The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, March 28, 1919, Image 4
THE SOUTHERN STATES LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Highly commended by citizens of this section, in connection > with payment of claim on policy of Noah H. Ford. Policy issued 9th July, 1918 Insured died 28th Feb. 1919 Proofs filed March 6th, 1919 Claim Paid March 7th, 1919 PAYMENT QUICKLY MADE EXCELLENT SERVICE March 7th, 1919. The Southern States Life Ins. Co., Atlanta, Georgia. Gentlemen : I wish to thank you most sincerely for the careful and prompt tn&unner in which the claim arising on the death of my husband, Noah H. Ford, of McDonough, has been handled by your General Agent, Mr. Julian T. Weems. My husband took out a policy with you in July of last year and the proofs of his death were filed with you yesterday, March 6th. Today Mr. Weems brought me draft on the First National Bank of McDonough in settlement of same. Such expeditious action on your part is highly appreciated and is a striking example of how much better service is received by deal ing with home institutions. Assuring you that it will always be my pleasure to speak well, both of your company and your local representative, I am, Yours very truly, REBECCA V. FORD, Beneficiary. A strong Home Company. Its record for service above criticism. Invents its money in sections where it operates. Carries deposits in banks in communities where agencies are established. Co-operates with citizens in building up all lines of local business. / Give us an opportunity to show how this service so satis factory to others will apply to your own needs for protection. SEE OUR REPRESENTATIVES: JULIAN T. WEEMS, General Agent, McDonough, Ga. HENRY COUNTY WEEKLY, McDONOUGH GEORGIA. March 10th, 1919. Mr. Wilmer L. Moore, Pres. Th Southern States Life Ins. Co., Atlanta, Ga. Dear Sir : * You have invariably been an example to our people of how fully their interests are looked after by reason of the promptness with which claims are paid by you. The case of Noah H. Ford, who died on Feb 28th last, is an other case in point. His policy was only issued to him on July 9 1918, and immediately on his death your General Agent here, Mr. Julian T. Weems, brought to his beneficiary forms of claim which were completed and sent to you so that they reached you on the 6th inst. They were immediately aoproved and the claim was paid by you by a draft on our bank for the amount the same. This method of procedure of having monies in the local banks from which the claims can be paid is essentially beneficial not only to the beneficiary, but also to the community generally, and I desire to especially commend this manner of carrying or. your business. The co-operation which such affords in the development of business shows us the great advantage in having dealings with a strong home company and should recommend itself to the good judg ment of all desirous of carrying life insurance. Should we at any time be able to serve you I trust you will not fail to call on us. Yours very truly, T. A. SLOAN, President. J. D. DAVIS, Special Agent, Stockbridge, Ga.