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l 7 111
t I ■
c Tlvere’s
at Treat Waitirv^-l
“On with the dance—let joy bo
Waiting to cool and refresh you
I for the next dance.
I (?) •
Executors' Sale.
GEORGIA—Henry County.
B.v .virtue of an order granted by
the Ordinary of said county at the
regular February tern 1919 of said,
county, will be sold before the
court house in said county on the
First Tuesday in April 1919, be
tween the legal hours of sale, to
the highest bidder for cash, the
following real estate:
One Hundred and Fifty acres of
land in the 6th land district of
Henry county Georgia, being parts
of lots 194 and 195 in said district,
bounded north and east by lands
of S. D. Crawford, south by lands
of the estate of Z. T. Peebles de
ceased, and west by lands of J. K.
Also Ninety acres of land more
or less in the same district. State
and county, being part of land lot
No. 255, bounded north by lands of
the estate of Z. T. Peebles, east by
lands of S. T. Clower. south by
public road, and west by lands of
the estate of Z. T. Peebles and T.
A. Wilson.
Sold as the property of the es
tate of Z. T. Peebles, deceased, for
the purpose of tbe payment of the
debts of said estate.
Plat of this land can re seen at
the home of either of tin* under
signed, at the office of E. M. Smith
in McDonough, and will be exhib
ited at the Sale.
' This March 4th, 1919.
Executors last will and testament
of Z. T. Peebles, deceased.
For Dismission.
GEORGIA, Henry County.
A. It. Laney, guardian of Geo. T. Dick
son, has applied to me for a discharge
from his guardianship of Geo. T. Dickson.
This is therefore to notify all persons
concerned to file their objections, if any
they have, on or before the first Monday
in April next, vise he will be discharged
from his guardianship as implied for.
A. G. HAHKIs, Ordinary.
For Guardianship.
GEORGIA —Henry County.
To whom it may concern : W..W Milam
having In due form applied for guardian
ship qf the property oi Annie Hindsmau,
this is to notify all persons concerned to
file their obj-'r!’, ns. ii an.' they have, on
> r before the first Monday in April, lhlll,
•'Be said guardianship wifi be granted as
applied for. March 4, 1919.
A. G, HARRIS, Ordinary.
Mail' VoisE Living
Without Money Cost
We are ail at a danger point. On
the use of good common sense in our
1919 farm and garden operations, do
h iids prosperity or our “going broke.”
Even at present high prices no one
a plan t all or nearly ail cotton, buy
>od and grain at preset::. prices from
■ ppiy merchant on credit, and make
coney. Food and grain arc higher in
■roportion than are present cotton
It's a time above all others to play
safe; to produce ail. possible food,
grain aud forage supplies on your own
acres: fo cut down the store hill.
A good piece of garden ground,
sightly planted, rightly .tended and
kept planted tho year round, can he
i.’.ade to furnish nearly half your liv
ing. It will save ye t more money
*kan you. nr de on tk? best two or
three acres of cotton you ever grew!
Hastings' 2015 fEc-i Hook tells all
bout the right kb lof money sav
er garden - ml ik-.» vegetables to put
;E. It tells about the farm crops as
T 1 and shows you tin? clear toad t.>
>1 p. d ivc. uirr farm prosperity, 't’s
. see. Set : for it today to H 3.
HAST:O ■ r ~ —Advc.
Subscribe for THE WEEKLY.
Luella News
Last Week’s Items.
Mr. J. A. Wells and daughter
Claudie Belle went to Griffin
shopping Friday.
Miss Annie Lee Wells spent the
week end with her sister, Mrs. H.
L. Morris, at Greenwood.
Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Harrison
carried their little daughter Nan
nie to Atlanta Friday for an op
eration for tonsilitis. She is doing
fine now, and we hope will keep
Mrs. Fears Nutt and children
spent the week end in Atlanta.
Mr. and Mrs. Jonah Morris and
daughter Fannie spent Sunday
night in Griffin.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gossett
spent Sunday in McDonough, the
guests of her mother, Mrs. Norris.
Mrs. Tom Standard and children
of Hampton spent Sunday with
her daughter, Mrs. Maude Greer,
near Luella.
Miss Gladys Miller and little
; brothers of near Sunny Side spent
the week end with their grand
mother Mrs. Ida Barham at Luela.
Miss Emma Lou Henley spent
! the week at Locum Grove.
We are having a llourishing
Sunday School at Luella now, and
everybody is invited to attend.
Mrs. Maud Greer visited Mrs.
Mary Gossett Tuesday afternoon.
Mr, Tom Steele and Mr. Carl
Wells nude a dying »rip to Grif
fin Tuesday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Wells and
j daughter Annie Lee visited Mr.
Glynnn Standard and family last
Tuesday. Blue EYES.
A Tribute of Love.
On Feb. ll), 1919, while all the
world was still and quiet, just, at
the dawning ol ; a new day, the
death angel came and bore the
sweet spirit of Airs. J. L>. Hayes to
her heavenly home, “the rest that
remained! for the people of God.”
Tho’ in our weakness we fail to
understand now, we dare not ques
tion the wisdom and mysterious
ways of '‘Him who doetk all things
As n child she filled her position
iin life so as to win the affections
lof her loved ones, joining the
| church when she was a little girl,
in after years the leading thoughts
which dominated her life were that
she might live for Christ and lead
her loved ones in the right, way.
Her Christian life shone wherev
er she went, and she frequently
said she never asked for anything
i in prayer she no not get.
Her patience and resignation in
her last illness was beautiful, and
she skid she was willing to suffer
if it was God’s will, as her Savior
had suffered so much more for her.
She was not sick long, and it.
Seemed lor n while she would get
well, but suddenly grew Worse and
in a shoit time was gone,
i Hers was a sweet, nnslfish life of
love and devotion. Always forget
ting self, she lived for those she
loved and tried in her humble way
to serve.
She will be greatlv missed by all
her loved ones, and most bv her
lonelv husband and little ones ; but
d 'ar stricken hearts, “weep not as
th >se who have no hope.” for she
lias not left you comfortless Lift,
j up your hnad to that heavenly vis
ion, always striving to live as von
know she would have yon live.
H<*r prayers will bear von on, and
bv and bv yon will meet her again
in heaven.
Why lament the Christians dying.
Why indulge in tears aud gloom? .
Calmly on the Lord reiving.
They can greet the opening tomb.
I Somes seraphic, high and glorious,
Now forbid their longer stay.
See them rise over dwuh, victorious,
Angels hear them away.
Hark! the golden harps are singing,
Sounds unearthly fill the air,
Millions now in heav >n singing,
Greet their joyful entrance there.
One Who Loved Her.
Feb. 3. 1919.
For the Children.
Too much care cannot be exer
cised in selecting a cough medicine
for children. It should be pleasant
to take, contain no harmful drug
and most effectual in curing their
colds. Long experience has shown
that Chamberlain’s Congh Remedy
meets these conditions. It. is a fa
i vorite with many mothers. Hor
ton Drug Co.
66 Years Success
The Wonderful Record of Dr.
Thacher’s Liver and
Blood Syrup.
Those medicines which live for even
a quarter of a century are exceptional,
and continuous use for over two-thirds
of a century is indisputable evidence of
wonderful merit.
Dr. Thacher’s Liver and Blood Syrup
came into existence in 1852, and from
that time to the present it has grown
in the confidence and estimation of its
yearly increasing number of users.
Through all these years it has steadily
grown in popular favor.
Its wonderful building up power is
shown in the experience of Mrs. C. E.
Chadwick, Seale. Ala. “I was all run
down in health,” she says. “Weighed
only 104$ pounds and getting worse
every day. I began the use of Dr.
Thacher’s Liver and Blood Syrup and
today, lam thankful to say, I am in
perfect health and weigh 155 pounds.
J attribute my good health to the use
of that most wonderful medicine. I
firmly believe there are numerous suf
fering people that could be sound and
well by the me of Dr. Tliacher's Liv c r
and Blood Syrup.”
If jmu need a tonic, or a blood puri
fier; if your liver is out of order, your
stomach troubles you, or you are con
stipated, have indigestion or dyspepsia,
t.ry Dr. Thacher’s Liver and Blood
Syrup. It is purely vegetable and
c unot possibly in jure any one. It has
been of wonderful benefit to others,
1 herefore should command your atten
tion. All dealers in medicines sell it
and will recommend it.
For sale by Horton Drug Co.
In Hospital, But Improved Greatly After
Taking Ziron Iron Tonic.
In a recent statement, J. H. Martin
of Mount Vernon, Ga., Bays:
“I was In the hospital with stomach,
trouble and had quite a siege. It
seemed I would never get my strength
back after I came out, I had been so
111. I ached all over. I was nervous*
restless and yet did not feel like get
ting around. My skin was yellow. My
appetite poor. I was in pretty bad
shape and began to look around for a,
tonic. I felt like part of the troubl®.
was lack of iron in my blood. I was
so easily worried, so easily upset. I
heard of Ziron and knew it would help
me. I began to take It and the im
provement was great. It strength
ened me, renewed my nerves and
toned up my system.”
When you feel that you need
strength, remember that Ziron is a
perfected preparation of Iron salts,
combined with other strength-giving
Ingredients. Try Ziron.
- ZN 3
\bur Blood Needs
In Her Mother’s Home, Says This
Georgia Lady, Regarding Black-
Draught. Relief From Head
ache, Malaria, Chills, Etc.
Ringgold, Ga.— Mrs. Chas. Gaston,
of this place, writes: “I am a user
of Thedford’s Black-Draught; in fact,
it was one of our family medicines.
Also in my mother’s home, when I
waa a child. When any of us child
ren complained of headache, usually
caused by constipation, she gave ua
a dose of Black-Draught, which would
rectify the trouble. Often In the
Boring, we would have malaria and
chills, or troubles of this kind, we
would take Black-Draught pretty reg
ular until the liver acted well, and
we would soon be up and around
again. We would not be without It,
for It certainly ban saved us lots of
doctor bills. Just a dose of Black-
Draught when not so well saves a
lot o? days in bed.”
Tuedfcrd’s Elack-Draught has been
in use for many years In the treat
ment of stomach, liver and bowel
troubles, and the popularity which it
now enjoys is proof of its merit
If your liver is not doing its duty,
you will suffer from such disagree
able symptoms as headache, bilious
ness, constipation, indigestion, etc.,
and unless something is done, serious
trouble may result
Thedford’s Black-Draught has been
found a,valuable remedy for those
troubles. It is purely vegetable, and
acts in a prompt and natural way,
regulating the liver to its proper
functions and cleansing the bowels of
impurities. Try it. Insist on Thed
ford’s. the original and genuine. E 79
$lO 000 private money to loan
on farm lands. See E. L. Reagan