent $lO, Minnesota $lO
and Eclipse $lO.
Our Soda Fount and 2 fine Autos for sale cheap.
Attorneys at Law
McDonough, Ga.
Call or write os lor farm loans.
Office Hours :
8 A. M. CO 2 P. M
McDonough, Ga.
Mount Vernon News.
(l-iiist \\ >‘t'k s Items.)
We are glad to know the sick
of our community are better.
Mrs. Ed Stewart has been stay
ing with her mother, Mrs. T. G.
Swann, who has been sick but is
able to be up.
We were very sorry to hear of
the death of Mr. Holace Ford.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gardner have
moved into their new house.
Mr. M. F. Martin and family had
as their guests to dinner Sunday,
Rev. W. A. Wells, Miss Esther
White and Mr. and Mrs. C. W.
Gardner and children.
We are sorry to note the death
of the infant daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. J. M. Gardner, which occur
red at their home March 2, 1919.
It was laid to rest at Bethel
church March 3, 1919, Mr. G. C.
Clark conducting the funeral. We
extend our sympathy to the be
One, Two, Three.
Dollar and Cents.
Counting it only dollars and cents
how much did that last cold cost
you? A man may not always stop
work whet/he has a cold, but per
haps it would he better if he did.
It takes about ten days to getcom
pletelv rid of a cold under the usu
al treatment. That time can be
much shortened by taking Cham
berlin’s Cougli Remedy and proper
care of yourself, in fact, a bottle of
this remedy in the house is a migh
ty good investment during the win
ter and spring months. Horton
Drug Co.
A Tribute.
Miss Harriett Clark departed
this life Jan. 3, 1919. All was done
for her that loving hands could do
to restore her to her health, but
God saw best to take lier.
Harriett was converted when hut
a child ; and oh ! how her face dul
shine with the very glorv "f God
,as she would tell how God had
saved her. She lived true to God
for several years, then she got cold
and said she was miserable, and
when Bro. C. M. Dnnmiwa.y was
holding a meeting at Mount Zion
she came hack to God, and so often
she shouted she was glad the Lord
said she was married to the back
She sought and obtained the
blessed experience of sanctification. I
She loved it and taught it to the
world by her sweet life and won
derful experience with the Lord.
She so much wanted to give her
whole life service to her Master’s
cause and was going to school to
better fit herself to rightly divide
the word of truth when she was
taken sick.
She bore her sickness with so
much patience and was always
cheerful. She loved her church,
Sunday school and tlio prayer
meeting. She was her pastor’s
friend. We will miss her so much,
but God said. ‘-It is enough, come
up higeer : ”
We feel that if Harriett could
call back to father, mother, broth
ers, sisters and loved ones today
from the courts of Heaven she
would say it pays to give up the
world and accept Christ and, plead
with them to come on.
Rev. Wells, Rev. Loftis and Rev.
South conducted the funeral at
Bethel, Jan. 24, 1919.
One Who Loves Her Memory.
Spring Cleaning Time Is Here.
If a house needs Spring clean
ing, how about the human body
after a winter of indoor life and
heavy food ? Mrs. Jennie Miner,
R. F. D. 1, Box 58, Davidson, Ind.,
writes: “I can truthfully say that
Foley Cathartic Tablets are the
best I ever used. They are so
mild in action. I felt like I had
been renovated and made over
again.” Don’t suffer from indi
gestion, biliousness, bad breath,
bloating, gas or constipation, when
relief can be so easily had. The
McDonough Drug Co.
SIO,OOO private money to loan
on farm lands. See E. L. Reagan
On the first of January the undersigned purchased
the entire stock and fixtures of the Horton Drug Co.
and will continue the business under the same firm
name. Our thorough experience in the drug busi
ness enables us to serve the public to the very best
advantage. We sell
For Strictly Cash
and by this means handle everything at lowest pos
siblejfigures. Elegant fount always thoroughly up
to-date. Everybody cordially invited to call on us
for anything in the drug line.
151 acres about 5 miles north of For
syth, Ga*; on main road Forsyth to Cabaniss*
Splendid 2 story 8 room painetd dwelling,
good barns, smoke house and 2 good tenant
houses* Lands fine*
If you want a real bargain address
S* RUTHERFORD, Forsyth, Ga*
180 acres situated about 400 yards from
Depot at Bolingbroke, Ga* Has large 2
story dwelling thereon, with 12 large rooms*
This dwelling cost originally about $12,000,
Has large barn worth SI,OOO, garage and 3
splendid tenant houses* t Chicken houses
with heating arrangements throughout* You
could not replace buildings now for less than
$15,000* Insured for from 7to sß>oo©*
Close to school and church* On Dixie
This property can be bought right quick
for slo,ooo* If you wish a bargain write
S* RUTHERFORD, Forsyth, Ga*
School Trustee Election.
'Hie annual election for School
Trustees will be held at the school
houses on Friday, March 28, 1919.
HsJ Y©isr Living
Without Money Cost
We are all at a danger point. On
the use of good common sense in our
1919 farm and garden operations, de
pends prosperity or our “going broke.”
Even at present high prices no one
can plant all or nearly all cotton, buy
food and grain at present prices from
supply merchant on credit, and make
money. Food and grain are higher in
proportion than are present cotton
It’s a time above all others to play
safe; to produce all possible food,
grain and forage supplies on your own
acres; to cut down the store bill.
A good piece of garden ground,
rightly planted, rightly tended and
kept planted the year round, can be
made to furnish nearly half your liv
ing. It will save you more money
than you made on the best two or
three acres of cotton you ever grew!
Hastings' 1919 Seed Book tells all
about the right kind of a money sav
ing garden and the vegetables to put
in it. It tells about the farm crops as
well and shows you the clear road to
real and regular farm prosperity. It’s
Free. Send for it today to H. G.
HASTINGS CO., Atlanta, Ga—Advt
For sale, two or three heifers,
fresh in milk. H. B. Carmichael.
Executors' Sale.
G EOIIGIA—Henry County.
By virtue of an order granted by
the. Ordinary of said county at the
regular February tern 1919 of said
county, will be sold before the
court house in said county on the
First Tuesday in April 1919. be
tween the legal hours of sale, tb
the highest bidder for cash, the
following real estate :
One Hundred and Fifty acres of
land in the 6th land district of
Henry county Georgia, being parts
of lots 194 and 195 in said district,
bounded north and east by lands
of S. D. Crawford, south by lands
of the estate of Z. T. Peebles, de
ceased, and west by lands of J. K.
Also Ninety acres of land more
or less in the same district, State
and county, being part of land lot
No. 255, bounded north by lands of
the estate of Z. T. Peebles, east by
lands of S. T. Glower, south by
public road, and west by lands of
the estate of Z. T. Peebles and T.
A. Wilson.
Sold as the property of the es
tate of Z. T. Peebles, deceased, for
the purpose of the payment of the
debts of said estate.
Plat of this land can be seen at
the home of either of the under
signed, at the office of E. M. Smith
in McDonough, and will be exhib
ited at the Sale.
This March 4th, 1919.
Executors last will and testament
of Z. T. Peebles, deceased.