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The Henry County Weekly
A Weekly Newspaper Devoted to the Interests of McDonough and Henry County.
Mr. Harry Turner
Writes The Weekly,
Company E. 320th Machine Gun
Battalion, American Expedition
ary Forces, Feb. 15, 1919.
Haute-Marnes, France.
Editor J. A. Fouche, McDonough,
Ga. —My Dear Sir :
Just to let you and the readers
of The Henry County Weekly
know something about what we
have done over here, and when
we will return, I am sending you
an order from our Lt. General. I
am proud to say that 1 belong to
a combat division and that we
made a creditable showing. We
have worked and worked hard
ever since we landed in this coun
try, and it has been all but pleas
ant to us. But we have had some
experience over here that thous
ands of soldiers did not have that
came to this country. I do not
say it boastfully, because every
man should have credit for his
service, but only the man that
faces the bullet and sees death
staring him in the face can tell the
horrors of this great war. I have
seen live men paralyzed and dead
men walk about, holes that once
were worthless worth all the
world to me. The whole story to
be told later.
I hope to be back in dear old
Henry before much longer and
once more eat to my heart’s con
tent and sleep in a comfortable
I have been receiving my Week
ly regularly and appreciate it very
much indeed.
Respectfully yours,
Cand. Harry G. Turner.
Headquarters First Army, Ameri
can Expeditionary Forces,
France, February 8, 1919.
General Orders.
Puruant to telegraphic instruc
tion from G. H. Q.,.the 82d Divis
ion, upon the establishment of its
Headquarters in the LeManas
Area is relieved from duty with
this Army.
Beginning Aug. 15, 1918, the
32 i Division relieved the 2d Di
vision in the Marbache Sector
astride the Moselle river. While
occupying this Sector as a part o''
the First Army Corps, A. E F., the
division was transferred from the
command of the Will French Army
to that of the First Army, A. E. F.,
at 4:00 p. m., Aug. 30, 1918.
The 83d Division participated in
the following operations of' the
First Army :
St. Mihiel Operation —The Di
vision held the right of the line
from Port-sur-Seille to the Meuse
river and attacked rest of the
river in conjunction with the 90th
Division. The Division captured
and occupied Norroy and the
Ridde North and West of Van
Meuse-Argonne Operation—The
Division was in the Army and
Corps Reserve from September
26 to October G. On the night of
October 6-7 the Division, less one
Infantry Brigade, entered the
lines on the First Corps front be
tween the Ist and 2d Divisions
along the Aire river facing Cor
nay. Early October 7 the Divis
ion attacked the Northwest flank
of the Argonne, capturing Hills
180 and 223, subsequently the
high grounds to the West, thus
materially assisting in the clear
ing of the Argonne.
During the period of October
10th to 31st, the Division changed
McDonough, Georgia, Friday, march 21, 1919.
MARCH 24th TO 29th.
Red Cross Seeks Castoff Wearing
Apparel for Distribution Among
Refugees in Allied Countries,
The Red Cross will assume
charge of the shipping and distri
bution of all clothing given. Ev
ery kind of garment for all ages
and both sexes is urgently needed.
Only garments of strong, durable
material are asked for. Garments
need not be in perfect condition,
women in the occupied region will
gladly repair gift clothing. Wool
en and cotton goods of any kind
are acceptable, also hats, caps and
sweaters. Men’s warm shirts and
underwear are most needed.
The Henry County Red Cross
has charge of this collecting, and
all contributions of used clothing
will be gladly accepted.
Barrels will be placed at the
Farmers and Merchants Bank,
First National Bank and Bank of
Henry County in McDonough, and
in prominent places at Hampton,
Stockbridge and Locust Grove.
Let every home in Henry coun
ty make some contribution to
these stricken people.
A beautiful home wedding was
that of Miss Rowena Smith and
Mr. Fred Glass, which took place
Saturday evening at 6:30 o’clock,
at the home of the bride’s parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Sim Smith.
The ceremony was impressively
performed by Rev. M. C. Liddell
in the presence of relatives and a
few friends. The wedding march
was rendered by Miss Jeanette
Liddell, and the only attendants
were Mr. J. O. Thompson and
Miss Ethelene Smith. The bride
was becomingly attired in a suit
of blue with accessories to match.
Immediately after the ceremony
Mr. and Mrs. Glass left for Atlanta,
later going to Carrollton for a visit
to Mrs. J. Z. Thompson. On their
return they will be at ham£ to
their friends at Oak Grove, the
home of the groom’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W. L. Glass.
.— v
Relief Work.
On account of the absence of
the Chairman, Rev. M. C. Liddell,
of the American Relief Committee
tor the Near East in Henry coun
ty, Prof. T. J. Horton has been ap
pointed to take take up this work
as county chairman.
Let all those interested in the
work confer with Prof. Horton
and lie will give the desired in
direction to the North, advanced
astride of the Aire river to the
general line East of St. Juvin, par
ticipated in the general attack of
October 14 and several local at
tacks against Champigneulles and
the hostile defense East of that
town. The Division was relieved
from the front lines and passed
into the Ist Corps Reserve Octo
ber 30-30.
The Army Commander takes
this occasion to express his appre
ciation of the service of the 82d
Division while a part of the Com
bat Forces of this Army, and wish
es it God speed upon the final
phase of its participation in the
activities of the American Expedi
tionary Forces.
By Command of
Lieut. General Liggett.
At the McDonough Baptist
Church in Interest of World
Wide Prohibition, Tuesday
Evening, April 1.
Hon. H. T. Laugbaum, an Okla
homa attorney, formerly superin
tendent and attorney for the Anti-
Saloon League of his State, will
be the principal speaker at a pro
hibition meeting at the Baptist
church in McDonough Tuesday
evening April 1, at 7:30 p. m.
In 1913 President Wilson ap
pointed him to represent the U. S.
at the Fourteenth International
Congress on Alcohclism held in
Switzerland. This visit to Europe
gave Mr. Laugbaum an opportu
nity to study the countries and
cities of Europe with respect to
their liquor proolems.
As a speaker he is interesting,
forceful and enthusiastic, and his
speech will be well worth vour
while. Come and Hear.
Attends Convention.
Mr. Ralph Turner attended the
State Wide Convention of the
Georgia Liberty Loan Organiza
at Macon Thursday.
The meeting was held to formu
late plans for the Fifth Victory
Loan which will be put on in
April. These Victory Bonds will
be 4% and 4%% three and five
year bonds and should prove very
attractive to the citizens of Henry
Our county has a splendid rec
ord in the past loans, and Mr.
Turner as County Chairman is
confident that this record will be
maintained in the coming loan.
New Spring Suits
For Men, Young Men and Boys.
Gold Bond Clothes
Pelham Clothes
“Perfection” |Blj|pg| II
“The kind real boys wear” mjjtjtjt/ W
—and other Stylish and Superior makes.
Everything new and up-to-date for outfitting
men, young men and boys f '
4 Walk-over Shoes —1
Manhattan Shirts |b|
—in fact we have anticipated your wants and
are prepared to serve you*
You will find our prices right.
■ Copeland-Turner Mer. Co.
Early gardeners late.
Several cases of mumps.
Give in vour county tax yet ?
Have you ordered “tater slips?’
How about a good baseball team?
A couple of sacks to the acre
costs something now.
McDonough is baseball ground
less —in cultivation.
Uncle John Lowe is back from
the land of flowers.
John R. Smith made a trip to
Alabama this week.
When did you ever hear an old
hootin’ owl!
A Boy Scout club has been re
organized in McDonough.
Henry county needs sign boards
at all her cross roads.
We have been requested to
state that there will be regular
preaching services at Bethany
next Saturday and Sunday.
If men folks styles changed as
often as women this would be a
funny old world, but it’s a thing
that cannot be done.
Uncle Billie Bryans of Locust
Grove came up and helped the
fraternity put on the third degree
work last Wednesday night.
Rev. J. M. Gilmore filled his ap
pointment at Mitchell last Sunday,
and spent this week looking after
his farming interest near Milledge
Counsel Commander T. J. Pat
terson attended the initiation cer-
emonies of several candidates in
the Woodmen of the World at Lo
cust Grove one night last week.
J. H. Bowden of Atlanta came
down to assist the masonic breth
ren to put on the master’s degree
at a call meeting for that purpose
last Wednesday night.
If j ou are a church member get
you a book and pencil, first put
down the date of your birth, then
put down the date you united with
the church and the name of the
pastor serving at that time, then
give as near as you can the reason
why you joined the church, and
then give as near as you can a
correct estimate of what you have
done for your church since you
became a member. Some of you
thought last week that Observer
had something up his sleeve to
say about somebody, and if you
did just sit down and see if you
can answer the above questions.
How many church members in
Henry county do you suppose
knows the exact date of the year
and month on which they united
with the church ? You may think
Observer has asked some foolish
questions, but can you answer
them? Try it and see. Watch
Observer’s column next week ou
the s.ubject of “Music in the
Periodic Bilious Attacks.
Persons subject to periodic bil
ious attacks will observe that their
appetite fails them just before an
attack. That, is. they do not renll v
crave food but eat because it is
meal time. If they will eat only a
light meal and no meat, then take
two of Chamberlain’s Tablets the
attack may be avoided. Horton
Drug Co.
$1.50 A^YEAR